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    Total Cost Reduction for Big Data Processing by Smart VM Storage Selection and Data Placement

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mousavi, Hossein (Author) ; Goudarzi, Maziyar (Supervisor)
    The fastest growing of data in the fields of economic, cultural and scientific quick analysis of this data is one of the needs of users. The inability of the traditional programming model for processing large data makes MapReduce programming model to be introduced. MapReduce model, processing big data in shorter time available. Users to analyze large data processing, rent necessary resources from infrastructure of cloud as one of the most popular are provided. Due to cloud resources acquired and run-time program on selected configurations, the cost of these resources are paid according to their use. So if resources are not proportionate with the needs of the program will be wasting money and... 

    The Effect of Structural Defects of Graphene Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites on Mechanical Properties

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bazmara, Maziyar (Author) ; Naghd Abadi, Reza (Supervisor)
    Nanocomposites are widely used due to unique properties such as low density and high strength in many industries such as electronics, telecommunications, aerospaces, Petrochemicals and shipbuildings. Meanwhile, due to the importance of economic issues, polymer based nanocomposites are the most used type of nanocomposites. The purpose of this thesis is studing the structural defects of graphene-reinforced nanocomposite polymers on the mechanical properties of these materials. Defects created in nanocomposites can be divided into two categories after construction. The first category is the defects that are created in the graphene structure when it is synthsis, and the second happen at the...