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    A novel thermo-photovoltaic cell with quantum-well for high open circuit voltage

    , Article Superlattices and Microstructures ; Volume 83 , July , 2015 , Pages 61-70 ; 07496036 (ISSN) Kouhsari, E. S ; Faez, R ; Akbari Eshkalak, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Academic Press  2015
    Abstract We design a thermo-photovoltaic Tandem cell which produces high open circuit voltage (Voc) that causes to increase efficiency (η). The currently used materials (AlAsSb-InGaSb/InAsSb) have thermo-photovoltaic (TPV) property which can be a p-n junction of a solar cell, but they have low bandgap energy which is the reason for lower open circuit voltage. In this paper, in the bottom cell of the Tandem, there is 30 quantum wells which increase absorption coefficients and quantum efficiency (QE) that causes to increase current. By increasing the current of the bottom cell, the top cell thickness must be increased because the top cell and the bottom cell should have the same current. In... 

    A novel graphene nanoribbon field effect transistor with two different gate insulators

    , Article Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures ; Volume 66 , 2015 , Pages 133-139 ; 13869477 (ISSN) Akbari Eshkalak, M ; Faez, R ; Haji Nasiri, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier  2015
    In this paper, a novel structure for a dual-gated graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor (GNRFET) is offered, which combines the advantages of high and low dielectric constants. In the proposed Two Different Insulators GNRFET (TDI-GNRFET), the gate dielectric at the drain side is a material with low dielectric constant to form smaller capacitances, while in the source side, there is a material with high dielectric constant to improve On-current and reduce the leakage current. Simulations are performed based on self-consistent solutions of the Poisson equation coupled with Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) formalism in the ballistic regime. We assume a tight-binding Hamiltonian in... 

    A Technique to assess the Safety Integrity Level of Process Instrumented Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Omidvar Eshkalak, Mohammad (Author) ; Rashtchian, Davood (Supervisor)
    This research has been worked out in two main parts and it is tried to reach a high level of Safety Integrity in Safety Instrumented Systems using in Oil, Gas and Petrochemical industries. The first part involves an overview of system risk analysis and initial investigation of Safety Integrity Level as a new parameter in safety instrumented systems which are very important section of Safety engineering during last couple of years. According to the fact that the available papers and articles in this area are very limit; we have faced a lot of problem in doing research and actually to be honest; all available resources have been focused plus the related standards. The second part is about... 

    Analysis and Evaluation of Intrusion Detection Datasets and Providing a Solution to Make Them Real

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shabani Eshkalak, Majedeh (Author) ; Jahangir, Amir Hossein (Supervisor)
    The rapid advancement of information technology and computer networks raised concerns of the users and network administrators regarding security. The development of computer networks and the increase in the number of specialists in this field led to the increase in the number of people who seek to abuse these networks, people known as attackers. The attackers look for security defects in a network to penetrate and abuse it proportionate to their needs. Considering the risks of these attacks, it is necessary to have an intrusion detection system (IDS). IDSs are capable of detecting attack traffic or suspected traffic, then, they alert the network administrators, and consequently, stop the... 

    Efficiency enhancement of time-modulated arrays with optimized switching sequences

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation ; Volume 66, Issue 7 , July , 2018 , Pages 3411-3420 ; 0018926X (ISSN) Mazaheri, M. H ; Fakharzadeh, M ; Akbari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2018
    The conventional time-modulated arrays (TMAs) have a low radiation efficiency, since each antenna turns off at specific time slots. In this paper, first, the efficiency of TMA is investigated analytically. Next, the optimized switching sequences are proposed to enhance the radiation efficiency of a specific sideband, while preserving the level of the other sidebands. The practical hardware limitations are considered in the switching sequence design. Moreover, a low-cost flexible eight-element printed dipole array operating at 1.2-1.4 GHz is implemented to verify the proposed algorithms. The measured radiation patterns indicate that by applying the proposed sequences, the TMA efficiency... 

    Electrified BPS giants: BPS configurations on giant gravitons with static electric field

    , Article Journal of High Energy Physics ; Volume 2007, Issue 10 , 2007 ; 11266708 (ISSN) Akbari, M. A ; Sheikh Jabbari, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We consider D3-brane action in the maximally supersymmetric type IIB plane-wave background. Upon fixing the light-cone gauge, we obtain the light-cone Hamiltonian which is manifestly supersymmetric. The 1/2 BPS solutions of this theory (solutions which preserve 16 supercharges) are either of the form of spherical three branes, the giant gravitons, or zero size point like branes. We then construct specific classes of 1/4 BPS solutions of this theory in which static electric field on the brane is turned on. These solutions are deformations about either of the two 1/2 BPS solutions. In particular, we study in some detail 1/4 BPS configurations with electric dipole on the three sphere giant,... 

    Chromatic number and clique number of subgraphs of regular graph of matrix algebras

    , Article Linear Algebra and Its Applications ; Volume 436, Issue 7 , 2012 , Pages 2419-2424 ; 00243795 (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Aryapoor, M ; Jamaali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let R be a ring and X R be a non-empty set. The regular graph of X, Γ(X), is defined to be the graph with regular elements of X (non-zero divisors of X) as the set of vertices and two vertices are adjacent if their sum is a zero divisor. There is an interesting question posed in BCC22. For a field F, is the chromatic number of Γ( GLn(F)) finite? In this paper, we show that if G is a soluble subgroup of GLn(F), then χ(Γ(G))<∞. Also, we show that for every field F, χ(Γ( Mn(F)))=χ(Γ( Mn(F(x)))), where x is an indeterminate. Finally, for every algebraically closed field F, we determine the maximum value of the clique number of Γ(), where denotes the subgroup generated by A∈ GLn(F)  

    Correlation of shear wave velocity with liquefaction resistance for silty sand based on laboratory study

    , Article 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2015: New Innovations and Sustainability, 9 November 2015 through 13 November 2015 ; 2015 , Pages 794-799 Akbari-Paydar, N ; Ahmadi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering  2015
    Several methods have been used for the evaluation of liquefaction potential, among which the simplified method is mostly used. In this method, which is mainly based on standard penetration test (SPT), cone penetration test (CPT) and shear wave velocity (Vs) measurement, a boundary curve is provided to separate the liquefiable and non-liquefiable soil zones. Vs measurement is a good alternative method of penetration-based methods (SPT and CPT). This is especially true in micro-zonation of liquefaction potential. Although relatively large studies have been carried out to establish the correlation between Vs and liquefaction resistance for sands; there are uncertainties about the effects of... 

    Effect of fines type and content of sand on correlation between shear wave velocity and liquefaction resistance

    , Article Geotechnical and Geological Engineering ; 2016 , Pages 1-20 ; 09603182 (ISSN) Akbari Paydar, N ; Ahmadi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer International Publishing  2016
    The use of shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements as an in situ test for evaluation of liquefaction potential has increased substantially due to its advantages. Relatively large numbers of studies have been performed to establish the correlation between Vs and liquefaction resistance (CRR) of clean sands. Usually, natural sands contain silt and/or clay, and previous studies have shown that both the amount of fines and their nature influence the values of CRR as well as Vs. Therefore, the CRR–Vs correlations may also be affected by fines content and type of sandy soils. However, effect of fines content and especially fines type of sandy soils on the correlation between Vs and CRR is... 

    Cost evaluation of a two-echelon inventory system with lost sales and approximately normal demand

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 13, Issue 1 , 2006 , Pages 105-112 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Akbari Jokar, M. R ; Seifbarghy, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2006
    The inventory system under consideration consists of one central warehouse and an arbitrary number of retailers controlled by a continuous review inventory policy (R,Q). Independent Poisson demands are assumed with constant transportation times for all retailers and a constant lead time for replenishing orders from an external supplier for the warehouse. Unsatisfied demands are assumed to be lost in the retailers and unsatisfied retailer orders are backordered in the warehouse. An approximate cost function is developed to find optimal reorder points for given batch sizes in all installations and the related accuracy is assessed through simulation. © Sharif University of Technology, January... 

    {k, r - k}-Factors of r-Regular Graphs

    , Article Graphs and Combinatorics ; Vol. 30, issue. 4 , 2014 , pp. 821-826 ; ISSN: 0911-0119 Akbari, S ; Kano, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    For a set S of positive integers, a spanning subgraph F of a graph G is called an S-factor of G if degF(x) ∈ S for all vertices x of G, where degF(x) denotes the degree of x in F. We prove the following theorem on {a, b}-factors of regular graphs. Let r ≥ 5 be an odd integer and k be either an even integer such that 2 ≤ k < r/2 or an odd integer such that r/3 ≤ k < r/2. Then every r-regular graph G has a {k, r-k}-factor. Moreover, for every edge e of G, G has a {k, r-k}-factor containing e and another {k, r-k}-factor avoiding e  

    Visibility maintenance of a moving segment observer inside polygons with holes

    , Article Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2010, 9 August 2010 through 11 August 2010, Winnipeg, MB ; 2010 , Pages 117-120 Akbari, H ; Ghodsi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We analyze how to efficiently maintain and update the visibility polygons for a segment observer moving in a polygonal domain. The space and time requirements for preprocessing are O(n2) and after preprocessing, visibil- ity change events for weak and strong visibility can be handled in O(log VP) and O(log(VP1 + VP2)) re- spectively, or O(log n) in which VP is the size of the line segment's visibility polygon and VP 1 and VP2 represent the number of vertices in the visibility poly- gons of the line segment endpoints  

    Failure analysis of a first stage gas turbine blade

    , Article Engineering Failure Analysis ; 2010 ; 13506307 (ISSN) Kazempour Liacy, H ; Abouali, S ; Akbari Garakani, M

    On linear transformations preserving at least one eigenvalue

    , Article Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society ; Volume 132, Issue 6 , 2004 , Pages 1621-1625 ; 00029939 (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Aryapoor, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let F be an algebraically closed field and T: Mn(F) → Mn(F) be a linear transformation. In this paper we show that if T preserves at least one eigenvalue of each matrix, then T preserves all eigenvalues of each matrix. Moreover, for any infinite field F (not necessarily algebraically closed) we prove that if T: Mn(F) → M n(F) is a linear transformation and for any A ∈ Mn(F) with at least an eigenvalue in F, A and T(A) have at least one common eigenvalue in F, then T preserves the characteristic polynomial  

    The Chromatic Index of a Graph Whose Core is a Cycle of Order at Most 13

    , Article Graphs and Combinatorics ; Vol. 30, issue. 4 , 2014 , p. 801-819 Akbari, S ; Ghanbari, M ; Nikmehr, M. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let G be a graph. The core of G, denoted by GΔ, is the subgraph of G induced by the vertices of degree Δ(G), where Δ(G) denotes the maximum degree of G. A k -edge coloring of G is a function f: E(G) → L such that {pipe}L{pipe} = k and f(e1) ≠ f(e2) for all two adjacent edges e1 and e2 of G. The chromatic index of G, denoted by χ′(G), is the minimum number k for which G has a k-edge coloring. A graph G is said to be Class 1 if χ′(G) = Δ(G) and Class 2 if χ′(G) = Δ(G) + 1. In this paper it is shown that every connected graph G of even order whose core is a cycle of order at most 13 is Class 1  

    Optimizing a joint economic lot sizing problem with price-sensitive demand

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 16, Issue 2 E , 2009 , Pages 159-164 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Akbari Jokar, M. R ; Sheikh Sajadieh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper considers the problem of a vendor-buyer integrated production-inventory model. The vendor manufactures the item at a finite rate and delivers the final goods at a lot-for-lot shipment policy to the buyer. We relax the assumption of uniform demand in the hitherto existing joint economic lot sizing models and analyze the problem where the end customer demand is price-sensitive. The relation between demand and price is considered to be linear. The model proposed, based on the integrated expected total relevant profits of both buyer and vendor, finds out the optimal values of order quantity and mark-up percentage, using an analytical approach. Some numerical examples are also used to... 

    Cycles are determined by their domination polynomials

    , Article Ars Combinatoria ; Vol. 116, issue , 2014 , p. 353-358 Akbari, S ; Oboudi, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let G be a simple graph of order n. A dominating set of G is a set S of vertices of G so that every vertex of G is either in S or adjacent to a vertex in 5. The domination polynomial of G is the polynomial D(G, x) = Σn i=1 d(G, i) xi, where d(G, i) is the number of dominating sets of G of size i. In this paper we show that cycles are determined by their domination polynomials  

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for BIBO-stability of some fractional delay systems of neutral type

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control ; Volume 56, Issue 1 , 2011 , Pages 125-128 ; 00189286 (ISSN) Akbari Moornani, K ; Haeri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this note, bounded-input bounded-output (BIBO)-stability of a large class of neutral type fractional delay systems is investigated. Necessary and sufficient conditions of BIBO-stability are presented for the intended class of systems (the sufficient conditions have been provided for a more general case in the previous studies). Two lemmas are provided for checking a prerequisite imposed on the considered class of systems. Finally, two numerical examples are given to illustrate the obtained results  

    Robust stability check for fractional PID-based control systems

    , Article Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control ; Volume 35, Issue 2 , 2013 , Pages 236-246 ; 01423312 (ISSN) Akbari Moornani, K ; Haeri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper considers a closed-loop system consisting of a fractional/integer order system and a fractional PID controller. Assuming that the uncertain coefficients of the fractional PID controller lie in some known intervals independently (i.e. that controller is a member of an interval family), the paper presents some easy to use theorems to investigate the robust bounded-input bounded-output stability of the resultant closed-loop system. Moreover, a finite frequency bound required in drawing the related graphs has also been provided. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the results  

    On the edge cover polynomial of a graph

    , Article European Journal of Combinatorics ; Volume 34, Issue 2 , 2013 , Pages 297-321 ; 01956698 (ISSN) Akbari, S ; Oboudi, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let G be a simple graph of order n and size m. An edge covering of a graph is a set of edges such that every vertex of the graph is incident to at least one edge of the set. In this paper we introduce a new graph polynomial. The edge cover polynomial of G is the polynomial E(G,x)=∑i=1me(G,i)xi, where e (G, i) is the number of edge coverings of G of size i. Let G and H be two graphs of order n such that δ(G)≥n2, where δ (G) is the minimum degree of G. If E (G, x) = E (H, x) , then we show that the degree sequence of G and H are the same. We determine all graphs G for which E (G, x) = E (P n, x) , where P n is the path of order n. We show that if δ (G) ≥ 3, then E (G, x) has at least one...