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    Derivative interactions during inflation: A systematic approach

    , Article Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ; Volume 2022, Issue 6 , 2022 ; 14757516 (ISSN) Abolhasani, A ; Goodhew, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics  2022
    We present a systematic prescription for calculating cosmological correlation functions for models with derivative interactions through the wavefunction of the universe and compare this result with the "in-in"formalism - canonical approach. The key step in this procedure is to perform the path integral over conjugate momenta after which a straightforward generalisation of Feynman's Rules can be applied. We show that this integral recovers the classical action plus some additional divergent contributions which are necessary to cancel other divergences that arise due to loop diagrams involving time derivatives. As a side project, for the first time, we introduce the "off-shell"version of the... 

    The path integral approach in the frame work of causal interpretation

    , Article Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie ; Volume 28, Issue 1 , 2003 , Pages 1-8 ; 01824295 (ISSN) Abolhasani, M ; Golshani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We try to clarify the relation of Feynman paths -which appear in the Feynman path integral formalism- with de Broglie-Bohm paths. To accomplish this, we introduce a Bohmian path integral and use it to obtain the propagator of a free particle and a general system  

    Localizability and quantum behaviour

    , Article Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie ; Volume 29, Issue 3 , 2004 , Pages 353-359 ; 01824295 (ISSN) Abolhasani, M ; Golshani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We go over various view-points about wave-particle duality and criticize Schrödinger-type solution of this problem. In this framework we show that Barut's quantum theory of single events has some problems and that the non-linearization of the Schrödinger equation is of no help  

    Tunneling times in the copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics

    , Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Woodbury, NY, United States ; Volume 62, Issue 1 , 2000 , Pages 012106-012101 ; 10502947 (ISSN) Abolhasani, M ; Golshani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Inst of Physics  2000
    The definition of tunneling in the framework of Bohmian mechanics is used to select one of available definitions for quantum tunneling times (QTTs) within the standard interpretation as the best definition. It is demonstrated that due to experimental limitations, Bohmian mechanics leads to the same tunneling times  

    Tunneling times in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics

    , Article Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics ; Volume 62, Issue 1 , 2000 , Pages 7- ; 10502947 (ISSN) Abolhasani, M ; Golshani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Recently, people have calculated tunneling’s characteristic times within Bohmian mechanics. Contrary to some characteristic times defined within the framework of the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics, these have reasonable values. Here, we introduce one of the available definitions for tunneling’s characteristic times within the standard interpretation as the best definition that can be accepted for the tunneling times. We show that, due to experimental limitations, Bohmian mechanics leads to the same tunneling times. © 2000 The American Physical Society  

    Steganalysis Method Based on Image Class

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abolhasani, Amir (Author) ; Jamzad, Mansour (Supervisor)
    Steganalysis is the art of detecting hidden message in a cover such as an image. All steganalysis methods either are designed for a specific steganographer or are blind. Since for a stego image, the steganography method is not available, this is important to detect a stego image without any knowledge about the steganography method using which the secret image was embedded. Therefore in order to dominate all steganography method, if a given image is a stego one, we need to use voting over several steganalysis methods applied on the stego image to improve the accuracy of detection. But this approach needs a long time to process that is not practical for most steganalysis applications. We know... 

    No large scale curvature perturbations during the waterfall phase transition of hybrid inflation

    , Article Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology ; Volume 83, Issue 6 , March , 2011 ; 15507998 (ISSN) Abolhasani, A. A ; Firouzjahi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper the possibility of generating large scale curvature perturbations induced from the entropic perturbations during the waterfall phase transition of the standard hybrid inflation model is studied. We show that whether or not appreciable amounts of large scale curvature perturbations are produced during the waterfall phase transition depends crucially on the competition between the classical and the quantum mechanical backreactions to terminate inflation. If one considers only the classical evolution of the system, we show that the highly blue-tilted entropy perturbations induce highly blue-tilted large scale curvature perturbations during the waterfall phase transition which... 

    Inflationary cosmology in anisotropic inflation models

    , Article Iranian Journal of Physics Research ; Volume 18, Issue 1 , 2018 , Pages 75-80 ; 16826957 (ISSN) Abolhasani, A. A ; Firouzjahi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Isfahan University of Technology  2018
    In this work, we study the anisotropic inflationary models. In these models, an abelian gauge field non-minimally coupled to the inflaton field plays a role in the inflation dynamicIn a gauge field,the backgroundanswer is anisotropic, in the form of metric Bianchi. In order for the model to be consistent with the observations, the level of anisotropy should be small. The anisotropy power spectrum is obtained by calculating cosmological perturbation using formalism. We show that the criticism levelled in [4] does not apply and we can repeat the calculations in the non-absorbence by calculating the anisotropy spectrum. Using the constraint on the quadrupole anisotopy, we show that the... 

    Single-field consistency relation and δ N-formalism

    , Article Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ; Volume 2018, Issue 8 , 2018 ; 14757516 (ISSN) Abolhasani, A. A ; Sasaki, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics Publishing  2018
    According to the equivalence principal, the long wavelength perturbations must not have any dynamical effect on the short scale physics up to (k2 L/k2 s). Their effect can be always absorbed to a coordinate transformation locally. So any physical effect of such a perturbation appears only on scales larger than the scale of the perturbation. The bispectrum in the squeezed limit of the curvature perturbation in single-field slow-roll inflation is a good example, where the long wavelength effect is encoded in the spectral index through Maldacena's consistency relation. This implies that one should be able to derive the bispectrum in the squeezed limit without resorting to the in-in formalism in... 

    Fault Rate Modeling in Terms of Power Consumption and Thermal Variation in Optical Networks-on-Chip

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abolhasani Zeraatkar, Alireza (Author) ; Koohi, Somayyeh (Supervisor)
    Global on chip communication becomes a critical power bottleneck in high performance many core architectures. The importance of power dissipation in networks-on-chip along with power reduction capability of on-chip nanophotonic interconnects has made optical network on chip a novel technology. Major advantages like high bandwidth, light speed latency and low power consumption, provide a promising solution for future of communications in many core architectures. However, the basic elements that are embedded in optical networks on chip are extremely temperature sensitive. This would lead to change in the physical characteristics of nanophotonic elements which may cause failure in network on... 

    Inflation with Light Species, A Possible Realization of Warm Inflation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hooshangi, Sina (Author) ; Abolhasani, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
    In this project we investigate the effect of coupling of the inflaton with light particles which have oscillating mass that depends on inflaton. As the inflaton slowly rolls towards the minimum of its potential, the mass of other particles changes periodically(monodromy). The monodromy structure with tuning the parameters of model allows us to produce ultrarelativistic particles during inflation. These particles dilute with the expansion of the universe but continuous particle production leads to burst of particles at the end of inflation. It should be noted that other Warm Inflation models are phenomenological models which is assumed that during the inflation, the inflaton energy is... 

    A Survey in Inflation and Roots of Axionic Inflationary Models

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Minaei, Pouyan (Author) ; Abolhasani, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
    Inflation first introduced for solving the puzzles of the standard model of cosmology. Soon it became clear that this paradigm can provide a natural way for production of Initial conditions for the birth of large-scale structures: cosmological perturbations. But inflationary models are usually phenomenological models. They are constructed to solve the problems of the standard model of cosmology and explain the properties of cosmological fluctuations. Where do they come from? A property of a big family of inflationary models is the flatness of their potential. What would may be the cause of this flatness? . . .. In this thesis our purpose is searching about one probable field theoretic root... 

    Reheating the Universe after Inflation Via Resonant Interactions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yarahmadi, Amir (Author) ; Abolhasani, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
    The inflation paradigm solves the so-called flatness problem of the standard cosmo- logical model and explains the homogeneity of the Universe by adding a period of exponential expansion at early times to the standard scenario. Moreover, it provides a mechanism for generating density perturbations, serving as the seed of large-scale structures. One of the successes of inflation is predicting primordial scale-invariant perturbations that agree with the observations of cosmic background radiation. Nev- ertheless, there will be a cold, matter-free universe after exponential expansion, so one needs a process that leads to a hot cosmos containing standard particles after the end of inflation, the... 

    Curvature perturbation and waterfall dynamics in hybrid inflation

    , Article Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ; Volume 2011, Issue 10 , 2011 ; 14757516 (ISSN) Abolhasani, A. A ; Firouzjahi, H ; Sasaki, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We investigate the parameter spaces of hybrid inflation model with special attention paid to the dynamics of waterfall field and curvature perturbations induced from its quantum fluctuations. Depending on the inflaton field value at the time of phase transition and the sharpness of the phase transition inflation can have multiple extended stages. We find that for models with mild phase transition the induced curvature perturbation from the waterfall field is too large to satisfy the COBE normalization. We investigate the model parameter space where the curvature perturbations from the waterfall quantum fluctuations vary between the results of standard hybrid inflation and the results... 

    Systematic renormalization of the effective theory of Large Scale Structure

    , Article Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ; Volume 2016, Issue 5 , 2016 ; 14757516 (ISSN) Abolhasani, A. A ; Mirbabayi, M ; Pajer, E ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics Publishing  2016
    A perturbative description of Large Scale Structure is a cornerstone of our understanding of the observed distribution of matter in the universe. Renormalization is an essential and defining step to make this description physical and predictive. Here we introduce a systematic renormalization procedure, which neatly associates counterterms to the UV-sensitive diagrams order by order, as it is commonly done in quantum field theory. As a concrete example, we renormalize the one-loop power spectrum and bispectrum of both density and velocity. In addition, we present a series of results that are valid to all orders in perturbation theory. First, we show that while systematic renormalization... 

    Describing Non-linearities in Cosmology and linear Point Stability

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kamalinejad, Farshad (Author) ; Abolhasani, Ali Akbar (Supervisor)
    Standard model of cosmology successfully describes the properties of the universe on large scales. General relativistic perturbation theory accurately describes how the initial fluctuations created in the inflation era grew larger and became the seeds of structure formation later in the radiation and matter dominated era. However, linear perturbation theory breaks at the scales of approximately 10Mpc. In such scales, the gravitational effects are non-linear and we should use standard pertubation theory to find the corrections to the linear power spectrum. In this thesis, I calculated these non-linear contributions analytically and proved the stability of the linear point which is believed to... 

    Resonant reconciliation of convex-potential inflation models and the Planck data

    , Article Physical Review D ; Volume 100, Issue 10 , 2019 ; 24700010 (ISSN) Abolhasani, A. A ; Sheikh Jabbari, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Physical Society  2019
    We consider single field chaotic inflationary models plus a cosine modulation term, as in axion monodromy models, and augment them by a light scalar field with similar cosine coupling. We show that the power spectrum of curvature perturbations of this model is dominated by the one-loop contribution to the inflaton two-point function which is enhanced due to resonant interactions. This allows us to disentangle the scale of the scalar and tensor perturbations and hence, to suppress the ratio of tensor-to-scalar power spectra and alter the expression of the scalar spectral tilt from the simple chaotic models. Thus, our resonating module opens the way to reconcile chaotic models with convex... 

    Observable quantum loop effects in the sky

    , Article Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ; Volume 2020, Issue 6 , 2020 Abolhasani, A. A ; Sheikh Jabbari, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics Publishing  2020
    Expanding on [1], we analyze in detail the single field chaotic inflationary models plus a cosine modulation term, augmented by a light scalar field with inflaton dependent oscillatory mass term. We work out in detail the Feynman diagrams and compute one, two and in general estimate higher loop two and three point functions in the in-in formulation. We explicitly establish how the oscillatory mass term can amplify one-loop effects to dominate over the tree as well as the higher loop contributions. The power spectrum of curvature perturbations of this model is hence enhanced compared to the simple single field chaotic model. As a consequence, one can suppress the tensor to scalar ratio r and... 

    Curvature perturbations and non-Gaussianities from the waterfall phase transition during inflation

    , Article Classical and Quantum Gravity ; Volume 28, Issue 7 , 2011 ; 02649381 (ISSN) Abolhasani, A. A ; Firouzjahi, H ; Namjoo, M. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    We consider a variant of hybrid inflation where the waterfall phase transition occurs during inflation. By adjusting the parameters associated with the mass of the waterfall field, we can achieve a phase transition that is not sharp, thus inflation can proceed for about 50-60 e-folds after the waterfall phase transition. We show that one can work within the limit where the quantum back-reactions are subdominant compared to the classical back-reactions. It is shown that a significant amount of large scale curvature perturbations are induced from the entropy perturbations. The curvature perturbation spectral index is either blue or red depending on whether the mode of interest leaves the... 

    δ M formalism: a new approach to cosmological perturbation theory in anisotropic inflation

    , Article Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ; Volume 2018, Issue 3 , 2018 ; 14757516 (ISSN) Talebian Ashkezari, A ; Ahmadi, N ; Abolhasani, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Physics Publishing  2018
    We study the evolution of the metric perturbations in a Bianchi background in the long-wavelength limit. By applying the gradient expansion to the equations of motion we exhibit a generalized "Separate Universe" approach to the cosmological perturbation theory. Having found this consistent separate universe picture, we introduce the δ M formalism for calculating the evolution of the linear tensor perturbations in anisotropic inflation models in almost the same way that the so-called δ N formula is applied to the super-horizon dynamics of the curvature perturbations. Similar to her twin formula, δ N, this new method can substantially reduce the amount of calculations related to the evolution...