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    Extended dynamic matrix control design for a DC-DC power converter

    , Article 37th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, SST05, Tuskegee, AL, 20 March 2004 through 22 March 2004 ; Volume 37 , 2005 , Pages 191-195 Amirifar, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    EDMC is an extended version of the dynamic matrix control (DMC) approach to control nonlinear processes. In this method, control input is determined based on linear model approximation of the process in each control/optimization interval. The difference between linear and nonlinear models of the process is considered as the known part of the feedback signal in DMC control formulation. Usually the fixed point or the secant method is applied to reduce the difference between two models. In this paper, an EDMC controller is designed for a DC-DC power converter of the boost type. The behavior of the scheme is discussed with the transient and steady state response to step and sinusoidal... 

    Performance optimization of microreactors by implementing geometrical and fluid flow control in the presence of electric field: a computational study

    , Article Microsystem Technologies ; Volume 21, Issue 6 , 2014 , Pages 1275-1285 ; ISSN: 09467076 Shamloo, A ; Sharifi, F ; Salehi, S. S ; Amirifar, L ; Firoozabadi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    A two dimensional rectangular microchannel with circular micropillars was modeled in the presence of an electric field. Continuity and Navier-Stokes equations were solved along with convection-diffusion equation using finite element method. Reaction phenomenon was applied via a partial differential equation on the reaction surfaces and electric force was added as a source term to the transport equations. Velocity, concentration and electric potential distributions were obtained, with the aid of which, capture efficiency and average surface concentration of reaction surfaces were calculated. To ameliorate the reaction rate, different designs of reaction surfaces were investigated; the designs... 

    Low-order H∞ controller design for an active suspension system via LMIs

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics ; Volume 53, Issue 2 , 2006 , Pages 554-560 ; 02780046 (ISSN) Amirifar, R ; Sadati, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    An application of a new controller order reduction technique with stability and performance preservation based on linear matrix inequality optimization to an active suspension system is presented. In this technique, the rank of the residue matrix of a proper rational approximation of a high-order H∞controller subject to the H∞-norm of a frequency-weighted error between the approximated controller and the high-order H∞ controller is minimized. However, because solving this matrix rank minimization problem is very difficult, the rank objective function is replaced with a nuclear-norm that can be reduced to a semidefinite program so that it can be solved efficiently. Application to the active... 

    A linear matrix inequality approach to H∞ controller order reduction with stability and performance preservation

    , Article 35th IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, SSST 2003, 18 March 2003 ; Volume 2003-January , 2003 , Pages 217-221 ; 0780376978 (ISBN) Amirifar, R ; Sadati, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2003
    H∞ controller order reduction with stability and performance preservation pose unique challenges to designers. In the paper, an approach for controller order reduction based on minimization of the rank of a matrix variable, subject to linear matrix inequality constraints, is presented. In this approach, the rank of a residue matrix of a high-order controller subject to the error between the loop gain of the closed-loop nominal system and the loop gain of the closed-loop system with the reduced order controller is minimized. However, since solving this matrix rank minimization problem is very difficult, the rank objective function is replaced with the nuclear-norm that can be reduced to a... 

    A low-order H∞ controller design for an active suspension system via linear matrix inequalities

    , Article JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control ; Volume 10, Issue 8 , 2004 , Pages 1181-1197 ; 10775463 (ISSN) Amirifar, R ; Sadati, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    We present an application of a new controller order reduction technique with stability and performance preservation based on linear matrix inequality optimization to an active suspension system. In this technique, the rank of the residue matrix of a proper rational approximation of a high-order H ∞ controller subject to the H∞ norm of a frequency-weighted error between the approximated controller and high-order H∞ controller is minimized. However, since solving this matrix rank minimization problem is very difficult, the rank objective function is replaced with the nuclear-norm that can be reduced to a semidefinite program, so that it can be solved efficiently. Application to the active... 

    H∞ formulation of decentralized stabilization problem

    , Article Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST04), Atlanta, GA., 14 March 2004 through 16 March 2004 ; Volume 36 , 2004 , Pages 79-83 Amirifar, R ; Sadati, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper considers the problem of stabilizing a class of linear time-invariant large-scale systems composed of a number of subsystems using several local dynamic output feedback controllers. For this problem, a sufficient condition on each closed-loop individual subsystem is derived under which the decentralized controller composed of the local controllers designed for individual subsystems, achieves stability for the overall system. This condition is used to convert the decentralized stabilization problem to a set of the H∞ disturbance rejection subproblems  

    H∞ control of a flexible transmission system

    , Article Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST04), Atlanta, GA., 14 March 2004 through 16 March 2004 ; Volume 36 , 2004 , Pages 536-540 Amirifar, R ; Sadati, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    An application of a continuous-time H∞ control to a flexible transmission system is presented. This approach has been proposed in order to assure high control performance in the presence of large load variation on the system. In this approach, the loading variations are considered as the multiplicative perturbation of the nominal plant. The desired specifications are enforced in the H∞ problem as the constraints on weighting functions. After an initial design procedure, the parameters of weighting functions, in order to obtain the desired performances, are tuned and then the final weighting functions are derived. The simulation results for three different loadings are given and compared  

    A sufficient condition for decentralized stabilization

    , Article Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering ; Volume 3, Issue 2 , 2004 , Pages 175-179 ; 16820053 (ISSN) Amirifar, R ; Sadati, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper considers the problem of stabilizing a class of linear time-invariant large-scale systems composed of a number of subsystems using several local dynamic output feedback controllers. For this problem, a sufficient condition on each closed-loop individual subsystem is derived under which the decentralized controller composed of the local controllers designed for individual subsystems, achieves stability for the overall system. This condition is used to convert the decentralized stabilization problem to a set of the H∞ disturbance rejection subproblems  

    Numerical Simulation of Near-well Flow for Gas-condensate Reservoirs and Investigation of the Effect of Various Flow Parameters

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Amirifar, Leyla (Author) ; Taghizade Manzari, Mehrdad (Supervisor)
    This thesis studies a gas condensate reservoir and considers the effect of different parameters. In this group of gas reservoirs, if the pressure drops below the dew point pressure, liquid phase appears. Appearing and disappearing of phases creates four regions in the reservoir. In the region far from the production well, pressure is still above the dew point pressure and vapor phase is present. By approaching production well, pressure drops below the dew point pressure and liquid phase starts to form but it is immobile. In closer regions to the well the liquid phase saturation grows and this phase becomes mobile. As a result, relative permeability of the vapor phase decreases sharply. In... 

    Microfluidic-based approaches in targeted cell/particle separation based on physical properties: fundamentals and applications

    , Article Small ; Volume 16, Issue 29 , 2020 Nasiri, R ; Shamloo, A ; Ahadian, S ; Amirifar, L ; Akbari, J ; Goudie, M. J ; Lee, K ; Ashammakhi, N ; Dokmeci, M. R ; Di Carlo, D ; Khademhosseini, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Wiley-VCH Verlag  2020
    Cell separation is a key step in many biomedical research areas including biotechnology, cancer research, regenerative medicine, and drug discovery. While conventional cell sorting approaches have led to high-efficiency sorting by exploiting the cell's specific properties, microfluidics has shown great promise in cell separation by exploiting different physical principles and using different properties of the cells. In particular, label-free cell separation techniques are highly recommended to minimize cell damage and avoid costly and labor-intensive steps of labeling molecular signatures of cells. In general, microfluidic-based cell sorting approaches can separate cells using “intrinsic”... 

    Genetic risk variants for class switching recombination defects in ataxia-telangiectasia patients

    , Article Journal of Clinical Immunology ; 2021 ; 02719142 (ISSN) Amirifar, P ; Mehrmohamadi, M ; Ranjouri, M. R ; Akrami, M ; Rezaei, N ; Saberi, A ; Yazdani, R ; Abolhassani, H ; Aghamohammadi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    Background: Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene. A-T patients manifest considerable variability in clinical and immunological features, suggesting the presence of genetic modifying factors. A striking heterogeneity has been observed in class switching recombination (CSR) in A-T patients which cannot be explained by the severity of ATM mutations. Methods: To investigate the cause of variable CSR in A-T patients, we applied whole-exome sequencing (WES) in 20 A-T patients consisting of 10 cases with CSR defect (CSR-D) and 10 controls with normal CSR (CSR-N). Comparative analyses on modifier... 

    Genetic risk variants for class switching recombination defects in ataxia-telangiectasia patients

    , Article Journal of Clinical Immunology ; Volume 42, Issue 1 , 2022 , Pages 72-84 ; 02719142 (ISSN) Amirifar, P ; Mehrmohamadi, M ; Ranjouri, M. R ; Akrami, S. M ; Rezaei, N ; Saberi, A ; Yazdani, R ; Abolhassani, H ; Aghamohammadi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2022
    Background: Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) gene. A-T patients manifest considerable variability in clinical and immunological features, suggesting the presence of genetic modifying factors. A striking heterogeneity has been observed in class switching recombination (CSR) in A-T patients which cannot be explained by the severity of ATM mutations. Methods: To investigate the cause of variable CSR in A-T patients, we applied whole-exome sequencing (WES) in 20 A-T patients consisting of 10 cases with CSR defect (CSR-D) and 10 controls with normal CSR (CSR-N). Comparative analyses on modifier... 

    Brain-on-a-chip: Recent advances in design and techniques for microfluidic models of the brain in health and disease

    , Article Biomaterials ; Volume 285 , 2022 ; 01429612 (ISSN) Amirifar, L ; Shamloo, A ; Nasiri, R ; de Barros, N. R ; Wang, Z. Z ; Unluturk, B. D ; Libanori, A ; Ievglevskyi, O ; Diltemiz, S. E ; Sances, S ; Balasingham, I ; Seidlits, S. K ; Ashammakhi, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    Recent advances in biomaterials, microfabrication, microfluidics, and cell biology have led to the development of organ-on-a-chip devices that can reproduce key functions of various organs. Such platforms promise to provide novel insights into various physiological events, including mechanisms of disease, and evaluate the effects of external interventions, such as drug administration. The neuroscience field is expected to benefit greatly from these innovative tools. Conventional ex vivo studies of the nervous system have been limited by the inability of cell culture to adequately mimic in vivo physiology. While animal models can be used, their relevance to human physiology is uncertain and... 

    Impact of rock mineralogy on reservoir souring: A geochemical modeling study

    , Article Chemical Geology ; Volume 555 , November , 2020 Li, H ; Zhang, L ; Liu, L ; Shabani, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B. V  2020
    The petroleum industry suffers from reservoir souring phenomena, which has negative impacts on production facilities, health, and environment. Injection of incompatible water into the reservoir (waterflooding), which is considered as an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method, is one of the most common causes of reservoir souring. In general, injected brine, especially seawater, contains high amounts of sulfate ion (SO42−). A high concentration of sulfate in the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) leads to the microbial reservoir souring. During this phenomenon, sulfide, specifically hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) appears in the producing fluid of the reservoir. In this paper, a coupled... 

    A mechanobiological mathematical model of liver metabolism

    , Article Biotechnology and Bioengineering ; Volume 117, Issue 9 , 5 June , 2020 , Pages 2861-2874 Nikmaneshi, M. R ; Firoozabadi, B ; Munn, L. L ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Inc  2020
    The liver plays a complex role in metabolism and detoxification, and better tools are needed to understand its function and to develop liver-targeted therapies. In this study, we establish a mechanobiological model of liver transport and hepatocyte biology to elucidate the metabolism of urea and albumin, the production/detoxification of ammonia, and consumption of oxygen and nutrients. Since hepatocellular shear stress (SS) can influence the enzymatic activities of liver, the effect of SS on the urea and albumin synthesis are empirically modeled through the mechanotransduction mechanisms. The results demonstrate that the rheology and dynamics of the sinusoid flow can significantly affect... 

    cis-Dioxo-molybdenum(VI)-oxazoline complex catalyzed epoxidation of olefins by tert-butyl hydrogen peroxide

    , Article Inorganica Chimica Acta ; Volume 362, Issue 10 , 2009 , Pages 3698-3702 ; 00201693 (ISSN) Bagherzadeh, M ; Tahsini, L ; Latifi, R ; Keith Woo, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    A new efficient catalytic system was investigated for the epoxidation of various olefins by cis-dioxo-bis[2-(2′-hydroxyphenyl)-oxazolinato]molybdenum(VI), cis-[MoO2(phox)2], and TBHP as oxidizing agent. Using this system as catalyst for the oxidation of aliphatic substrates at 80 °C gives the epoxide as the sole product with yields up to 100% and turnover frequency up to 5000 h-1. The efficiency of the catalyst is strongly influenced by the nature of solvent, reaction time and temperature, and a significant increase in the epoxide yields is observed in higher temperatures and longer reaction times. © 2009 Elsevier B.V  

    Droplet-based microfluidics in biomedical applications

    , Article Biofabrication ; Volume 14, Issue 2 , 2022 ; 17585082 (ISSN) Amirifar, L ; Besanjideh, M ; Nasiri, R ; Shamloo, A ; Nasrollahi, F ; De Barros, N. R ; Davoodi, E ; Erdem, A ; Mahmoodi, M ; Hosseini, V ; Montazerian, H ; Jahangiry, J ; Darabi, M.A ; Haghniaz, R ; Dokmeci, M.R ; Annabi, N ; Ahadian, S ; Khademhosseini, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    IOP Publishing Ltd  2022
    Droplet-based microfluidic systems have been employed to manipulate discrete fluid volumes with immiscible phases. Creating the fluid droplets at microscale has led to a paradigm shift in mixing, sorting, encapsulation, sensing, and designing high throughput devices for biomedical applications. Droplet microfluidics has opened many opportunities in microparticle synthesis, molecular detection, diagnostics, drug delivery, and cell biology. In the present review, we first introduce standard methods for droplet generation (i.e. passive and active methods) and discuss the latest examples of emulsification and particle synthesis approaches enabled by microfluidic platforms. Then, the applications... 

    Is negative attention better than no attention? The comparative effects of ostracism and harassment at work

    , Article Organization Science ; Volume 26, Issue 3 , 2015 , Pages 774-793 ; 10477039 (ISSN) O'Reilly, J ; Robinson, S. L ; Berdahl, J. L ; Banki, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    INFORMS Inst.for Operations Res.and the Management Sciences  2015
    Ostracism has been recognized as conceptually and empirically distinct from harassment. Drawing from theory and research that suggests that employees have a strong need to belong in their organizations, we examine the comparative frequency and impact of ostracism and harassment in organizations across three field studies. Study 1 finds that a wide range of employees perceive ostracism, compared with harassment, to be more socially acceptable, less psychologically harmful, and less likely to be prohibited in their organization. Study 2 surveyed employees from a variety of organizations to test our theory that ostracism is actually a more harmful workplace experience than harassment.... 

    Dielectrophoretic cell sorting via sliding cells on 3D silicon microelectrodes

    , Article Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 22 January 2017 through 26 January 2017 ; 2017 , Pages 147-150 ; 10846999 (ISSN) ; 9781509050789 (ISBN) Xing, X ; Chan, M. L ; Roshan, K. A ; Yobas, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    This work presents an innovative design for a flow-through dielectrophoretic cell sorting based on silicon bulk microelectrodes featuring sidewall undercuts. The microelectrodes are configured into an interdigitated array with digits extending across the flow chamber at an oblique angle against the flow stream. Target cells under dielectrophoretic forces and hydrodynamic drag can slide along the digits to a dedicated outlet. The design has been showcased for continuous-flow sorting of viable and non-viable mammalian cells, achieving a throughput of 16,600 cells/min, an order of magnitude higher than those reported for existing continuous-flow cell sorting designs using thin-film or... 

    A multi-scale model for determining the effects of pathophysiology and metabolic disorders on tumor growth

    , Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 10, Issue 1 , 20 February , 2020 Nikmaneshi, M. R ; Firoozabadi, B ; Mozafari, A ; Munn, L. L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2020
    The search for efficient chemotherapy drugs and other anti-cancer treatments would benefit from a deeper understanding of the tumor microenvironment (TME) and its role in tumor progression. Because in vivo experimental methods are unable to isolate or control individual factors of the TME and in vitro models often do not include all the contributing factors, some questions are best addressed with systems biology mathematical models. In this work, we present a new fully-coupled, agent-based, multi-scale mathematical model of tumor growth, angiogenesis and metabolism that includes important aspects of the TME spanning subcellular-, cellular- and tissue-level scales. The mathematical model is...