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    Preparation of Nanoparticles Based on Hyperbranched Polyglycerol as Anti Cancer Drug Delivery Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yazdi, Mojtaba (Author) ; Pourjavadi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Adeli, Mohsen (Co-Advisor)
    Successful formulation development for poor water soluble drugs is a critical, long-standing and challengeable problem in cancer treatment. One of the methods for transporting low-soluble drugs is using nanoparticles which are able to pass through capillary walls of tumor tissues due to their small size. An example of the nanoparticles is micelle systems. Functionalized β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) by hyper branched polyglycerol (HPG) can dissolve low-soluble compounds. This polymer can be used in preparing micelles. In this project, β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) by anionic reactions is initiator for polymerization of glycidol monomer. Hydrophobic cavity of the β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) in placing the phenyl... 

    Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Coating with Hydrophilic Polymers as Paclitaxel Anticancer Drug Delivery Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jokar, Safura (Author) ; Adeli, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Poujavadi, Ali (Co-Advisor)
    Nowadays, there is no perfect drug delivery for cancer therapy; also the healthy tissues can be damaged more than tumor tissues. To resolve this problem, the new drug delivery system based on nanostructured materials is useful. Graphene oxide (GO) is one of the most important graphene derivatives and a potential candidate for drug delivery system. It has high specific surface area so that it can load and deliver the drug in a good manner. Hydrophobicity of graphene restricts its application in nanomedicine. In order to improve its solubility in water, graphene should be modified by hydrophilic polymers. Therefore, in this study, in order to activate the graphene surface and increase its... 

    Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Fluorinated Covalent-Organic Frameworks by Cyclotrimerization of Alkynes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghanbari Bidrouni, Reza (Author) ; Kalhor, Hamid Reza (Supervisor) ; Adeli, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    Covalent organic frameworks are one of the attractive and important research fields that deals with the huge and predesigned polymeric structures. It is a developing field which focuses on the synthesis of different architectures with specific applications. In recent years, fluorinated materials have gained a high interest due to their unique physicochemical properties. The fluorinated microporous structures, due to their potential applications in gas, energy and materials storage as well as catalyst, are of high interest. In this work, fluorinated two-dimensional nanomaterials were synthesized based on hexafluorobenzene and decafluorobiphenyl. Catalyst free [2+2+2] cyclotrimerization of... 

    Synthesis and Evaluation of Supramolecular Nanostrutures of Cyclodextrin/Polyglycerol with Controlled Drug Delivery Applications

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Zarrabi, Ali (Author) ; Vossoughi, Manouchehr (Supervisor) ; Adeli, Mohsen (Supervisor) ; Shokrgozar, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Today, human is facing and struggling with one of the most deadly disease, Cancer. Accordingly, several research studies are aimed to develop new anticancer drugs. Among the prescribed drugs are Paclitaxel. Unfortunately, despite the anticancer activity, paclitaxel has very low water solubility. To solve this problem several alternatives have been proposed by researchers, e.g. using co-solvents of ethanol:Cremophor El®, as is the case in commercial drug, Taxol®. Unfortunately, these co-solvents have some dangerous and sometimes mortal side effects. To reduce its side effects, researchers have proposed using cyclodextrin as a carrier for paclitaxel on the basis that cyclodextrin has a... 

    Hybrid nanostructures; Promising drug delivery systems

    , Article Hybrid Nanostructures in Cancer Therapy ; 2012 , Pages 1-24 ; 9781621005179 (ISBN) Adeli, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nova Science Pub  2012

    Hybrid nanostructures in cancer therapy

    , Article Hybrid Nanostructures in Cancer Therapy ; 2012 , Pages 1-204 ; 9781621005179 (ISBN) Adeli, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nova Science Pub  2012
    Nanotechnology has emerged as a key technology which has opened new vistas to find effective therapies for cancer. Nanomaterials are particularly promising candidates for early diagnosis of cancer cells. Several classes of nanomaterials, including dendritic and supramolecular polymers, carbon nanotubes, graphene and metal nanoparticles, have shown tremendous ability to recognize and destroy cancer cells in vivo. In this book, some of these novel systems and their potential applications in cancer therapy are reviewed  

    Variable Formation & Decentralized Control of Multi-Quadrotor Having Same Dynamic System Using Consensus Algorithm

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Adeli, Ali (Author) ; Sayyadi, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Since Formation control have potentail applications in civil and military industries, decenterlized control of formation control is studied in this work using consensus algorithm. A specific robot quadrotor with 3D motion is used in this work. Quadrotor is an underactuated vehicle. First, we derivate twice from dynamical equations of linear positions. Hence, we can obtain appropriate form using linearization of output equations for design a consensus control algorithm. It is needed to design fourth order control algorithm for control of multiagent systems, beacause of twice derivation. Two methods that have been used for formation control in many works are potential function method and... 

    Dendrimers and cancer therapy

    , Article Hybrid Nanostructures in Cancer Therapy ; 2012 , Pages 47-68 ; 9781621005179 (ISBN) Adeli, M ; Hamid, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nova Science Publishers, Inc  2012
    Dendrimers are generally described as macromolecules that are characterized by their extensively branched three dimensional structures which provide a high degree of surface functionality and versatility. The unique properties associated with dendrimers such as uniform size, high degree of branching, water solubility, multivalency, well-defined molecular weight and available internal cavities makes them attractive to use in nanomedicine.Nanomedicine is explained as the application of nanotechnology to health. It exploits the improved and frequently novel physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials at the nanometric scale. Nanomedicine has potential impact on the prevention,... 

    Functionalized carbon nanotubes: New tools in nanomedicine

    , Article Hybrid Nanostructures in Cancer Therapy ; 2012 , Pages 97-114 ; 9781621005179 (ISBN) Adeli, M ; Bavadi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nova Science Publishers, Inc  2012
    With the prospect of cancer therapies, gene therapy and innovative new answers for life-threatening diseases and life-science problems, nanomedicine has become a fast-growing field that has an incredible ability to bypass barriers. Due to their ability to cross biological barriers and translocation easily into the cytoplasm or nucleus of a cell through its membrane without generating an immunogenic response and toxic effects, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have became significant tools in nanomedicine, especially in the cancer therapy branch, as therapeutic agents or carriers for therapeutic agents with a high loading capacity. Because functionalized CNTs display low toxicity and are not... 

    Biomedical applications of cyclodextrin-polymers

    , Article Hybrid Nanostructures in Cancer Therapy ; Volume 47, Issue 3 , Aug , 2012 , Pages 25-46 ; 9781621005179 (ISBN) Adeli, M ; Kalantari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nova Science Publishers, Inc  2012
    This chapter explains biomedical applications of cyclodextrin-polymers. Cyclodextrins (CDs) are a class of natural cyclic oligosaccharides with 6, 7, or 8 D-(+)-glucose units linked by α-1, 4-linkages. The geometry of CDs gives a hydrophobic internal cavity that various organic, inorganic and biological molecules can be fitted in it. Many hydroxyl groups are situated on the outer parts of the rings, which make some of CDs water-soluble. These unique physicochemical properties of CDs make them promising materials to design polymeric systems. In the present chapter, first, the effect of CDs on solubility, stability and bioavailability of drugs is described. Second, polymeric systems based on... 

    Modeling and Simulation of Particle Size Distribution in Batch Crystallization Processes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Adeli Koudehi, Babak (Author) ; Shahrokhi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In this research, it was tried to present a suitable environment for simulation of crystallization systems. Chapter one presented a survey on crystallization systems, its application, operating methods, and its phenomena. Chapter two presented mechanism and kinetic of phenomena that occur in crystallization systems, in detail, and mathematical models to modeling this systems are implied. In chapter three, that is the simulation result section, firstly, it focused on solution methods to solve population balance equation, that explains the particle size distribution, and its validation, secondly, the simulation results in a case study was compared with those obtained from finite volume method.... 

    Geometric Spanners in Polygonal Domains

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Adeli, Marjan (Author) ; Abam, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    A geometric network is an undirected weighted graph whose vertices are defined as points in a geometric space, such as the real d-dimensional space. The weight of each edge of the network is equal to the Euclidean distance between the two endpoints of that edge.Geometric networks are used to model many real systems such as roads, communication networks, etc. When designing a network, one may consider different criteria. For lots of applications, existence of a short path between any two points of the network is important. The direct connection between any two points of a network is the ideal lution; however, this not possible in many applications because of its high cost. In order to... 

    Albumin-graphene oxide conjugates; Carriers for anticancer drugs

    , Article RSC Advances ; Vol. 4, issue. 62 , July , 2014 , pp. 33001-33006 ; ISSN: 20462069 Jokar, S ; Pourjavadi, A ; Adeli, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In order to improve its biological properties, graphene oxide can be modified with hydrophilic polymers. Therefore, in this study, the surface of graphene oxide was modified with polyethylene glycol and albumin by covalent methods. In the subsequent step, paclitaxel which is a hydrophobic anticancer drug was loaded onto the surface of the functionalized graphene by π-π interactions. The synthesis of the nanocarrier and its interaction with paclitaxel were evaluated by FT-IR, CD, TEM, UV, AFM, DLS and fluorescence experiments. Release of the loaded drug from albumin-graphene conjugate was investigated at pH 5.4, 6.8 and 7.4  

    Quantum dot-polymer hybrid nanomaterials in nanomedicine

    , Article Hybrid Nanostructures in Cancer Therapy ; 2012 , Pages 115-136 ; 9781621005179 (ISBN) Adeli, M ; Parsamanesh, M ; Sadeghi, E ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nova Science Publishers, Inc  2012
    Semiconductor quantum dots are a new class of nanomaterials which have unique optical and electronic properties. Their novel properties promise them as candidates to use in many area of science such as nanomedicine. In this chapter, properties of quantum dots, their synthetic procedures, modification of their surface especially by polymers will be reviewed briefly. Biomedical applications of polymer-quantum dots and their toxicity concerns in biology and also strategies to reduce their toxicity will be discussed  

    Encapsulation of palladium nanoparticles by multiwall carbon nanotubes-graft-poly(citric acid) hybrid materials

    , Article Journal of Applied Polymer Science ; Volume 116, Issue 4 , 2010 , Pages 2188-2196 ; 00218995 (ISSN) Adeli, M ; Mehdipour, E ; Bavadi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Citric acid was polymerized onto the surface of functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTCOOH) and MWCNT-graft-poly(citric acid) (MWCNTg-PCA) hybrid materials were obtained. Due to the grafted poly(citric acid) branches, MWCNT-g-PCA hybrid materials not only were soluble in water but also were able to trap water soluble metal ions. Reduction of trapped metal ions in the polymeric shell of MWCNT-g-PCA hybrid materials by reducing agents such as sodium borohydride led to encapsulated metal nanoparticles on the surface of MWCNT. Herein palladium nanoparticles were encapsulated and transported by MWCNT-g-PCA hybrid materials (MWCNT-g-PCA-EPN) and their application as nanocatalyst toward... 

    Nanocapsules based on carbon nanotubes-graft-polyglycerol hybrid materials

    , Article Nanotechnology ; Volume 20, Issue 48 , 2009 ; 09574484 (ISSN) Adeli, M ; Mirab, N ; Zabihi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work the effect of a conjugated macromolecule on the conformation of CNT was studied. Typically polyglycerol (PG) was covalently grafted onto the surface of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and MWCNT-graft-PG (MWCNT- g-PG) hybrid materials were obtained. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments showed an average diameter around 100nm for MWCNT- g-PG hybrid materials in water. The difference between this size and the expected size for MWCNT- g-PG hybrid materials (the length of pristine MWCNTs was several micrometers) was assigned to the effect of the grafted PG on the conformation of MWCNT in the solution state. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) evaluations showed a change... 

    Deep relative attributes

    , Article 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV 2016, 20 November 2016 through 24 November 2016 ; Volume 10115 LNCS , 2017 , Pages 118-133 ; 03029743 (ISSN); 9783319541921 (ISBN) Souri, Y ; Noury, E ; Adeli, E ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2017
    Visual attributes are great means of describing images or scenes, in a way both humans and computers understand. In order to establish a correspondence between images and to be able to compare the strength of each property between images, relative attributes were introduced. However, since their introduction, hand-crafted and engineered features were used to learn increasingly complex models for the problem of relative attributes. This limits the applicability of those methods for more realistic cases. We introduce a deep neural network architecture for the task of relative attribute prediction. A convolutional neural network (ConvNet) is adopted to learn the features by including an... 

    Efficient wound healing by antibacterial property: Advances and trends of hydrogels, hydrogel-metal NP composites and photothermal therapy platforms

    , Article Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology ; Volume 73 , 2022 ; 17732247 (ISSN) Ahmadian, Z ; Gheybi, H ; Adeli, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Editions de Sante  2022
    Bacterial infection is one of the biggest challenges in wound healing and imposes enormous burden on patient and medical system. Moreover, multidrug resistant microorganisms (MDR) limit the usage of therapeutic agents including antibiotics for wound treatment. Hydrogels are three-dimensional networks that have emerged as efficient scaffolds for the treatment of infected wounds. In addition to their intrinsic antibacterial activities, hydrogels are able to load and release therapeutic agents to keep the efficient dose during wound healing process. At the same lines, incorporation of metal nanoparticles (NPs) into hydrogels boosts their antibacterial activity. Moreover, photothermal agents... 

    Cytotoxicity of carbon nanotube/polycitric acid hybrid nanomaterials

    , Article Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition) ; Vol. 23, issue. 3 , 2014 , pp. 195-201 ; ISSN: 10261265 Adeli, M ; Alavidjeh, M. S ; Mohammadifar, E ; Sharif University of Technology
    Polycitric acid was conjugated onto the surface of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and hybrid nanomaterials containing CNT axis and polycitric acid branches that were highly soluble in aqueous solutions were synthesized. In this work, pristine MWCNTs were opened and functionalized through treatment with acid, then polycitric acid was covalently grafted onto their surface by the "grafting from" approach based on polycondensation of citric acid in the melting state. The chemical structure, morphology, thermal properties and size of MWCNT-g-PCA hybrid materials were investigated by IR, 13C NMR, 1H NMR, TEM, TGA, DSC and DLS. To investigate the biocompatibility of the synthesized hybrid nanomaterials... 

    Hybrid nanomaterials containing PAMAM, polyrotaxane and quantum dot blocks

    , Article Nano ; Volume 6, Issue 3 , June , 2011 , Pages 239-249 ; 17932920 (ISSN) Adeli, M ; Sarabi, R. S ; Sadeghi, E ; Sharif University of Technology
    Pseudopolyrotaxanes, Ps-PR, consisting of α-cyclodextrin rings, polyethylene glycol axes and end triazine groups were prepared and then were capped by amino-functionalized quantum dots, NH 2-QDs, to achieve polyrotaxanes. The amino-functionalized QDs stoppers of polyrotaxanes were used as core to synthesize polyamidoamine, PAMAM, dendrons divergently and hybrid nanomaterials were obtained. Synthesized hybrid nanomaterials were characterized by different spectroscopy, microscopy and thermal analysis methods. They were freely soluble in water and their aqueous solutions were stable at room temperature over several months. Due to their biocompatible backbone, high functionality and water...