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    A non-iterative linear inverse solution for the block approach in EIT

    , Article Journal of Computational Science ; Volume 1, Issue 4 , 2010 , Pages 190-196 ; 18777503 (ISSN) Abbasi, A ; Vahdat, B. V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a simple, economic and healthy technique to capture images from the internal area of the body. Although EIT is cheaper and smaller than other imaging systems and requires no ionizing radiation, the resolution associated with this technique is intrinsically limited and the image reconstruction algorithms proposed up to now are not efficient enough. In addition to low resolution EIT is an ill-posed inverse problem. Block method in EIT is based on electrical properties of materials and used to enhance image resolution and also to improve the reconstruction algorithm. Recently an inverse solution for EIT based on block method has been developed, however,... 

    Improving forward solution for 2d block electrical impedance tomography using modified equations

    , Article Scientific Research and Essays ; Volume 5, Issue 11 , 2010 , Pages 1260-1263 ; 19922248 (ISSN) Abbasi, A ; Vahdat, B. V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Electrical impedance tomography is a simple and economic medical imaging technology which permits regional assessment of the electrical properties of organs within the body based on measurements made from electrodes on the surface of the body. Block method is a new solution for electrical impedance tomography used to enhance image resolution and to improve reconstruction algorithm. Image reconstruction by block method is an ill-posed and nonlinear problem also has memory and time consuming process which can be improved by using modified equations. Improving forward solution for block electrical impedance tomography method can make linear equations for image reconstruction algorithm  

    Scalable feature selection via distributed diversity maximization

    , Article 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2017, 4 February 2017 through 10 February 2017 ; 2017 , Pages 2876-2883 Abbasi Zadeh, S ; Ghadiri, M ; Mirrokni, V ; Zadimoghaddam, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Feature selection is a fundamental problem in machine learning and data mining. The majority of feature selection algorithms are designed for running on a single machine (centralized setting) and they are less applicable to very large datasets. Although there are some distributed methods to tackle this problem, most of them are distributing the data horizontally which are not suitable for datasets with a large number of features and few number of instances. Thus, in this paper, we introduce a novel vertically distributable feature selection method in order to speed up this process and be able to handle very large datasets in a scalable manner. In general, feature selection methods aim at... 

    Noncoherent weighted detection for time reversal UWB systems: Energy and kurtosis detectors

    , Article International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation ; Volume 1, Issue 2 , 2011 , Pages 174-181 ; 20395086 (ISSN) Vakili, V. T ; Moghaddam, S. S ; Mohebbi, A ; Abbasi Moghadam, D ; Sharif University of Technology
    Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l  2011
    Time reversal is a technique in which a signal is pre-filtered such that it focuses both in time and space. Spatial focusing reduces interference to other co-existing systems and temporal focusing concentrates the received power in a very short interval. Energy detector is a practical receiver for ultra-wideband (UWB) time reversed signals due to its low-complexity and low-cost implementation. However, selection of an optimum integration interval to minimize the bit error rate is a major problem. Weighted energy detection is an effective technique to overcome this problem and enhance the performance of energy detectors. However, this improvement is achieved at the expense of non-trivial... 

    Numerical investigation of effects of uniform magnetic field on heat transfer around a sphere

    , Article International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ; Volume 114 , 2017 , Pages 703-714 ; 00179310 (ISSN) Abbasi, Z ; Molaei Dehkordi, A ; Abbasi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2017
    In this article, ferrohydrodynamic forced-convection heat transfer from a heated sphere embedded in a ferrofluid in the presence of the uniform external magnetic field has been studied numerically for the first time over a wide range of Reynolds number value, nanoparticle diameter, particle volume fraction, and magnetic field intensity. Despite the uniform external magnetic field applied, the internal magnetic field near the sphere could be nonuniform due to the considerable difference between the relative magnetic permeability of the sphere and the surrounding medium. Kelvin body force arises from this nonuniformity and induces vortexes near the sphere. These vortexes disturb the boundary... 

    A method for simulation of vapour cloud explosions based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

    , Article Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries ; Volume 24, Issue 5 , 2011 , Pages 638-647 ; 09504230 (ISSN) Tauseef, S. M ; Rashtchian, D ; Abbasi, T ; Abbasi, S.A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The effectiveness of the application of CFD to vapour cloud explosion (VCE) modelling depends on the accuracy with which geometrical details of the obstacles likely to be encountered by the vapour cloud are represented and the correctness with which turbulence is predicted. This is because the severity of a VCE strongly depends on the types of obstacles encountered by the cloud undergoing combustion; the turbulence generated by the obstacles influences flame speed and feeds the process of explosion through enhanced mixing of fuel and oxidant. In this paper a CFD-based method is proposed on the basis of the author's finding that among the various models available for assessing turbulence, the... 

    Thin film graphene oxide membrane: challenges and gas separation potential

    , Article Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering ; Volume 35, Issue 5 , May , 2018 , Pages 1174-1184 ; 02561115 (ISSN) Abbasi, F ; Karimi Sabet, J ; Ghotbi, C ; Abbasi, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer New York LLC  2018
    Graphene oxide membranes were prepared by vacuum and pressurized ultrafiltration methods on the 12% modified Polyacrylonitrile (12mPAN) substrate to specify challenges, salient features, future directions, and potential of GO membrane for separation fields using characterization techniques and gas separation test (studied gases are CO2, He and N2), which is an efficient tool for better understanding of GO membrane behavior. GO membrane structure was examined over a wide range of parameters, such as pore size range of substrate and its surface properties, pH of GO dispersion, GO content, synthesis pressure, operating pressure and temperature. The results show that the GO content does not hold... 

    Conversion of CO into CO2 by high active and stable PdNi nanoparticles supported on a metal-organic framework

    , Article Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering ; 2021 ; 20950179 (ISSN) Abbasi, F ; Karimi Sabet, J ; Abbasi, Z ; Ghotbi, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    Higher Education Press Limited Company  2021
    The solubility of Pd(NO3)2 in water is moderate whereas it is completely soluble in diluted HNO3 solution. Pd/MIL-101(Cr) and Pd/MIL-101-NH2(Cr) were synthesized by aqueous solution of Pd(NO3)2 and Pd(NO3)2 solution in dilute HNO3 and used for CO oxidation reaction. The catalysts synthesized with Pd(NO3)2 solution in dilute HNO3 showed lower activity. The aqueous solution of Pd(NO3)2 was used for synthesis of mono-metal Ni, Pd and bimetallic PdNi nanoparticles with various molar ratios supported on MOF. Pd70Ni30/MIL-101(Cr) catalyst showed higher activity than monometallic counterparts and Pd + Ni physical mixture due to the strong synergistic effect of PdNi nanoparticles, high distribution... 

    Conversion of CO into CO2 by high active and stable PdNi nanoparticles supported on a metal-organic framework

    , Article Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering ; 2021 ; 20950179 (ISSN) Abbasi, F ; Karimi Sabet, J ; Abbasi, Z ; Ghotbi, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    Higher Education Press Limited Company  2021
    The solubility of Pd(NO3)2 in water is moderate whereas it is completely soluble in diluted HNO3 solution. Pd/MIL-101(Cr) and Pd/MIL-101-NH2(Cr) were synthesized by aqueous solution of Pd(NO3)2 and Pd(NO3)2 solution in dilute HNO3 and used for CO oxidation reaction. The catalysts synthesized with Pd(NO3)2 solution in dilute HNO3 showed lower activity. The aqueous solution of Pd(NO3)2 was used for synthesis of mono-metal Ni, Pd and bimetallic PdNi nanoparticles with various molar ratios supported on MOF. Pd70Ni30/MIL-101(Cr) catalyst showed higher activity than monometallic counterparts and Pd + Ni physical mixture due to the strong synergistic effect of PdNi nanoparticles, high distribution... 

    Conversion of CO into CO2 by high active and stable PdNi nanoparticles supported on a metal-organic framework

    , Article Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering ; Volume 16, Issue 7 , 2022 , Pages 1139-1148 ; 20950179 (ISSN) Abbasi, F ; Karimi Sabet, J ; Abbasi, Z ; Ghotbi, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    Higher Education Press Limited Company  2022
    The solubility of Pd(NO3)2 in water is moderate whereas it is completely soluble in diluted HNO3 solution. Pd/MIL-101(Cr) and Pd/MIL-101-NH2(Cr) were synthesized by aqueous solution of Pd(NO3)2 and Pd(NO3)2 solution in dilute HNO3 and used for CO oxidation reaction. The catalysts synthesized with Pd(NO3)2 solution in dilute HNO3 showed lower activity. The aqueous solution of Pd(NO3)2 was used for synthesis of mono-metal Ni, Pd and bimetallic PdNi nanoparticles with various molar ratios supported on MOF. Pd70Ni30/MIL-101(Cr) catalyst showed higher activity than monometallic counterparts and Pd + Ni physical mixture due to the strong synergistic effect of PdNi nanoparticles, high distribution... 

    Improved method for increasing accessible pores of MIL-101(Cr) by encapsulation and removal of Phosphotungstic acid (PTA): Pd/PTA-MIL-101(Cr) as an effective catalyst for CO oxidation

    , Article Journal of Cleaner Production ; Volume 347 , 2022 ; 09596526 (ISSN) Abbasi, F ; Karimi Sabet, J ; Abbasi, Z ; Ghotbi, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    This study forwards a novel and simple approach for encapsulation of Phosphotungstic acid (PTA) into MIL-101(Cr) cavities to develop PTA-MIL-101(Cr) with a high surface area. In this method, the resulting surface area of PTA-MIL-101(Cr) (3563 m2/g) is 1.72 times that of MIL-101(Cr) due to the existence of more accessible pores which are formed by leaching of PTAs incorporated inside MIL-101(Cr) pores during the intense washing. Catalysts are investigated in CO oxidation under atmospheric pressure and feed composition of 1%CO, 20%O2, and 79%He. 3%Pd/PTA-MIL-101(Cr) shows 100%CO conversion at T = 145 °C and outperforms PTA, PTA-MIL-101(Cr), Pd/PTA, 1–3%Pd/MIL-101(Cr), Pd-PTA/MIL-101(Cr), and... 

    Investigation into the effects of weld zone and geometric discontinuity on the formability reduction of tailor welded blanks

    , Article Computational Materials Science ; Volume 59 , 2012 , Pages 158-164 ; 09270256 (ISSN) Abbasi, M ; Ketabchi, M ; Ramazani, A ; Abbasi, M ; Prahl, U ; Sharif University of Technology
    Numerous advantages of application of tailor welded blanks (TWBs) in automobile industry, namely reduction of weight, fuel consumption and air pollution, have made the manufacturers eager to investigate in this field. On the other hand, while experiments generally provide valuable information in regard with mechanical behaviors, but utilization of simulation methods has extended vastly due to time and cost saving issues. One challenging issue in numerically analyzing the forming behavior of transversely welded TWBs, welded by laser welding methods, has been the presence of weld zone. While some researchers believe that during simulation, the weld zone can be neglected due to its minority and... 

    A neural network applied to estimate process capability of non-normal processes

    , Article Expert Systems with Applications ; Volume 36, Issue 2 PART 2 , 2009 , Pages 3093-3100 ; 09574174 (ISSN) Abbasi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    It is always crucial to estimate process capability index (PCI) when the quality characteristic does not follow normal distribution, however skewed distributions come about in many processes. The classical method to estimate process capability is not applicable for non-normal processes. In the existing methods for non-normal processes, probability density function (pdf) of the process or an estimate of it is required. Estimating pdf of the process is a hard work and resulted PCI by estimated pdf may be far from real value of it. In this paper an artificial neural network is proposed to estimate PCI for right skewed distributions without appeal to pdf of the process. The proposed neural... 

    Application of the GTN model to predict the forming limit diagram of IF-Steel

    , Article Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology ; Volume 26, Issue 2 , February , 2012 , Pages 345-352 ; 1738494X (ISSN) Abbasi, M ; Shafaat, M. A ; Ketabchi, M ; Haghshenas, D. F ; Abbasi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Forming limit diagrams (FLDs) are extensively used in industries, particularly the auto industry. The establishment of these diagrams using a predictive approach can lead to reduction in both cost and time. In the present work, Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN), a porosity-based model, was used to predict the FLD of an interstitial-free steel via finite element simulation. Optimum values of the GTN model were obtained by applying a response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design. Results show that RSM is a good method for an appropriate determination of the GTN model parameters, such as initial void volume fraction, effective void volume fraction, critical void volume... 

    Synthesis of chiral palladium oxazolidine and imine complexes: Investigation the oxazolidine-imine conversion by DFT method

    , Article Polyhedron ; Volume 160 , 2019 , Pages 130-138 ; 02775387 (ISSN) Molaee, H ; Moghadam, M ; Mirkhani, V ; Tangestaninejad, S ; Mohammadpoor Baltork, I ; Abbasi Kajani, A ; Kia, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2019
    Reaction of 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde with L-Alaninol (as a chiral amine) or 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) in the presence of PdCl2 produced the new and attractive palladium(II) complexes which were synthesized by in situ method. The presence of an extra methyl group in AMP other than L-Alaninol induced the different chelating mode and, therefore, several structurally different palladium complexes obtained. Correspondingly, the chiral amine with PdCl2 produced the imine product, (Iminol (1)), and an oxazolidine compound (Imizol (1′)) as minor product. Also, the use of AMP in formation of palladium complexes led to the synthesis of imine (Ampynol (2)) and oxazolidine (Ampyzol (3))... 

    Multicast Routing on Wireless Mesh Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abbasi, Reza (Author) ; Yazdani, Naser (Supervisor)
    Wireless mesh networks (WMN) appeared as popular communication networks supporting high speed and high throughput applications. They consist of mesh routers and mesh clients and they have unique characteristics like self organizing and self configuring of the mesh nodes that bring a great deal of efficiency, reliability and robustness to networks and decreases networks maintenance cost notably. Also WMNs provide an integration of different types of wireless networks by exploiting the gateway involvement. One of the important group communication technologies that offers high level of bandwidth conservation and efficiency is multicasting. It also decreases the cost of communication compared to... 

    Numerical Study of Sand Production in Oil Extracting Wells

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abbasi, Babak (Author) ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor)
    Sand production in petroleum industry is a phenomenon of solid particles being produced together with reservoir fluid. This phenomenon is costing industry billions of dollars every year. Corrosion of the pipelines and other instruments, sand-oil separation cost, possible wellbore choke and repeated shut-in and clean-up of the wellbore are some of examples of the costs. On the other hand, a controlled sanding or even sand production invocation has proved to be very effective in increasing production rate, especially in heavy oil recovery, asphalt wells and low PI wells. Discovering the best sand controlling procedure in oil extracting wells, parameters that have the most important effects on... 

    Improving response surface methodology by using artificial neural network and simulated annealing

    , Article Expert Systems with Applications ; Volume 39, Issue 3 , February , 2012 , Pages 3461-3468 ; 09574174 (ISSN) Abbasi, B ; Mahlooji, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Response surface methodology (RSM) explores the relationships between several explanatory variables and one or more response variables. The main idea of RSM is to use a set of designed experiments to obtain an optimal response. RSM tries to simplify the original problem through some polynomial estimation over small sections of the feasible area, elaborating on optimum provision through a well known optimization technique, say Gradient Method. As the real world problems are usually very complicated, polynomial estimation may not perform well in providing a good representation of the objective function. Also, the main problem of the Gradient Method, getting trapped in local minimum (maximum),... 

    Moving quark in a viscous fluid

    , Article Journal of High Energy Physics ; Volume 2012, Issue 6 , 2012 ; 11266708 (ISSN) Abbasi, N ; Davody, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2012
    To study the rate of energy and momentum loss of a heavy quark in QGP, specifically in the hydrodynamic regime, we use fluid/gravity duality and construct a perturbative procedure to find the string solution in gravity side. We show that by this construction, the position of the world-sheet horizon and thereby the drag force exerted on the quark can be computed perturbatively, order by order in a boundary derivative expansion, for a wide range of quark velocities. At ideal order, our result is just the localized expression of the drag force exerted on a moving quark in thermal plasma, while for a quark whose velocity does not belong to the mentioned range, we predict a nonlocal drag force.... 

    Moving quark in a general fluid dynamical flow

    , Article Journal of High Energy Physics ; Volume 2013, Issue 12 , December , 2013 ; 11266708 (ISSN) Abbasi, N ; Davody, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Heidelberg  2013
    We determine the most general form of the covariant drag force exerted on a quark moving through a fluid dynamical flow. Up to first order in derivative expansion, our general formula requires the specification of seven coefficient functions. We use the perturbative method introduced in arXiv:1202.2737 and find all these coefficients in the hydrodynamic regime of a N = 4 SYM plasma. Having this general formula, we can obtain the rate of the energy and momentum loss of a quark, namely the drag force, in a general flow. This result makes it possible to perturbatively study the motion of heavy quarks moving through the Bjorken flow up to first order in derivative expansion