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    Extracting Cultural Similarities from Social Networks Data Using Topic Detection Techniques

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Annamoradnejad, Issa (Author) ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
    With the widespread usage of the internet among all layers of societies and the fast growth of social networks’ impact, researchers found a new source to study people’s habits, interests and culture. In order to combine these two important aspects of social networks, we used data from social networks to perform a cross-cultural study. The proposed method includes steps of gathering data from twitter, automatic classification of tweets into news categories and calculating cultural distance and cultural similarities from the overall distribution of tweets among the selected classes. By applying the proposed method on a sample of tweets in 2016, we examined the overall tendencies of users of... 

    A comprehensive analysis of twitter trending topics

    , Article 5th International Conference on Web Research, ICWR 2019, 24 April 2019 through 25 April 2019 ; 2019 , Pages 22-27 ; 9781728114316 (ISBN) Annamoradnejad, I ; Habibi, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    Twitter is among the most used microblogging and online social networking services. In Twitter, a name, phrase, or topic that is mentioned at a greater rate than others is called a «trending topic» or simply «trend». Twitter trends has shown their powerful ability in many public events, elections and market changes. Nevertheless, there has been very few works focusing on understanding the dynamics of these trending topics. In this article, we thoroughly examined the Twitter's trending topics of 2018. To this end, we accessed Twitter's trends API for the full year of 2018, and devised six criteria to evaluate our dataset. These six criteria are: lexical analysis, time to reach, trend... 

    Colbert at haha 2021: parallel neural networks for rating humor in spanish tweets

    , Article 2021 Iberian Languages Evaluation Forum, IberLEF 2021, 21 September 2021 ; Volume 2943 , 2021 , Pages 860-866 ; 16130073 (ISSN) Annamoradnejad, I ; Zoghi, G ; Sharif University of Technology
    CEUR-WS  2021
    Previously, we proposed ColBERT, a humor detection model based on the general linguistic structure of humor for formal English texts. ColBERT uses BERT model to produce embeddings for the text sentences, which will be put as inputs into a parallel neural network. In this paper, we utilized the proposed model on informal Spanish texts to detect humor and rate its level. The current task has three differences compared to the original humor detection task on the ColBERT dataset: (1) rating humor is a regression task rather than binary classification, (2) texts are informal, and (3) texts are in a different language. Using our general model and without any knowledge of the Spanish language, we... 

    Predicting subjective features from questions on qa websites using BERT

    , Article 6th International Conference on Web Research, ICWR 2020, 22 April 2020 through 23 April 2020 ; 2020 , Pages 240-244 Annamoradnejad, I ; Fazli, M ; Habibi, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2020
    Community Question-Answering websites, such as StackOverflow and Quora, expect users to follow specific guidelines in order to maintain content quality. These systems mainly rely on community reports for assessing contents, which has serious problems, such as the slow handling of violations, the loss of normal and experienced users' time, the low quality of some reports, and discouraging feedback to new users. Therefore, with the overall goal of providing solutions for automating moderation actions in QA websites, we aim to provide a model to predict 20 quality or subjective aspects of questions in QA websites. To this end, we used data gathered by the CrowdSource team at Google Research in... 

    Multi-view approach to suggest moderation actions in community question answering sites

    , Article Information Sciences ; Volume 600 , 2022 , Pages 144-154 ; 00200255 (ISSN) Annamoradnejad, I ; Habibi, J ; Fazli, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2022
    With thousands of new questions posted every day on popular Q&A websites, there is a need for automated and accurate software solutions to replace manual moderation. In this paper, we address the critical drawbacks of crowdsourcing moderation actions in Q&A communities and demonstrate the ability to automate moderation using the latest machine learning models. From a technical point, we propose a multi-view approach that generates three distinct feature groups that examine a question from three different perspectives: 1) question-related features extracted using a BERT-based regression model; 2) context-related features extracted using a named-entity-recognition model; and 3) general lexical... 

    Requirements for automating moderation in community question-answering websites

    , Article 15th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference, ISEC 2022, 24 February 2022 through 26 February 2022 ; 2022 ; 9781450396189 (ISBN) Annamoradnejad, I ; ACM; ACM India SIGSOFT ; Sharif University of Technology
    Association for Computing Machinery  2022
    In recent years, community Q&A websites have attracted many users and have become reliable sources among experts from various fields. These platforms have specific rules to maintain their content quality in addition to general user agreements. Due to the vast expanse of these systems in terms of the number of users and posts, manual checking and verification of new contents by the administrators and official moderators are not feasible, and these systems require scalable solutions. In major Q&A networks, the current strategy is to use crowdsourcing with reliance on reporting systems. This strategy has serious problems, including the slow handling of violations, the loss of new and... 

    Cross-cultural studies using social networks data

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems ; Volume 6, Issue 4 , 2019 , Pages 627-636 ; 2329924X (ISSN) Annamoradnejad, I ; Fazli, M ; Habibi, J ; Tavakoli, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    With the widespread access of people to the Internet and the increasing usage of social networks in all nations, social networks have become a new source to study cultural similarities and differences. We identified major issues in traditional methods of data collection in cross-cultural studies: Difficulty in access to people from many nations, limited number of samples, negative effects of translation, positive self-enhancement illusion, and a few unreported problems. These issues are either causing difficulty to perform a cross-cultural study or have negative impacts on the validity of the final results. In this paper, we propose a framework that aims to calculate cultural distance among... 

    Using web mining in the analysis of housing prices: a case study of tehran

    , Article 5th International Conference on Web Research, ICWR 2019, 24 April 2019 through 25 April 2019 ; 2019 , Pages 55-60 ; 9781728114316 (ISBN) Annamoradnejad, R ; Annamoradnejad, I ; Safarrad, T ; Habibi, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    There have been many previous works to determine the determinants of housing prices. All of these works relied on a relatively small set of data, mostly collected with the help of real estate agencies. In this work, we used web mining methods to generate a big, organized dataset from a popular national brokerage website. The dataset contains structural characteristics of more than 139,000 apartments, alongside their location and price. We provided our full dataset for the article, so that other researchers can reproduce our results or conduct further analyses. Using this dataset, we analyzed housing prices of Tehran in order to identify its major determinants. To this aim, we examine the... 

    Automating Moderators’ Actions in Online Question-Answering Communities

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Annamoradnejad, Eisa (Author) ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor) ; Fazli, Mohammad Amin (Co-Supervisor)
    Online question-answering communities, as reliable sources for exchanging experts' opinions, have specific rules to maintain their content quality. Due to their large number of users and posts, manual control and approval by administrators is not plausible, and these systems require solutions that are more scalable. The current dominant solution, i.e., the use of crowdsourcing and relying on user reports, has serious problems, including the slow speed of handling violations, the waste of time of users, and the discouraging feedback from the community towards new users. Although the automation of moderation actions via artificial intelligence methods would solve the existing problems, the...