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Optimum Water Allocation Modeling at Basin Scale by Integration of Waterbasin Hydrologic and Socio-economic Properties and Their Uncertainties
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Ardakanian, Reza (Supervisor)
Most of the recent hydro-system researches lent themselves to integrated modeling of interactions between agricultural water demand and hydro-system operation for better agricultural water demand management. Large share of water consumption by agriculture sector and general acceptance of integrated water supply and demand management by water sector decision makers highlighted this approach in hydro-systems analysis. This approach in modeling helps to achieve a better management strategy for agricultural water demand and supply with the least reduction in agri-sector economic indices, while supplying industry, domestic and environmental target demands. However, agriculture, industry and...
Land Water Storage Effect on Sea Level Fluctuations (Case Study: Caspian Sea Basin, using the Modified Model)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ardakanian, Reza (Supervisor)
The increasing trend of Green House gases’ emission, after the Industrial Revolution, has changed the balance of these gases in the atmosphere. Aggregation of these gases in the atmosphere has caused the temperature increase at the Earth’s surface. This temperature increase has altered the stationary trend of climatic variables. This change has been entitled, Climate Change. One of the important impacts and challenges of Climate Change is Sea Level Fluctuation, which has so many factors. Due the last researches, changes in Land Water Storage are one of the probable factors that change the sea level. Land water storage consists of all of the waters in lakes, ponds, ground waters, snow and...
Optimizing Long-Term Coordinated Operation of Hydro-Thermal Power Systems using Noisy GA & NSGA-II
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ardakanian, Reza (Supervisor)
Long-term coordinated operation of hydro-thermal power systems has important rule in energy generation planning and management. Therefore a new approach for optimization and long-term planning of hydro-thermal power system is developed. In this research main parameters of the system like inflows and energy are considered as uncertain and so scenario optimization technique is applied. The advantage of this research compare to similar approaches is about applying two objective functions which minimize cost of energy generation and flood control.The Noisy GA and NSGA-II algorithms are used to run the model solving the khouzistan hydro-thermal power system in Iran.The results of this model is...
Optimizing the coordination of hydro and thermal plant: The HTCOM model
, Article International Journal on Hydropower and Dams ; Volume 12, Issue 2 , 2005 , Pages 49-61 ; 13522523 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Applying uncertainty parameters to the HTCOM model for multipurpose reservoirs
, Article International Journal on Hydropower and Dams ; Volume 13, Issue 3 , 2006 , Pages 121-125 ; 13522523 (ISSN) ; Karimi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Coordinated operation of hydro-thermal power systems helps reduce generation costs. The Hydro-Thermal Coordinating Model (HTCOM) software package, as one of these models, determines long-term operational policies for a hydro-thermal power system with multipurpose reservoirs. The CLT was incorporated within this framework to ensure a logical time-based run-time, with no serious decrease in precision. HTCOM, based on both its theoretical background and its application in the KWPA system, has shown that it can handle real world problems successfully, with more reliable outcomes. Many models have also been developed to optimize the planning of hydro-thermal systems. HTCOM was developed and...
Pressure - Leakage relation in urban water distribution systems
, Article Proceedings of the ASCE International Conference on Pipeline Engineering and Construction: New Pipeline Technologies, Security and Safety, Baltimore, MD, 13 June 2003 through 16 June 2003 ; Volume 1 , 2003 , Pages 304-312 ; 0784406901 (ISBN); 9780784406908 (ISBN) ; Ghazali, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
American Society of Civil Engineers Texas Section
Due to increase of per capita water usage, water supply costs and population growth rate; optimal usages of available resources are vital. This is especially important in developing countries. If we add water resource deficits to the above problems, its importance duplicates. One of the ways of using resources optimally is utilizing transferred water in distribution systems properly and preventing its loss. Unaccounted for water (UFW) is an indicator of water loss in most cities. A big part of UFW is due to leakage of pipeline in distribution systems. Researchers have found direct relation between leakage and pressure in distribution systems. Earlier works have shown a series of laboratory...
Pathology of Iran's Water Resources Management Laws Using A Systems Dynamics Approach and the Development of Necessary Frameworks for New Law Development
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ardakanian, Reza (Supervisor) ; Khorashadizadeh, Farkhondeh (Supervisor) ; Bagheri, Ali (Co-Supervisor)
The water crisis in Iran is not only caused by climatic changes, in other words, human factors have also influenced the increase in water consumption. The intertwining of various economic, political, and social factors has caused a direct and dynamic impact on water resources. Undoubtedly, one of the most important processes in policy-making and in the continuation of planning the country's water resources is the approval of useful laws from the point of view of implementation, monitoring and finally having a positive impact on the subject under discussion. From this point of view, the main research question is the role of laws on the current state of water resources management. The first...
Optimum design of R.O. membrane by using simulation techniques
, Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 9, Issue 1-3 , 2009 , Pages 189-194 ; 19443994 (ISSN) ; Ehteshami, M ; Ardakanian, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Increasing demand of fresh water, and limitation water resources, with respect to world economic growth brings up the importance of utilization of saline water. At the current research the sensitivity analysis of ROSA was conducted. For this analysis, a single stage reverse osmosis is designed for well water specifi cation in southern Tehran under following condition: Feed fl ow: 40 m3/h and membrane Element: BW30–400 FR. The sensitivity analyses for all chemical element of base water were performed. As a result of sensitivity analysis shortest sensitivity gap, belongs to boron, and longest sensitivity gap, belongs to calcium. Which refl ects, under the same conditions, the least element to...
Multi-Attribute decision making on Inter-Basin Water Transfer projects
, Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 16, Issue 1 E , 2009 , Pages 73-80 ; 10263098 (ISSN) ; Szidarovszky, F ; Ardakanian, R ; Sharif University of Technology
One of the best ways to control water shortages in the central region of Iran is Inter-Basin Water Transfer (IBWT). Efficient decision making on this subject is, however, a real challenge for the water authorities in Iran. These decisions should include multiple attributes, model uncertainty and, also, the optimistic/pessimistic view of the decision makers. The Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operator can be used as an efficient Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method. This paper will introduce a new method to obtain the order weights of this operator. The new method is based on a combination of fuzzy quantifiers and neat OWA operators. Fuzzy quantifiers are usually applied in soft...
A fuzzy-stochastic OWA model for robust multi-criteria decision making
, Article Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making ; Volume 7, Issue 1 , 2008 , Pages 1-15 ; 15684539 (ISSN) ; Szidarovszky, F ; Ardakanian, R ; Sharif University of Technology
All realistic Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problems face various kinds of uncertainty. Since the evaluations of alternatives with respect to the criteria are uncertain they will be assumed to have stochastic nature. To obtain the uncertain optimism degree of the decision maker fuzzy linguistic quantifiers will be used. Then a new approach for fuzzy-stochastic modeling of MCDM problems will be introduced by merging the stochastic and fuzzy approaches into the OWA operator. The results of the new approach, entitled FSOWA, give the expected value and the variance of the combined goodness measure for each alternative. Robust decision depends on the combined goodness measures of...
Sensitivity analysis of the OWA operator
, Article IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics ; Volume 38, Issue 2 , 2008 , Pages 547-552 ; 10834419 (ISSN) ; Szidarovszky, F ; Ardakanian, R ; Sharif University of Technology
The successful design and application of the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) method as a decision-making tool depend on the efficient computation of its order weights. The most popular methods for determining the order weights are the fuzzy linguistic quantifiers approach and the minimal variability method, which give different behavior patterns for the OWA. These two methods will be first analyzed in detail by using sensitivity analysis on the outputs of the OWA with respect to the optimism degree of the decision maker, and then the two methods will be compared. The fuzzy linguistic quantifiers approach gives more information about the behavior of the OWA outputs in comparison to the...
Multi-criteria decision making for integrated urban water management
, Article Water Resources Management ; Volume 22, Issue 8 , 2008 , Pages 1017-1029 ; 09204741 (ISSN) ; Abrishamchi, A ; Ardakanian, R ; Sharif University of Technology
The city of Zahedan, in South-eastern Iran, has high population growth, limited local freshwater resources and inadequate water distribution system resulting in water supply failures in recent years. This paper will investigate integration of several demand management measures such as leakage detection on water distribution network, water metering and low volume water fixtures as well as the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources of this city. For integration of water management criteria, compromise programming will be used as a multi-objective decision making method. The criteria include minimizing the cost, maximizing water supply and minimizing the social hazards due to the...
Multi-criteria decision making for integrated urban water management
, Article IAHS-AISH Publication ; Issue 293 , 2005 , Pages 73-82 ; 01447815 (ISSN) ; Abrishamchi, A ; Ardakanian, R ; Sharif University of Technology
The integration of water demand management measures using a multi-criteria decision making model is discussed. The demand management measures include leakage detection, water metering and distribution network rehabilitation. A Compromise Programming method is used for integration of criteria including economic efficiency, public health and sustainability. The model is found to be efficient for long-term plans for implementation and usage of resources and is capable of being employed by decision makers in comprehensive urban water management studies
Time of concentration of surface flow in complex hillslopes
, Article Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics ; Volume 61, Issue 4 , 2013 , Pages 269-277 ; 0042790X (ISSN) ; Saghafian, B ; Talebi, A ; Ardakanian, R ; Sharif University of Technology
Time of concentration (TC) of surface flow in watersheds depends on the coupled response of hillslopes and stream networks. The important point in this background is to study the effects of the geometry and the shape of complex hillslopes on the time of concentration considering the degree of flow convergence (convergent, parallel or divergent) as well as the profile curvature (concave, straight or convex). In this research, the shape factor of complex hillslopes as introduced by Agnese et al. (2007) is generalized and linked to the TC. A new model for calculating TC of complex hillslopes is presented, which depends on the plan shape, the type and degree of profile curvature, the Manning...
A steady-state saturation model to determine the subsurface travel time (STT) in complex hillslopes
, Article Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; Volume 14, Issue 6 , Jun , 2010 , Pages 891-900 ; 10275606 (ISSN) ; Talebi, A ; Ardakanian, R ; Shamsai, A ; Sharif University of Technology
The travel time of subsurface flow in complex hillslopes (hillslopes with different plan shape and profile curvature) is an important parameter in predicting the subsurface flow in catchments. This time depends on the hillslopes geometry (plan shape and profile curvature), soil properties and climate conditions. The saturation capacity of hillslopes affect the travel time of subsurface flow. The saturation capacity, and subsurface travel time of compound hillslopes depend on parameters such as soil depth, porosity, soil hydraulic conductivity, plan shape (convergent, parallel or divergent), hillslope length, profile curvature (concave, straight or convex) and recharge rate to the groundwater...
Mobility aware distributed topology control in mobile ad-hoc networks using mobility pattern matching
, Article WiMob 2009 - 5th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing Networking and Communication, 12 October 2009 through 14 October 2009, Marrakech ; 2009 , Pages 453-458 ; 9780769538419 (ISBN) ; Mousavi, S. M ; Rabiee, H. R ; Movaghar, A ; Khaledi, MJ ; Ardakanian, O ; Sharif University of Technology
Topology control algorithms in mobile ad-hoc networks aim to reduce the power consumption while keeping the topology connected. These algorithms can preserve network resources and increase network capacity. However, few efforts have focused on the issue of topology control in presence of node mobility. One of the notable mobility aware topology control protocols is the "Mobility Aware Distributed Topology Control Protocol". The main drawback of this protocol is on its mobility prediction method. This prediction method assumes linear movements and is unable to cope with sudden changes in the mobile node movements. In this paper, we propose a pattern matching based mobility prediction method...
A misbehavior‐tolerant multipath routing protocol for wireless Ad hoc networks [electronic resource]
, Article International Journal of Research in Wireless Systems (IJRWS) ; Vol. 2, Issue 9, pp. , Sep. 2013 ; Pakravan, Mohammad Reza ; Aref, Mohammad Reza ; Sharif University of Technology
Secure routing is a major key to service maintenance in ad hoc networks. Ad hoc nature exposes the network to several types of node misbehavior or attacks. As a result of the resource limitations in such networks nodes may have a tendency to behave selfishly. Selfish behavior can have drastic impacts on network performance. We have proposed a Misbehavior-Tolerant Multipath Routing protocol (MTMR) which detects and punishes all types of misbehavior such as selfish behavior, wormhole, sinkhole and grey-hole attacks. The protocol utilizes a proactive approach to enforce cooperation. In addition, it uses a novel data redirection method to mitigate the impact of node misbehavior on network...
Analysis and data-based reconstruction of complex nonlinear dynamical systems : using the methods of stochastic processes
, Book
Springer International Publishing
This book focuses on a central question in the field of complex systems: Given a fluctuating (in time or space), uni- or multi-variant sequentially measured set of experimental data (even noisy data), how should one analyse non-parametrically the data, assess underlying trends, uncover characteristics of the fluctuations (including diffusion and jump contributions), and construct a stochastic evolution equation?
Here, the term "non-parametrically" exemplifies that all the functions and parameters of the constructed stochastic evolution equation can be determined directly from the measured data.
The book provides an overview of methods that have been developed for the analysis of...
Here, the term "non-parametrically" exemplifies that all the functions and parameters of the constructed stochastic evolution equation can be determined directly from the measured data.
The book provides an overview of methods that have been developed for the analysis of...
Fabrication and Study of Mechanical Behavior of in Situ Microfibrillar- Reinforced Composites of Polypropylene/Recycled Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate)Toughened with Rubber Particles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor) ; Alizadeh, Reza (Supervisor)
The use of polymers is increasing day by day due to low density, reasonable price and ability to produce different products. On the other hand, the accumulation of polymer wastes in nature is one of the environmental concerns in today's world, which is mainly due to the widespread use of polymers in the packaging industry and disposable applications. In order to solve this problem, recycling is recommended as the most appropriate and economical solution. Because in addition to consuming polymer waste, it also saves energy and reduces carbon footprint.Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is one of the polymeric materials which; It has a special place in the packaging industry and is widely used...
Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites with Spherical Inhomogeneities
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Naghdabadi, Reza (Supervisor) ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor)
The improved properties of nanocomposites are not achievable with conventional composites. Scale effect is one the most important parameters in the physical and mechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposites. One of the physical phenomena, which can be related to the scale effect, is the very large interface between the nanoparticles and the polymeric matrices. Motional behavior and conformation of polymeric chains change near the nanoparticles surfaces. Due to high interface of the nanoparticles with the polymeric matrices the amount of these types of changes in the polymeric chains are so large that can change the physical and mechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposites. In this...