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    Ballistic and collisional flow contributions to anti-fourier heat transfer in rarefied cavity flow

    , Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 8, Issue 1 , 2018 ; 20452322 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, H ; Roohi, E ; Stefanov, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper investigates anti-Fourier heat transfer phenomenon in a rarefied gas confined within a lid-driven cavity using a novel flow decomposition technique in the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method proposed by Stefanov and co-workers. An isothermal cavity with different degrees of flow rarefaction from near continuum to mid transition regimes was considered to investigate cold-to-hot heat transfer from ballistic/collision flow decomposition viewpoint. A new cold-to-hot heat transfer indicator in the form of a scalar product of normalized heat flow vector and normalized temperature gradient vector has been introduced for the overall, ballistic and collision parts of these vectors.... 

    Numerical Simulation of Nano-Impinging-Jet in Electronic Cooling Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Akhlaghi, Hassan (Author) ; Darbandi, Masoud (Supervisor)
    With a fast progress in nanotechnology devices and components, e.g., MEMS/NEMS, heat transfer study in micro/nanoscales has become so critical for the systematic design and precise control of such miniaturized devices towards the integration and automation of Lab-on-a-chip devices. Demands in high heat transfer rates have returned the concerns to impinging jet cooling systems. However, studying impinging jets in the micro/nano scales is requires the molecular dynamics knowledge to analyze the true micro/nanoscale flow behavior accurately. According to the importance of this subject, we use direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method to simulate nano impinging jet gas flows. The thesis is... 

    Preparation and Evaluation of Nanopolysaccharides- & Polysaccharides-Anticancer Drugs Conjugates

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Akhlaghi, Mehdi (Author) ; Pourjavadi, Ali (Supervisor)
    In recent years, cancer is the second leading cause of human death. Cancer treatment is based on surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Choice of treatment method depends on the degree of progression and type of cancer. However, the goal is destruction of cancer cells and minimal harmful side effects on healthy cells. In this thesis two types of polysaccharide-anticancer drug conjugate were prepared and evaluated for radiation therapy and chemotherapy; chitosan- and DTPA modified chitosan – Gallium 66 conjugates for radiation therapy and nano diacid starch –cisplatin conjugate for chemotherapy. Chitosan –gallium 66 conjugate was prepared in radiochemical purity higher than 99% at... 

    Preparation and primary evaluation of 66Ga-DTPA-chitosan in fibrosarcoma bearing mice

    , Article Nukleonika ; Volume 56, Issue 1 , 2011 , Pages 41-47 ; 00295922 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, M ; Pourjavadi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Chitosan was chemically modified by diethylenetetraaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) in different degrees of modification (DM = 6.1, 10.3, 15.7 and 20.9%). DTPA-chitosans were radiolabeled with gallium-66 radionuclide. The effect of several factors on labeling yield such as degree of modification, acidity and concentration of DTPA-chitosan solution, contact time and radioactivity was investigated. Radiolabeled DTPA chitosans were intratumorally injected to fibrosarcoma bearing mice and the leakage of radioactivity from the injection site was evaluated. In comparison with chitosan, all DTPA chitosans showed better efficiency in preventing the leakage of radioactivity from tumor lesion and... 

    Torque data on non-isothermal rarefied Cylindrical Couette flow

    , Article Vacuum ; Volume 121 , November , 2015 , Pages 56-63 ; 0042207X (ISSN) Akhlaghi, H ; Javadi, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2015
    Abstract The torque exerted on the walls of a micro cylindrical Couette gas flow is studied using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method and analytical solutions. An analytical solution for temperature filed under specified wall heat flux condition is proposed using a previously introduced power-law (PL) wall-scaling approach. The results of cylindrical Couette flow under specified wall heat flux condition are compared with those of isothermal flow. The effects of rarefaction, compressibility, tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC) and gas-surface heat exchange on the torque values are investigated for slip to free molecular flow regimes. The results indicate that the... 

    Model Predictive Controller Design for Regenerative Electronic AC Load

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Akhlaghi, Sadegh (Author) ; Zolghadri, MohammadReza (Supervisor)
    Generally, virtual loads is used to test all AC power and energy meters and are usually passive. To prevent possible damage of this heat and to control the temperature, cooling blowers are used which increases the volume and weight. So, recycling the power delivered from the grid causes a small amount of power to be converted to heat in proportion to the load efficiency. The purpose of this study is design, predictive controller model for programmable electronic regenerative AC load. The structure used is a back-to-back converter consisting of an AC-DC converter and a DC-AC converter, which according to existence of capacitance between these two structures, two converters can be controlled... 

    Predictive current control for programmable electronic ac load

    , Article 11th Power Electronics, Drive Systems, and Technologies Conference, PEDSTC 2020, 4 February 2020 through 6 February 2020 ; 2020 Akhlaghi, S ; Zolghadri, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2020
    Nowadays, Programmable Electronic AC Load (PEAL) is widely used to test various devices such as solar inverters, UPSs, filters, generators, and generally test all AC power and measuring devices. In this paper, Model Predictive Current Control (MPCC) is used for control of a programmable AC load. In each period, switching state that minimizes the cost function is selected and applied to the converter. Cost function is the square of the current components error. The effect of the horizon of prediction on the quality of the load current is investigated. To decrease the calculations burden, a limited search pool is used. Simulation results confirm that using two steps prediction horizon with... 

    Comparison of the transitional boundary layer during pitching and heaving motions

    , Article Journal of Aircraft ; Volume 58, Issue 1 , 2021 , Pages 203-209 ; 00218669 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, H ; Soltani, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    AIAA International  2021
    In an experimental study, investigation is performed based on the surface-mounted hot-film sensors and surface pressure and rake pressure measurements. The boundary-layer (BL) events such as laminar separation (LS), transition onsets, and variations of the wall shear stress are discussed and compared for both pitching and plunging oscillations for various cases of before, within, and beyond the static stall angle of attack (AOA) conditions. All experiments are conducted in a low-speed wind tunnel. The surface pressures are measured using differential pressure sensors with a range from 0.075 to 1.0 psi and with a maximum error of 0.15% of their full span. In addition, the wake profile behind... 

    Comparison of the transitional boundary layer during pitching and heaving motions

    , Article Journal of Aircraft ; Volume 58, Issue 1 , 2021 , Pages 203-209 ; 00218669 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, H ; Soltani, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    AIAA International  2021
    In an experimental study, investigation is performed based on the surface-mounted hot-film sensors and surface pressure and rake pressure measurements. The boundary-layer (BL) events such as laminar separation (LS), transition onsets, and variations of the wall shear stress are discussed and compared for both pitching and plunging oscillations for various cases of before, within, and beyond the static stall angle of attack (AOA) conditions. All experiments are conducted in a low-speed wind tunnel. The surface pressures are measured using differential pressure sensors with a range from 0.075 to 1.0 psi and with a maximum error of 0.15% of their full span. In addition, the wake profile behind... 

    A Survey of Hitting Set Attack on Anonymous Protocols Based on Pure Mix-Net

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Seyed Akhlaghi, Hamed (Author) ; Khazaei, Shahram (Supervisor)
    One of the main requirements in today’s computer networks such as the Internet is protecting the privacy of users. Hence, anonymity is a useful tool for privacy and provides user’s anonymity. So far, several protocols have been designed to provide anonymity but most of the times, attackers found a way to take advantage of weaknesses in the design and implementation of these protocols. There is a class of attacks,where attacker tries to relate clients of anonymity system to each other, regardless of the communication protocols they use, just by observing networks traffic.The MIX technique forms the basis of many popular ervices that offer anonymity of communication in open and shared networks... 

    Dependence of photovoltaic performance of solvothermally prepared CdS/CdTe solar cells on morphology and thickness of window and absorber layers

    , Article Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ; Volume 24, Issue 9 , 2013 , Pages 3564-3574 ; 09574522 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, M. H ; Mohammadi, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In the present work a new strategy for straightforward fabrication of CdS/CdTe solar cells, containing CdS nanowires and nanoparticles as a window layer and CdTe nanoparticles and microparticles as an absorber layer, are reported. CdS and CdTe nanostructures were synthesized by solvothermal method. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that highly pure and crystallized CdS nanowires and nanoparticles with hexagonal structure and CdTe nanoparticles with cubic structure were obtained. Atomic force microscope and field emission scanning electron microscope images showed that CdS nanowires with length of several μm and average diameter of 35 nm, CdS nanoparticles with average particle size of 32... 

    Shock-wave-detection technique for high-speed rarefied-gas flows

    , Article AIAA Journal ; Volume 55, Issue 11 , 2017 , Pages 3747-3756 ; 00011452 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, H ; Daliri, A ; Soltani, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc  2017
    This paper introduces a shock-wave-detection technique based on the schlieren imaging for continuum and rarefied-gas flows. The scheme is applicable for any existing two-dimensional flowfields obtained by experimental or numerical approaches. A Gaussian distribution for a schlieren function within the shock-wave region is considered. This enables the authors to access any desired locations through the shock (e.g., shock center, or leading- and trailing-edge locations). The bow shock-wave profile is described via a rational function, which could be employed for the estimation of shock angle. The relation between pre- and postshock flow properties along the shock wave with a high resolution... 

    Gas properties effects in microchannel studies using direct simulation Monte Carlo

    , Article ASME 2010 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Collocated with 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, ICNMM2010, 1 August 2010 through 5 August 2010, Montreal, QC ; Issue PARTS A AND B , 2010 , Pages 1021-1027 ; 9780791854501 (ISBN) Darbandi, M ; Karchani, A ; Akhlaghi, H ; Schneider, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper concern is to study the gas properties effect in flow and heat transfer behaviors through microchannels using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. The flow is rarefied and supersonic. The channels are investigated at two different inlet boundary conditions. The collision process is modeled using the NTC (no-time-counter) scheme. The VHS model is chosen to simulate collision between particle pairs. The study is provided for many different gases including nitrogen, helium, and oxygen. The Knudsen number is chosen in a manner to provide slip flow through the channel. The results show that the heat transfer from the wall is lower for heavier gases. A comparative study among the... 

    Transitional boundary layer study over an airfoil in combined pitch-plunge motions

    , Article Aerospace Science and Technology ; Volume 98 , 2020 Akhlaghi, H ; Soltani, M. R ; Maghrebi, M. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Masson SAS  2020
    Transitional boundary layer over an airfoil in the combined pitch-plunge oscillating motions at low Reynolds number is experimentally investigated. The study is based on the data obtained from both surface hot-film and surface static pressure. Different oscillation zones prior to, within, and beyond the static stall angle of attack of the airfoil are considered. The hysteresis loops for the laminar separation bubble, transition, relaminarization points, as well as the airfoil lift coefficient are investigated and are compared for different types of dynamic motions. Two different types of combined pitch-plunge motions, constructive and destructive, are considered. In the constructive motion,... 

    Laminar-turbulent intermittency measurement based on the uncalibrated hot-film data

    , Article Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation ; Volume 156 , 2020 Akhlaghi, H ; Soltani, M. R ; Maghrebi, M. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2020
    A new technique for the laminar-turbulent intermittency measurement based on the surface hot-film data is presented. The existing techniques require data acquired from the calibrated hot-films which leads to the real wall shear stress values. However, calibration of the hot-films is usually very complex. In the proposed method, a technique based on the probability distribution function (PDF) of the acquired data using the uncalibrated hot-film sensors is presented and evaluated. The PDF is prepared for a reduced form of the quasi-wall shear stress value instead of the real shear stress value one. This leads to a standard normal distribution curve for the PDF in the turbulent flow region and... 

    Preparation of Tthin Film CdS/CdTe Solar Cells: Containing CdS Nanowires and CdTe Particles

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Akhlaghi, Mohammad Hossein (Author) ; Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    In the present work, we have designed a novel CdS/CdTe solar cell based on CdS nanowires, as a window layer, and CdTe nanoparticles, as a absorber layer. CdS nanowires and CdTe nanoparticles were synthesized by solvothermal method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction diffractometer (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Ultraviolet–Visible (UV–vis) spectroscopy spectrometer. Photocurrent measurements were carried out using a 150 W xenon lamp with an air-mass (AM) 1.5 filter. The performance of the solar cell based on the CdS nanowire (NW-CdS) film with 225 nm thickness and CdTe nanoparticle (NP-CdTe) film with 6 μm... 

    Investigation of time-frequency analysis and transitional boundary layer over a pitching airfoil

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 28, Issue 2 B , 2021 , Pages 860-876 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, H ; Soltani, M. R ; Maghrebi, M. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2021
    Transitional boundary layer over a pitching airfoil at low Reynolds number (Re = 2:7 × 105) is experimentally investigated using space-frequency and time-frequency analyses of hot- film signals. Boundary layer events are visualized based on the space-frequency and time-frequency plots. The precursor phenomenon for turbulent and fully separated flows is presented based on the time-frequency analysis. A new technique based on time-frequency analysis of hot- film signals is introduced to measure the transition onset and relaminarization locations. This technique functions based on the analysis of high-frequency disturbances of the measured data. Significant attention has been drawn to the... 

    Investigation of time-frequency analysis and transitional boundary layer over a pitching airfoil

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 28, Issue 2 B , 2021 , Pages 860-876 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, H ; Soltani, M. R ; Maghrebi, M. J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2021
    Transitional boundary layer over a pitching airfoil at low Reynolds number (Re = 2:7 × 105) is experimentally investigated using space-frequency and time-frequency analyses of hot- film signals. Boundary layer events are visualized based on the space-frequency and time-frequency plots. The precursor phenomenon for turbulent and fully separated flows is presented based on the time-frequency analysis. A new technique based on time-frequency analysis of hot- film signals is introduced to measure the transition onset and relaminarization locations. This technique functions based on the analysis of high-frequency disturbances of the measured data. Significant attention has been drawn to the... 

    Multiway investigation of interaction between fluorescence labeled DNA strands and unmodified gold nanoparticles

    , Article Analytical Chemistry ; Volume 84, Issue 15 , July , 2012 , Pages 6603-6610 ; 00032700 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, Y ; Kompany Zareh, M ; Hormozi Nezhad, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    ACS  2012
    The single stranded DNA can be adsorbed on the negatively charged surface of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), but the rigid structure of double stranded DNA prevents it from adsorption. Signal of a tagged single stranded DNA will be quenched by the plasmon effect of the AuNP surface after its adsorption. This phenomenon has been used to study the DNA hybridization and interactions of two complementary 21mer oligonucleotides each tagged with a different fluorescent dye in the presence of 13 nm gold nanoparticles. The DNA strands used in this study belong to the genome of HIV. The obtained rank deficient three-way fluorescence data sets were resolved by both PARAFAC and restricted Tucker3 models.... 

    Shock polar investigation in supersonic rarefied gas flows over a circular cylinder

    , Article Physics of Fluids ; Volume 33, Issue 5 , 2021 ; 10706631 (ISSN) Akhlaghi, H ; Roohi, E ; Daliri, A ; Soltani, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Institute of Physics Inc  2021
    Well-known polars in classical shock wave theory, that is, flow deflection angle-shock angle (θ-β), hodograph (u*,v*), and pressure deflection (θ-P*) diagrams, are investigated for the rarefied gas flows using a recently proposed shock wave detection technique by Akhlaghi and coworkers. The agreement between the obtained polars with the analytical relations in classical shock wave theory has been shown in the continuum limit for the cases of supersonic flow over the wedge and cylinder geometries. Investigations are performed using the RGS2D direct simulation Monte Carlo solver for supersonic gas flows over a circular cylinder at continuum limit and Kn = 10-4, 10-3, 0.01, 0.03, 0.07, and...