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The Static Behavior of Calcite Cemented Gravely Sand – Tehran Alluvium Case Study
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haeri, Mohsen (Supervisor)
An understanding of the effect of degree of cementation on static behavior of cemented soils in becoming increasingly important in design and analysis of geotechnical engineering problems. Naturally cemented coarse-grained soils are widely present in many parts of the world. Misunderstanding of the behavior of such soils could lead to under or overestimate of the soil parameters. Previous studies conducted by Prof. Haeri and his co-workers show that most of the alluvial deposit of Tehran, the capital city of Iran. The amount and characteristics of the cementation of the deposit varies in different parts from highly cemented in the north to non-cemented in the south. This deposit consists of...
Real Time Evolution Optimization of Williams-Otto Reactor
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
Optimization always has been a major industrial field of study. Optimization is the process of finding the best result based on some events. In design, construction and maintenance of any kind of engineering system ,engineers must take a lot of decisions in the case of management or engineering at different levels in order to minimize the attempts to reach the optimum conditions and obtain the maximum profit on the other side. high speed of processing and litle time for calculations by using computers is very common nowadays which is caused in many improvements in optimization approaches. In this thesis some different classical optimization methods have been applied on Williams-Otto reactor...
Optimal Control of Chemical Reactors Based on Optimization Methods Inspired from Artificial Immune Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
Artificial immune systems (AIS) constitute a novel area of bio-inspired computing. Biological models of the natural immune system, in particular the theories of clonal selection, immune networks and negative selection, have provided the inspiration for AIS algorithms. Moreover, such algorithms have been successfully employed in a wide variety of different areas, but have not been applied for chemical processes yet. One important part of the immune systems is lymphatic system. Clonal selection is one of the few algorithms that belong to the family of AIS techniques. Clonal selection algorithm is the computational implementation of the clonal selection principle. In this project, we have...
Optimal Control of Batch Cooling Crystallizers Using Inversion Approach
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
In batch cooling crystallization, the crucial control problem is to design a temperature trajectory which produces a desired crystal size distribution. Here, a completely different solution is presented. Designing model-based controller for crystallizer has two steps; first step is determining optimal temperature trajectory which is some kind of feedforward control, second step is adding feedback controller (with manipulated variable of jacket temperature or cooling flow) to track the set-point (determined in first step) and rejecting possible disturbances. Traditionally, determining optimal temperature of crystallizer is done by using calculus of variations of distributed system. In this...
Development of a Reduced-Order Model for Control of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Systems
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
In this thesis, a reduced model of a distributed one-dimensional Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) system is presented. Consequently the reduced model is used to estimate the states of the exact model. The reduced model is derived using the exact solution of the distributed model and implementing the Karhunen-Loève-Galerkin procedure. To achieve an exact solution of the distributed model, method of lines is used. In the method of lines, accuracy of the solution depends on the number of grid points. To increase the accuracy, the number of grid points should be increased which will lead to a high order dynamic model. Such a model is not suitable for state estimation, optimization or control...
Simulation and Design of Multi-Variable Fuzzy Controller for CSTR Polyvinyl Acetate
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
There is many Nonlinear process in industry which are not control able with classic control methods. Model predictive control is a very useful method of control for nonlinear processes.
The nonlinearity of polymerization reactors are considerable in modeling, simulation, dynamic study and control .Design of free radical polymerization in continues reactors are very populated in industries.in this thesis modeling of free radical polymerization for polyvinyl acetate in industrial scale is studied for dynamic behavior studies of CSTR and design of Model predictive control system for the CSTR.
One of the important challenges in control system for this reactor is the existence of delay...
The nonlinearity of polymerization reactors are considerable in modeling, simulation, dynamic study and control .Design of free radical polymerization in continues reactors are very populated in industries.in this thesis modeling of free radical polymerization for polyvinyl acetate in industrial scale is studied for dynamic behavior studies of CSTR and design of Model predictive control system for the CSTR.
One of the important challenges in control system for this reactor is the existence of delay...
Application of Advance Control Algoritms for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (Sofc) System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
this is one of the most widely used is the weighted residual method. The advantages of this method is likely to reach an appropriate solution is (in this project collocation method for solving systems of differential equations is used). After solving steady-state model with the lowest number of variables come to turn the control measures, including non-linear design of a Kalman Filter incentives that could be the orthogonal modulation system (which requires less computational time and good accuracy) as a representative of the system in the state estimation, optimization and control system used. In the end, offering a range of control methods such as multivariate linear and nonlinear...
Steady-State Operability Analysis of Nonlinear Plants Using Output Controllability Index
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
Selecting an appropriate control structure is an important subject in the design of control systems. Distillation column is one of the most popular and widely used unit operations in industry which complete understanding of its operability and controllability is one of the most important issues in the process control engineering. The present work studies the method of Output Controllability Index for nonlinear systems and compares it with Relative Gain Array and Condition Number. By using this index, the extent of intrinsic controllability of a process can be identified quantitatively in the absence of any controller. Also, the controllability of the process can be stated numerically or...
Analysis of Forced Periodic Production of Continuous Bioreactors
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
Recently experiences in chemical processes approved that periodic operation for some of the processes (e.g. ion exchangers, activated sludge tanks, etc) were being successful. The performance and/or effectiveness of process due to periodic changes in the systems input, such as concentration, feed or coolant temperature and other possibilities, typically express whether in term of yield or selectivity improvement. Though, prominent issue in this type of dynamical control problem is optimal frequency and amplitude in the cycle. Supporting mathematics, include two main approaches: (1) the Hamilton-Jacobi approach based on the maximum principle and (2) a frequency domain approach using second...
Dynamic Simulation of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
In this work, a model was presented for an MCFC fuel cell with internal reforming and combustion chamber. The model consists of mass and heat transfer equations beside the chemical and electrochemical reaction rate equations. Velocity distribution due to reactions and temperature distribution along the cell is considered. The model has been simulated in steady state form using finite difference method in MATLAB package environment accompanied by the analysis of the dynamic behavior of cell using method of lines in Simulink environment. Simulation results have been validated with experimental data extracted from literature. The last part of the work concerns with sensitivity analysis of some...
Modeling and Simulation of Semi Fuel Cells
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaei, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
The usages of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) are limited due to the lack of suitable portable energy sources. Researches show that chargeable batteries and fuel cells are the most appropriate energy source for AUVs in near future. The main purpose of thesis is the modeling and obtaining the governing equations for Aluminum/Air batteries containing seawater, the so-called semi fuel cell. The steady state governing equations include Navier-Stocks equations (Hydraulic-Boundary layer), chemical ionic species mass balance at boundary layer velocity field, electrochemical equations in the electrolyte and the electrode surface, equations of motion of the hydrogen bubbles and equations for the...
Analyzing the Interaction of Design and Control in Gas Pipeline
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
The purpose of this project is to study the interactions between process design and process control in a gas transmission pipeline. A part of gas pipeline in two conditions is considered, 1: The gas pipeline that has nominal structure and 2: the one with optimal structure by using an economic objective function that considers the capital and operation cost. To aim this object, by creation of an interface to communicate decision variables between MATLA (as an optimizer and controller engine) and Aspen HYSYS (as a pipeline simulator) is attempted to design and then control the pipeline with to control algorithms PI and MPC. Finally the interaction between process design and process is...
State Feedback Control Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (Pem) Stack
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
In recent years, fuel cells have been proposed as an alternative option to conventional energy conversion systems. Fuel cell is an electrochemical system that can convert chemical energy to electrical energy without combustion. High efficiency, low temperature performance, poor pollution, good reliability, flexibility in the production potential, low start-up time and high life expectancy are the major advantages of this system. The most important barriers to the use of fuel cells are high cost polymer membrane and using expensive platinum catalysts. Modeling of fuel cells in general will meet two objectives. The first, due to the complexity of the processes taking place within the cell,...
Water-flooded On-line Reservoir Management Using Multi-variable Multi-model Predictive Controllers
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
High efficiency and low-emission fuel cells have the capacity to replace fossil fuels for energy supply concerns. Solid oxide fuel cells operate in relatively high temperature and have power plant applications. Hence, they are acquainted to be coupled with cycle gas turbine to reduce the cost and increase the overall system efficiency. The control of these hybrid systems is so important. Due to the system nonlinearity and having more than one controlled variable, its control with classic methods would be difficult. The model based predictive control is used as an alternative to mitigate these difficulties. In addition to their high performance, their extension to the multivariate case would...
Dynamic Optimization of Smart Oil Well Using Model Predictive Control
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
In recent years, due to the development of smart wells, optimization of waterflooding by injection/production rate control has receivedsome interests. We can postpone breakthrough time and increase the sweep efficiency by using inflow control valves (ICV). Due to complexity of reservoirs, existence of constraints and numerous influencing parameters, we need a robust and suitable optimization approach to overcome such problems. In this thesis, model predictive control (MPC) is chosen to be our optimization approach. MPC is suitable for constrained multi variable functions. Genetic algorithm is was chosenas optimizer. Eclipse reservoir simulator was used for reservoir simulation. Eclipse input...
Multi Variable Generalized Predictive Control of a Solution Copolymerization Reaction
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
Continuous synthesis of different kinds of industrial copolymers plays an important role in economics of the polymer industry. But copolymerization reactions are complex and with a high degree of nonlinearity so the control problem in this case needs a detailed study on system dynamic behavior. One of the solutions is using a optimal control method in the shape of predictive controllers. The main goal in this thesis is to design a generalized multi-varriable predictive controller for a solution copolymerization of methyl methacrylate and vinyl acetate in a continuous stirred tank reactor with separator and recycle stream. In this study, after simulating the nonlinear model of the process...
Multivariable Predictive Control of a Fuel Cell-Micro Turbine Hybrid System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
High efficiency and low-emission fuel cells have the capacity to replace fossil fuels for energy supply concerns. Solid oxide fuel cells operate in relatively high temperature and have power plant applications. Hence, they are acquainted to be coupled with cycle gas turbine to reduce the cost and increase the overall system efficiency. The control of these hybrid systems is so important. Due to the system nonlinearity and having more than one controlled variable, its control with classic methods would be difficult. The model based predictive control is used as an alternative to mitigate these difficulties. In addition to their high performance, their extension to the multivariate case would...
Optimal Control of Electrochemical Treatment of Tumors
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
In this project, we have assessed the electrochemical treatment method. In this method, pH decrease of the place where a tumor is located engenders the necrosis of cancer cells and consequently they are destroyed. The process of pH decrease is caused by exerting voltage on electrods that are located near the tumor. The aims of optimizing this methods are to minimize the pH that results in the increase of cancer cell annihilation and to minimize the HClO and Cl2 products which are toxic and chage the healthy tissues to cancer cells. In this project, the model of electrochemical treatment method is explained, and then this model is simulated using the parametes which are provided in the...
Dynamic Simulation and Control of an Lng Production Unit
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
Today, shipping of liquefied natural gas has a considerable share in the global gas trade. Efficient design, optimal operation, and precise control of process variables in the gas liquefaction process decrease energy consumption for LNG production. Understanding the dynamic behavior of a liquefied natural gas unit helps engineers to make the correct choice of controlled variables and tuning controllers. Through a dynamic simulation, this understanding can be achieved. Simulation of a multi-stream heat exchanger, as the heart of the gas liquefaction process, is a challenge of studying this process. In this study, two dynamic models governing a multi-stream heat exchanger in Aspen Plus...
Thermal Modeling and Simulation of a Lithium-ion Battery
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor)
Today, considering the global demand for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, rechargeable batteries are considered as a source of energy in electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles and smart grids. In all these applications for secondary batteries, the battery management system requires an accurate estimate state of charge of each cell. However, this estimate is difficult particularly for battery aging. In this study, a lithium-ion battery is modeled by using multidimensional multiphysics modeling and simulated in a comsol. In this simulation, the effect of the thermal conductivity coefficient on the battery temperature, initial salt concentration in electrolyte and the rate of discharge...