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    Mutual Operation and Routing Problem Considering Customer Clustering in Cloud Manufacturing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Assari, Mozhgan (Author) ; Fattahi Valilai, Omid (Supervisor)
    Regarding to globalization concept, all companies around the world can communicate with each other, share their technologies and also compensate their production deficiencies. To achieve this goal, cloud manufacturing system have been proposed and investigated. One of the most important issues in cloud manufacturing is focusing on the service composition, in which a composition of cloud services is determined to meet customer demands. Also due to the distribution of the resources in the different points and geographic locations, considering to the production and routing which previously have been studied in the classical space is very important. Considering this, the problem is as follows:... 

    Mutual manufacturing service selection and routing problem considering customer clustering in Cloud manufacturing

    , Article Production and Manufacturing Research ; 2018 ; 21693277 (ISSN) Assari, M ; Delaram, J ; Fatahi Valilai, O ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2018
    Considering the globalization concept, all companies around the world are able to communicate with each other, share their technologies, and eliminate their production incapability issues. To achieve this goal, Cloud manufacturing system has been proposed. One of the most important issues in Cloud manufacturing is service composition, in which composition of cloud services is determined to meet customer orders. This paper considers a single-product supply network over one period in Cloud manufacturing system with the goal of service composition optimization. The network is designed in a layered structure considering transportation and production services and customers can be classified in... 

    Investigating the solid-state diffusion at the interface of Ni/Ti laminated composite

    , Article Journal of Manufacturing Processes ; Volume 75 , 2022 , Pages 670-681 ; 15266125 (ISSN) Luo, J ; Yarigarravesh, M ; Assari, A. H ; Amin, N. H ; Tayyebi, M ; Paidar, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2022
    The fabrication of Ni/Ti laminated composite via cross accumulative roll bonding (CARB) and subsequent annealing treatment has been studied. The relationships between annealing conditions and microstructure at interfaces of Ni/Ti have been investigated by SEM, XRD, and EDS analyses. The results show that the layers were well-bonded by the CARB process, and by increasing the temperature and time of annealing treatment, the interfacial layers grew as a result of the interdiffusion of Ni and Ti atoms. The main intermetallic phases were NiTi and NiTi2, both of which obeyed linear kinetics of growth. However, the calculated activation energy of NiTi was lower than that of NiTi2, indicating the... 

    Microstructure, fractography, and mechanical properties of hardox 500 steel tig-welded joints by using different filler weld wires

    , Article Materials ; Volume 15, Issue 22 , 2022 ; 19961944 (ISSN) Zuo, Z ; Haowei, M ; Yarigarravesh, M ; Assari, A. H ; Tayyebi, M ; Tayebi, M ; Hamawandi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    MDPI  2022
    This paper deals with the effects of three low-carbon steel filler metals consisting of ferritic and austenitic phases on the weld joints of the tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding of Hardox 500 steel. The correlation between the microstructure and mechanical properties of the weld joints was investigated. For this purpose, macro and microstructure were examined, and then microhardness, tensile, impact, and fracture toughness tests were carried out to analyze the mechanical properties of joints. The results of optical microscopy (OM) images showed that the weld zones (WZ) of all three welds were composed of different ferritic morphologies, including allotriomorphic ferrite, Widmanstätten... 

    Analysis of rTMS in Improvement of Tinnitus using EEG and fMRI

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shariftabar Azizi, Fatemeh (Author) ; Jahed, Mehran (Supervisor) ; Asadpour, Abdureza (Co-Supervisor) ; Hani Tabatabaei, Mozhgan (Co-Supervisor) ; Mehrkian, Saiedeh (Co-Supervisor)
    Tinnitus means hearing a sound without an external source. Despite the research done in relation to it, it is still an unknown phenomenon and no method has been introduced to treat it. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is one of the methods that its effectiveness in decreasing tinnitus sound is still under investigation. This technology is a non-invasive method to stimulate the brain, which modulates the activity of neurons by applying successive electromagnetic pulses on the scalp. Most of the studies conducted in this field have used clinical evaluations to investigate the effect of stimulation. Relying on this method alone to evaluate the effect of stimulation cannot take a... 

    Integration of the intelligent optimisation algorithms with the artificial neural networks to predict the performance of a counter flow wet cooling tower with rotational packing

    , Article International Journal of Ambient Energy ; 2021 ; 01430750 (ISSN) Assari, N ; Assareh, E ; Alirahmi, M ; Hosseini, H ; Nedaei, M ; Rahimof, Y ; Fathi, A ; Behrang, M ; Jafarinejad, T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2021
    The present study investigated a counter-flow cooling tower performance by integrating the Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Optimisation Algorithms (ANN-IOAs). For this purpose, two scenarios were evaluated. In the first scenario, inlet air wet-bulb temperature (T aw), inlet air dry bulb temperature (T ad), water to the air mass flow rate ratio (mw /ma), and rotor speed (υ) were the input parameters for the ANNs, while the output temperature (T wo) was the ANNs output. In the second scenario, the same input parameters applied for the first scenario were used as input variables and the tower efficiency (ε) was considered as an output parameter. The well-known IOAs methods, namely,... 

    Integration of the intelligent optimisation algorithms with the artificial neural networks to predict the performance of a counter flow wet cooling tower with rotational packing

    , Article International Journal of Ambient Energy ; Volume 43, Issue 1 , 2022 , Pages 5780-5787 ; 01430750 (ISSN) Assari, N ; Assareh, E ; Alirahmi, S. M ; Hosseini, S. H ; Nedaei, M ; Rahimof, Y ; Fathi, A ; Behrang, M ; Jafarinejad, T ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Ltd  2022
    The present study investigated a counter-flow cooling tower performance by integrating the Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Optimisation Algorithms (ANN-IOAs). For this purpose, two scenarios were evaluated. In the first scenario, inlet air wet-bulb temperature (T aw), inlet air dry bulb temperature (T ad), water to the air mass flow rate ratio (mw /ma), and rotor speed (υ) were the input parameters for the ANNs, while the output temperature (T wo) was the ANNs output. In the second scenario, the same input parameters applied for the first scenario were used as input variables and the tower efficiency (ε) was considered as an output parameter. The well-known IOAs methods, namely,...