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    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Boraghi, Mahsa Sadat (Author) ; Parsafar, Gholamabbas (Supervisor)
    In 2009, a general equation of state (EOS-III) based on an effective near-neighbor pair interaction of an extended Lennard-Jones (3, 6, 12) type has been introduced as : , where is the compressibility factor, p and ρ stand for pressure and molar density , respectively, T is Temperature , and e, f and g are the temperature dependent coefficient of the equation of state . the Z_th and Z_in are the thermal and internal contributions of pressure in the compressibility factor, respectively. this equation of state gives a good description of all types of nano- and bulk –solid and bulk fluid at entire temperature and pressure ranges for which thee is experimental data. Investigation show that... 

    Application of independent component analysis for activation detection in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data

    , Article IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing Proceedings, 31 August 2009 through 3 September 2009, Cardiff ; 2009 , Pages 129-132 ; 9781424427109 (ISBN) Akhbari, M ; Fatemizadeh, E ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this extended summary, our aim is analyzing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data by independent component analysis (ICA) in order to find regions of brain which were activated by neural activity in human brain. We employ the minimum description length (MDL) criterion to reduce the dimension of the data and estimate the number of components, which makes ICA work more efficiently. We also use a simple oscillating index method to select automatically the components of interest. MDL and oscillating index criteria have not already been used in applying ICA for analyzing fMRI data. In order to investigate the advantage of using MDL and oscillating index, we perform some experiments... 

    The performance comparison of improved continuous mixed P-norm and other adaptive algorithms in sparse system identification

    , Article International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms ; 2020 , Pages 65-74 ; Volume 16, Issue 1 Akhbari, A ; Ghaffari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Inderscience Publishers  2020
    One of the essential usages of adaptive filters is in sparse system identification on which the performance of classic adaptive filters is not acceptable. There are several algorithms that designed especially for sparse systems; we call them sparsity aware algorithms. In this paper we studied the performance of two newly presented adaptive algorithms in which P-norm constraint is considered in defining cost function. The general title of these algorithms is continuous mixed P-norm (CMPN). The performances of these algorithms are considered for the first time in sparse system identification. Also the performance of l0 norm LMS algorithm is analysed and compared with our proposed algorithms.... 

    Watermarking of still images in wavelet domain based on entropy masking model

    , Article TENCON 2005 - 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Melbourne, 21 November 2005 through 24 November 2005 ; Volume 2007 , 2005 ; 21593442 (ISSN); 0780393112 (ISBN); 9780780393110 (ISBN) Akhbari, B ; Ghaemmaghami, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2005
    A new robust image adaptive digital watermarking algorithm in wavelet transform domain is proposed in this paper. The proposed method exploits Human Visual System (HVS) characteristics and entropy masking concept to determine image adaptive thresholds for selection of perceptually significant coefficients. The mark is embedded in the coefficients of all subbands including the LL subband. Experimental results show that the proposed method significantly improves watermarking performance over conventional methods, in the terms of invisibility and robustness  

    Watermarking of still images using multiresolution singular value decomposition

    , Article 2005 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ISPACS 2005, Hong Kong, 13 December 2005 through 16 December 2005 ; Volume 2005 , 2005 , Pages 325-328 ; 0780392663 (ISBN); 9780780392663 (ISBN) Akhbari, B ; Ghaemmaghami, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2005
    A novel robust image-adaptive digital watermarking algorithm using Multi-Resolution Singular value Decomposition (MR-SVD) is proposed in this paper. The proposed method strengthens the watermark based on the concept of entropy masking, while meeting the mark imperceptibility requirement. Experimental results show that the proposed method improves watermarking performance over watermarking methods in wavelet domain transform, in terms of both invisibility and robustness. © 2005 IEEE  

    Photoelectrocatalytic Performance of Mesoporous TiO2 Nanostructures Decorated with Cu-Ag-Zn Particles for CO2 Conversion

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Adel Rastkhiz, Mahsa Sadat (Author) ; Simchi, Abdolreza (Supervisor)
    The rise in carbon dioxide levels has led to the manifestation of numerous environmental challenges. Currently, the absorption and conversion of carbon dioxide into valuable fuel resources such as synthetic gas, methane, and ethylene are deemed crucial from both environmental and economic standpoints. Despite the presentation of photocatalysts such as titanium oxide and electrocatalysts such as copper, silver, and zinc, their efficiency in CO2 conversion is found to be insufficient. One potential solution to this problem is the utilization of photoelectrocatalytic CO2 recovery. In this study, the aim was to enhance the photoelectrocatalytic reduction of CO2 by designing and manufacturing... 

    On the Capacity and Cooperative Strategies in Information Networks

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Akhbari, Bahareh (Author) ; Aref, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Due to the remarkable growth in using communication networks such as ad-hoc, wireless and sensor networks, studying the building blocks of these networks (e.g., relay channel and interference channel) from information theoretic viewpoint and investigating cooperative strategies have recently received considerable attention. Also, owing to wide range of applications, state-dependent channels have been widely studied. In this dissertation, at first, we consider a state-dependent relay channel (SD-RC). For the cases wherein channel states are available causally or non-causally at different nodes, we propose new achievable rates for this channel using compress-and-forward strategy. Also we... 

    A new algorithm for fault location on transmission lines

    , Article 2009 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES '09, Calgary, AB, 26 July 2009 through 30 July 2009 ; 2009 ; 9781424442416 (ISBN) Shiroei, M ; Daniar, S ; Akhbari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE  2009
    In this paper, a new algorithm for fault detection/location on transmission line based on linear state estimation is presented. The proposed technique uses phasor measurements from PMU's. Fault location and voltage of fault point are added as the new state variables in a linear state estimator based on PMU data. In addition, by using the ability of bad data identification in the state estimation, a new scheme for fault location and identification of faulted transmission line is proposed. For test and validation of the proposed algorithm, simulation results on a six bus test case are presented. ©2009 IEEE  

    T wave alternans detection in ECG using extended kalman filter and dualrate EKF

    , Article European Signal Processing Conference ; 1-5 September , 2014 , pp. 2500-2504 ; ISSN: 22195491 ; ISBN: 9780992862619 Akhbari, M ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Jutten, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    T Wave Alternans (TWA) is considered as an indicator of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD). In this paper for TWA detection, a method based on a nonlinear dynamic model is presented. For estimating the model parameters, we use an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). We propose EKF6 and dualrate EKF6 approaches. Dualrate EKF is suitable for modeling the states which are not updated in all time instances. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the proposed method have been done on TWA challenge database. We compare our method with that proposed by Sieed et al. in TWA challenge 2008. We also compare our method with our previous proposed approach (EKF25-4obs). Results show that the proposed method can... 

    ECG fiducial points extraction by extended Kalman filtering

    , Article 2013 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2013 ; 2013 , Pages 628-632 ; 9781479904044 (ISBN) Akhbari, M ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Jutten, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    Most of the clinically useful information in Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal can be obtained from the intervals, amplitudes and wave shapes (morphologies). The automatic detection of ECG waves is important to cardiac disease diagnosis. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for extraction of characteristic points of ECG. The method is based on a nonlinear dynamic model, previously introduced for generation of synthetic ECG signals. For estimating the parameters of model, we use an Extendend Kalman Filter (EKF). By introducing a simple AR model for each of the dynamic parameters of Gaussian functions in model and considering separate states for ECG waves, the new EKF structure was... 

    Fiducial points extraction and characteristicwaves detection in ECG signal using a model-based bayesian framework

    , Article ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings ; 2013 , Pages 1257-1261 ; 15206149 (ISSN) ; 9781479903566 (ISBN) Akhbari, M ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Jutten, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    The automatic detection of Electrocardiogram (ECG) waves is important to cardiac disease diagnosis. A good performance of an automatic ECG analyzing system depends heavily upon the accurate and reliable detection of QRS complex, as well as P and T waves. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for extraction of characteristic points of ECG signal. The method is based on a nonlinear dynamic model, previously introduced for generation of synthetic ECG signals. For estimating the parameters of model, we use an Extendend Kalman Filter (EKF). By introducing a simple AR model for each of the dynamic parameters of Gaussian functions in model and considering separate states for ECG waves, the... 

    Inter-Beat and Intra-Beat ECG Interval Analysis Based on State Space and Hidden Markov Models

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Akhbari, Mahsa (Author) ; Shamsollahi, Mohammad Bagher (Supervisor)
    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the major causes of mortality in humans. One way to diagnose heart diseases and abnormalities is processing of cardiac signals such as ECG.In many of these processes, inter-beat and intra-beat features of ECG signal must be extracted. These features include peak, onset and offset of ECG waves,meaningful intervals and segments that can be defined for ECG signal. ECG fiducial point (FP) extraction refers to identifying the location of the peak as well as the onset and offset of the P-wave,QRS complex and T-wave which convey clinically useful information. However, the precise segmentation of each ECG beat is a difficult task, even for experienced... 

    Achievable rate regions for relay channel with private messages with states known at the source

    , Article ; Proceedings 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information Theory and Information Security, ICITIS 2010, 17 December 2010 through 19 December 2010 , 2010 , Pages 1080-1087 ; 9781424469406 (ISBN) Akhbari, B ; Mirmohseni, M ; Aref, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we consider State-Dependent Relay Channel with Private Messages (SD-RCPM) as a generalization of the state-dependent relay channel, where the relay is both a source and a sink of data. We assume that the channel state is known only to the source and investigate two main cases: SD-RCPM with non-causal Channel State Information (CSI), and SD-RCPM with causal CSI. For non-causal case, we propose a coding scheme based on Gel'fand-Pinsker type coding at the source which is informed of CSI, and Decode-and-Forward (DF) scheme at the relay. Using Shannon's strategy and DF scheme, we also propose a coding strategy for the causal case. Based on these coding strategies, we derive new... 

    Compress-and-forward strategy for relay channel with causal and non-causal channel state information

    , Article IET Communications ; Volume 4, Issue 10 , June , 2010 , Pages 1174-1186 ; 17518628 (ISSN) Akhbari, B ; Mirmohseni, M ; Aref, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    The discrete memoryless state-dependent relay channel (SD-RC) is considered in this study. Two main cases are investigated: SD-RC with non-causal channel state information (CSI) and SD-RC with causal CSI. In each case, the SD-RC with partial CSI at the source and the relay is considered. As special cases it includes three different situations in which perfect CSI is available: (i) only at the source, (ii) only at the relay and (iii) both at the source and the relay. For the non-causal situation, the authors establish lower bound on capacity (achievable rate) of the SD-RC, using Gel'fand-Pinsker coding at the nodes informed of CSI and compress-and-forward (CF) strategy at the relay. Using the... 

    State-dependent relay cchannel with private messages with partial causal and non-causal channel state information

    , Article IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 13 June 2010 through 18 June 2010, Austin, TX ; 2010 , Pages 634-638 ; 21578103 (ISSN) ; 9781424469604 (ISBN) Akhbari, B ; Mirmohseni, M ; Aref, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we introduce a discrete memoryless State-Dependent Relay Channel with Private Messages (SD-RCPM) as a generalization of the state-dependent relay channel. We investigate two main cases: SD-RCPM with non-causal Channel State Information (CSI), and SD-RCPM with causal CSI. In each case, it is assumed that partial CSI is available at the source and relay. For non-causal case, we establish an achievable rate region using Gel'fand-Pinsker type coding scheme at the nodes informed of CSI, and Compress-and-Forward (CF) scheme at the relay. Using Shannon's strategy and CF scheme, an achievable rate region for causal case is obtained. As an example, the Gaussian version of SD-RCPM is... 

    Compress-and-forward strategy for the relay channel with non-causal state information

    , Article 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, ISIT 2009, Seoul, 28 June 2009 through 3 July 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 1169-1173 ; 21578102 (ISSN); 9781424443130 (ISBN) Akhbari, B ; Mirmohseni, M ; Aref, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we consider a discrete memoryless state-dependent relay channel with non-causal Channel State Information (CSI). We investigate three different cases in which perfect channel states can be known non-causally: i) only to the source, ii) only to the relay or iii) both to the source and to the relay node. For these three cases we establish lower bounds on the channel capacity (achievable rates) based on using Gel'fandPinsker coding at the nodes where the CSI is available and using Compress-and-Forward (CF) strategy at the relay. Furthermore, for the general Gaussian relay channel with additive independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) states and noise, we obtain lower... 

    Comparison of ECG fiducial point extraction methods based on dynamic bayesian network

    , Article 2017 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2017, 2 May 2017 through 4 May 2017 ; 2017 , Pages 95-100 ; 9781509059638 (ISBN) Akhbari, M ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Jutten, C ; Sharif University of Technology
    Cardiovascular diseases are one of the major causes of mortality in humans. One way to diagnose heart diseases and abnormalities is processing of cardiac signals such as electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. In many ECG analysis, location of peak, onset and offset of ECG waves must be extracted as a preprocessing step. These points are called ECG fiducial points (FPs) and convey clinically useful information. In this paper, we compare some FP extraction methods including three methods proposed recently by our research team. These methods are based on extended Kalman filter (EKF), hidden Markov model (HMM) and switching Kalman filter (SKF). Results are given for ECG signals of QT database. For all... 

    A novel one-pot synthesis of tetrasubstituted imidazoles under solvent-free conditions and microwave irradiation

    , Article Tetrahedron Letters ; Volume 44, Issue 8 , 2003 , Pages 1709-1711 ; 00404039 (ISSN) Balalaie, S ; Hashemi, M. M ; Akhbari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The one-pot, three-component condensation of benzil, benzonitrile derivatives and primary amines on the surface of silica gel under solvent-free conditions and microwave irradiation provided tetrasubstituted imidazoles in high yields. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved  

    Oxidation of alcohols with 4-aminopyridinium chlorochromate supported on silica gel

    , Article Monatshefte fur Chemie ; Volume 135, Issue 7 , 2004 , Pages 793-797 ; 00269247 (ISSN) Hashemi, M. M ; Ghazanfari, D ; Akhbari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Wien  2004
    4-Aminopyridinium chlorochromate supported on silica gel was found to be an efficient reagent for the oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols to the corresponding carbonyl compounds. © Springer-Verlag 2004  

    Coating of Sewage Pipes with Appropriate Nanomaterials Aimed at Preventing Biological Growth (Algae+Biofilm)

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nezameddin, Mahsa Sadat (Author) ; Borghei, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Ghasemi, Shahnaz (Co-Supervisor)
    Biological layers are one of the main problems related to water transfer with pipe lines which are formed through time in the inner surface of the pipes by the water nutrients. Hence, the inner surfaces in the pipe lines and water refineries should be made in order not to let these biological layers to be made. The reason is that when the biofilm is formed on these surfaces, the traversing water is polluted. Dredging of these pipes is not only necessary in most of the countries in the world and needs huge amounts of water but is also very complex and expensive.In this research, nanomaterials, namely ZnO, T〖iO〗_2،S〖iO〗_2 have been used to cover the surface of concrete and steel pipes (The...