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Kinetics of organic removal in fixed-bed aerobic biological reactor
, Article Bioresource Technology ; Volume 99, Issue 5 , 2008 , Pages 1118-1124 ; 09608524 (ISSN) ; Sharbatmaleki, M ; Pourrezaie, P ; Borghei, G ; Sharif University of Technology
The process kinetics of a lab-scale upflow aerobic immobilized biomass (UAIB) reactor using simulated sugar-manufacturing wastewater as feed was investigated. The experimental unit consisted of a 22 l reactor filled with high porosity pumice stone. The UAIB reactor was tested under different organic loads and different hydraulic retention times (HRT) and the substrate loading removal rate was compared with prediction of Stover-Kincannon model, second-order model and the first order substrate removal model. After obtaining steady-state conditions, organic loading rate was increased from 750 to 4500 g COD/m3 day to resemble wastewater from sugar production lines, and hydraulic retention time...
Photocatalytic degradation of furfural by titania nanoparticles in a floating-bed photoreactor
, Article Chemical Engineering Journal ; Volume 146, Issue 1 , 2009 , Pages 79-85 ; 13858947 (ISSN) ; Vossoughi, M ; Borghei, M ; Sharif University of Technology
In this research, an attempt was made to investigate the potential of nanophotocatalysts for treatment of hazardous wastewater streams. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (as photocatalyst) were immobilized on a porous and low-density support called "perlite" using a very simple and inexpensive method. TiO2-coated perlite granules were used in a "Floating-bed photoreactor" to study the photocatalytic purification process of a typical wastewater polluted by furfural. The effects of initial concentration, catalyst mass/solution volume ratio, oxidant molar flow, residence time, and light intensity on process removal efficiency, and kinetics of the reactions were studied. SEM analyses showed a...
Treatment of welding electrode manufacturing plant wastewater using coagulation/flocculationnanofiltration as a hybrid process
, Article Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering ; Volume 28, Issue 1 , Mar , 2011 , Pages 73-79 ; 01046632 (ISSN) ; Mousavi, M ; Borghei, M ; Sharif University of Technology
High water consumption and water scarcity make industrial wastewater reuse necessary, especially in those industries characterized by polluted effluents such as welding electrode manufacturing industries. The present paper investigates the coupling of coagulation-flocculation with nanofiltration (NF) to recycle water and reuse it in the process. First, the effect of different concentrations of a mixture of alum (Al2(SO4) 3.18H2O) and ferric chloride (FeCl3) on the pretreatment process was closely studied. Then the NF process was applied for complementary treatment. The NF results show that, by increasing both flow rate and transmembrane pressure (TMP), permeate flux is increased. The NF...
A zwitterion metal-organic framework for the removal of fluoride from an aqueous solution
, Article Journal of Chemical Sciences ; Volume 134, Issue 3 , 2022 ; 09743626 (ISSN) ; Gholami, R. M ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Excess fluoride is one of the water pollutants in the world, which is removed from water by chemical methods to produce sludge. On the other hand, techniques such as R.O. (Reverse Osmosis) also have problems with power consumption and wastewater disposal. Metal-organic frameworks are one of the newest adsorbents used to separate anions. In this study, MOF1 ({[Zn3L3(BPE)1.5]·4.5DMF}n) was used to remove fluoride from the aqueous solution. The influence of various factors such as pH, contact time, adsorbent amount, and temperature on fluoride uptake was investigated. Based on the results, the MOF synthesized in acidic media absorbs more fluoride ions. The reaction time in the first 20 min had...
Performance evaluation of ultraviolet radiation and ozone disinfection for municipal secondary effluent reuse (Case study in isfahan north wastewater treatment plant)
, Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 223 , May , 2021 , Pages 105-113 ; 19443994 (ISSN) ; Hassani, A. H ; Borghei, M ; Amin, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Desalination Publications
This study aimed to evaluate and compare the performance of wastewater disinfection systems using ultraviolet radiation (UV) and ozonation to improve the secondary effluent quality of Isfahan North wastewater treatment plant. Therefore, the filtered effluent by a pretreatment unit from micro-screen drum filter type with a pore size of 20 µm entered the disinfection pilots containing medium pressure (MP) UV lamps and ozonation system as tertiary treatment. In this study, the irradiation dose of UV (430–3,680 mW/cm2), and injection dose (10–40 mg/L), and contact time (1–15 min) of ozonation were altered. The results showed that the total suspended solids were reduced by 61.27% at the maximum...
Process optimization and modeling of heavy metals extraction from a molybdenum rich spent catalyst by aspergillus niger using response surface methodology
, Article Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ; Volume 18, Issue 1 , January , 2012 , Pages 218-224 ; 1226086X (ISSN) ; Mousavi, S. M ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
The present study examines the biorecovery of heavy metals from a spent refinery catalyst obtained from one of the oil refineries in Iran using Aspergillus niger. Bioleaching experiments were carried out in batch cultures using A. niger in the one-step process to mobilize Co, Mo and Ni from hazardous spent catalysts. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied for the design and analysis of experiments with the optimization of pH, temperature, inoculum percentage, pulp density and rotation speed during the bioleaching of the metals. Experiments were designed as per the central composite design (CCD) technique. Three cubic mathematical models were derived for prediction of the responses....
Nickel ion removal from aqueous solution using recyclable zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) nano adsorbent: A kinetic and equilibrium study
, Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 103 , 2018 , Pages 141-151 ; 19443994 (ISSN) ; Rashidi, A ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Desalination Publications
The adsorption of nickel ions in an aqueous solution system was measured using zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) nanoadsorbent. ZIF-8 crystals were synthesized using the hydrothermal method. Nanoadsorbent was characterized by FTIR, XRD, SEM and N2 adsorption analysis. ZIF-8 crystals showed a high surface area of 1303 m2/g and particle size 100–150 nm. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms model were used to analyze the data. The sufficiently high R2 value of 0.996 resulted from the Langmuir isotherm model demonstrated the perfect performance of this model. The kinetic data were analyzed using the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order models of types 1–4. Kinetic studies of the...
Biological removal of nutrients (N & P) from urban wastewater with a modified integrated fixed-film activated sludge-oxic settling anoxic system using an anoxic sludge holding tank
, Article Water and Environment Journal ; Volume 35, Issue 2 , 2021 , Pages 830-846 ; 17476585 (ISSN) ; Takdastan, A ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
John Wiley and Sons Inc
In this research, the efficiency of the integrated fixed-film activated sludge-oxic settling anoxic (IFAS-OSA) system in biological nutrient removal was studied. The oxic-settling anoxic (OSA) process is known as a cost effective way to reduce the nutrients (nitrogen and Phosphorus). According to the results, the percentages of total nitrogen removal efficiency in the IFAS, IFAS-OSA2h and IFAS-OSA4h systems were 78.56 ± 2.46, 83.60 ± 0.92 and 85.03 ± 1.69, respectively, while the percentages of phosphorus removal efficiency in these systems were 32.69 ± 8.25, 36.35 ± 6.73 and 39.87 ± 3.61, respectively. The PCR-RFLP method showed that C. albicans had the greatest prevalence (n = 36, 90%)....
Investigating sensitivity of flow parameters and uncertainty analysis of nutrient transport and dispersion model in shallow water. (Case study: Peer-bazar river and anzali wetland)
, Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 174 , 2020 , Pages 204-214 ; Mirbagheri, S. A ; Borghei, S. M ; Abbaspour, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Desalination Publications
Accurate modeling of runoff in watersheds requires calibration and uncertainty analysis of effective flow parameters and identifying of their statistical characteristics based on inter-parameter relationships and model inputs. In this research, the transport and diffusion of pollution (nutrients) in the river were simulated through the two-dimensional finite-volume method using the shallow water equations. To numerically solve these equations, the governing equations were converted into linear equations. Uncertainty and sensitivity of the prepared pollution model were analyzed to achieve better results in estimating pollution concentrations in rivers within a reliable range. In this study,...
Evaluation of parameters affecting arc plasma chute in a typical gas interrupter
, Article Japanese Journal of Applied Physics ; Volume 47, Issue 1 , 2008 , Pages 284-286 ; 00214922 (ISSN) ; Ghoranneviss, M ; Abolhassani, M. R ; Anvari, A ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, we examined a typical high-voltage gas circuit breaker. The main goal of this study is to characterize arc plasma and to determine its behavior using the generalized Mayr-type equation model following the interruption of high-voltage circuit breakers according to a semi-empirical one, named conductance model. Here, we tried to evaluate some arc parameters that affect interrupting ability by performing a numerical analysis so that our model defines recorded experimental results of an actual test. © 2008 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
A study of feasibility for water purification using vertical porous concrete filter
, Article International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ; Volume 4, Issue 4 , 2007 , Pages 505-512 ; 17351472 (ISSN) ; Torabian, A ; Borghei, M ; Hassani, A. H ; Sharif University of Technology
There is a need to find cheaper and simpler techniques for rural water filtration system in developing countries. Using a filter made of blocks for the water treatment enables one to make vertical filters. It is expected that the amount of land utilized would decrease by more than 70 % if vertical filters were used. The operation and washing would be simpler than using horizontal sand filters as filters made of blocks would be used instead. The feasibility study focused on finding adequate materials, compositions and methods of making a block with enough resistance to water pressure, sufficient porosity for water transformation, and using inexpensive, readily available materials. A pilot...
Oblique rectangular sharp-crested weir
, Article Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water and Maritime Engineering ; Volume 156, Issue 2 , 2003 , Pages 185-191 ; 14724561 (ISSN) ; Vatannia, Z ; Ghodsian, M ; Jalili, M. R ; Sharif University of Technology
ICE Publishing
Among discharge flowmeters, the rectangular sharp-crested weir is one of the most popular and accurate, as well as being easy to work with. Using the standard weir, with the help of the conventional weir equation and Rehbock's or a similar standard formula for the discharge coefficient (Cd), the flow can be easily calculated. In order to increase the efficiency of the weir, it can be placed obliquely to the flow, increasing the effective weir length (L) and, hence, increasing the discharge for the same water head with the same channel width (B). The results of a comprehensive set of tests for oblique weirs (1·14 ≤ L/B ≤ 2·26 or oblique angles from 29° to 64°) show that for L/B less than 1·41...
Investigation of short-time artificial aeration on water quality parameters and phytoplankton structure: a case study “Mamloo Reservoir”
, Article Desalination and Water Treatment ; Volume 254 , 2022 , Pages 217-228 ; 19443994 (ISSN) ; Javid, A. H ; Borghei, S. M ; Eslamizadeh, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Desalination Publications
Thermal stratification accompanied by a release of nutrients from sediment is a serious problem for the management of water quality. Water aeration and mixing technology can be widely used to control endogenous pollution and algae growth in reservoirs and lakes by water quality managers. In this research, a diffuser aeration system, was installed in a water column, in the Mamloo stratified Reservoir; and the impact of artificial aeration was brought under extensive assessment in relevance with the qualitative and biological parameters of the water, during the preliminary 6 d of aeration. The results showed that the thermal stratification was remarkably disturbed. After aeration, the amount...
Discharge coefficient of a rectangular labyrinth weir
, Article Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Water Management ; Volume 166, Issue 8 , September , 2013 , Pages 443-451 ; 17417589 (ISSN) ; Javaheri, A ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
A rectangular labyrinth weir has a very good flood release capacity as well as strong economical and structural advantages. In this study, combined analytical and experimental investigations were undertaken for a rectangular labyrinth weir. The analytical model is based on the synthesis of general weir equations and spatially varied flow dynamic equations. A comprehensive set of experiments led to characterisation of the flow behaviour for low and high heads over the weir and indicated the influences of weir geometry on the release capacity. The results show that this type of weir represents an effective weir alternative and could be five times more efficient than a corresponding traditional...
Hydraulic behaviour of flow over an oblique weir
, Article Journal of Hydraulic Research ; Volume 48, Issue 5 , 2010 , Pages 669-673 ; 00221686 (ISSN) ; Ansari, A ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
A comprehensive set of experiments was performed on weirs placed obliquely in a rectangular open channel. The main objectives were to investigate the effect of the weir angle relative to the approach flow direction on the behaviour and the hydraulic flow characteristics and to examine methods such as using upstream guide vanes and inclined aprons to increase the effective oblique weir length. Results indicate that by increasing the oblique angle, the effective length of the oblique weir increases significantly. Relationships are provided for the threshold submergence and the effective length of the oblique weir. Design recommendations are also presented for the use of guide vanes and...
Photo-Fenton like degradation of catechol using persulfate activated by UV and ferrous ions: Influencing operational parameters and feasibility studies
, Article Journal of Molecular Liquids ; Volume 249 , 2018 , Pages 463-469 ; 01677322 (ISSN) ; Takdastan, A ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
In the present study, photo-Fenton degradation of catechol from aqueous solution was carried out using UV light and iron ions (Fe2+) as activators of persulfate (PS). Catechol degradation from solution was studied under different experimental variables such as solution pH (2.0–10.0), iron dosages (0.1–0.5 g/L), persulfate loadings (1.0–5.0 mM), initial catechol concentrations (20–100 mg/L) and scavengers (TBA and IPA). The comparative study of catechol removal showed that among the applied approaches, the order of degradation of catechol is as follows: PS/Fe2 +/UV > PS/Fe2 + > UV/PS > PS > UV. Furthermore, higher catechol degradation was observed with increasing iron dosage and PS...
Role of carrier characteristics affecting microbial density and population in enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater
, Article Journal of Environmental Management ; Volume 302 , 2022 ; 03014797 (ISSN) ; Raie, M ; Borghei, S. M ; Dewil, R ; Appels, L ; Sharif University of Technology
Academic Press
This research aims to improve simultaneous nitrification-denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR) using novel carriers and to demonstrate the effect of carrier characteristics on nutrient removal in a biofilm reactor. For this purpose, biofilms enriched with both polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) and nitrifiers were cultivated in two parallel sequencing batch reactors containing conventional moving bed bioreactor carriers (MBBR) and a novel type of carriers (carbon-based moving carriers (CBMC)). The new carriers were produced based on recycled waste materials via a chemical-thermal process and their specific surface area were 10.4 times higher than typical MBBR carriers of...
Application of chitosan-citric acid nanoparticles for removal of chromium (VI)
, Article International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ; Volume 80 , September , 2015 , Pages 431-444 ; 01418130 (ISSN) ; Younesi, H ; Hajati, S ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
In the present study, CS-CA nanoparticle was prepared for forming a new amide linkage, by grafting the amino groups of CS in the presence of carboxylic groups of CA that acts as cross-linking agent. The as-prepared CS-CA nanoparticle samples were characterized by use of dynamic light scattering (DLS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) techniques, which showed that the cross-linking agent preserved during the chemical modifications. The adsorption capacity of the CS-CA nanoparticles for the removal of Cr (VI) in aqueous solution was studied. The adsorption equilibrium data...
The highest inhibition coefficient of phenol biodegradation using an acclimated mixed culture
, Article Water Science and Technology ; Volume 73, Issue 5 , 2016 , Pages 1033-1040 ; 02731223 (ISSN) ; Sharifi Abdar, P. S ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
IWA Publishing
In this study a membrane biological reactor (MBR) was operated at 25±1 °C and pH = 7.5±0.5 to treat synthetic wastewater containing high phenol concentrations. Removal efficiencies of phenol and chemical oxygen demand (COD)were evaluated at four various hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 24, 12, 8, and 4 hours. The removal rate of phenol (5.51 kg-Phenol kg-VSS-1 d-1), observed at HRT of 4 h,was the highest phenol degradation rate in the literature.According toCODtests, therewere no significant organic matter in the effluent, and phenol was degraded completely by mixed culture. Substrate inhibition was calculated from experimental growth parameters using the Haldane, Yano, and Edward...
Determination of heavy metal ions by an amperometric biosensor based on glucose oxidase immobilized onto single-walled carbon nanotubes/Nile blue nanocomposite
, Article Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society ; Volume 15, Issue 8 , 2018 , Pages 1765-1774 ; 1735207X (ISSN) ; Sabzi, R. E ; Borghei, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Verlag
An enzymatic electrochemical biosensor was prepared based on glucose oxidase (GOD) immobilized on single-walled carbon nanotubes/Nile blue (Nb–SWCNTs) nanocomposite cross-linked with glutaraldehyde on graphite electrode. The function of glucose biosensor is based on the electrocatalytic reduction of H2O2 generated by the reaction of the enzyme with glucose molecules. The biosensor was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, emission scanning (FESEM), UV–Vis spectrometry, and voltammetric and amperometric methods. Parameters influencing the performance of the biosensor, namely pH and applied potential, were optimized. Inhibition was carried out for the detection of...