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    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Razieh, Azad (Author) ; Farzaneh, Forouhar (Supervisor)
    In recent years due to the advances in semiconductor technology and the ability to implement small-scale manufacturing, communication at 60 GHz band receive more attention than ever has been. The use of this frequency band is not only about 7-9 GHz unlicensed broadband access provided, but getting smaller devices make it possible to use multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver, and thus taking advantage of multiple input – multiple output systems. Antennas used in these systems should have features such as small size , low weight, high gain and bandwidth and also they should keep their high efficiency and gainat high frequency range (about a few GHz ). To achieve these features... 

    Two‐qubit Quantum State Sharing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Annabestani, Razieh (Author) ; Karimipour, Vahid (Supervisor)
    One of the problems that we are deal with in quantum information is secure transition of information. In Quantum State Sharing, we can encode our data on the quantum state and share the quantum state among some people such that none of the can be able to retrieve the state without collaboration with others. In this thesis, we will be concerned with reviewing of classical and quantum secret sharing and finally introduce another method in order to share a two qubit secret between N parties such any of the members can retrieve the state only with collaboration with other parties. It will be shown that using only Bell Pairs as recourse and measurement basis makes this model more efficient than... 

    Design and fabrication of an ubiquitous, low-cost, and wearable respiratory bio-sensor using ionic soft materials

    , Article 26th National and 4th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME 2019, 27 November 2019 through 28 November 2019 ; 2019 , Pages 55-59 ; 9781728156637 (ISBN) Annabestani, M ; Mirzaei, I ; Esmaeili Dokht, P ; Fardmanesh, M
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    The respiratory system is a vital organ system which makes breathing and gas exchange possible for human's body. The loss of functionality in this system is due to either genetical problems or environmental issues like pollution or toxic gases which in many cases is inevitable. These circumstances may cause different respiratory diseases which may not be curable presently but their side effects can be partly controlled by careful and timely analysis improving the quality of patient's life. So, an appropriate device for conducting different analysis can be effective for people who suffer from respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, occupational lung... 

    A new threshold selection method based on fuzzy expert systems for separating text from the background of document images

    , Article Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Electrical Engineering ; Volume 43 , 2019 , Pages 219-231 ; 22286179 (ISSN) Annabestani, M ; Saadatmand Tarzjan, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer International Publishing  2019
    Threshold selection for text segmentation is an essential preprocessing step in most document processing algorithms. Although there are a number of sophisticatedly well-trained methods for text extraction, many researchers still prefer a fast and simple threshold selection algorithm for preprocessing. In this paper, a new global threshold selection method is proposed based on fuzzy expert systems (FESs). It initially enhances image contrast by using a FES. Then, the range of the threshold value is adjusted by using another FES and a pixel-counting algorithm. Finally, the threshold value is obtained as the middle value of the above range. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm,... 

    Ezafe Recognition Using Dependency Parsing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nassajian, Minoo (Author) ; Bahrani, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Shojaei, Razieh (Co-Supervisor)
    Ezafe is regarded as one of the most controversial and challenging issues in different Persian Language Processing (NLP) fields. It is recognized and pronounced but usually not written. So, this results in a high degree of ambiguity in Persian texts. Dependency grammar plays a significant role in optimization problems. So, to recognize the position of Ezafe in a sentence, this grammar is used in this current study. This method helps speed up computer operations and use low memory. Within this framework, first we take a close look at Ezafe distribution in Persian text. We use Uppsala Persian Dependency Corpus (2015) to analyze parsed sentences. The Ezafe constructions under study include... 

    Design and Preparation of a Persian Semantic Corpus Using Abstract Meaning Representation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Takhshid, Reza (Author) ; Bahrani, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Shojaie, Razieh (Supervisor)
    To keep in line with the day to day advancements in the fields of computational linguistics and natural language processing, and the growing attention of researchers to semantic processing, this thesis presents the design and preparation of a Persian semantic corpus using Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR). This semantic representation pairs each sentence with a single rooted, acyclic, directed graph, which is human and computer readable. Moreover, this representation paves the way for the creation of large semantic corpora. In order to bring such benefits to Persian, in this thesis we present solutions for representing Persian sentences in the framework of AMR. Moreover, a corpus of 150... 

    Persian Causative/Inchoative Alternation from an LFG Perspective

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jamshidi, Naser (Author) ; Khosravizadeh, Parvaneh (Supervisor) ; Shojaee, Razieh (Supervisor)
    This study attempts to describe and analyze Persian speakers’ linguistic knowledge of different types of causative and inchoative constructions within the framework of Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG). In order to do so, different studies on Persian causative alternations within theories other than LFG as well as causative alternations in other languages within LFG are reviewed. Next, different types of causative constructions are categorized conceptually and structurally after they are extracted from Bijankhan corpus (2005). Then they are analyzed syntactically and semantically. In this regard, we represent syntactic and semantic structures based on LFG as a monostratal theory. After that,... 

    A Semantic Valency Lexicon for Persian Predicates and Visualization of their Relations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Salimifar, Saeedeh (Author) ; Khosravi Zadeh, Parvaneh (Supervisor) ; Shojaei, Razieh (Supervisor)
    The highest and most difficult layer of Natural Language Processing, is the understanding of meaning. As a result, lexicons and annotated corpora are of the utmost importance in this area. However, the lack of such semantic resources, especially in Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR), is one of the main issues in this field for Persian Language. This work by modeling PropBank, a semantic valency lexicon for English predicates, is the first step towards building such lexicons for Persian Language with the focus on AMR. Thus, a guideline describing how to annotate the Persian predicates is provided which first evaluates the common structures between the two languages and then focuses on the... 

    A novel, low cost, and accessible method for rapid fabrication of the modifiable microfluidic devices

    , Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 10, Issue 1 , 2020 Annabestani, M ; Esmaeili Dokht, P ; Fardmanesh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2020
    As microfluidic chips are evolving to become a significant analysis tool toward POCT devices, it is crucial to make the cost and the time required for the fabrication process of these chips as low as possible. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of these systems and the collaboration of many different laboratories and organizations from vastly various fields with unequal types of equipment, it is essential to develop new techniques and materials to make the integration of disparate systems together more straightforward, accessible, and economical. In this paper, we present ethylene–vinyl acetate (EVA) as a new polymer-based material for the fabrication of different microfluidic chips,... 

    Persian Compound Verb Database with the Verbal Element: “Shodan”

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hashemnejad, Zeinab (Author) ; Khosravizadeh, Parvaneh (Supervisor) ; Shojaie, Razieh (Supervisor)
    Compound verbs (CVs) and its components, have been widely discussed in previous linguistics' researches as one of the most important and fundamental constructions of Persian language. Nevertheless most of the arguments and assumptions in those researches align with each other and studying CVs from another aspect with a different viewpoint has not been considered very much in order to solve nodes and issues in this area. We have endeavored in this thesis to review and criticize the portrayed definitions of the CVs, reconsider this construction and the syntactical and semantical roles of verbal and non-verbal elements in this combination from another point of view, and revise the previous... 

    Fuzzy descriptive evaluation system: real, complete and fair evaluation of students

    , Article Soft Computing ; Volume 24, Issue 4 , 2020 , Pages 3025-3035 Annabestani, M ; Rowhanimanesh, A ; Mizani, A ; Rezaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2020
    In recent years, descriptive evaluation has been introduced as a new model for educational evaluation of Iranian students. The current descriptive evaluation method is based on four-valued logic. Assessing all students with only four values is led to a lack of relative justice and creation of unrealistic equality. Also, the complexity of the evaluation process in the current method increases teacher error’s likelihood. As a suitable solution, in this paper, a fuzzy descriptive evaluation system has been proposed. The proposed method is based on fuzzy logic, which is an infinite-valued logic, and it can perform approximate reasoning on natural language propositions. By the proposed fuzzy... 

    Design and Fabrication of a 3D Multiparticle Microfluidic System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Olyanasab, Ali (Author) ; Fardmanesh, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Annabestani, Mohsen (Co-Supervisor)
    Microfluidic technology is a field of science that deals with the design, implementation, optimization, and testing of fluid systems in small dimensions. This technology has made significant progress in various fields in the last decade, especially in medical engineering. As an interdisciplinary scientific field, this growing technology has many applications in medicine, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, and electronic industries. One of the primary applications of microfluidic devices is the development of "lab-on-a-chip" systems as point-of-care diagnostic tools, such as rapid diagnosis during surgery. A microfluidic system includes various functional modules: sample preparation and fluid... 

    Design and Optimization of an Intelligent Impedance-based Flow Cytometer for POCT Applications

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Meskar, Zahra (Author) ; Fardmanesh, Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Annabestani, Mohsen (Co-Supervisor)
    Microfluidics is the science of fabricating systems interfacing fluids of small volume and size ranging from microliters (10-6) to picolitres (10-12). Due to its remarkable features, such as low sample and reagent consumption, high sensitivity, low cost, automated devices, and short experimental time, microfluidic chips have been widely used as laboratory assays. As a term often used and described in “lab on a chip” and “organ on a chip” technologies, microfluidic chips have been used in the fast and frugal diagnosis of infectious diseases such as HIV, microscale surgery on single cells and tiny organisms and cell culture.The design, simulation, optimization, and fabrication of an... 

    Active microfluidic micromixer design using ionic polymer-metal composites

    , Article 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2019, 30 April 2019 through 2 May 2019 ; 2019 , Pages 371-375 ; 9781728115085 (ISBN) Annabestani, M ; Mohammadzadeh, H ; Aghassizadeh, A ; Azizmohseni, S ; Fardmanesh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    In most of the microfluidic applications, it is necessary to have a mixed fluid from the beginning, but in microchannels, due to facing with low Reynolds flows, the fluids flow in the channel by the laminar regimes. Hence the mixing process is a challenging problem and researchers are trying to present fast and reliable micromixers. In this paper, using Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites (IPMCs), an active micromixer has been designed. To investigate the appropriateness of IPMC, using experimental and simulation tests, we show that the IPMC actuator is a potential candidate as an active element of microfluidic micromixers  

    NAFAS: non-rigid air flow active sensor, a cost-effective, wearable, and ubiquitous respiratory bio-sensor

    , Article IEEE Sensors Journal ; Volume 21, Issue 7 , 2021 , Pages 9530-9537 ; 1530437X (ISSN) Annabestani, M ; Esmaeili Dokht, P ; Khazaee Nejad, S ; Fardmanesh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2021
    A Non-rigid Air Flow Active Sensor (NAFAS) to detect the respiratory patterns is introduced in this paper. The main part of NAFAS is an ionic electroactive polymer-based ( ${i}$ -EAP) soft sensor. It can accurately detect breathing patterns and has promising features to develop low cost, wearable, and ubiquitous spirometers. Patients with respiratory diseases need to take pulmonary function tests consistently. Hence, it is time-consuming and expensive. To address these problems, NAFAS presents point-of-care testing (POCT) of the respiratory system's function. The proposed ${i}$ -EAP based sensor is a small strip of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) that has been fabricated using a Nafion... 

    A nonlinear feed-forward memory-less model to fast prediction of threshold voltage in junction-less double-gate MOSFETs

    , Article International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields ; Volume 34, Issue 1 , 2021 ; 08943370 (ISSN) Annabestani, M ; Nasserian, M ; Hasanzadeh, F ; Taherzadeh Sani, M ; Hassanzadeh, A. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Ltd  2021
    Decreasing Drain-Induced-Barrier-Lowering (DIBL) is one of the nondesirable short-channel effects, causes the threshold voltage of the transistor to be reduced by increasing the drain voltage. DIBL makes it impossible for engineers to consider VT as a constant, and it is necessary to calculate VT as a function of the drain voltage. Therefore, to consider the DIBL effect in the design of ICs, a large computational burden is imposed on the system, which slows down the simulation process in circuit-level simulators. Accordingly, a Nonlinear Feed-Forward Memory-Less (NFFML) model using the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization approach is proposed, which calculates the VT of the new generation of... 

    Multiphysics analysis and practical implementation of a soft μ-actuator- based microfluidic micromixer

    , Article Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems ; Volume 29, Issue 2 , 2020 , Pages 268-276 Annabestani, M ; Azizmohseni, S ; Esmaeili Dokht, P ; Bagheri, N ; Aghassizadeh, A ; Fardmanesh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2020
    Electroactive-Polymers (EAPs) are one of the best soft $mu $ -actuators with great biomedical applications. Ionic ones (i-EAPs) have more promising features and have adequate potential for using in the active microfluidic devices. Here, as a case study, we have designed and fabricated a microfluidic micromixer using an i-EAP named Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC). In microfluidics, active devices have more functionality but due to their required facilities are less effective for Point of Care Tests (POCTs). In the direction of solving this paradox, we should use some active components that they need minimum facilities. IPMC can be one of these components, hence by integrating the IPMC... 

    Correction to: How resiliency and hope can predict stress of covid-19 by mediating role of spiritual well-being based on machine learning (Journal of Religion and Health, (2021), 60, 4, (2306-2321), 10.1007/s10943-020-01151-z)

    , Article Journal of Religion and Health ; Volume 60, Issue 4 , 2021 , Pages 2322-2323 ; 00224197 (ISSN) Nooripour, R ; Hosseinian, S ; Hussain, A. J ; Annabestani, M ; Maadal, A ; Radwin, L ; Hassani Abharian, P ; Ghanbari, N ; Khoshkonesh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    The original version of the article was inadvertently published with the ethical code in Ethical Considerations section. This has been corrected with this erratum. The revised texts are given below. © 2021, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature  

    A new 3D, microfluidic-oriented, multi-functional, and highly stretchable soft wearable sensor

    , Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 12, Issue 1 , 2022 ; 20452322 (ISSN) Annabestani, M ; Esmaeili Dokht, P ; Olyanasab, A ; Orouji, N ; Alipour, Z ; Sayad, M. H ; Rajabi, K ; Mazzolai, B ; Fardmanesh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2022
    Increasing demand for wearable devices has resulted in the development of soft sensors; however, an excellent soft sensor for measuring stretch, twist, and pressure simultaneously has not been proposed yet. This paper presents a novel, fully 3D, microfluidic-oriented, gel-based, and highly stretchable resistive soft sensor. The proposed sensor is multi-functional and could be used to measure stretch, twist, and pressure, which is the potential of using a fully 3D structure in the sensor. Unlike previous methods, in which almost all of them used EGaIn as the conductive material, in this case, we used a low-cost, safe (biocompatible), and ubiquitous conductive gel instead. To show the... 

    How resiliency and hope can predict stress of covid-19 by mediating role of spiritual well-being based on machine learning

    , Article Journal of Religion and Health ; Volume 60, Issue 4 , 2021 , Pages 2306-2321 ; 00224197 (ISSN) Nooripour, R ; Hosseinian, S ; Hussain, A. J ; Annabestani, M ; Maadal, A ; Radwin, L. E ; Hassani Abharian, P ; Pirkashani, N. G ; Khoshkonesh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are playing a tremendous role in all aspects of human life and they have the remarkable potential to solve many problems that classic sciences are unable to solve appropriately. Neuroscience and especially psychiatry is one of the most important fields that can use the potential of AI and ML. This study aims to develop an ML-based model to detect the relationship between resiliency and hope with the stress of COVID-19 by mediating the role of spiritual well-being. An online survey is conducted to assess the psychological responses of Iranian people during the Covid-19 outbreak in the period between March 15 and May 20, 2020, in...