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Prediction of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation using Empirical Mode Decomposition and RR intervals
, Article 2012 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, IECBES 2012, 17 December 2012 through 19 December 2012 ; December , 2012 , Pages 750-754 ; 9781467316668 (ISBN) ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Afdideh, F ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we proposed a method based on time-frequency dependent features extracted from Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) and physiological feature such as the number of premature beats (PBs) to predict the onset of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (PAF) by using electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. To extract IMFs, we used Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). In order to predict PAF, we used variance of IMFs of signals, the area under the absolute of IMF curves and the number of PBs, since increasing of all of these parameters are a clear sign of PAF occurrence. We used clinical database which was provided for the 2001 Computer in Cardiology Challenge (CinC). The test set of this database...
A unimodal person authentication system based on signing sound
, Article Proceedings - IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics: Global Grand Challenge of Health Informatics, BHI 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 152-154 ; 9781457721779 (ISBN) ; Maghooli, K ; Afdideh, F ; Azimi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Person authentication based on only the name, password or person identification number is not secured enough. In recent years researchers have focused on human physiological and behavioral parameters, because these parameters are more unique and human-specific than traditional ones. This approach of person authentication is usually called biometric authentication. Signature is the most commonly used behavioral biometric which is investigated in two ways of online and offline by researchers. In online procedure, the temporal indices of signature such as signing velocity, and acceleration are involved to increase the accuracy relative to offline methods and to recognize counterfeit signatures....
High-speed SSVEP-based BCI: Study of various frequency pairs and inter-sources distances
, Article Proceedings - IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics: Global Grand Challenge of Health Informatics, BHI 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 220-223 ; 9781457721779 (ISBN) ; Saba, V ; Afdideh, F ; Heidarnejad, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Brain Computer Interface provides a new communication channel for people who have severe brain injuries. Among different types of BCIs, SSVEP-based one has been focused in recent years. In this type of BCI, selection of twinkling frequency of external visual stimulant and the distance between stimulants (in case of more than one stimulant) is so important. In this work, a SSVEP-based BCI with two external stimulants was designed. In order to determine the best twinkling frequency of stimulants and the best distance between them, the classification accuracy for seven different twinkling frequency pairs and five different stimulants distances was calculated. Two methods for feature extraction...
Appropriate twinkling frequency and inter-sources distance selection in SSVEP-based HCI systems
, Article 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications, ICSIPA 2011, Malaysia, 16 November 2011 through 18 November 2011 ; November , 2011 , Pages 12-15 ; 9781457702419 (ISBN) ; Setarehdan, S. K ; Afdideh, F ; Heidarnejad, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEPs) are one of the most important EEG signals used in Human Computer Interface (HCI) systems. These signals are generated by Looking at flickering external light sources stimulating the central part of the retina. By increasing the number of external light sources, detection of the corresponding SSVEPs from the recorded EEG signal becomes more complicated. On the other hand, the ratio of the sensitivity to specificity in high-speed classifiers becomes more significant. This study presents the effect of the twinkling frequencies and the inter-sources distance of two Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on the ratio of the sensitivity to specificity of the...
Brain-Computer Interface for Navigating in Virtual Environments
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Shamsollahi, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
The aim of this project is designing and implementation of a BCI for interacting with virtual environments. BCI is an interface between brain and computer that connect those by translating brain signals into understandable instruction for computer. There are different ways to generate brain states for classification in BCI technology. One of those, is based on motor imagery (MI). In this project, we used motor imagery of left hand, right hand and foot. subject training in this kind of BCI (MI-based BCI) is very vital. in order to speed up subject training period and consequently enhance the separability of brain states, computer graphics and virtual environments are used to excite the...
Development of a MATLAB-based toolbox for brain computer interface applications in virtual reality
, Article ICEE 2012 - 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 15 May 2012 through 17 May 2012 ; May , 2012 , Pages 1579-1583 ; 9781467311489 (ISBN) ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Resalat, S. N ; Sharif University of Technology
Brain computer interface (BCI) is a widely used system to assist the disabled and paralyzed people by creating a new communication channel. Among the various methods used in BCI area, motor imagery (MI) is the most popular and the most common one due to its the most natural way of communication for the subject. Some software applications are used to implement BCI systems, and some toolboxes exist for EEG signal processing. In recent years virtual reality (VR) technology has entered into the BCI research area to simulate the real world situations and enhance the subject performance. In this work, a completely MATLAB-based MI-based BCI system is proposed and implemented in order to navigate...
A novel local spline smoothing-based approach for medical ultrasound images enhancement
, Article 2012 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, IECBES 2012, 17 December 2012 through 19 December 2012 ; December , 2012 , Pages 755-758 ; 9781467316668 (ISBN) ; Khasheei Rad, R ; Resalat, S. N ; Sabeti, E ; Sharif University of Technology
In this work, a novel local spline smoothing-based approach is proposed in order to despeckling medical ultrasound images. For better comparison, firstly nine conventional statistical spatial filters were applied on the ultrasound images and the results evaluated by quantitative indices of contrast to noise ratio (CNR) and speckle signal to noise ratio (SSNR). Secondly, one-dimensional cubic spline smoothing (1DCSS) function was applied on the whole speckled image as the first proposed approach. Finally, as the second proposed approach, 1DCSS was applied locally on the sliding windows of the ultrasound image then conventional statistical spatial filters were applied. The results indicate...
Effect of heating profile on desorption curve in temperature programmed desorption analysis: Case study of acid sites distribution of SAPO-34
, Article Journal of Porous Materials ; Volume 16, Issue 5 , 2009 , Pages 599-603 ; 13802224 (ISSN) ; Farhadi, F ; Khorasheh, F ; Yan, Z. F ; Sharif University of Technology
Comparison of the traditional linear heating method of TPD with an original stepwise heating scheme was reported for the first time. Stepwise heating TPD was carried out by keeping the temperature constant as soon as ammonia desorption signal rises until the signal returns to the baseline. More ammonia desorption peaks on a SAPO-34 catalyst were identified using TPD with stepwise heating. The effect of temperature ramp on desorption peak broadening in TPD curve was also addressed. The more distinct ammonia desorption peaks in stepwise TPD indicates that ammonia adsorbs in about five or six different ways on SAPO-34, and attribution of different adsorptions may be explained considering some...
Theoretical and experimental study of cascade solar stills
, Article Solar Energy ; Volume 90 , April , 2013 , Pages 205-211 ; 0038092X (ISSN) ; Sharak, A. Z ; Moghadam, H ; Tabrizi, F. F ; Sharif University of Technology
Most part of Iran is dominated by arid and semi-arid areas due to low annual rainfall. The need for production of fresh water from brackish water is considerably high, especially in dry regions. In this study 1 month daily-based experimental data from a solar still site has been reported. The technical and operational problems of this site which finally contributed to the total cease of the site are described. Then a detailed analysis is investigated on progress of a prototype which constructed in order to solve the site's problems. The results of 1 month of experimental data of the final design showed that the last prototype could be used to solve the current problems of the site. The...
Application of a continuous kinetic model for the hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil
, Article Petroleum Science and Technology ; Vol. 32, Issue. 18 , 2014 , Pages 2245-2252 ; ISSN: 10916466 ; Khorasheh, F ; Farhadi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Hydrocracking is one of the most versatile petroleum refining processes for production of valuable products including gasoline, gas oil, and jet fuel. In this paper, a five-parameter continuous lumping model was used for kinetic modeling of hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil (VGO). The model parameters were estimated from industrial data obtained from a fixed bed reactor operating at an average temperature of 400°C and residence time of 0.3 h. Product distributions were obtained in terms of the weight fraction of various boiling point cuts. The model parameters were estimated using the Nelder-Mead optimization procedure and were correlated with temperature. Comparison of experimental and...
An improved methodology for design of custom-made hip prostheses to be fabricated using additive manufacturing technologies
, Article Rapid Prototyping Journal ; Volume 18, Issue 5 , 2012 , Pages 389-400 ; 13552546 (ISSN) ; Abbaszadeh, F ; Farahmand, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present an improved methodology for design of custom-made hip prostheses, through integration of advanced image processing, computer aided design (CAD) and additive manufacturing (AM) technologies. Design/methodology/approach - The proposed methodology for design of custom-made hip prostheses is based on an independent design criterion for each of the intra-medullary and extra-medullary portions of the prosthesis. The intra-medullar part of the prosthesis is designed using a more accurate and detailed description of the 3D geometry of the femoral intra-medullary cavity, including the septum calcar ridge, so that an improved fill and fit performance...
Evaluation and enhancing of operational performance and training objective in accordance with Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA)
, Article International Air Safety Seminar Proceedings, 1 November 2011 through 3 November 2011 ; November , 2011 , Pages 78-99 ; 02705176 (ISSN) ; 9781618393975 (ISBN) ; Goodarzi, F ; Sharafbafi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Real-time impulse noise suppression from images using an efficient weighted-average filtering
, Article IEEE Signal Processing Letters ; Volume 22, Issue 8 , 2015 , Pages 1050-1054 ; 10709908 (ISSN) ; Hessar, F ; Marvasti, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
In this letter, we propose a method for real-time high density impulse noise suppression from images. In our method, we first apply an impulse detector to identify the corrupted pixels and then employ an innovative weighted-average filter to restore them. The filter takes the nearest neighboring interpolated image as the initial image and computes the weights according to the relative positions of the corrupted and uncorrupted pixels. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the best existing methods in both PSNR measure and visual quality and is quite suitable for real-time applications
Kinetic modeling of pyrolysis of scrap tires
, Article Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis ; Volume 84, Issue 2 , 2009 , Pages 157-164 ; 01652370 (ISSN) ; Farhadi, F ; Khorasheh, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The disposal of used tires is a major environmental problem. With increasing interest on recovery of wastes, pyrolysis is considered as an alternative process for recovering some of the value in scrap tires. An accurate kinetic model is required to predict product yields during thermal or catalytic pyrolysis of scrap tires. Pyrolysis products contain a variety of hydrocarbons over a wide boiling range. A common approach for kinetic modeling of such complex systems is lumping where each lump is defined by a boiling point range. Available experimental data for thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of scrap tires from the literature were used to evaluate two types of lumping models; discrete and...
Determine oil content in petroleum waxes
, Article Hydrocarbon Processing ; Volume 85, Issue 6 , 2006 , Pages 95-97 ; 00188190 (ISSN) ; Yazdani, F ; Farhadi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Analytical modeling of variable-reluctance tubular resolver based on magnetic equivalent circuit and conformal mapping
, Article IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement ; Volume 70 , 2021 ; 00189456 (ISSN) ; Zare, F ; Tootoonchian, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Compared with flat linear structures, tubular linear machines do not face edge effects, making their performance better than their flat counterparts. In this article, a novel linear variable-reluctance resolver with tubular configuration is proposed. To optimize the design of an electromagnetic structure, modeling methods are used. Thus, in this article, an analytical model for the proposed resolver is presented. This model is based on the magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) method and is considerably less time-consuming than finite element analysis (FEA), yet provides accurate results. A conformal mapping is employed to compute the permeance of the air-gap. The proposed model is then utilized...
Information and the Brukner-Zeilinger interpretation of quantum mechanics: A critical investigation
, Article Foundations of Physics Letters ; Volume 19, Issue 1 , 2006 , Pages 1-20 ; 08949875 (ISSN) ; Safinejad, F ; Naqsh, F ; Sharif University of Technology
In Brukner and Zeilinger's interpretation of quantum mechanics, information is introduced as the most fundamental notion and the finiteness of information is considered as an essential feature of quantum systems. They also define a new measure of information which is inherently different from the Shannon information and try to show that the latter is not useful in defining the information content in a quantum object. Here, we show that there are serious problems in their approach which make their efforts unsatisfactory. The finiteness of information does not explain how objective results appear in experiments and what an instantaneous change in the so-called information vector (or catalog of...
Key parameters in hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of low silicon content SAPO-34 molecular sieve
, Article Microporous and Mesoporous Materials ; Volume 126, Issue 1-2 , 2009 , Pages 1-7 ; 13871811 (ISSN) ; Farhadi, F ; Khorasheh, F ; Sahebdelfar, S ; Asadi, M ; Yan, Z. F ; Sharif University of Technology
Low silicon content SAPO-34 was successfully synthesized using the conventional hydrothermal crystallization in the static condition. Effects of different synthesis conditions including crystallization temperature and the silicon source were investigated through X-ray diffraction patterns. It was concluded that the silicon source had a significant effect on silicon incorporation into the alumino-phosphate building blocks in the course of crystallization. Using precipitated silica instead of silica sol resulted in the formation of impurities of alumino-phosphates phases whose crystalline structures collapse at the high temperature of calcination. For the low silicon SAPO-34 synthesis, the...
On the Finiteness of Noetherian Rings with Finitely Many Regular Elements
, Article Communications in Algebra ; Vol. 42, issue. 7 , 2014 , pp. 2869-2870 ; ISSN: 00927872 ; Heydari, F
Let R be a left Noetherian ring and ZD(R) be the set of all zero-divisors of R. In this paper, it is shown that if RZD(R) is finite, then R is finite
Precision of direction of arrival (DOA) estimation using novel three dimensional array geometries
, Article AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications ; Volume 75 , 2017 , Pages 35-45 ; 14348411 (ISSN) ; Farzaneh, F
Elsevier GmbH
Numerous methods for direction of arrival (DOA) estimation, used in smart antennas have been already reported in previous studies. The precision of DOA estimation depends on the choice of the algorithm and the geometrical configuration of the antenna array. In this work, the performance of new geometrical configurations, i.e. 2D with equal area and 3D with equal volume including circular, square, triangular, hexagonal and star geometries, with equal number of antenna elements, are examined and compared to each other to find the most proper geometry. Monte-Carlo simulations are performed to evaluate the DOA precision of the proposed arrays using the MUSIC algorithm. It is shown that in three...