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    Assessing Success in Iranian Petrochemical Projects “A Lifecycle Approach”

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shariatfar, Moeed (Author) ; Mortaheb, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Beigi, Hassan (Co-Advisor)
    For sometimes researchers and practitioners have realized that the traditional success criteria, known as iron triangle (time, cost, quality), are not adequate indicators to align a project execution with the long term success trend of an organization. Many other success criteria in addition to time, cost and quality of a project can negatively or positively affect the long term success of an organization. Evaluating the project life cycle success is to some extent more judgmental and usually there is no agreed upon measures defined prior to the project execution. There are many stakeholders affected or involved in the life cycle of a project like; owner, contractor, operator, customers,... 

    Quantum achievability proof via collision relative entropy

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; Vol. 60, issue. 12 , 2014 , pp. 7980-7986 ; ISSN: 00189448 Beigi, S ; Gohari, A
    In this paper, we provide a simple framework for deriving one-shot achievable bounds for some problems in quantum information theory. Our framework is based on the joint convexity of the exponential of the collision relative entropy and is a (partial) quantum generalization of the technique of Yassaee et al. from classical information theory. Based on this framework, we derive one-shot achievable bounds for the problems of communication over classical-quantum channels, quantum hypothesis testing, and classical data compression with quantum side information. We argue that our one-shot achievable bounds are strong enough to give the asymptotic achievable rates of these problems even up to the... 

    On dimension bounds for auxiliary quantum systems

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; Vol. 60, Issue. 1 , Jan , 2014 , PP . 368-387 ; ISSN: 00189448 Beigi, S ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Expressions of several capacity regions in quantum information theory involve an optimization over auxiliary quantum registers. Evaluating such expressions requires bounds on the dimension of the Hilbert space of these auxiliary registers, for which no nontrivial technique is known; we lack a quantum analog of the Carathéodory theorem. In this paper, we develop a new non-Carathéodory-type tool for evaluating expressions involving a single quantum auxiliary register and several classical random variables. As we show, such expressions appear in problems of entanglement-assisted Gray-Wyner and entanglement-assisted channel simulation, where the question of whether entanglement helps in these... 

    Leveraging User-Item Interactions for Trust Prediction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Beigi, Ghazaleh (Author) ; Jalili, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    Trust prediction, the ability to identify how much to trust to allocate an unknown user, is an important prerequisite toward the development of scalable on-line e-commerce communities. We are more likely to purchase an item from a seller on an e-commerce websites such as eBay or Amazon, if our trusted acquaintances have reported positive experiences with that seller in the past. Reviews from trusted users will carry more weight towards the purchasing decision than reviews from anonymous or unknown customers. Thus, these platforms must support computational mechanisms for propagating trust between users. One of the significant challenges in the trust prediction problem is the unprecedented... 

    Link Prediction in Complex Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asghari, Mohammad (Author) ; Beigi, Hamid (Supervisor)
    With the growth of social networks, link prediction has attracted great attention. Completing partially observed networks, recognizing errors in observed links, predicting the network’s future structure to aid decision making, and presenting users with favorable links are some the motivations that have made link prediction important and effective for complex networks. In this work, we analyze link prediction in DBLP’s author network and attempt to increase the accuracy of state-of-the-art link prediction techniques by extracting discriminative information from the available metadata. Abstracts are an important resource that indicate an author’s field of study. Extracting the concepts an... 

    Assessing the Hydro-mechanical Behavior of Undisturbed Collapsible Soils by Conducting Unsaturated Odeometer Tests Case Study: Gorgan Loess

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Beigi, Majid (Author) ; Haeri, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    The deposits in many regions in Iran, particularly eastern zones like Golestan, Semnan, Khorasan, Yazd, Kerman, Hormozgan, Sistan and Baluchestan provinces consist of Aeolian deposits of loess, which are categorized as collapsible soils. This kind of soil show sufficient shear strength and low deformability in dry or natural condition. However, if a structure is built on the soil and water seeps or infiltrates into the soil due to several reasons such as sewer leakage, water seepage or heavy precipitations in a way that its moisture reaches to a critical value, the interparticle bonds may break or the present suction in the soil may decrease in a way that the soil experiences sudden... 

    On the duality of additivity and tensorization

    , Article IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 14 June 2015 through 19 June 2015 ; Volume 2015-June , 2015 , Pages 2381-2385 ; 21578095 (ISSN) ; 9781467377041 (ISBN) Beigi, S ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    A function is said to be additive if, similar to mutual information, expands by a factor of n, when evaluated on n i.i.d. repetitions of a source or channel. On the other hand, a function is said to satisfy the tensorization property if it remains unchanged when evaluated on i.i.d. repetitions. Additive rate regions are of fundamental importance in network information theory, serving as capacity regions or upper bounds thereof. Tensorizing measures of correlation have also found applications in distributed source and channel coding problems as well as the distribution simulation problem. Prior to our work only two measures of correlation, namely the hypercontractivity ribbon and maximal... 

    Monotone measures for non-local correlations

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; Volume 61, Issue 9 , 2015 , Pages 5185-5208 ; 00189448 (ISSN) Beigi, S ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Non-locality is the phenomenon of observing strong correlations among the outcomes of local measurements of a multipartite physical system. No-signaling boxes are the abstract objects for studying non-locality, and wirings are local operations on the space of no-signaling boxes. This means that, no matter how non-local the nature is, the set of physical non-local correlations must be closed under wirings. Then, one approach to identify the non-locality of nature is to characterize the closed sets of non-local correlations. Although non-trivial examples of wirings of no-signaling boxes are known, there is no systematic way to study wirings. In particular, given a set of no-signaling boxes, we... 

    Two-way channel simulation

    , Article IWCIT 2015 - Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory, 6 May 2015 through 7 May 2015 ; 2015 ; 9781479982356 (ISBN) Beigi, S ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    In this paper, we consider the problem of simulating one copy of a zero-capacity two-way channel from arbitrary many copies of another two-way channel. The motivation for this problem comes from foundation of quantum physics where zero-capacity two-way channels (a.k.a. no-signaling boxes) serve as the abstract objects for studying non-locality. We provide necessary conditions for the possibility of channel simulation using two measures of correlation, namely maximal correlation and hypercontractivity ribbon. It is shown that when these measures are defined appropriately for two-way channels, they are monotonically decreasing under local operations. Our result allows us to establish a... 

    A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Computer Engineering

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Karimi, Saeed (Author) ; Beigi, Hamid (Supervisor)
    The modern science of networks has brought significant advances to our understanding of complex systems. One of the most relevant features of graphs representing real systems is community structure, or clustering, i. e. the organization of vertices in clusters, with many edges joining vertices of the same cluster and comparatively few edges joining vertices of different clusters. Such clusters, or communities, can be considered as fairly independent compartments of a graph, playing a similar role like, e. g., the tissues or the organs in the human body. Detecting communities is of great importance in sociology, biology and computer science, disciplines where systems are often represented as... 

    Φ-Entropic measures of correlation

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Information Theory ; Volume 64, Issue 4 , 2018 , Pages 2193-2211 ; 00189448 (ISSN) Beigi, S ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2018
    A measure of correlation is said to have the tensorization property if it does not change when computed for i.i.d. copies. More precisely, a measure of correlation between two random variables X, Y denoted by rho (X, Y), has the tensorization property if ρ(Xn, Yn)=ρ (X, Y) where (Xn, Yn) denotes n i.i.d. copies of (X, Y). Two well-known examples of such measures are the maximal correlation and the hypercontractivity ribbon (HC ribbon). We show that the maximal correlation and the HC ribbon are special cases of the new notion of Φ-ribbons, defined in this paper for a class of convex functions Φ. Φ-ribbon reduces to the HC ribbon and the maximal correlation for special choices of Φ, and is a... 

    Low power receiver with merged N-path LNA and mixer for MICS applications

    , Article AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications ; Volume 117 , 2020 Beigi, A ; Safarian, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier GmbH  2020
    In this paper, a low power receiver for medical implant communication service (MICS) is presented. Low power design is vital in the MICS applications since the implanted chip has to work for a long time without the need to change its battery. As a result, a merged N-path low noise amplifier (LNA) and mixer block is proposed. In this structure, the LNA and down-conversion mixer share a transconductance to lower the overall power consumption. An N-path feedback is utilized around the shared transconductance not only to improve the LNA selectivity and relax the linearity requirements but also to downconvert the radio frequency (RF) component and create the intermediate frequency (IF) signal. In... 

    Intrusion Detection System in Smart Grids

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Beigi, Hossein (Author) ; Amini, Morteza (Supervisor)
    Smart grids are the new generation of power grids that combine the power distribution grid with the communications network. The purpose of these networks is to create a secure, two-way infrastructure for the transmission of power and information. The complex structure of smart grids, along with the inherent vulnerabilities of physical systems, old devices and protocols on the network and the need for backward compatibility, have created serious cyber risks to critical assets and infrastructures. The difference between these types of networks and conventional computer networks has made the security mechanisms developed in conventional computer networks not very suitable for these types of... 

    Study of Climate Change Impacts on Temporal and Spatially Varying Groundwater Recharge

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Beigi, Ehsan (Author) ; Abrishamchi, Ahmad (Supervisor)
    Increase of concentration of CO2 and other greenhouse gases will have significant effect on global climate. Climate change affects precipitation and hydrology, which in turn influences recharge to groundwater. Recharge to groundwater is an important source, which has the main role in groundwater resources availability. To trace these changes to recharges and its consequent effect on groundwater state, a combined modeling of climate change and groundwater is necessary. In This study impact of climate change on groundwater recharge in two different climatic plains of Karkheh river basin in Khuzestan, Iran, has been investigated using a physically-based methodology that can be used for... 

    Combining Trust-Based and Collaborative Filtering Methods to Enhance Recommender Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Foroughi Dehnavai, Sobhan (Author) ; Beigi, Hamid (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, recommender systems have become powerful tools that engage users in an online manner, over the Internet. Collaborative filtering (CF) is a well established method for building recommender systems and has been applied to several applications. While CF has its advantages,its use is hindered by challenges such as low accuracy for new users (newcomers). With the growth of online social networks, networkbased recommender systems emerged. These systems take advantage of the information available in social networks and the user’s past activity to recognize user behavior and recommend items that are more relevant to each user. One of the most important advantages of network-based... 

    Deterministic randomness extraction from generalized and distributed santha-vazirani sources

    , Article Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 6 July 2015 through 10 July 2015 ; Volume 9134 , 2015 , Pages 143-154 ; 03029743 (ISSN) ; 9783662476710 (ISBN) Beigi, S ; Etesami, O ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2015
    A Santha-Vazirani (SV) source is a sequence of random bits where the conditional distribution of each bit, given the previous bits, can be partially controlled by an adversary. Santha and Vazirani show that deterministic randomness extraction from these sources is impossible. In this paper, we study the generalization of SV sources for nonbinary sequences. We show that unlike the binary case, deterministic randomness extraction in the generalized case is sometimes possible. We present a necessary condition and a sufficient condition for the possibility of deterministic randomness extraction. These two conditions coincide in “non-degenerate” cases. Next, we turn to a distributed setting. In... 

    The value of information-theoretic content of help bits for computation

    , Article IWCIT 2015 - Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory, 6 May 2015 through 7 May 2015 ; 2015 ; 9781479982356 (ISBN) Beigi, S ; Etesami, O ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    'Help bits' are some limited trusted information about an instance or instances of a computational problem that may reduce the computational complexity of solving that instance or instances. Assume that we can efficiently solve k instances of a decision problem using some help bits whose entropy is less than k when the k instances are drawn independently from a particular distribution. Then there is an upper bound on the average-case complexity of the problem, namely we can efficiently solve an instance drawn from that distribution correctly with probability better than 1/2  

    Designing a Low Power Receiver for Medical Implant Communications Service

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Beigi, Amin (Author) ; Safarian, Amin Ghasem (Supervisor)
    One of the most important parameters of implanted chip in body is its ability to work for a long time without the need for battery change. Hence designing radio frequency transceivers used in these chips should be done with the lowest possible power consumption. Of course it should be noticed that for correct communication, standard specifications must be meeted. In this thesis, a receiver in medical implant communication service standard with the goal of minimal power consumption is designed. In circuit design different challenges such as low inductor quality factor, threshold voltage of transistors and usual trade-offs between receiver parameters are faced. Therefore, previous used... 

    The value of help bits in randomized and average-case complexity

    , Article Computational Complexity ; Volume 26, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 119-145 ; 10163328 (ISSN) Beigi, S ; Etesami, O ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Birkhauser Verlag AG  2017
    “Help bits" are some limited trusted information about an instance or instances of a computational problem that may reduce the computational complexity of solving that instance or instances. In this paper, we study the value of help bits in the settings of randomized and average-case complexity. If k instances of a decision problem can be efficiently solved using ℓ< k help bits, then without access to help bits one can efficiently compute a k-bit vector that is not equal to the k-bit vector of solutions to the k instances. A decision problem with this property is called k-membership comparable. Amir, Beigel, and Gasarch (1990) show that for constant k, all k-membership comparable languages... 

    Deterministic randomness extraction from generalized and distributed Santha-Vazirani sources

    , Article SIAM Journal on Computing ; Volume 46, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 1-36 ; 00975397 (ISSN) Beigi, S ; Etesami, O ; Gohari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications  2017
    A Santha-Vazirani (SV) source is a sequence of random bits where the conditional distribution of each bit, given the previous bits, can be partially controlled by an adversary. Santha and Vazirani show that deterministic randomness extraction from these sources is impossible. In this paper, we study the generalization of SV sources for nonbinary sequences. We show that unlike the binary setup of Santha and Vazirani, deterministic randomness extraction in the generalized case is sometimes possible. In particular, if the adversary has access to s "nondegenerate" dice that are c-sided and can choose one die to throw based on the previous realizations of the dice, then deterministic randomness...