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    A Survey With Simulation on DVB-Based Passive Radar

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Radmard, Mojtaba (Author) ; Bastani, Mohammad Hassan (Supervisor) ; Behnia, Ferydon (Supervisor)
    One of non-cooperative illuminators recently considered for passive radar application is the DVB-T signal. Its thumbtack ambiguity function beside the constancy over time makes it very desirable. But there are some ambiguities in its ambiguity function that can not be neglected. In this paper, after studying the reasons of the ambiguities we propose some processings to remove them. It is shown that for removing the ambiguities, it’s sufficient to filter out continual pilots and equalize scattered pilots. The results show that an ambiguity function relatively without ambiguities will be obtained. A method for compensating the target’s range migration-that results in processing gain decrease... 

    Artificial Neural Network Based Prediction of Heat of Adsorption of Alkanes on Various Zeolites

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zhiyani, Mehrzad (Author) ; Gobal, Ferydon (Supervisor)
    Generally, predicting the adsorption and Catalytic characteristics of the solids base on the primary principles is impossible; this is only possible for small molecules and single crystal surfaces. On the other hand, phenomenological approaches, which are based on experimental data, are efficient approaches in many cases. The best predictions and designs are done by those who have an extensive information “resources” about the “Reactive Substances- Catalytic-conditions” and are able to “analyze” the data based on the “chemical physical Models”. A Neural network is an extremely simplified model of the human brain that predicts a complex characteristic(s) from a series of primary... 

    MIMO Radars Waveform Design

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shadi, Kamal (Author) ; Behnia, F (Supervisor)
    MIMO radar is a next generation radar which transmits arbitrary waveforms at each one of its apertures. It has been shown that design of waveforms for MIMO radars in order to synthesize a desired spatial beampattern, is mapped into a waveform correlation matrix (R) design in the narrowband case. Therefore, waveform design in MIMO radar for beamforming could be broken into two steps, namely correlation matrix design and waveform synthesis for achieving given R. As of now, given a desired beampattern or estimated location information of targets, calculating R has been modeled as an optimization problem like SDP. Also, in some special cases like rectangular beampattern, close form solutions for... 

    Fault-tolerant Optical Network on Chip Using Multiple Paths

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Behnia, Farnaz (Author) ; Hessabi, Shaahin (Supervisor)
    Today, global on-chip communications become a critical power bottle-neck in high-performance many-core architectures. The importance of power dissipation in NoCs along with power reduction capability of on-chip optical interconnects offers optical network-onchip (ONoC) as a novel technology solution which can introduce on-chip interconnection architecture with high transmission capacity and low power consumption. However, the basic elements that are used in ONoCs are very temperature-sensitive. This may lead to changes in their physical characteristics which will cause incorrectness in network’s functionality. In this thesis, we propose an approach that even the elements change physically... 

    Data Communication and Watermarking Through Voice Channels

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Kazemi, Reza (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, swift development of cellular network with the increased penetration rate, have made mobile voice channels widely available almost everywhere with higher priority comparing to the other conventional channels, e.g., GPRS, EDGE, HSDPA and etc. Leveraging on this fact two important utilization can be considered. The first one is related to urgent transmitting of vital data. As mentioned earlier, since this channel deems to be available everywhere and, recalling its priority, it is even accessible in congestion condition, it can be exploited as an efficient way to transmit small volume of emergence data urgently. Transforming the crash data on the road is an example of utilizing such... 

    Localization of Active Aerial Targets Using Targets with Known Location

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kaviani, Saber (Author) ; Behnia, Feridoon (Supervisor)
    Localization of radio, acoustic and vibration wave’s sources by passive systems has many applications in positioning systems, navigation systems, wireless sensor networks, defense, security, and geophysics. RSS, AOA, TDOA, and FDOA are some of the techniques available for passive localization. The performance of TDOA/FDOA techniques does not degrade with distance and multipath, but it may suffer from poor performance for narrowband signals. On the other hand, FDOA technique requires narrowband signals. Thus, the combination of TDOA and FDOA can be suitable for a much wider range of sources. In addition, the TDOA/FDOA method can provide more accurate interference source localization compared... 

    Increasing Operating Range of Wideband Reconnaissance Receivers, by Using Antenna Arrays

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sobhani, Ghasem (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    Passive wideband reconnaissance receivers, listen to the radio and radar signals in the environment and estimate their important parameters such as direction of arrival (DOA). The wideband attribute for these receivers is to refer to their ability to receive wideband signals.Due to the use of processing gain, LPI radars reduce their transmitted signal power to see and not to be seen. On the other hand reconnaissance receivers can not have much processing gain, because they do not know the nature of the transmitted signal; Therefore, to increase the operational range of these systems, it is necessary to increase the signal to noise power ratio (SNR). This thesis examines the use of antenna... 

    Analysis of Effective Parameters in Localization Accuracy of Positioning Systems

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Sadeghi, Mohammad (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    Target localization using positioning systems has long been considered by researchers in various fields.One of the important issues in localizing a target is the accuracy of its determined position. There are several parameters in the accuracy of position estimation. In a comprehensive view, these parameters can be divided into three general factors,including the relative geometry of the transmitters/receivers with respect to the target, the accuracy of measurements, and the type of target position estimator.The first factor, i.e. the relative geometry between the target and the transmit/receive antennas, plays an important role in localization accuracy. In the first part of this thesis, the... 

    Automatic Modulation Recognition of Analog And Digital Modulations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Dehghan, Hamed (Author) ; Behnia, Fereydoon (Supervisor)
    This thesis investigates various modulation recognition systems both in analogue and digital forms. We are looking for a recognition technique considering practical implementation issues. To recognize the modulation, the career frequency is supposed to be known and a bandpass signal is received. Besides, we investigate some digital Automatic Modulation Recognition (AMR) methods. The techniques based on the features of the signal have less computational complexity compared to Maximum Likelihood (ML) techniques; hence they are more desirable for practical implementation. In this project, analog modulations are implemented using C++ software. For the convenience of users, here, two graphical... 

    Small Signal Analysis of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Arrays and Experimental Verification

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Rajabvand, Mohammad (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    In-fiber and all-optical wavelength-selective signal processing are key aspects of fiber Bragg grating (FBG)-based devices in optical communication systems. FBGs with sharp filtering properties have already been used in fiber optic communication networks as dispersion compensators, optical add–drop multiplexers, fiber lasers, and optical label switching modules. We have developed an in-fiber wavelength-selective optical intensity modulator to superimpose low rate overhead data on the transit high-speed payload signals. The tunable fiber Bragg grating (FBG), as the heart of a wavelength-selective modulator (WSM), is designed and properly biased to implement the desired modulation... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sharifzadeh, Abdorrahman (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, Particle Filter Methods are investigated in the context of moving targets tracking and the associated performance analysis. The application scope of this algorithm which is a particular case of Sequential Monte Carlo Method is far broader than tracking of moving targets. This algorithm can be used for mathematical calculations such as estimation of mathematical expectations, integrals, surface area of curves and many other mathematical calculations. In addition, it has applications in other branches of science like genetics. This algorithm is based on random sampling of a probability density function and resampling from the extracted samples. We change this algorithm in... 

    3-D Target Localization in Distributed MIMO Radar Systems

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Amiri, Rouhollah (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    Target localization in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar systems has been an active research topic during the recent years. Generally speaking, MIMO radars can be classified, based on the antennas geometry, into colocated and distributed architectures.The former provides waveform diversity and the latter makes use of spatial diversity provided by widely separated configuration of antennas, both of which improve localization and detection performance. In this study, we focus on the latter case. In this thesis, we investigate the localization problem in two parts, i.e., positioning based on bistatic time delay measurements and hybrid localization using combination of time delay,... 

    Performance Improvement in Direct Position Determination of Radio Transmitters

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Hamdollahzadeh, Mohammad (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    This work is mostly about the analysis of direct position determination (DPD) approach as an emerging approach in source localization. Different aspects of this localization has been considered and some improvement techniques has been addressed. DPD is known as a replacement for the conventional 2-step localization approach in which the location of the target is estimated via the estimation of some interface parameters such as time of arrival, angle of arrival and etc. The main focus of this thesis is on the sensor placement problem in DPD in order to find an optimal configuration for the sensors to achieve the best accuracy in the estimation process. In this regard, the formulas of the... 

    Multitarget Tracking with Improved Particle Filter Eliminating Data Association Step

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Raees Danaee, Meysam (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    In general, multi-target tracking consists of estimation of the posterior density function of present targets at each scan in the observation area. These targets may have unknown and time varying number of targets. It is a tough job due to misdetections, false alarms, data association ambiguity, and nonlinear equations-non Gaussian noises. These all make it difficult to apply Kalman filter and its extensions such as extended Kalman filter and unscented Kalman filter. Monte Carlo methods, particularly particle filters, have recently aroused the interest of designers and enjoyed a lot of success to deal with multi-target tracking difficulties. In addition, they can handle nonthresholded data... 

    Passive Source Localization Using Time Difference of Arriaval and Frequency Difference of Arrival Measurements

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Adelipour, Sajjad (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    Passive source localization accounts for the identification of the position and velocity of an object that emits electromagnetic/sound waves. This concept suggests various civil and military applications such as localization of the cellular phone users for emergency services, navigation, localizing radar and sonar sources. Received Signal Strength (RSS), Time of Arrival (TOA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) and Frequency Difference of Arrival (FDOA) of the emitted signals are commonly used for position finding. Among all these measurement methods, localization using TDOA and FDOA is highly accurate and needless of any time synchronization between the source and the sensors. Common methods... 

    Secure Data Communication through GSM Voice Channel

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Boloursaz Mashhadi, Mahdi (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, with the increased penetration of wireless mobile networks (e.g. GSM, 3G, etc.), voice channels are widely available ubiquitously. This availability and wide coverage encourages utilization of such channels as a valuable available infrastructure for point to point secure data communication. This can be done either by using steganography and hiding the secure message in the voice passing through the channel or by ciphering and transmitting it through the voice channel as a speech-like signal. The proposed method for data communication or steganography through voice channels should be robust against lossy compression techniques applied by the vocoder block present in such channels.... 

    Spectral estimation by computationally reduced Kalman Filter

    , Article Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing ; Volume 31, Issue 6 , 2012 , Pages 2205-2220 ; 0278081X (ISSN) Kazemi, R ; Rasouli, M ; Behnia, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper introduces an innovative frequency estimation approach that relies on a new and innovative structure for Kalman Filter (KF) in signal processing. Kalman Filtering, because of its state estimating nature, excels other methods in realtime processing. However, the main drawback of Kalman Filtering is that it involves time-consuming matrix operations which makes it inferior to faster methods like fast Fourier transform (FFT). The most evident privilege of the new structure is that it "synthesizes" the components rather than "extracts" them as standard Kalman Filter does. This parallel synthesis of signal components reduces the computational order of the Kalman Filter dramatically. In... 

    Autoregressive modeling of the photoplethysmogram AC signal amplitude changes after flow-mediated dilation in healthy and diabetic subjects

    , Article 2012 19th Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering, ICBME 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 170-173 ; 9781467331302 (ISBN) Amiri, M ; Zahedi, E ; Behnia, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    It is proved that the endothelial (artery inner lumen cells) function is associated with cardiovascular risk factors. Among all the common non-invasive methods employed in the research setting for assessing endothelial function, flow-mediated dilation is the most widely used one. This technique measures endothelial function by inducing reactive hyperemia using temporary arterial occlusion and measuring the resultant relative increase in blood vessel diameter via ultrasound. In this paper, the limitations associated with the ultrasound technique are overcome by using the photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal recorded during FMD. The correctness of this approach is investigated by modeling the AC... 

    Ground Clutter Cancellation in Airborne Radar

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ahmadi, Mohammad Javad (Author) ; Behnia, Fereidoon (Supervisor)
    Space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is one of the powerful algorithms for clutter suppression in airborne radars. In this algorithm, we need to estimate the covariance matrix of the range bin under test, exploiting adjacent range bins. Thus it is important for clutter to have the same space-time characteristics in different range bins; otherwise degradation will occur in clutter suppression. Therefore, traditional STAP is desired to be discussed in the side-looking mode in which clutters are range independent. In some situations, we need to employ STAP in the non-side-looking geometries of the arrays. For instance, sometimes it is needed to rotate the array to gain better coverage of... 

    Constrained optimization of sensors trajectories for moving source localization using TDOA and FDOA measurements

    , Article International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, ICROM 2015, 7 October 2015 through 9 October 2015 ; 2015 , Pages 200-204 ; 9781467372343 (ISBN) Adelipour, S ; Hamdollahzadeh, M ; Behnia, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper examines the problem of determining optimal sensors trajectories for localization of a moving radio source based on Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) and Frequency Difference of Arrival (FDOA) measurements in situations in which sensors are constrained both in their movements and regions of operation. By considering the movement of the source and constrained movement of the sensors, a constraint problem is formed which is solved to determine optimal trajectories of the sensors for source tracking. The validity of the proposed algorithm is assessed by two different simulation scenarios and the results verify its proper operation with estimation error decreasing in consecutive steps...