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    Novel View Synthesis Using Light Field Camera

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bemana, Mojtaba (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    In the last two decades, novel view synthesis has become increasingly important in the movie and game industries. The new generated views correspond to virtual viewpoints, where no real camera has taken snapshot. Depending on the amount of available information from the scene, different approaches have been proposed to create novel views. If the depth information is available, then by knowing camera relative motion, novel views can be constructed. The conventional cameras only record the intensity of the captured scene, and discard the depth information. In the recent concept of light field cameras, by locating an array of micro-lenses between the camera sensor and the main lens, one can... 

    Scene Reconstruction Using Light Field Camera

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mollakhani, Arman (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    Nowadays in movie and photography industry, scene reconstruction is of high importance. Capturing data containing the depth information of the scene can help us achieve this goal more easily. Ordinary Cameras do not record depth information of the scene so they can’t ease our task. In 2005, some Stanford Researchers, inspired by Adelson’s work, were able to build the first camera that captures depth information. They called it the light filed camera. In these cameras an array of microlenses is inserted below the main lens. By doing this the camera is able to capture the rays’ intensities and their directions in space too. With this kind of information, we are able to obtain the depth of a... 

    The Analysis of HDR Video Reconstruction Methods

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghaffari, Mahdi (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    The conventional cameras and displays do not have the ability to record and display the full brightness of the world around us. These deficiencies have led to the development of methods known as High Dynamic Range Imaging. Most of the work done in this field falls into two groups: compression of the light range and its expansion. In compression, the brightness range is intended to display content with a high dynamic range in simple displays. But the goal of expanding the brightness range is to reconstruct HDR content from a low dynamic range one. In addition to the above classification, this field is also categorized based on the type of content (image or video). In this study, the... 

    Disease Classification Based on Graph Learning using fMRI Datasets

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Arasteh, Ali (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    In the past few years, the available knowledge in graph-based processing has made significant progress, and as a result, powerful tools have been created. In this regard, graph learning with the assumption of data smoothness on the final result can be considered a successful example. Briefly, in graph learning, to describe the relationship between the problem components, a graph is learned using the available data whose nodes represent the problem components, and its edges represent how much these components are connected. The usefulness of this method lies in the possibility of using the obtained graph as the input to currently known methods of classification and achieving better results... 

    Analysis of Nonlinear Methods in Compressed Sensing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    Compressed sensing theory with the goal of sparse recovery using as few measurements as possible, has found much attention in the past decade. A fundamental assumption in compresses sensing is the linear nature of the measurements, that establishes a matrix equation between the unknowns and unknowns. However, in some applications, the physics of the problem may impose some type of nonlinear relationship between the unknowns and the measurements. Some solutions concerned with this type of problems,approximate the nonlinear relationship using a second order Taylor expansion. Using this approximation besides some modifications in the way the second order relationship is presented, a more simple... 

    Design of Deterministic Matrices for Compressed Sensing Using Finite Fields

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abin, Hamidreza (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    The design of deterministic sensing matrices is an important issue in compressive sensing in sparse signal processing. Various designs using finite field structures, combinatorics, and coding theory have been presented. The contribution of this thesis is designing many codes with large minimum distance using algebraic curves. Here, we initially design a algebraic-geometric code over a maximal curve in a Galoi field Fpm Afterwards, we map the code to the field Fp using trace map. This code has a large minimum distance. Using this code, we design a matrix with low coherence. One of the main issues in presented designs is that the number of matrix rows is considered to specific integers near... 

    Deblurring of Hyperspectral Images via Hyperspectral Unmixing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahdavi Javid, Alireza (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we propose a new compressed-sensing-based algorithm for unmixing of hyperspectral data, and show that the reconstruction quality could be significantly improved. In addition, we illustrate that by utilizing this approach, we can achieve an approximate estimation of the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the hyperspectral images. In this way, we first assume that the PSF belongs to a specific family of functions, such as Gaussian, then, by sweeping the parameters of the assumed PSF, we obtain the abundance coefficient matrix of the reconstructed image. Now, by choosing the sparsest coefficient matrix as the best one, we estimate the corresponding PSF. Then, we further investigate... 

    Deterministic Sensing Matrix Design in Compressive Sensing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bagh-Sheikhi, Hamed (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    Sampling and recovery of a signal is one of the crucial issues in communication systems. In conventional methods, proper recovery is achieved by sampling the signal at the Nyquist rate, which is twice the signal bandwidth. There have been attempts on reducing the required sampling rate, all of which end in rates equal to a factor of the signal bandwidth. Assuming the sparse nature of the signal in hand, which is a reasonable assumption in many real world scenarios, the theory of Compressed Sensing suggests a sampling rate much less than the Nyquist rate. Designing suitable sensing matrices and efficient recovery of the signal from its samples are the two major challenges of Compressed... 

    Remote Sensing of Hyperspectral Images for Detection Surface Mines

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Motahari Kelarestaghi, Alireza (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    Hyperspectral unmixing (HU) is a method used to estimate the fractional abundances corresponding to endmembers in each of the mixed pixels in the hyperspectral remote sensing image. In recent times, deep learning has been recognized as an effective technique for hyperspectral image classification. In this thesis, an end-to-end HU method is proposed based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) and multi-layer perceptron (MLP). which consists of two steps: the first stage extracts features from the input data along with the inverse learning of the spectral library matrix in the hyperspectral image where columns represent the pure spectral of endmembers and The second stage is to estimate... 

    Fusion-based Video Stabilization

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimi Noshanagh, Parsa (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    Video stabilization is one of the main quality enhance- ment techniques for the data captured by a moving/shaking video recorder. In this work, we focus on video stabilization in smartphones equipped with inertial measurement units (IMU). Specifically, we present a fully differentiable dynamic computational graph to compensate for simple pinhole camera model deficiencies, using the suggested model and estimated angular rotation changes inferred from IMU data, We try to improve and stabilize shaky videos. Further using qualitative and quantitative approaches we show our method’s supremacy against current state of the art stabilization methods. This work accompanied with software and necessary... 

    Statistical Interpolation of Non-Gaussian AR Stochastic Processes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Barzegar Khalilsarai, Mahdi (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    white noise or an innovation process through an all-pole filter. Applications of these processes include speech processing, RADAR signals and stock market data modeling. There exists an extensive research material on the AR processes with Gaussian innovation, however studies about the non-Gaussian case have been much more limited, while in many applications the asymptotic behavior of the signal is non-Gaussian. Non-Gaussian processes have an advantage over Gaussian ones in being capable of modeling sparsity. Assuming an appropriate non-Gaussian innovation one can suggest a more realistic description of sparse signals and predict their behavior or estimate their unknown values successfully.... 

    Design of Toeplitz Measurement Matrices with Applications to Sparse Channel Estimation in Single-Carrier Communication

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohaghegh Dolatabadi, Hadi (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    Channel estimation is one of the fundamental challenges in every communication system and different algorithms have been proposed to deal with it. Obviously, type of a communication channel is an important factor in choosing the appropriate method for channel estimation. Sparse channels are one kind of them that occur in many real-world applications such as wireless communication systems. In addition, emergence of a new means in signal processing to deal with sparse signals, known as Compressed Sensing(CS), paved the way for their extensive usage in many applications including sparse channel estimation.On the other hand, one of the most fundamental problems in sparse signal recovery using CS... 

    Improve the Quality of DOA Estimation by Hankel Matrix Completing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bokaei, Moahammad (Author) ; Behrouzi, Hamid (Supervisor) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we deal with the problem of direction of arrival (DOA) using single-snapshot samples taken from multiple source signals by an array of sensors. The array we are looking for in this work is a uniform linear array. There are many ways to solve this problem, including MUSIC and Prony. But one of the few methods that are able to estimate correctly with single-snapshot samples with incomplete uniform linear arrays in compressed sensing base algorithms. In the first step, we can estimate the data of a incomplete uniform linear array by arranging them in the form of low-rank Hankel matrices and using leverage scores and minimizing the weight nuclear norm. If the weight matrices are... 

    Prediction of Customer Churn From Subscription Services in Response to Recommendations: With Emphasis on MCI Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shirali, Ali (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor) ; Kazemi, Reza (Supervisor)
    In competitive markets where a product or service is provided by multiple providers, as the telecom market, keeping active users is expected to be less expensive than attracting new users. In this regard, first of all, churning should be predicted for active users, and secondly, proper recommendations should be provided to prevent churning. In this thesis, by modeling customer churn as a response to the recommendations, we study the churn prediction and prevention problem as a recommender system. This model enables us to select the best offer for each user to prevent it from churning.Modeling customer churn in a recommender system introduces new challenges, including delay in observing... 

    Designing EEG-based Deep Neural Network for Analysis of Functional and Effective Brain Connectivity

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shoushtari, Shirin (Author) ; Mohammadzadeh, Hoda (Supervisor) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor)
    Brain states analysis during consciousness is emerging research in brain-computer interface(BCI). Emotion recognition can be applied to learn brain states and stages of neural activities. Therefore, emotion recognition is crucial to the analysis of brain functioning. Electrical signals such as electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) are frequently used in emotion recognition researches. Convenience in recording, non-invasive nature and high temporal resolution are the factors that have made EEG popular in brain researches. EEG can be used to identify brain region activity solely or the connectivity of various regions in time in the... 

    Application of Sparse Modeling to MIMO Radars

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ajorloo, Abdollah (Author) ; Bastani, Mohammad Hassan (Supervisor) ; Amini, Arash (Co-Supervisor)
    Due to multiple transmit-receive channels, the signal model in a MIMO radar system is usually described by high dimensional data structures. However, the desired target space (e.g. range-azimuth domain) which shall be estimated, is mainly sparse (the number of existing targets is usually small). This observation has promoted the use of sparse recovery methods in multi-target detection and estimation in such radar systems which led to introducing the concept of compressive sensing (CS) based MIMO radars. Successful implementation of CS techniques for recovery of radar scenes (for target detection/estimation) from the received noisy measurements strongly entails that the associated sensing... 

    HDR Image Reconstruction from a Single-Exposure LDR Image

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahbazi, Mohammad (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor) ; Mohammadzadeh, Nargesolhoda (Co-Supervisor)
    High dynamic range (HDR) images provide more realistic experience in displaying real-world scenes than conventional low dynamic range (LDR) images by providing much more detailed luminance information; However, most imaging content is still available in low dynamic range. Inverse tonemapping is known as the problem of inferring an HDR image from a single-exposure LDR image in which the lost data caused by saturation of bright parts and quantization must be reconstructed.To address this problem, in this thesis, two fully-automatic architectures based on convolutional neural networks, are proposed. Both these architectures utilize a number of convolutional auto-encoders as... 

    Synthetic Video Generation Using Test Scene and Subject to Improve Fall Detection Accuracy

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moharamkhani, Armin (Author) ; Amini, Arash (Supervisor) ; Mohammadzadeh, Nargesolhoda (Supervisor)
    Falling is a prevalent event among elderly people, which sometimes leads to their death. Automatic detection of fall can significantly reduce the resulting damages.Fallings can be detected using various modalities, among which we choose RGB videos captured by CCTV cameras because of its advantages. Due to the great advances in deep learning-based image/video classification methods, we focused on using these methods for fall detection. One of the main challenges in using deep learning methods is lack of enough training data. Unlike other activities, there are not enough falling samples available which is due to its unconscious nature. Moreover, simulating falling by actors can endanger their... 

    Graph Learning for Brain Connectivity Map Based on fMRI Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sharafi, Omid (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadeddin (Supervisor) ; Amini, Arash (Co-Supervisor)
    In recent years, due to the structural need of most medical data for graphic models such as the graphic model of patients and the loss of data correlation in previous methods, graphic methods have been designed and developed. On the other hand, with the growing presence of magnetic resonance imaging devices in various medical centers, a large amount of functional magnetic resonance images of healthy and sick people have become available to researchers. In this study, our goal is to use a new method in the field of graphic modeling so that we can extract functional connectivity graphs from functional magnetic resonance images and measure the performance of these graphs in different groups of... 

    Image Processing in Paintings Using Multispectral Imaging

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kamani, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Marvasti, Farrokh (Supervisor) ; Amini, Arash (Co-Advisor)
    Considering the tremendous development in imaging systems’ industry, today we can afford to have imaging equipment, capable of taking multispectral images in very high resolution. One of the remarkable benefits of this technology is in the realm of arts and particularly in museums. Taking advantage of the potentials of multispectral, highquality imaging, curators will be able to probe their priceless works of art ( e.g. paintings ) without putting them in danger through invasive research. Besides, one can investigate and control the transformation of these works through time by using this new imaging method. Recently, Multispectral Imaging of paintings, in different frequency bands from...