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    Discrete scale invariance and its logarithmic extension

    , Article Nuclear Physics B ; Volume 655, Issue 3 , 2003 , Pages 342-352 ; 05503213 (ISSN) Abed Pour, N ; Aghamohammadi, A ; Khorrami, M ; Rahimi Tabar, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2003
    It is known that discrete scale invariance leads to log-periodic corrections to scaling. We investigate the correlations of a system with discrete scale symmetry, discuss in detail possible extension of this symmetry such as translation and inversion, and find general forms for correlation functions. © 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V  

    Multiuser detector for airborne co-located multiple input/multiple output radar using compressive measurements

    , Article IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation ; Volume 11, Issue 2 , 2017 , Pages 260-268 ; 17518784 (ISSN) Abed, A. M ; Salehi, J. A ; Hariri, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering and Technology  2017
    This study presents and analyses a novel joint detection and parameters estimation of multiple targets using a co-located multiple input/multiple output radar with moving platform, in the presence of clutter and background noise. A notable feature of the proposed approach is that clutter cancellation is independent of received data. Moreover, to decrease the computational load, the authors propose to perform the target detection and parameters estimation by directly processing on the compressive measurements as opposed to Nyquist samples. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology  

    A new achievable rate for a stochastic two relay network with no interference

    , Article 2008 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, ASILOMAR 2008, Pacific Grove, CA, 26 October 2008 through 29 October 2008 ; June , 2008 , Pages 909-913 ; 10586393 (ISSN); 9781424429417 (ISBN) Abed Hodtani, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    Gastpar and Vetterli named the adhoc networks with one randomly selected source-destination pair as relay networks and they suggested using arbitrary network coding in order to increase the overall efficiency Here, the relay network is investigated with two relays and no interference and a new achievable rate is obtained using a new network coding (decodeand-broadcast). The obtained achievable rate (i) gives the lower bound for the general relay channel, obtained by Cover and El Gamal, but with slight difference due to no interference assumption at the receiver (ii) includes the one relay rates of a two-level relay channel studied by Gupta and Kumar using point to point coding, (iii)... 

    Capacity of Almost General Relay Channel and Aref Network with Random Links

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Abed Hodtani, Ghosheh (Author) ; Aref, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    First, we review in an appropriate way the researches regarding building blocks of a wireless network (Shannon channel, multiple access channel, broadcast channel, interference channel, relay channel) and then: • We consider two cases for a relay and describe the essential role of the relay with three Markovity conditions; define Almost General Relay Channel with Decode-And-Forward (AGRCDAF) strategy and determine its capacity. Then, we prove that our capacity theorem not only includes all known capacity theorems as its special cases but also potentially is applicable to other relay channels and is validated by its consistency with previous results related to special cases of broadcast and... 

    The contagion effects of global financial crisis on Tehran Stock Exchange

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moghareh Abed, Sepehr (Author) ; Keshavarz Haddad, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
    US 2008 financial crisis, spread across the international stock markets in the second half of the year 2008. The crisis decreased the returns and increased the volatilities of almost all of the stock indices, however, its effects on Iran’s stock markets were unexplored. Financial limitations create an exclusive situation in Iran’s stock market. Using weekly data on the stock indices from July 2006 through August 2009, this study aims to exam in the contagion effects of the global financial crisis through the main indices such as S&P500 and FTSE100 on Tehran Stock Exchange indices: industrial and financial intermediary indices and The First and the Second indices of Tehran’s Stock Exchange.... 

    CFD Simulation and Analysis of Heat Pipe Heat Exchanger Radiator

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abed Niari, Saeed (Author) ; Shafii, Mohammad Behshad (Supervisor)
    Due to the development of heat pipes in different industries and special characteristics of heat pipes, in this study, it has been tried using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method to simulate a heat pipe heat exchanger that can be a replacement for the normal radiator. The experimental model of this heat exchanger has been tested at past studies and the numerical simulation of the heat exchanger will analyze at present study. The use of heat pipe in the car radiator has many advantages such as reducing fluid pressure drop through the heat exchanger, high reliability due to the particular structure of the heat exchanger (individual performance of each heat pipe) and improving heat... 

    Development of an esco risk assessment model as a decision-making tool for the energy savings certificates market regulator: a case study

    , Article Applied Sciences (Switzerland) ; Volume 10, Issue 7 , 2020 Ahmadi, M ; Hatami, M ; Rahgozar, P ; Shirkhanloo, S ; Abed, S ; Kamalzadeh, H ; Flood, I ; Sharif University of Technology
    MDPI AG  2020
    This article is focused on developing an Energy Service Company (ESCO) risk assessment model for use by energy savings certificates (ESC) market regulators. This model enables market regulators to determine the appropriate point in time for ESCOs to sell their certificates with the aim of minimizing risk as well as maximizing economic gain yet remain motivated for reducing the cost of energy efficiency technologies. To this end, the interactions between an ESCO and other parties (such as suppliers) in the market in addition to the principles of the energy efficiency performance contract are taken into consideration. Then, appropriate probability distributions have been fitted to the... 

    A new approach to model sensitivity of graphene-based gas sensors

    , Article Semiconductor Science and Technology ; Volume 30, Issue 4 , March , 2015 ; 02681242 (ISSN) Ghadiry, M ; Ismail, R ; Naraghi, B ; Taheri Abed, S ; Kavosi, D ; Fotovatikhah, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics Publishing  2015
    Carbon-based sensors are attractive because of their excellent sensing capability. In this paper, we propose a new approach to analytically model the sensitivity of these devices based on graphene. The model relies on the surface potential and current of the device. For the first time, we included ionization in the modelling and examined the importance of this effect. In order to validate the model, the results are compared with experimental data from a fabricated device  

    Use of Bio-Cementation for Reducing Land Subsidence

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abed, Mahrooz (Author) ; Khosravi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor) ; Ghobadi Nejad, Zahra ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    Land subsidence is a gradual settling or sudden sinking of the land surface from changes that take place underground. There are different causes of land subsidence; most notably, groundwater overdraft and severe weather conditions. Subsidence of the land surface due to ground water overdraft is caused by an increase in the intergranular pressure in unconsolidated aquifers, which results in a loss of buoyancy of solid particles in the zone dewatered by the falling water table and accordingly compaction of the aquifer. In this study, an experimental approach was developed to examine applicability of Microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) for land subsidence control under... 

    Capacity of a more general class of relay channels

    , Article 2008 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, ISITA2008, Auckland, 7 December 2008 through 10 December 2008 ; April , 2008 ; 9781424420698 (ISBN) Abed Hodtani, G ; Aref, M. R ; Commemorative Organization for the Japan World; Exposition('70); Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications; Technology Research; REFEC Research Foundation for the; Electrotechnology of Chubu ; Sharif University of Technology
    Capacity has been found for degraded, reversely degraded, full feedback, semi-deterministic, orthogonal relay channels, also for a class of deterministic relay channels and a class of modulo sum relay channels. We indicate what the relay decodes and forwards with one auxiliary random variable having bounded cardinality and attempt to define a more general class of relay channels in order to unify most of known capacity theorems into one capacity theorem by considering additional assumptions imposed to the definition of those channels. In other words, the relay channel inputs are dependent as in multiple access channel with arbitrarily correlated sources and here we do for the relay channel... 

    Theoretical study of high repetition rate short pulse generation with fiber optical parametric amplification [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Lightwave Technology ; May 2012, Volume 30, Issue 9, PP. 1263-1268 Vedadi, A ; Ariaei, A. M ; Jadidi, M. M ; Salehi, J. A ; Sharif Unversity of Technology
    In this paper, we study theoretically the generation of high repetition rate short pulses using fiber optical parametric amplification. We show that the pulse shape and duration depend on the signal location relatively to the pump frequency. We demonstrate that in order to get the shortest pulse width, the signal must be located at one of the extremities of the gain spectrum associated with the pump peak power. We derive the analytical expression of the pulse shape in this case and compare it to the exponential gain regime case. Using numerical simulations, we also analyze the impact of walk-off and pump phase modulation that is required to suppress Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and derive... 

    A novel omega shaped microwave absorber with wideband negative refractive index for C-band applications

    , Article Optik ; Volume 242 , 2021 ; 00304026 (ISSN) Bilal, R. M. H ; Baqir, M. A ; Iftikhar, A ; Ali, M. M ; Rahim, A. A ; Niaz Akhtar, M ; Mughal, M. J ; Naqvi, S. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier GmbH  2021
    This paper reports a polarization controllable and angle-insensitive perfect metamaterial absorber (PMA). The proposed PMA consists of periodically arranged asymmetric omega-shaped resonators made of metallic copper. The absorptivity was analyzed considering the microwave C-band from 4 GHz to 8 GHz. The proposed PMA shows an absorption peak with almost 100% absorptivity at 6.2 GHz. Also, wideband negative index of refraction is observed. Further, the absorber is inspected for the different rotation angles of the top metasurface (omega-shaped ring) along the optical axis, and obliquity of incidence angle for both TE and TM polarized waves. Moreover, surface electric field and surface current... 

    Formal process algebraic modeling, verification, and analysis of an abstract Fuzzy Inference Cloud Service

    , Article Journal of Supercomputing ; Vol. 67, issue. 2 , February , 2014 , pp. 345-383 ; Online ISSN: 1573-0484 Rezaee, A ; Rahmani, A. M ; Movaghar, A ; Teshnehlab, M
    In cloud computing, services play key roles. Services are well defined and autonomous components. Nowadays, the demand of using Fuzzy inference as a service is increasing in the domain of complex and critical systems. In such systems, along with the development of the software, the cost of detecting and fixing software defects increases. Therefore, using formal methods, which provide clear, concise, and mathematical interpretation of the system, is crucial for the design of these Fuzzy systems. To obtain this goal, we introduce the Fuzzy Inference Cloud Service (FICS) and propose a novel discipline for formal modeling of the FICS. The FICS provides the service of Fuzzy inference to the... 

    Impact of holmium on structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Cu–Zn spinel ferrites synthesized via sol–gel route

    , Article Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ; Volume 32, Issue 2 , 2021 , Pages 2205-2218 ; 09574522 (ISSN) Akhter, M. J ; Khan, M. A ; Hussain, A ; Akhtar, M. N ; Ahmad, M ; Javid, M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    The mixed nano-ferrites materials Cu0.6Zn0.4HoxFe2−xO4 (0.00 ≤ x ≤ 0.12) were prepared via the sol–gel auto combustion technique. The TGA curve established the annealing temperature (500 °C) for phase formation. The single exothermic peak on the DSC plot occurred at 341 °C temperature. XRD patterns of these nano ferrites verified single phase formation of the FCC cubic structure. The lattice constant a was increased from 8.4244 to 8.4419 Å and then its value decreased to 8.4319 Å. Crystallite size was found in the range of 7 to 16 nm. The surface morphology of the samples was observed from the scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. The grain size was found within the range of 90 nm to... 

    Impact of holmium on structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of Cu–Zn spinel ferrites synthesized via sol–gel route

    , Article Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ; Volume 32, Issue 2 , 2021 , Pages 2205-2218 ; 09574522 (ISSN) Akhter, M. J ; Khan, M. A ; Hussain, A ; Akhtar, M. N ; Ahmad, M ; Javid, M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    The mixed nano-ferrites materials Cu0.6Zn0.4HoxFe2−xO4 (0.00 ≤ x ≤ 0.12) were prepared via the sol–gel auto combustion technique. The TGA curve established the annealing temperature (500 °C) for phase formation. The single exothermic peak on the DSC plot occurred at 341 °C temperature. XRD patterns of these nano ferrites verified single phase formation of the FCC cubic structure. The lattice constant a was increased from 8.4244 to 8.4419 Å and then its value decreased to 8.4319 Å. Crystallite size was found in the range of 7 to 16 nm. The surface morphology of the samples was observed from the scanning electron microscope (SEM) images. The grain size was found within the range of 90 nm to... 

    A new dynamic optimal m2m rf interface setting in relay selection algorithm (dorsa) for iot applications

    , Article IEEE Access ; Volume 10 , 2022 , Pages 5327-5342 ; 21693536 (ISSN) Ghasri, M. A. G ; Hemmatyar, A. M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2022
    Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication is an important type of communication in the Internet-of-Things (IoT). How to send data in these high-density communications using relay selection can help improve the performance of this type of communication in various applications. In addition, the possibility of simultaneous use of different Radio Frequency (RF) interfaces helps to use the spectrum more efficiently. In this work, we try to further use machine communication RF equipment and improve the average data rate of networks in some applications such as the IoT, which have their own bandwidth requirements. Therefore, we provide an optimization algorithm for relay selection as well as the... 

    An experimental study on mechanical behavior of a calcite cemented gravelly sand

    , Article Geotechnical Testing Journal ; Volume 41, Issue 3 , May , 2018 , Pages 494-507 ; 01496115 (ISSN) Shakeri, M. R ; Haeri, S. M ; Shahrabi, M. M ; Khosravi, A ; Sajadi, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    ASTM International  2018
    In the study presented herein, a simple method for laboratory calcite cementation of a reconstituted gravelly sand was presented. This method was used to prepare cemented gravelly sand specimens, which have similar natural characteristics to alluvial deposit of the city of Tehran. The formation and distribution of calcite bonds, as well as the effectiveness of the presented calcite cementation method in increasing interparticle cohesion, as observed in weakly to moderately cemented soil in Tehran, were evaluated by means of chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction technique, and unconfined compressive strength tests. The cementation technique was used to prepare triaxial specimens with calcite... 

    P-V-L Deep: A big data analytics solution for now-casting in monetary policy

    , Article Journal of Information Technology Management ; Volume 12, Issue 4 , 2021 , Pages 22-62 ; 20085893 (ISSN) Sarduie, M. H ; Kazemi, M. A ; Alborzi, M ; Azar, A ; Kermanshah, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    University of Tehran  2021
    The development of new technologies has confronted the entire domain of science and industry with issues of big data's scalability as well as its integration with the purpose of forecasting analytics in its life cycle. In predictive analytics, the forecast of near-future and recent past - or in other words, the now-casting - is the continuous study of real-time events and constantly updated where it considers eventuality. So, it is necessary to consider the highly data-driven technologies and to use new methods of analysis, like machine learning and visualization tools, with the ability of interaction and connection to different data resources with varieties of data regarding the type of big... 

    Spray characteristics and atomization behavior of bio-diesel (Norouzak) and diesel fuel blends

    , Article Particulate Science and Technology ; 2016 , Pages 1-12 ; 02726351 (ISSN) Ghahremani, A. R ; Jafari, M ; Ahari, M ; Saidi, M. H ; Hajinezhad, A ; Mozaffari, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Inc  2016
    Norouzak oil seeds that are the source of bio-diesel (Norouzak) fuel grow mostly in Gonabad and Kashmar located in Khorasan, north east of Iran. Spray characteristics of Norouzak bio-diesel have been experimentally and theoretically studied in this work. Norouzak fuel is added to the conventional diesel fuel, and mixture formations of several blends have been investigated and compared with each other. Moreover, by varying ambient and injection conditions, behaviors of spray of different blends have been explored. Microscopic and macroscopic properties of spray such as Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD), Ohnesorge number, spray tip penetration, spray cone angle, spray projected area and volume have... 

    Spray characteristics and atomization behavior of bio-diesel (Norouzak) and diesel fuel blends

    , Article Particulate Science and Technology ; Volume 36, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 270-281 ; 02726351 (ISSN) Ghahremani, A. R ; Jafari, M ; Ahari, M ; Saidi, M. H ; Hajinezhad, A ; Mozaffari, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Inc  2018
    Norouzak oil seeds that are the source of bio-diesel (Norouzak) fuel grow mostly in Gonabad and Kashmar located in Khorasan, north east of Iran. Spray characteristics of Norouzak bio-diesel have been experimentally and theoretically studied in this work. Norouzak fuel is added to the conventional diesel fuel, and mixture formations of several blends have been investigated and compared with each other. Moreover, by varying ambient and injection conditions, behaviors of spray of different blends have been explored. Microscopic and macroscopic properties of spray such as Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD), Ohnesorge number, spray tip penetration, spray cone angle, spray projected area and volume have...