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Enhancement of brick-mortar shear bond strength using environmental friendly mortars
, Article Construction and Building Materials ; Volume 195 , 2019 , Pages 28-40 ; 09500618 (ISSN) ; Toufigh, V ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Usage of masonry system in many regions of the world like the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East, India, and China is still significantly high, despite their highly energy and intensive emission. Most of the failures in this system are caused by low ductility of cement mortars. This type of failure could be seen in masonry structures in areas in east Iran after Kermanshah earthquake in 2017. The present study investigates the shear bond characteristics of structures constructed by masonry using green materials. “Taftan” natural pozzolan and two types of rice husk ash (RHA) were used in mix design of used mortars as green materials. In this investigation, a modified direct shear test...
Analytical and Experimental Studies on Interface between Different Mortars and Brick
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Toufigh, Vahab (Supervisor)
Usage of masonry materials in a country like Iran is still significantly high. As most of the failures during an earthquake in this system is failure caused by low ductility of cement mortars and also the high rate of carbon dioxide produced by cement. Experiences of Kermanshah earthquake in 2017 in Iran has doubled the importance of this issue. Hence, in the present investigation, an attempt to enhance the shear bond characteristics of structures constructed by masonry using green materials has been made. “Taftan” natural Pozzolan and two types of rice husk ash (RHA) was used in mix design of used mortars as a green material. In this investigation, a direct shear test (DST) device is...
Effects of size and shape on elastic constants of graphene sheet
, Article Structures ; Volume 13 , February , 2018 , Pages 131-138 ; 23520124 (ISSN) ; Ahmadie Amiri, H ; Dehestani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Nanotechnology is used in different engineering fields such as mechanical, aerospace, and civil. One of the most interesting structures which recently have come to the center of attention is the Graphene Sheet (GS). Graphene is a material with high potential of usage in civil structures like structural rehabilitation. In the present paper a finite element based structural analysis program is employed to study the mechanical properties of GS. The advantage of using this method is its simplicity and efficiency in different types of loading. The models considered here are based on a structural mechanics approach by using finite beam elements. Variations of Young's moduli of GS versus different...
Design, fabrication, and accuracy of a novel noncovering lock-mechanism bilateral patient-specific drill guide template for nondeformed and deformed thoracic spines
, Article HSS Journal ; Volume 17, Issue 2 , 2021 , Pages 213-222 ; 15563316 (ISSN) ; Mohammadi Moghadam, S ; Azimi, P ; Arjmand, N ; Sharif University of Technology
SAGE Publications Inc
Background: Pedicle screw (PS) placement has been widely used in fusion surgeries on the thoracic spine. Achieving cost-effective yet accurate placements through nonradiation techniques remains challenging. Questions/Purposes: Novel noncovering lock-mechanism bilateral vertebra-specific drill guides for PS placement were designed/fabricated, and their accuracy for both nondeformed and deformed thoracic spines was tested. Methods: One nondeformed and 1 severe scoliosis human thoracic spine underwent computed tomographic (CT) scanning, and 2 identical proportions of each were 3-dimensional (3D) printed. Pedicle-specific optimal (no perforation) drilling trajectories were determined on the CT...
Thermo-mechanical vibration of rotating axially functionally graded nonlocal Timoshenko beam
, Article Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing ; Volume 123, Issue 1 , 2017 ; 09478396 (ISSN) ; Mirjavadi, S. S ; Shafiei, N ; Hamouda, A. M. S ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Verlag
The free vibration analysis of rotating axially functionally graded nanobeams under an in-plane nonlinear thermal loading is provided for the first time in this paper. The formulations are based on Timoshenko beam theory through Hamilton’s principle. The small-scale effect has been considered using the nonlocal Eringen’s elasticity theory. Then, the governing equations are solved by generalized differential quadrature method. It is supposed that the thermal distribution is considered as nonlinear, material properties are temperature dependent, and the power-law form is the basis of the variation of the material properties through the axial of beam. Free vibration frequencies obtained are...
Erratum to: thermo-mechanical vibration of rotating axially functionally graded nonlocal Timoshenko beam (Erratum to: Appl. Phys. A, (2017), 123, (104), 10.1007/s00339-016-0712-5)
, Article Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing ; Volume 123, Issue 2 , 2017 ; 09478396 (ISSN) ; Mirjavadi, S. S ; Shafiei, N ; Hamouda, A. M. S ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Verlag
The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The affiliation 3 was incorrect. The correct affiliation 3 is: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Payame Noor University (PNU), P. O. Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran. © 2016, Indian Society of Haematology & Transfusion Medicine
An algorithm for finding a feasible solution of graph labeling problems [electronic resource]
, Article Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Incorporated ; 2007, Vol. 72, pp. 163-174 ; Azimi, Parham ; Sharif University Of Technology
Graceful labeling is one of the best known labeling methods of graphs. Despite the large number of papers published on the subject of graph labeling, there are few particular techniques to be used by researchers to gracefully label graphs. In this paper, first a new approach based on the mathematical programming technique is presented to model the graceful labeling problem. Then a “branching method” is developed to solve the problem for special classes of graphs. Computational results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for different classes of graphs. One of the interesting results of our model is in the class of trees. The largest tree known to be graceful has at most 27 vertices...
Applications of mathematical programming in graceful labeling of graphs [electronic resource]
, Article Journal of Applied Mathematics (Published by Hindawi) ; Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 1-8 ; Azimi, Parham ; Sharif University of Technology
Graceful labeling is one of the best known labeling methods of graphs. Despite the large number of papers published on the subject of graph labeling, there are few particular techniques to be used by researchers to gracefully label graphs. In this paper, first a new approach based on the mathematical programming technique is presented to model the graceful labeling problem. Then a “branching method” is developed to solve the problem for special classes of graphs. Computational results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for different classes of graphs. One of the interesting results of our model is in the class of trees. The largest tree known to be graceful has at most 27 vertices...
Vibration of rotating functionally graded timoshenko nano-beams with nonlinear thermal distribution
, Article Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures ; Volume 25, Issue 6 , 2018 , Pages 467-480 ; 15376494 (ISSN) ; Mirjavadi, S ; Shafiei, N ; Salem Hamouda, A. M ; Davari, E ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Inc
The vibration analysis of rotating, functionally graded Timoshenko nano-beams under an in-plane nonlinear thermal loading is studied for the first time. The formulation is based on Eringen's nonlocal elasticity theory. Hamilton's principle is used for the derivation of the equations. The governing equations are solved by the differential quadrature method. The nano-beam is under axial load due to the rotation and thermal effects, and the boundary conditions are considered as cantilever and propped cantilever. The thermal distribution is considered to be nonlinear and material properties are temperature-dependent and are changing continuously through the thickness according to the power-law...
Vibration of rotating functionally graded timoshenko nano-beams with nonlinear thermal distribution
, Article Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures ; 2017 , Pages 1-14 ; 15376494 (ISSN) ; Mirjavadi, S. S ; Shafiei, N ; Hamouda, A. M. S ; Davari, E ; Sharif University of Technology
The vibration analysis of rotating, functionally graded Timoshenko nano-beams under an in-plane nonlinear thermal loading is studied for the first time. The formulation is based on Eringen's nonlocal elasticity theory. Hamilton's principle is used for the derivation of the equations. The governing equations are solved by the differential quadrature method. The nano-beam is under axial load due to the rotation and thermal effects, and the boundary conditions are considered as cantilever and propped cantilever. The thermal distribution is considered to be nonlinear and material properties are temperature-dependent and are changing continuously through the thickness according to the power-law...
Adsorption of petroleum monoaromatics from aqueous solutions using granulated surface modified natural nanozeolites: Systematic study of equilibrium isotherms
, Article Water, Air, and Soil Pollution ; Volume 217, Issue 1-4 , 2011 , Pages 611-625 ; 00496979 (ISSN) ; Torabian, A ; Kazemian, H ; Bidhendi, G. N ; Azimi, A. A ; Charkhi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Petroleum monoaromatics including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) are among the notorious volatile organic compounds that contaminate water and soil. In this study, a surfactant- modified natural zeolite and its relevant granulated nanozeolites were evaluated as potential adsorbents for removal of petroleum monoaromatics from aqueous solutions. All experiments performed in batch mode at constant temperature of 20°C and pH of 6.8 for 48 h. The results revealed that the amount of BTEX uptake on granulated zeolites nanoparticles were remarkably higher than the parent micron size natural zeolite (in the order of four times). The isotherms data were analyzed using five models...
An integrated analysis to predict micro-RNAs targeting both stemness and metastasis in breast cancer stem cells
, Article Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine ; Volume 23, Issue 4 , 2019 , Pages 2442-2456 ; 15821838 (ISSN) ; Sharifi Zarchi, A ; Firouzi, J ; Azimi, M ; Zarghami, N ; Alizadeh, E ; Ebrahimi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Blackwell Publishing Inc
Several evidences support the idea that a small population of tumour cells representing self-renewal potential are involved in initiation, maintenance, metastasis, and outcomes of cancer therapy. Elucidation of microRNAs/genes regulatory networks activated in cancer stem cells (CSCs) is necessary for the identification of new targets for cancer therapy. The aim of the present study was to predict the miRNAs pattern, which can target both metastasis and self-renewal pathways using integration of literature and data mining. For this purpose, mammospheres derived from MCF-7, MDA-MB231, and MDA-MB468 were used as breast CSCs model. They had higher migration, invasion, and colony formation...
Abnormal expression of NF-κB-related transcripts in blood of patients with inflammatory peripheral nerve disorders
, Article Metabolic Brain Disease ; Volume 36, Issue 8 , 2021 , Pages 2369-2376 ; 08857490 (ISSN) ; Ghafouri Fard, S ; Badrlou, E ; Omrani, D ; Nazer, N ; Sayad, A ; Taheri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
The NF-κB family includes some transcription factors which have important functions in the regulation of immune responses, therefore participating in the pathophysiology of inflammatory conditions such as peripheral neuropathies. We have quantified expression of a number of NF-κB-related transcripts in patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) or chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) versus healthy subjects. These transcripts have been previously shown to be functionally related with this family of transcription factors. Expressions of ATG5, DICER-AS1, PACER, DILC, NKILA and ADINR have been increased in both CIDP and GBS patients compared with controls. However,...
Conceptual Design and Study of Feasibility of a Compressed Air Driven Car
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Durali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Using clean and renewable energy as driving force for vehicles is becoming more and more important because of rising fuel prices and also environmental concerns. Using solar and wind power for direct use in vehicles seems impractical with today’s technology. Compressed air can serve as an intermediate medium to store energy and utilize it for running vehicles. The main purpose of this research was to conceptually design an air driven vehicle with acceptable performance in a city for everyday life. After a brief history, at first step advantages and disadvantages of using air as driving force of vehicle is studied. This study was carried out in different categories including cost, capability...
Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Nano-scaled TiO2 Co-doped with N and Ag by Sol-gel Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor)
Transparent coatings with self-cleaning property in visible light spectrum, UV radiation resistance and antimicrobial are highly desirable. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used in this research has been widely studied as an efficient photocatalyst by researchers. In this research enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity is gained with N and Ag co-doped titania. All samples were annealed at 450℃. Finally AgI was loaded TiO2 coating and the results were investigated. Peaks of XRD pattern wereattributed to different diffraction planes of anatase TiO2. Morphology of coatings were analyzed with using FE-SEM. Nano granis size of TiO2 and AgI loaded TiO2 were observed in FE-SEMimages. Nitrogen...
Precise formulation of electrical capacitance for a cylindrical capacitive sensor
, Article Journal of Applied Sciences ; Volume 9, Issue 8 , 2009 , Pages 1556-1561 ; 18125654 (ISSN) ; Golnabi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study a more precise formulation of electrical capacitance for a cylindrical capacitive sensor is reported. By using different theoretical models such as Coulomb law, Gauss law and Laplace equation the electrical capacitance is calculated. Based on the given models the relation between the capacitance and the geometrical parameters (e.g., cylindrical length) is formulated and by using suitable software capacitance variation is computed and compared for different methods. In Coulomb method, the electrical potential is first solved numerically by using Mathematica and then the electrical capacitance is computed. It is found that the active capacitor length is crucial parameter in the...
Investigation of Dust Emission Paths Over Lake Urmia Local Dust Spots Using the HYSPLIT Model
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tajrishy, Masoud (Supervisor)
At Lake Urmia (LU) greatest extent, it was the largest lake in the Middle East and the sixth-largest saltwater lake on Earth, with a surface area of approximately 5,200 km2. The lake has shrunk to 10% of its former size due to damming of the rivers that flow into it, and the pumping of groundwater from the surrounding area. Moreover, as the lake shriks its potentional to be a major dust sources increases. A Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model was used to investigate and track the extent of dust emission and aerosol concentration over Lake Urmia marginal dust spots in order to identify the affected and critical areas. Also, percent movement, propagation...
Integrated Drilling Oprations Optimization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jamshidi, Saeid (Supervisor)
Drilling Operations constitute more than fifty percent of total costs of well construction operations. Due to this fact, optimization of drilling operations could have significant effect on decrease in total costs of well construction. It is mentioning worthy that there are a variety of parameters which affect drilling operations from the view point of optimization. In many cases several of those aforementioned parameters are contrary in nature. Thus obtaining an integrated approach to optimize the operation by considering these effects is necessity. The goal of this thesis is to investigate different influential parameters of drilling operation optimization and to develop computer-based...
Effect of the Blast Furnace Slag on Microstructural and Transport Properties of the Fly Ash-based Geopolymers
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Toufigh, Vahab (Supervisor)
Alkali-activated fly ash-slag (AAFS) is a new type of sustainable construction material widely studied in recent years for its desirable mechanical properties and low environmental impacts. In this study, the effects of the slag incorporation from 10 to 30% of fly ash are investigated on the strength, pore structure, and transport properties of the AAFS with various levels of fly ash replacements with slag. The unconfined compression and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests were performed to evaluate the mechanical properties of the AAFS concrete. Microstructural and mineralogical changes were studied by porosity, N2-adsorption/desorption, and SEM/EDX tests. Additionally, transport properties...
Experimental and Numerical Study of Spray Combustion under Hot-diluted Conditions
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mardani, Amir (Supervisor)
In this thesis, combustion of liquid fuel spray under the condition of hot and diluted oxidizer, has been investigated. To this end, a novel type laboratory-scale test rig was designed to study the physics governing the MILD-Spray combustion conditions with an applied approach. The underlined test rig eliminates the operational problems of its predecessor test stands and is used for a heavier fuel with much more complex chemical composition (kerosene). The test section is axially symmetrical, in which the fuel is injected by a pressure-swirl atomizer in the direction of hot and diluted co-flowing air. With the use of the aforesaid test rig, the effect of variables such as oxygen...