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Geometric Control of Tethered Satellite Formations by Controlling the Tether Length
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Satelites formation which is a specic spatial conguration of satellites, is of great importance in design and control of satellite systems. Reducing the required power to maintain that conguration, while imposing complicated dynamics on the system, connecting satelites through tethers has recently attracted researchers' attention. Developing a new model based on which the motion of the satellite formation will be expressed through simple equations, followed by the study of how the tether length control participates in the orientation control of the system, are the principal aims of current research. First, a new model is proposed for a group of tethered satellite for- mations, and based on...
Design, Dynamic Analysis and Fabrication of a Ring-like Robot with Deformable Shell
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
In this research application of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) as actuator in a deformable ring capable of locomotion is studied. Such a deformable ring moves as a result of gravitational force acting on its body when its shape changes. A deformable robot made of IPMC can be used in exploration, search and rescue missions in future, where using conventional robots with rigid bodies and actuators is impossible. Large deformation induced by small stimulating voltage, low stiffness and the sensing characteristics that in future work can be used in feedback control make IPMC a good choice for such an application. In this work first a model for IPMC is introduce that can be used in...
Environment Identification by Experimental Swarm Agents
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Swarm is coordinated group action that usually done with little communication among its members. Using several simple members instead of the complicated ones reduces cost, simplifies system and increases the reliability. On the other hand, the mission can be done faster. This thesis is done in two general sections; theoretical and experimental parts. At first some important missions are simulated in MATLAB/Simulink such as aggregation, dispersion, flocking, obstacle detection, obstacle collision avoidance and orbiting around the obstacle. Orbiting around the obstacle is simulated formation flying and a constellation of satellites (such as GPS systems). The methodology is artificial potential...
Real-Time Hybrid Motion Planning For Autonomous Uavs in Dynamic Environments
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
This study is about real-time hybrid motion planning for autonomous UAVs in dynamic environments. The algorithm is based on system dynamic quantization to trim trajectories and maneuvers, constructing a library of primitives which guarantee the controllability of the system. Random algorithms introduced in literature of motion planning have an offline phase, reducing the computational complexity of online phase. By using dynamic quantization, we have achieved a new totally online algorithm, increasing the probability of finding a solution. Dynamic programming is the core of this algorithm, instead of offline calculations in before random algorithms. In order to decrease the exponential...
Control of Experimental Swarm Robots for Identification, Imaging & 3D Modeling Purposes
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
The aim of this project is decentralized control of a group of robots (swarm robots); such that the aggregation maneuver, leader following, Identification and imaging the target, will be performed so good as to make a three-dimensional model of the target from these images. Swarm robots consist of a number of similar and limited features robots which interaction in a group of robots, will lead to special features for the group. Any agent of group decides what to do only with its local information from the environment. Swarm robots are more applicable for the jobs in which a distributed perception from the environments needed, for example space exploration and military operations.In this...
Modeling, Control and Simulation of a Swarm of Robots with Shell Structure
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Swarm robotics has attracted a lot of researches in recent decades due to its ability to overcome complexities despite of simple hardware used in each member of swarm. Developing control algorithms which can address connection, consensus and average consensus, position control, formation and swarm movement, is one of the main problems in the study of multi-agent systems and swarm robotics. Even though such methods have been developed and used by researchers for a few years, theoretical and operational issues still exist in the use of robotic swarms. For example, in leader-follower method, presence of repellent coordinator agent results in disruption in movement of other agents. Also...
Modeling and Control of One-legged Somersaulting Robot
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Inspired by the agility of animal and human locomotion, the number of researchers studying and developing legged robots has been increasing at a rapid rate over the last few decades. In comparison to multi-legged robots, single-legged robots only have one type of locomotion gait, i.e., hopping, which represents a highly nonlinear dynamical behavior consisting of alternating flight and stance phases. Hopping motion should be dynamically stabilized and therefore, presents challenging control problems. A large fraction of studies on legged robots have focused on modeling and control of single-legged hopping machines. In this research, somersaulting is introduced as a kind of hopping motion for...
Self-Tuning PID via a Hybrid Neural Structure for Attitude Control of Quadcopter
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Proportional-Integrator-Derivative (PID) controller is used in a wide range of industrial and experimental processes. There are a couple of offline methods for tuning PID gains. However, due to the uncertainty of model parameters and external disturbances, real systems need more robust and reliable PID controllers. A compelling example of these types of systems is Quadrotor. In this article, a self-tuning PID controller using Reinforcement Learning for attitude control of a quadrotor has been investigated. In the proposed method, an Incremental PID, which contains constant and variable gains, has been used, and only the variable ones have been tuned.In this research, the model-free...
Real-time Area Measurement of Agricultural Fields from Aerial Robotic Images
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
The aim of this research is to measure the area of agricultural lands using realtime aerial images. This project is divided into two parts. In the first part of the project, five segmentation neural networks based on YOLOv8 models were designed. After collecting 734 images of agricultural lands, they were trained, and among them, the nano model was selected with 89% accuracy, 88% recall, and an inference time of 49.8 milliseconds. In the second part of this project, the internal characteristics and distortion elements of the camera used were identified through the calibration process using a chessboard. This process was carried out using 81 images and hadan RMS of 1.178. Also, the elements...
Control and Optimization of Robotic Swarm Flocking Using Naturally Inspired Methods
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
The idea of using groups of simple autonomous robots instead of one or limited number of very sophisticated robots is inspired by flocking behaviors of animals. Distributed control structures and artificial swarming have attracted lots of studies in robotics. There are many applications for robotic swarms in which members are very simple robots with low communication capabilities. These robots communicate only within very limited distances. In this thesis, a homogenous robotic swarm with at least two robots is assumed. Swarm robots are considered to be dimensionless with no time delay, which is a normal assumption in this field of studies. Robots move in planar space and their behaviors are...
Vibration Control of Nonclassical Microbeams Using Boundary Control Theory of Partial Differential Equations
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Nowadays, continuous systems such as strings, bars, beams and plates have become widespread in science and engineering applications. To achieve the control purposes of continuous systems, most of engineers use discretization techniques to reduce the governing partial differential equation (PDE) into a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). From practical point of view, this model reduction can cause many problems such as in-domain measurement and actuation and control spillover. This thesis attempts to investigate the problem of vibration control of nonclassical microscale beams using the partial differential equation control theory which eliminates spillover instabilities. To this...
Modeling, Design and Manufacturing of Deformable Ring-Like Robot with Parametric Control of Rolling-Creeping Motion
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
The robots that can move on rough terrains are very important especially in rescue operation, exploration of mine and etc. Since contact surfaces between the robot and the ground are unpredictable, the structure of the robot is usually unintelligible and its motion analysis is difficult. In this research, a ring-like shape robot with flexible body is proposed for motion in rough terrain, gradient paths and passing bars. The ring shape has more usages than other shapes for example as a wheel in a larger robot. Also its flexibility helps the motion particularly on rough terrains. This robot consists of a central section for setting equipments and arms around that. Being radially and...
Connectivity Maintenance of Robotic Swarms with Local Communications in Presence of Obstacle
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
Swarm Robotics consists of homogonous robots with considerable abilities. In recent years, engineering applications, including multi-agent control and air vehicles have been existed and engineers have been interested more in multi-agent systems. Currently, progressive number of studies is being done on decreasing the expenses, developing applicability and compactness of robots. Exchanging some simple robots with a complicated robot results omitting over-complexity and expensive equipments. This project is looking for a method for emerging connectivity and consequently maintaining it for a swarm robotic suffering from limited communication. Limited communication means that agent distinguish...
Modelling and Control of Swarm Robotic Systems with Multiple Ground and Aerial Clusters under an Imperfect Network
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor)
In this study, an effective collective control strategy is presented for the decentralized behavior control of a heterogeneous multi–cluster swarm robotic system composed of a group of quadrotors as aerial agents, and a group of two–wheeled mobile robots as ground agents. In this regard, first of all, a new element for swarm robotic systems is introduced. This element, which is made up of a portion of swarm members and encircles the whole swarm, is called the shell element. An algorithm for developing the shell element in swarm robotic systems composed of agents moving in the two–dimensional space is established. Subsequently, inspired by the thermodynamic science and based on the introduced...
Design, Simulation and Control of a New Tendon Actuated Manipulator With Lockable Joints
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor) ; Salarieh, Hasan (Supervisor)
Hyper-redundant manipulators have large number Degrees of Freedom. Because of their redundancy, such manipulators have the advantage of obstacle avoidance, overcoming singularities and intrusion into highly constrained environments. The most challenging task in designing hyper-redundant manipulators is the synthesis of actuating mechanisms with appropriate kinematics and effective power supply. Most of previous techniques in implementing hyper-redundant robots have the disadvantages of: -Using large number of actuators, -Heavy weight due to large number of actuators, -Complexity of the control system due to need of synchronizing subsets of motors. In this thesis a novel hyper redundant...
Optimization, Fabrication and Utilization of a New Tendon Actuated Manipulator with Lockable Joints
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor) ; Salarieh, Hassan (Supervisor)
Serpentine manipulators are a kind of hybrid manipulators that have a large number of joints and degrees of freedom. Due to their high flexibility, they have a great potential to work in constrained environment that filled with obstacles. One of the main problems of this type of manipulators is high weight and controlling difficulties. Many researches have been done to achieve lighter weight and simplify control methods of hyper-redundant manipulator. One way is putting the actuators in the base of the manipulator and transferring the actuator forces by cable. In this way, one cable and one actuator per controllable DOF is needed. Therefore, the weight and cost will increase dramatically...
Chemotherapy Treatment Scheduling via Feedback Linearization Approach and Mixed Integer Programming Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salarieh, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Alasty, Aria ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world accounting for 7.6 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2008. Deaths from cancer worldwide are projected to continue rising, with an estimated 13.1 million deaths in 2030 according to WHO. Cancer is a disease caused by normal cells changing so that they grow in an uncontrolled way. There are over 200 different types of cancer because there are over 200 different types of body cells. Various types of treatments are available among them surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the three major ones. Mathematical models and control theories can be employed to improve the quality of treatment and obtain systematic strategies of...
Hybrid Switching of Harvesting Energy Systems Based on Peizoelectric Material
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor) ; Salarieh, Hasan (Supervisor)
For many low-powered portable and wireless electronic applications the finite energy density of chemical batteries places limits on their functional lifetime. Through the use of energy harvesting techniques, ambient vibration energy can be captured and converted into usable electricity in order to create self-powering systems which are not limited by finite battery energy. Typical energy harvesting systems are composed of two components, a transducer that converts the mechanical vibrations into electrical energy and a power converter that efficiently delivers the harvested energy to the electronic load. The practical design of energy harvesting systems must include both components and...
Model-Based Fault Diagnosis of the Gas Exchange System in a Turbocharged Gasoline Engine
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor) ; Vossoughi, Gholamreza (Supervisor)
Proper operation of a spark ignition engine is required by comfort demands of a vehicle driver and governmental legislations. Therefore it is essential to monitor, within an online technique, the engine and detect any fault which disrupts its operation. The gas exchange path (including the intake and exhaust subsystems) is an important part of turbocharged engines responsible for accurate control of both engine power and emissions. Monitoring the path for fault detection and isolation (FDI) has been always demanded due to many failures it may face since the turbocharger exasperates the harsh working conditions for components involved in the path. This paper presents a novel model-based...
Design and Simulation of a Reinforcement Learning Based Power Management Strategy for Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Alasty, Aria (Supervisor) ; Salarieh, Hassan (Supervisor)
Growing consumer expectations, legislation pushing for lower emissions, increasing fuel prices, and the fact that petroleum is a finite resource are factors leading to groundbreaking changes in the automotive industry. Design and production of vehicles that use the lowest fuel are the most effective ways to reduce pollution. The use of both ICE and EM increases the complexity of HEV power management and advanced power management policy is required for achieving higher performance and lower fuel consumption. In this study, at first the benefits of series-parallel configuration are discussed comparing to other configuration. According to this, the present thesis provides a control strategy for...