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Numerical Fatigue Investigation of Composites Honeycomb Structures Using Four Point Bending Loading Specimen
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
In this thesis, design and analyses of honeycomb structures are investigated. Primary goal is to develop an equivalent orthotropic material model that is a good substitute for the actual honeycomb core. By replacing the actual honeycomb structure with the orthotropic model, during the finite element analyses, substantial advantages can be obtained with regard to ease of modeling and model modification, solution time and hardware resources . To figure out the best equivalent model among the approximate analytical models that can be found in the literature, a comparison is made. First sandwich beams with four different honeycomb cores are modeled in detail and these are accepted as reference...
Surface Initiated Crack Growth Simulation of Normal Contact Using X-FEM
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
In many mechanical components, contact loading has a major role in stress field analysis. In this thesis, a combination of crack growth simulation and unilateral contact problem was carried out numerically. The Finite Element Method provides a powerful numerical tool to analyze contact problems. In the traditional FEM discontinuities should not cross through elements, so crack will grow through boundaries of elements, therefore, the model should remesh in each step of crack growth in order to align the mesh along the boundaries of discontinuities. This limitation causes major errors and computational costs. To overcome this limitation, the extended Finite Element Method (XFEM) will be used...
Analytical Solution for Partial Slip Behavior of Multiple Elastic Contacts of Similar Materials
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
In the present study, an analytical procedure has been presented to analyze a generic two-dimensional frictional multiple contact problem between two isotropic, homogeneous and elastically similar half planes, under the constant normal (including applied moments) and oscillatory tangential loading, with partial slip behavior. This procedure is based on the classical singular integral equations approach. By applying boundary conditions at nonsingular end points, new side conditions have been derived and titled “the consistency conditions” for multiple contacts. These conditions are necessary for determining the position of nonsingular end points, when the number of them exceeds the number of...
Numerical Modeling of Fretting Fatigue Crack Nucleation using Finite Element Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Fretting fatigue damage occurs in contacting components while they are subjected to fluctuating loads and relatively small movement at the same time. In this condition some micro-cracks are created in these components. These micro-cracks will be propagated and cause sudden failure which is accompanied by great human and economic loss. There are many practical applications that are subjected to fretting fatigue, such as bolted and riveted connections, bearing shafts, blade-disk attachment in gas turbines, aero-engine splined couplings, cable connections and etc. Fretting fatigue failure process can be divided into two portions of crack initiation and propagation. It is very difficult, to...
Analysis of Contact Geometry Effect on the Slip Amplitude in Fretting Fatigue of a Turbine Blade Root
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Turbine blades are exposed to mechanical and thermal stresses due to their operation in critical conditions and get into various damages such as fatigue and wear. These factors reduce the life of the blades and lead to expensive maintenances. As a result, recognizing the type of possible damage helps to increase the life of the blade and to delay the occurrence of failures by taking the necessary actions.The subject of this thesis is to investigate the effect of geometric parameters on the slip amplitude in the root of a turbine blade. In this work, the effect of three parameters of contact area length, contact angle, and coefficient of friction on relative slip amplitude and contact...
Investigation and Detection of Cracks for Health Monitoring of Concrete Structures Using Computer Vision
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of civil infrastructures is of paramount importance in ensuring the safety and reliability of these structures. SHM involves the use of sensors and data analysis techniques to continuously monitor the structural condition of infrastructure, detect damage or degradation, and provide insights for maintenance and repair. Concrete cracks are one of the most common and critical types of damage in civil infrastructure, which can compromise the structural integrity and safety of the infrastructure if left undetected and untreated. Therefore, the development of effective and efficient crack detection techniques using computer vision and machine learning can...
Fretting Fatigue Crack Initiation Life Prediction Model in a Dovetail Joint of a Compressor
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Fretting fatigue is one of the main factors leading to failure in structures that have components temporarily connected to each other. The occurrence of fretting at the connection region of a structure under cyclic loading is inevitable, and only various methods can delay its occurrence or minimize the damage resulting from it. Fretting is dependent on various factors, and this has made previous studies unable to lead to a unified approach for predicting the fretting fatigue crack initiation life. In this thesis, after reviewing previous studies, a proving ring is designed for fretting fatigue testing. In the next step, fretting fatigue tests using the bridge-type method are performed on...
Detection and Evaluation of Damage in Concrete Structures Using Data-Driven Methods
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Infrastructure maintenance is one of the important tasks that require the detection and classification of the condition of their components. One of the main challenges in identifying damage in concrete structures is the speed and accuracy of object detection methods. In this research, vision-based deep learning methods have been implemented to detect and analyze damages in concrete structures. To better evaluate this method, the dataset used in this research is a combination of the three datasets used in researches, which includes 400 pictures of cracks and spalls. This dataset is first augmented using different techniques, then with YOLOv7 instance segmentation and Mask R-CNN algorithms,...
Experimental Investigation of Fretting Fatigue of Titanium Specimens Made by Additive Manufacturing Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Additive manufacturing (AM) has gained significant attention in recent years as a novel approach to fabricate three-dimensional parts. Its advantages, including high speed, low-cost production for small-scale batches, and greater design freedom, have made it a competitive alternative to traditional manufacturing methods. However, the application of AM for components subjected to fretting fatigue requires careful evaluation. Fretting fatigue is a major cause of failure in turbines, particularly at the contact interface between turbine blade roots and disk. In this study, the influence of AM and post-processing treatments on the fretting fatigue life of Ti-6Al-4V alloy was investigated. Five...
Progressive Flexural Fatigue Failure Analysis of Composites Through Layer Failure Determination
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Non-uniform damage growth of the composites under flexural fatigue loading condition makes it difficult to predict the fatigue behavior. In this thesis, A new modeling procedure is developed to introduce a progressive damage model. By using this model, it will be possible to define layer failure through its damage growth and layers constituents’ properties. On the other hand, an efficient micromechanics model must be utilized to relate the external loading to the constituents’ properties. Indeed the micromechanics model must be capable of including both constituent's properties and also fiber/matrix interface efficiency. For representing a complete description of the constituents’ properties...
Compartion of Numerical Methods for Nonsymmetrical Contact Problem
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
This thesis aims to discuss matters in the area of non-symmetrical contact. Problems have been solved by the use of different numerical methods and their precision has been determined. In most projects which have been conducted in regards with contact's studies, Indenter has been considered vertical on the other object and particles of two objects are moving in the vertical direction of the free surface. This matter has resulted in obtaining symmetrical functions relevant to the point of beginning contact which helps distributing contact pressure, stresses and movements. In addition, mostly profiles of two involved objects are considered symmetrical that this matter greatly contributes...
Rolling Contact Analysis of a Cylinder with a FGM Coated Half-Plane
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
This study focuses on the mathematical modeling of the rolling contact problem of an FGM coating-substrate system. The first part presents the uncoupled rolling contact problem of an FGM coated half-plane under the assumption of a central stick zone with two slip zones of the same sign. Considering all possible stick/slip scenarios, the fully coupled rolling contact problem of a graded coating is given in the second part. Finally, the rolling contact problem of two elastically similar cylinders with graded coatings will be discussed. Generally, all mentioned problems can be solved in three consecutive steps. First, the governing equations of the relevant rolling contact problem are...
Analysis of Edge Crack for FGM Beam (Ceramics-Metal)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Studying the failure mechanics of FGM materials is inevitable due to the increasing use of these materials in various industries. Stress intensity factor and integral-J are important parameters in fracture mechanics. Due to the fragile nature of ceramic components in FGM During the processing of these types of composite materials, cracks are encouraged. Therefore, crack analysis is inevitable in optimizing the design, reliability and durability of FGM materials and structures in innovative engineering applications. In this research, transverse crack growth in beams made of FGM materials has been investigated. First, a MATLAB code was prepared to extract the mechanical properties of these...
Introduction of Methods and Instructions for Life Extension and Recovery of Turbocharger Turbine wheel 900
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
Turbochargers are industrial devices that widely are used in aviation, marine and automotive industry. Manufacturing cost and technology of their components vary according to their application fields. One of the most important components of these devices is turbine wheel, which needs to be solid, strong and have a high resistance in critical extraordinary conditions. In these days, it can be seen that superalloys are used remarkably in manufacturing of turbine wheels. When this part of turbine is damaged due to some different reasons, turbine wheel must be quit of circle Process according to repair instructions. In these conditions either turbine must be repaired or replaced by a new one;...
Sliding Contact Problem of a Round Wedge with a FGM Coated Substrate
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
In this research, sliding contact problem of a rounded apex wedge with a FG coated substrate is investigated. The structure includes two components. The first is the FG coating and then, the homogeneous substrate which is connected to the FG coating. Usually, it is considered that the homogeneous substrate is a metal and properties at the connection are metallic. Then, properties varies gradually through the thickness of the FG coating, so, the material at the surface of the structure is a ceramic. It is assumed that, properties varies exponentially and continuously through the FG coating and the poisson’s ratio is constant. Beside, it is supposed that the conditions of coulomb friction...
Fatigue Life Investigation of Titanium Specimens Fabricated by 3D Printers
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
In various industries such as aerospace, biomedicine and automobile manufacturing, they seek to manufacture light parts with complex geometry and acceptable mechanical properties. Additive manufacturing processes have gained a special place in the field of rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, mold production, etc. brought It is very important to know the mechanical properties, especially the fatigue behavior of the parts obtained by this method. In this research, the stress-fatigue life graph of parts made of Ti-6Al-4V (grade 5), which is one of the most widely used alloys in aerial structures, was extracted by selective laser melting. For this purpose, several standard fatigue test...
Using Bayesian Approach in Life Management of a Monitored Structural System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor)
In presence of epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties of the structural systems, it is better to investigate the events in probabilistic manner. Bayesian inference is an approach that can update the current knowledge of probabilities with new evidence. The main objective of this study was evaluating the advanteges of using Bayesian approach in two main area of structural health monitoring, model calibration and decision making. In each of these two areas, one case study was conducted. First case study was prediction of crack growth life in a pre-cracked aluminum plate and the results showed that using Bayesian approach in calibration of crack growth model and measurement model of health...
Bayesian Modeling of Road Surface Roughness Characteristics for Fatigue Damage Assessment
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor) ; Shariyat, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Road roughness-induced vibrations are the main source of fatigue damage accumulation in vehicles. Hence, road surface profile modeling and simulation are of high importance when it comes to vehicle fatigue damage assessment. This research focuses on uncovering the statistical distributions that describe the characteristics of road loads that affect fatigue damage accumulation. Particle filtering is deployed to estimate the log-volatility of the road surface profile by assuming a random walk behavior for the hidden log-volatility. The skew-normal distribution with three parameters is fitted to the estimated log-volatility. The inferred parameters are used for synthesizing artificial road...
Rolling Contact Mechanics of Graded Coatings Involving Frictional Heating
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Adibnazari, Saeed (Supervisor) ; Karimzadeh, Ardavan (Co-Supervisor)
In this Thesis ,the two-dimensional thermoelastic tractive rolling contact problem for an FGM coated half-plane under the plane strain deformation is investigated. A rigid cylinder rolls on the surface of an FGM coated half-plane with constant translational velocity, generating frictional heat in the slip zones of the contact area. Thermo-mechanical properties of the FGM vary exponentially along the thickness. It is assumed that the contact area consists of a central stick zone and two slip zones of the same sign. The transfer matrix method and Fourier integral transform technique are used to achieve a system of two Cauchy singular integral equations. The associated governing equations are...
A simple relation in elastic contact problems
, Article Tribology International ; Volume 41, Issue 5 , 2008 , Pages 341-347 ; 0301679X (ISSN) ; Sharafbafi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, a new relation is introduced that simplifies the determination of the Muskhelishvili's potential function in plane contact problems. The relation is Φ (z) = 1 / 2 [p (z) - i q (z)], which is correct for all uncoupled contact problems. The new relation is proved in a mathematical way and utilized to obtain the potential function in several contact problems. A complete agreement has been observed between our results and the potential functions that have been obtained from complicated methods in the past. Utilization of the new relation simplifies the solution of contact problems and analytical calculation of the stress and displacement fields, which may lead to the design of...