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Ambient data-based online electromechanical mode estimation by error-feedback lattice RLS filter
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; 2017 ; 08858950 (ISSN) ; Parniani, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
This paper proposes a novel error-feedback lattice recursive least-squares (EF-LRLS) filter for online estimation of power system oscillatory modes. The EF-LRLS filter is applied to ambient data provided by phasor measurement units to identify the autoregressive (AR) model parameters. This filter has a modular structure; accordingly, if the length of the filter equals N, it identifies AR(1) to AR(N) models concurrently. In the proposed method, removing very low and high frequencies and re-sampling steps are fulfilled in an online fashion. This adaptive filter has less computational complexity than standard RLS filter, making it an appropriate choice for online system identification. The...
Non-Stationary stabilized fast transversal RLS filter for online power system modal estimation
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; Volume 34, Issue 4 , 2019 , Pages 2744-2754 ; 08858950 (ISSN) ; Parniani, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
Online monitoring of inter-area oscillations is a vital need for secure operation of large-scale power systems. This paper aims at online estimation of inter-area modes by a novel stabilized fast transversal recursive least squares (SFTRLS) filter running on ambient power system data received from phasor measurement units. The SFTRLS filter is a fast finite-impulse response adaptive filter that is widely used in communication applications, such as noise and echo cancelation. It has the lowest computational complexity among least-squares filters and directly calculates coefficients of the parametric model selected for identifying a system under study. In the proposed method, the SFTRLS filter...
Ambient data-based online electromechanical mode estimation by error-feedback lattice RLS filter
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; Volume 33, Issue 4 , July , 2018 , Pages 3745-3756 ; 08858950 (ISSN) ; Parniani, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
This paper proposes a novel error-feedback lattice recursive least-squares (EF-LRLS) filter for online estimation of power system oscillatory modes. The EF-LRLS filter is applied to ambient data provided by phasor measurement units to identify the autoregressive (AR) model parameters. This filter has a modular structure; accordingly, if the length of the filter equals $N$, it identifies AR(1) to ${m{AR(}}N)$ models concurrently. In the proposed method, removing very low and high frequencies and resampling steps are fulfilled in an online fashion. This adaptive filter has less computational complexity than standard RLS filter, making it an appropriate choice for online system identification....
An analytic methodology to determine generators redispatch for proactive damping of critical electromechanical oscillations
, Article International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ; Volume 123 , 2020 ; Parniani, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
This paper presents a model-based method for applying online proactive generators redispatch to improve damping of the critical electromechanical oscillations of power system. The proposed method comprises two stages: 1) monitoring modal characteristics of oscillatory modes in ambient condition, and 2) applying generators redispatch based on sensitivities of the critical mode to the generators active power changes using a new analytic method. An online identification method such as error feedback lattice recursive least square adaptive filter is applied for online estimation of the oscillatory modes. Then, whenever the damping ratio of an identified mode is less than a preset threshold, its...
Unscented transformation-based probabilistic optimal power flow for modeling the effect of wind power generation
, Article Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences ; Vol. 21, issue. 5 , 2013 , p. 1284-1301 ; ISSN: 13000632 ; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The unprecedented increasing penetration of distributed energy resources, mainly harvesting renewable energies, is a direct result of environmental concerns. These types of energy resources bring about more uncertainties in the power system and, consequently, necessitate probabilistic analyses of the system performance. This paper develops a new approach for probabilistic optimal power flow (P-OPF) by adapting the unscented transformation (UT) method. The heart of the proposed method lies in how to produce the sampling points. Appropriate sample points are chosen to perform the P-OPF with a high degree of accuracy and less computational burden in comparison with the features of other...
Load commitment in a smart home
, Article Applied Energy ; Vol. 96, issue , 2012 , p. 45-54 ; ISSN: 03062619 ; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Although demand response (DR) potentially brings miscellaneous advantages, it is currently faced with challenges in its implementation due to customers' difficulty in manually responding to the time-varying prices. This paper presents an optimal and automatic residential load commitment (LC) framework to achieve the household minimum payment. Problem decision variables are the operating status of responsive appliances and charging/discharging cycles of battery storage and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Storage capability in residential centers provide the customers with this opportunity to not only supply the local demand during the high price hours but also sell the energy back...
A non-iterative approach for AC state estimation using line flow based model
, Article International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ; Volume 43, Issue 1 , 2012 , pages 1413-1420 ; 1420615 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
One of the underlying requirements in the present energy management systems (EMSs) is to have a complete understanding of the system status. This feature is realized via state estimation (SE) engine. This paper presents a new and efficient SE approach which leads to a desirable outcome using a non-iterative calculation. The proposed model is based on a new AC power flow formulation designated as the line flow based (LFB) model. The objective function is to minimize the weighted least square of measurement residuals. The developed method adopts the line flows and square of voltage magnitudes as the problem state variables and incorporates both active and reactive power quantities. The...
Probabilistic load flow in correlated uncertain environment using unscented transformation
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; Vol. 27, issue. 4 , 2012 , p. 2233-2241 ; ISSN: 08858950 ; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
As a matter of course, the unprecedented ascending penetration of distributed energy resources, mainly harvesting renewable energies, is a direct consequence of environmental concerns. This type of energy resource brings about more uncertainties in power system operation and planning; consequently, it necessitates probabilistic analyses of the system performance. This paper develops a new approach for probabilistic load flow (PLF) evaluation using the unscented transformation (UT) method. The UT method is recognized as a powerful approach in assessing stochastic problems with/without correlated uncertain variables. The capability of the UT method in modeling correlated uncertain variables is...
Unscented transformation-based probabilistic optimal power flow for modeling the effect of wind power generation
, Article Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences ; Volume 21, Issue 5 , 2013 , Pages 1284-1301 ; 13000632 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The unprecedented increasing penetration of distributed energy resources, mainly harvesting renewable energies, is a direct result of environmental concerns. These types of energy resources bring about more uncertainties in the power system and, consequently, necessitate probabilistic analyses of the system performance. This paper develops a new approach for probabilistic optimal power flow (P-OPF) by adapting the unscented transformation (UT) method. The heart of the proposed method lies in how to produce the sampling points. Appropriate sample points are chosen to perform the P-OPF with a high degree of accuracy and less computational burden in comparison with the features of other...
Fuzzy dynamic thermal rating of transmission lines
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ; Volume 27, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 1885-1892 ; 08858977 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Dynamic thermal rating (DTR) of transmission system facilities is a way to maximally realize the equipment capacities while not threatening their health. With regards to transmission lines, the allowable current of conductors is forecasted based on the environmental situations expected in some forthcoming time periods. Due to the fact that weather conditions continuously vary, sampling points are very limited against many line spans, and the measurements have an inherent error, uncertainties must be appropriately included in the DTR determination. This paper adopts the fuzzy theory as a strong and simple tool to model uncertainties in the DTR calculation. Since DTR intends to determine the...
Compromising wind and solar energies from the power system adequacy viewpoint
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; Volume 27, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 2368-2376 ; 08858950 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Miscellaneous sorts of renewable energies, despite of their positive impacts on the power system operation cost and environmental concerns, could jeopardize the system reliability due to introducing significant degrees of intermittency and uncertainty. This challenge could be overcome by composing various sources of renewable energies with complimentary natures. This paper devises an explicit mathematical framework to compromise the contribution of wind and solar energies. The optimization problem is to maximize the system reliability subject to a fixed monetary investment associated with both wind and solar. The problem formulation is based on mixed-integer programming (MIP) format in which...
Load commitment in a smart home
, Article Applied Energy ; Volume 96 , 2012 , Pages 45-54 ; 03062619 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Although demand response (DR) potentially brings miscellaneous advantages, it is currently faced with challenges in its implementation due to customers' difficulty in manually responding to the time-varying prices. This paper presents an optimal and automatic residential load commitment (LC) framework to achieve the household minimum payment. Problem decision variables are the operating status of responsive appliances and charging/discharging cycles of battery storage and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Storage capability in residential centers provide the customers with this opportunity to not only supply the local demand during the high price hours but also sell the energy back...
Probabilistic load flow in correlated uncertain environment using unscented transformation
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; Volume 27, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 2233-2241 ; 08858950 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
As a matter of course, the unprecedented ascending penetration of distributed energy resources, mainly harvesting renewable energies, is a direct consequence of environmental concerns. This type of energy resource brings about more uncertainties in power system operation and planning; consequently, it necessitates probabilistic analyses of the system performance. This paper develops a new approach for probabilistic load flow (PLF) evaluation using the unscented transformation (UT) method. The UT method is recognized as a powerful approach in assessing stochastic problems with/without correlated uncertain variables. The capability of the UT method in modeling correlated uncertain variables is...
Composite power system adequacy assessment based on postoptimal analysis
, Article Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences ; Volume 21, Issue 1 , 2013 , Pages 90-106 ; 13000632 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The modeling and evaluation of enormous numbers of contingencies are the most challenging impediments associated with composite power system adequacy assessment, particularly for large-scale power systems. Optimal power flow (OPF) solution, as a widely common approach, is normally employed to model and analyze each individual contingency as an independent problem. However, mathematical representations associated with diverse states are slightly different in one or a few generating units, line outages, or trivial load variations. This inherent attribute brings a promising idea to speed up the contingency evaluation procedure. In this paper, postoptimal analysis (POA), as a well-recognized...
A novel efficient model for the power flow analysis of power systems
, Article Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences ; Volume 23, Issue 1 , 2015 , Pages 52-66 ; 13000632 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The overall system status calculated by pflower flow analysis is the most basic information used for all decisions taken by power system operators and planners. While conventional AC pflower flow solutions are computationally tractable, approximate DC models are employed in many applications, such as optimal power flow studies and unit commitment problems, mainly due to the linear nature of DC models. These models do not provide any information on the reactive power and voltage magnitude quantities and occasionally inaccurate results of the active power values. This paper presents an efficient power flow approach compromising both the con icting aspects of speed and accuracy. The proposed...
Phase identification of singlephase customers and PV panels via smart Meter data
, Article IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid ; Volume 12, Issue 5 , 2021 , Pages 4543-4552 ; 19493053 (ISSN) ; Safdarian, A ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
With proliferation of single-phase rooftop photovoltaic (PV) panels, phase balancing in low voltage (LV) distribution feeders becomes the point of concern. In this way, identification of the hosting phase of connected single-phase customers and PV panels is a prerequisite. This paper proposes an optimization model for the phase identification problem. The objective is to minimize the summation of the absolute error between estimated and measured variables. Smart meters (SMs) data including active and reactive power absorptions/injections, nodal voltage magnitudes, and network configuration data form the input of the model. Potential errors in the input data are captured in the model while...
A novel straightforward unit commitment method for large-scale power systems
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ; Volume 22, Issue 4 , 2007 , Pages 2134-2143 ; 08858950 (ISSN) ; Khodaei, A ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, a novel fast straightforward method for thermal generating units scheduling is presented. The new method decomposes the solution of the unit commitment (UC) problem into three subproblems. In the first subproblem, the quadratic cost functions of units are linearized and hourly optimum solution of UC is obtained considering all constraints except the minimum up/down time constraints. In the second subproblem, the minimum up/down times are enforced through a novel optimization process by modifying the schedule obtained in the first step. Finally, in the third subproblem, the extra reserve is minimized using a new decommitment algorithm. For testing the proposed method, the...
Probabilistic worth assessment of distributed static series compensators
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ; Vol. 26, issue. 3 , 2011 , p. 1734-1743 ; ISSN: 08858977 ; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The deployment of flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) devices, despite miscellaneous benefits and applications, has been restricted mainly due to their large investment costs. Accordingly, the notion of distributed FACTS (D-FACTS) was recently proposed. Distributed static series compensators (DSSCs), as a new member of D-FACTS, are directly clamped to conductors of transmission lines. The possibility of controlling the compensation rate of DSSCs from the control center affords the active control of network power flow. This paper presents a comprehensive reliability model for the DSSC. The model is then reduced and a state-space representation is extracted for a transmission line with a...
Probabilistic worth assessment of distributed static series compensators
, Article IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery ; Volume 26, Issue 3 , July , 2011 , Pages 1734-1743 ; 08858977 (ISSN) ; Fotuhi Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Sharif University of Technology
The deployment of flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) devices, despite miscellaneous benefits and applications, has been restricted mainly due to their large investment costs. Accordingly, the notion of distributed FACTS (D-FACTS) was recently proposed. Distributed static series compensators (DSSCs), as a new member of D-FACTS, are directly clamped to conductors of transmission lines. The possibility of controlling the compensation rate of DSSCs from the control center affords the active control of network power flow. This paper presents a comprehensive reliability model for the DSSC. The model is then reduced and a state-space representation is extracted for a transmission line with a...
A new formulation for power system reliability assessment with AC constraints
, Article International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ; Vol. 56, issue , March , 2014 , p. 298-306 ; ISSN: 1420615 ; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M ; Aminifar, F ; Lehtonen, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Recent investigations have revealed the significant role of reactive power in blackout events. The associated disturbances frequently emerge in the form of voltage instability and collapse. Due to the computational complexity of modeling and analysis of enormous contingencies, DC approximation of the power flow, without accounting the role of reactive power, is usually used to evaluate the contingencies and to mitigate the associated probable violations. This paper, at first, presents a linear power flow model based on an approximated version of AC power flow formulation. The proposed model is then used to develop an efficient reliability assessment approach which is capable of taking both...