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    Modeling and Evaluation of Performability in Cloud Computing Considering Power Consumption

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ataie Dadavi, Ehsan (Author) ; Movaghar, Ali (Supervisor)
    Considering current problems in performance evaluation of the Cloud and its management policies and strategies, this thesis presents different approaches for simultaneous evaluation of the performance, dependability, and power consumption of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds. The proposed approaches use Stochastic Reward Nets (SRNs) and Stochastic Activity Networks (SANs) to model and evaluate performability and power consumption of cloud systems. In all of the proposed approaches, the cloud resource management system is power-aware. It means that idle Physical Machines (PMs), network equipment, and supporting subsystems are kept in powered-off or standby modes, as much as possible,... 

    Experimental Investigation of Cold-flow Characteristics in Near-Wake of V-gutter Flameholders

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ataei Dadavi, Iman (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor) ; Morad, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    Bluff bodies are commonly used to stabilize flames in many high-speed flow applications. V-gutters are one of the most common bluff bodies that are mainly used in ramjet combustors and turbojet or turbofan afterburners for flameholding. Aerodynamic characteristics of flow behind V-gutter has crucial effect on mechanism of flame stabilization, therefore more experimental investigations still seem to be necessary in this area. Particle Image Velocimetry technique which has high temporal and spatial resolution has been used in this research in order to better investigate the structure and dynamics of this unsteady and complex flow filed. Experiments were done on a reference V-gutter in... 

    Declaration of Conflicts of Interest in Networking Era: Raising the Bar

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; 2015 , Pages 1-3 ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2015

    Preface: Thematic issue “Landslide-generated tsunamis waves”

    , Article Landslides ; 2016 , Pages 1- ; 1612510X (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2016

    Erratum to: Preface: Thematic issue “Landslide-generated tsunami waves”

    , Article Landslides ; Volume 13, Issue 6 , 2016 , Pages 1593- ; 1612510X (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2016
    The original version of this article, unfortunately, contained error. In the article title, “tsunamis” should be “tsunami“. Given in this article is the correct title  

    Declaration of conflicts of interest in networking era: Raising the bar

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; Volume 22, Issue 6 , 2016 , Pages 1855-1857 ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2016

    Recruitment processes in academia: does the emperor have any clothes?

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; Volume 22, Issue 5 , 2016 , Pages 1565-1568 ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2016
    The final outcome of promotion and recruitment processes in universities should be conventional and plausible by the members of the relevant scientific community, to affirm that the processes have been competitive and fair. The objective of this opinion letter is to make a plea for the importance of the post-auditing and quantitative assessment of the selection criteria. It is shown that for an example case the outcome of the post-audit does not look reasonable from an external point of view, at least regarding the research competency. © 2015, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht  

    Recruitment processes in academia: does the emperor have any clothes?

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; 2015 ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Kluwer Academic Publishers  2015
    The final outcome of promotion and recruitment processes in universities should be conventional and plausible by the members of the relevant scientific community, to affirm that the processes have been competitive and fair. The objective of this opinion letter is to make a plea for the importance of the post-auditing and quantitative assessment of the selection criteria. It is shown that for an example case the outcome of the post-audit does not look reasonable from an external point of view, at least regarding the research competency  

    Comment on "effects of tidal fluctuations on mixing and spreading in coastal aquifers: Homogeneous case" by María Pool et al

    , Article Water Resources Research ; Volume 51, Issue 6 , 2015 , Pages 4858- ; 00431397 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Blackwell Publishing Ltd  2015

    Curbing Iran's academic misconduct

    , Article Science ; Volume 351, Issue 6279 , 2016 , Pages 1273-1274 ; 00368075 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Association for the Advancement of Science  2016

    World map of scientific misconduct

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; 2017 , Pages 1-4 ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2017
    A comparative world map of scientific misconduct reveals that countries with the most rapid growth in scientific publications also have the highest retraction rate. To avoid polluting the scientific record further, these nations must urgently commit to enforcing research integrity among their academic communities. © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media B.V  

    Erratum to: world map of scientific misconduct

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; 2017 , Pages 1- ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology

    Erratum to: World map of scientific misconduct

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; Volume 24, Issue 5 , 2018 , Pages 1657- ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2018
    The original version of this article was revised: Reference ‘Qiu, J. (2010). China drought highlights future climate threats. Nature, 463(7278), 142–143.’ has been replaced by ‘Qui, J. (2010). Publish or perish in China. Nature, 463(7278), 142–143.’. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2017  

    World map of scientific misconduct

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; Volume 24, Issue 5 , 2018 , Pages 1653-1656 ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2018
    A comparative world map of scientific misconduct reveals that countries with the most rapid growth in scientific publications also have the highest retraction rate. To avoid polluting the scientific record further, these nations must urgently commit to enforcing research integrity among their academic communities. © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media B.V  

    Chinese and Iranian scientific publications: Fast growth and poor ethics

    , Article Science and Engineering Ethics ; Volume 23, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 317-319 ; 13533452 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2017

    MODSharp: Regional-scale numerical model for quantifying groundwater flux and contaminant discharge into the coastal zone

    , Article Environmental Modelling and Software ; Volume 22, Issue 9 , 2007 , Pages 1307-1315 ; 13648152 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper the development of a quasi-three-dimensional numerical model that can be used for quantifying groundwater inputs and associated contaminant discharged from coastal aquifers into the coastal zone at a regional scale is presented. The present model is called MODSharp. In order to handle problems at a regional scale, the sharp interface approach which is used for conceptualising seawater intrusion, is applied to this model. This model can be used for the simulation of groundwater flow and contaminant transport in layered coastal aquifers at a regional scale. The method of characteristics is used to solve the advection-dispersion equation, which governs contaminant transport in... 

    Synthesis and Characterization of Cis-dioxomolybdenum(VI) Complex with an ONO Type Tridentate Schiff base Ligand and its Application as Catalyst for Epoxidation of Olefins

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ataie, Saeed (Author) ; Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba (Supervisor)
    A new dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex, (Cis-[MoO2(L)])n, has been synthesized by reacting 4-bromo-2-((2-hydroxy-5-methylphenylimino)methyl)phenol as a ligand and [MoO2(acac)2] in methanolic solution. For characterization and structure determination of the synthesized complex, different techniques were performed such as elemental analyses, 1H NMR, IR, UV-Vis and X-ray crystallography. The complex was tested as a catalyst for the homogeneous epoxidation of olefins, using tert-butyl hydperoxide (TBHP) as an oxidant. The catalytic system showed high yield, selectivity and turnover number in olefin epoxidation reactions under atmospheric conditions. For example, when the molar ratio of catalyst,... 

    Performance evaluation of mobile ad hoc networks in the presence of energy-based selfishness

    , Article 2006 3rd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, BROADNETS 2006, San Jose, CA, 1 October 2006 through 5 October 2006 ; 2006 ; 1424404258 (ISBN); 9781424404254 (ISBN) Ataie, E ; Movaghar, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Cooperation of nodes for routing and packet forwarding is inevitable in a mobile ad hoc network. Selfishness in such networks is a significant challenge and can cause network performance to noticeably degrade. In this paper, we propose some new selfishness models elicited from psychological behavior of human beings. We also evaluate performance of MANET in the presence of different percentages of selfish nodes that act based on our selfishness models. Results show that energy-based selfishness is a serious problem that could affect performance depends on mobility of nodes, density of network, and time of simulation. This kind of selfishness needs a comprehensive mechanism to cope with and we... 

    Developing an Object-oriented Computer Program for Seepage Analysis through Earth Dams using Boundary Element Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asadi, Roza (Author) ; Ashtiani, Ataie (Supervisor)
    Destruction of a dam is not only an economic disaster but also a catastrophe for the down stream residents. Seepage related problems are the main reasons for the destruction of the embankment dams. Therefore controlling seepage in an earth dam is of great importance.Graphical, experimental,and numerical methods can be applied for analysis of seepage problems in embankment dams.Due to the complexity of geometry and of in homogeneous and/or anisotropic media there are few analytical solutions to porous media problems. Numerical solutions have long played an important role in ground water calculation such as Finite Difference Method (FDM),Finite Element Method (FEM) and Boundary Element Method... 

    Elitist continuous ant colony optimization algorithm for optimal management of coastal aquifers

    , Article Water Resources Management ; Volume 25, Issue 1 , 2010 , Pages 165-190 ; 09204741 (ISSN) Ataie Ashtiani, B ; Ketabchi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper presents an evolutionary based approach to achieve optimal management of a coastal aquifer to control saltwater intrusion. An improved Elitist Continuous Ant Colony Optimization (ECACO) algorithm is employed for optimal control variables setting of coastal aquifer management problem. The objectives of the optimal management are; maximizing the total water-pumping rate, while controlling the drawdown limits and protecting the wells from saltwater intrusion. Since present work is one of the first efforts towards the application of an ECACO algorithm, sharp interface solution for steady state problem is first exploited. The performance of the developed optimization model is evaluated...