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Learning Improvement in Phase Oscillator Models
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jalili, Mahdi (Supervisor)
In the recent years, the problem of modeling a cognitive task using phase oscillators has been receiving a significant attention. In this view, single neurons are no longer elementary computational units. Rather, coherent oscillating groups of neurons are seen as nodes of networks performing cognitive tasks. From this assumption, we develop a model of stimulus-response learning and recognition. The most significant part of our work is defining learning methods for natural frequencies and coupling weights in a coupled phase oscillator network under Kuramoto conditions. In this thesis, we improved the previous models by not only emphasizing on the frequency of the oscillators but also taking...
The Course of Martin Heidegger’s Notion of Science in His Early Thought,Based on Works Preceding Being and Time
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sefidkhosh, Meysam (Supervisor)
In this research, first of all, the main question of Heidegger and his epoch is investigated. If we read Heidegger along the tradition of German philosophy, then it is perceived that the problem of science is the most central subject matter standing against Heidegger. My question is this: how Heidegger reaches to this existential phenomenological view about science. Regarding that, by giving a coherent narration about a crucial problem called 'the crisis of science', in the first chapter I gave a short view to philosophies preceding Heidegger, some important of which is Dilthey's philosophy of life, phenomenology of Husserl, and south-west school of neo-Kantianism. The second chapter...
A patient specific finite element simulation of intramedullary nailing to predict the displacement of the distal locking hole
, Article Medical Engineering and Physics ; Volume 55 , May , 2018 , Pages 34-42 ; 13504533 (ISSN) ; Farahmand, F ; Behzadipour, S ; Yeganeh, A ; Aghighi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Distal locking is a challenging subtask of intramedullary nailing fracture fixation due to the nail deformation that makes the proximally mounted targeting systems ineffective. A patient specific finite element model was developed, based on the QCT data of a cadaveric femur, to predict the position of the distal hole of the nail postoperatively. The mechanical interactions of femur and nail (of two sizes) during nail insertion was simulated using ABAQUS in two steps of dynamic pushing and static equilibrium, for the intact and distally fractured bone. Experiments were also performed on the same specimen to validate the simulation results. A good agreement was found between the model...
Explaining Moral Role of Artifacts With Regards to Value Laden Theory of Technology
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sefidkhosh, Meysam (Supervisor) ; Taghavi, Mostafa (Supervisor)
In this thesis we review different approaches to the theory of value laden technology and realize that there are at least two major ideas about this. Some philosophers believe that technology is not a mere instrument and has a value laden nature. In contrast some others count technology as something neutral which contains no social or moral value. After explaining this ideas, in the second chapter we examine different models which explain the relation between technology and moral and social values and show how this values can contribute in design and use of technologies. In chapter three we talk about different methods used to steer technology in a desirable way which is in accordance with...
Open-shop production scheduling with reverse flows
, Article Computers and Industrial Engineering ; Volume 153 , 2021 ; 03608352 (ISSN) ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Mehdizadeh, E ; Najafi, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
The purpose of this paper is to present a mixed-integer linear programming model for the scheduling problem in an open-shop manufacturing system involving reverse flows, where two job flows (direct and reverse) in two opposite directions are processed on the same machines. The aim is to minimize the maximum completion time of all jobs on all machines (i.e., the makespan). A numerical example is presented and solved using the GAMS software (version 25.1.2) to validate the proposed mathematical model. As this problem is NP-hard, a vibration damping-based optimization (VDO) algorithm is proposed to solve large-scale problems in reasonable execution times. Besides, the Taguchi experimental...
Open-shop production scheduling with reverse flows
, Article Computers and Industrial Engineering ; Volume 153 , 2021 ; 03608352 (ISSN) ; Akhavan Niaki, S. T ; Mehdizadeh, E ; Najafi, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
The purpose of this paper is to present a mixed-integer linear programming model for the scheduling problem in an open-shop manufacturing system involving reverse flows, where two job flows (direct and reverse) in two opposite directions are processed on the same machines. The aim is to minimize the maximum completion time of all jobs on all machines (i.e., the makespan). A numerical example is presented and solved using the GAMS software (version 25.1.2) to validate the proposed mathematical model. As this problem is NP-hard, a vibration damping-based optimization (VDO) algorithm is proposed to solve large-scale problems in reasonable execution times. Besides, the Taguchi experimental...
On the Topological Entropy of Geodesic Flows
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Razvan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Nassiri, Meysam (Supervisor)
Let M be a connected, compact, Riemannian manifold. Geodesic flow is a flow on the unit tangent bundle of M . This flow can be studied in dynamics prespective. for example entropy or complexity of the geodesic flow. in this thesis we will follow methods of entropy estimation or computing for geodesic flow. we will follow the method of anthony manning and Ricardo Mañe for proving such result. Maning present two results linking the topological entropy of the geodesic flow on M. we expalin how he find exponential growth rate volume of balls in universal cover as a lower bound for topologycal entropy. another theorem , Mañe represent the equlity between exponential growth rate of avrage of...
Classification of Partial Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Safdari, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Nassiri, Meysam (Supervisor)
In this dissertation, we will study partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. First, we are going to introduce partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms and construct some examples. One of the important questions in the study of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms is their classification problem, which provides a deeper understanding of manifolds and also of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms themselves. We will go through this problem by examining Hammerlindl, Potrie’s [1]’s work. They have proved that a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism on a 3-manifold with a virtually solvable fundamental group, that has no periodic torus tangent to contraction-center or expansion-center, is dynamically...
Strictly Toral Dynamics
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Esfahanizadeh, Mostafa (Supervisor) ; Nassiri, Meysam (Supervisor)
This dissertation deals with nonwandering (e.g. area-preserving) homeomorphisms of the torus which are homotopic to the identity and strictly toral, in the sense that they exhibit dynamical properties that are not present in homeomorphisms of the annulus or the plane. This includes all homeomorphisms which have a rotation set with nonempty interior. There are two types of points: inessential and essential. It is known that the set of inessential points Ine(f ) is a disjoint union of periodic topological disks ("elliptic islands"), while the set of essential points Ess(f ) is an essential continuum, with typically rich dynamics ("the chaotic region"). One of the key results in this context is...
Stationary Measures on Homogeneous Spaces
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haji Mirsadeghi, Mir Omid (Supervisor) ; Nasiri, Meysam (Supervisor)
Let be a sub-semigroup of SL(d;Z) which acts strongly irreducible on Rd, i.e. there is not any invariant finite union of nontrivial proper subspaces of Rd. acts on Td by homeomorphisms. We will show that under these assumptions every infinite invariant subset of Td under the action of is dense in Td. For instance, if x is a point in Td which is not rational, then x = Td. In this thesis, we will follow the method of Y. Benoist and J.F. Quint for proving such results. Their method is to prove some kind of rigidity for the stationary measures for the action of on Td. Actually, every atomless stationary measure is the lebesgue measure on Td which is invariant under all the elements of...
Buckling Analysis of Reinforced Composite Conical Shells under Axial Compressive Load using GDQ Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kouchakzadeh, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor) ; Shakouri, Meysam ($item.subfieldsMap.e) ; Noghabi, Mohammad ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
The object of this study is to determine the buckling load of reinforced composite conical shells under axial compression. . Shells are reinforced by stringers and rings and the boundary conditions are assumed to be simply supported. At first the equilibrium equations are obtained using the first order shear deformation theory (FSDT), smeared stiffener technique and principle of minimum potential energy. In the following, the resulting equations which are the system of five variable coefficient partial differential equations in terms of displacement components are investigated by generalized differential quadrature method (GDQM). Finally the standard eigenvalue equation is formed and the...
Non-statistical Dynamical Systems
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Razvan, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Nassiri, Meysam (Supervisor) ; Berger, Pierre (Supervisor)
Non-statistical dynamics are those dynamical systems for which a large subset of points in the phase space (positive measure subset) have non-statistical behavior, meaning that the orbit of these points does not have asymptotic distribution in the phase space. We introduce two new classes of these kinds of dynamics: non-statistical rational maps on the Reimann sphere and non-statistical Anosov-Katok maps of the annulus. We then give a general formalization of the notion of "statistical (in)stability" and show how it is connected to the existence of non-statistical dynamics in a general family of maps
Investigation of Operating Parameters for Thorium Adsorption from Wastewater by Using of Radiated Grafting Polymeric Adsorbents in Packed Bed Column
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Outokesh, Mohamad (Supervisor) ; Torab Mostaedi, Meysam (Supervisor) ; Asadollahzadeh, Mehdi (Co-Supervisor) ; Torkaman, Rezvan (Co-Supervisor)
Today, the pollution of heavy metals in wastewater and surface waters, which is a global environmental problem, has increased with the expansion of various industrial activities. Heavy metals cause serious health problems due to their accumulation in human and animal tissues. Thorium, is a radioactive element with an atomic number of 90 that is widely used in the optics, aerospace, metallurgy and chemical industries, in the manufacture of high-strength alloys, in UV photocells, and especially in the nuclear industry. The primary sources of radioactive wastewater include nuclear power plants, nuclear energy industry research centers, medical institutions, industrial production, universities,...
Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Nanofibers Modified by Using of Radiated Grafting for Adsorption of Molybdenum Ions from Aqueous Solution
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Outokesh, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Asadollahzadeh, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Torkaman, Rezvan (Co-Supervisor) ; Torab Mostaedi, Meysam (Co-Supervisor)
Molybdenum is one of the important elements of the intermediary metal with atomic number 42, which is used in various industries, but among the important uses of this metal in the nuclear industry, we can mention the presence of this element in the production of yellow cake as an impurity and also as a precursor for the production of radiopharmaceuticals. It is one of the impurities that remain in all stages of yellow cake production along with uranium, and the high presence of this element causes the centrifuges to become unbalanced during the injection of "U" "F" _"6" gas, and on the other hand, technetium, the main ingredient in the production of radiopharmaceuticals, It comes from the...