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    Fault-Tolerant Networks with Directional Antennas

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Borouny, Mohammad Sadegh (Author) ; Abam, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Let P be a set of points in the plane, each equipped with a directional antenna that can cover a sector of angle and range r. In the symmetric model of communication, two antennas u and v can communicate to each other, if and only if v lies in u’s coverage area and vice versa. In this paper, we introduce the concept of fault-tolerant spanners for directional antennas, which enables us to construct communication networks that retain their connectivity and spanning ratio even if a subset of antennas are removed from the network. We show how to orient the antennas with angle and range r to obtain a k-fault-tolerant spanner for any positive integer k. For ⩾ , we show that the range 13 for the... 

    Local Geometric Spanners

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Borouny Mandabadi, Mohammad Sadegh (Author) ; Abam, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    In this research, we introduce the concept of local spanners for planar point sets with respect to a family of regions and prove the existence of local spanners of small size for some families. For a geometric graph $G$ on a point set $\points$ and a region $R$ belonging to a family $\Re$, we define $G \cap R$ to be the part of the graph $G$ that is inside $R$. An $\Re$-local $t$-spanner is a geometric graph $G$ on $\points$ such that for any region $R$ in $\Re$, the graph $G\cap R$ is a t-spanner with respect to $G_{c}(\points) \cap R$, where $G_{c}(\points)$ is the complete geometric graph on $P$.For any set P of n points and any constant $\eps > 0$, we prove that $P$ admits local $(1 +... 

    Content Based Community Extraction in Social Networks from Stream Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadegh, Mohammad Mehdi (Author) ; Abolhassani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Increasing in social communication via electronic ways has been made social network analysis of these communications more important each day. One of the most important aspects in social network analysis is community detection in such networks. There are many different ways to extract communities from social graph structure which in some of them the content of communication between actors has been noticed in community extraction algorithm. In this thesis after a short survey over advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for community detection, a new method for extracting communities from social networks has been suggested which in addition to streaming property of data it spot the... 

    Structure Formation and Galactic Dynamics in Modified Gravity (MOG)

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Vakili, Hajar (Author) ; Rahvar, Sohrab (Supervisor) ; Mohammad Movahed, Sadegh (Co-Advisor)
    The standard model of Cosmology (SM), based on Einstein’s theory of general relativity (GR), is the best model in describing the cosmic-scale observations. In galactic scales, however, galactic dynamics show a discrepancy between the observed luminous mass and the predicted value from the theory. Two approaches are suggested to eliminate this inconsistency: assuming the existence of dark matter within the context of GR, or modifying the theory of gravity in galactic scales, like MOND or MOG. In this thesis, we study the spherical collapse and the formation of shell galaxies in MOG, in comparison with SM. We introduce the action and the field equations of MOG and the equation of motion of a... 

    Local geometric spanners

    , Article Algorithmica ; Volume 83, Issue 12 , 2021 , Pages 3629-3648 ; 01784617 (ISSN) Abam, M. A ; Sadegh Borouny, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2021
    We introduce the concept of local spanners for planar point sets with respect to a family of regions, and prove the existence of local spanners of small size for some families. For a geometric graph G on a point set P and a region R belonging to a family R, we define G∩ R to be the part of the graph G that is inside R (or is induced by R). A local t-spanner w.r.t R is a geometric graph G on P such that for any region R∈ R, the graph G∩ R is a t-spanner for K(P) ∩ R, where K(P) is the complete geometric graph on P. For any set P of n points and any constant ε> 0 , we prove that P admits local (1 + ε) -spanners of sizes O(nlog 6n) and O(nlog n) w.r.t axis-parallel squares and vertical slabs,... 

    The Dependence Structure of Negatively Dependence Measures

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Barzegar, Milad (Author) ; Alishahi, Kasra (Supervisor) ; Zamani, Mohammad Sadegh (Co-Supervisor)
    Strongly Rayleigh measures are an important class of negatively dependent (repulsive) probability measures. These measures are defined via a geometric condition, called “real stability”, on their generating polynomials, and have interesting probabilistic properties. On one important property of negatively dependent measures is their rigid dependence structure. In other words, the it is impossible for these measures to have strong overall dependencies. In this thesis, we study two manifestations if this phenomenon: (1) paving property and (2) tail triviality. Informally, the paving property states that it is possible to partition the set of the components of every strongly Rayleigh random... 

    Essays In Iranian Wholesale Electricity Market

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Mardani, Hassan (Author) ; Fatemi Ardestani, Farshad (Supervisor) ; Ghazizadeh, Mohammad Sadegh (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, consider three important questions in the Iranian Wholesale Electricity Market (IWEM) and answer its. The first one is whether the bidding behavior of the firms in the IWEM has been ex-post optimal? The results of the research show that, on average, the firm’s bidding behavior didn’t optimal in the IWEM, and therefore the bidding strategy of them could be improved. This issue is importance from the regulatory viewpoint in terms of assessing market efficiency and market power of firms, as well as from the firm’s point of view to improve the bidding strategy and increase its profits. The second issue is the assessment of the firm’s ability to exercise unilateral market power by... 

    Effecive & efficient DSM configuration guidelines for low-cost development of complex systems

    , Article Gain Competitive Advantage by Managing Complexity - Proceedings of the 14th International Dependency and Structure Modelling Conference, DSM 2012, 13 September 2012 through 14 September 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 125-137 ; 9783446433540 (ISBN) Sadegh, M. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Engineering Designers  2012
    With the proliferation of more complex systems has come the need to find better solutions in both technical and management domains. Such complex systems are usually larger in size, have more parallel operations and contain more complex interfaces (Eisner, 2005). The Design Structure Matrix is a very useful tool in handling such complexities, provided that the system designer can use it properly. This paper addresses how effectiveness & efficiency are defined for a DSM and how these two important characteristics can be achieved. The importance of understanding the solution space in constructing an effective & efficient DSM is discussed and general guidelines are given on configuring the DSM... 

    Choosing the Optimal Assembly Angle of Multi-Part Elastic Rotor Components with the Aim of Passing Critical Speeds

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghamari, Mohammad Amin (Author) ; Dehghani Firouzabadi, Ruhollah (Supervisor) ; Amirzadegan, Sadegh (Co-Supervisor)
    Multi-part rotating parts are used in various industries with very high revolutions. Therefore, the method of assembling each part and keeping the axis of rotation of each part close to the axis passing through two supports (bearings) is important. In this research, three main steps are followed, the development of the differential equations governing the multi-part rotating system and the calculation of the range of oscillations created at the critical points, and then the calculation of the optimal assembly angles with the aim of reducing the introduced oscillations, and finally the discussion of crossing the speeds A crisis is being investigated. The method of obtaining the system of... 

    Investigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks on MQTT Protocol And Proposal of New Attack Scenarios

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadegh Esfahani, Hatef (Author) ; Aref, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Salmasizadeh, Mahmoud (Co-Supervisor)
    MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is one of the essential and widely used protocols in the Internet of Things (IoT) networks. It operates at the application layer (Layer 7) for data transmission. As IoT applications using this protocol for communication have grown, securing such systems against security attacks has become a significant challenge. One of the important attacks implementable by IoT networks is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In this thesis, we initially provide a general overview of IoT security and demonstrate how DDoS attacks disrupt the availability feature in these networks. We then examine known types of DDoS attacks to gain a better understanding of... 

    Thin Film Thickness Measurement Using Colors of Interference Fringes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadegh, Sanaz (Author) ; Amjadi, Ahmad (Supervisor)
    There are several methods for measuring thin film thickness, however, for the analysis of liquid film motors [1] we need a method which is capable of measuring the thickness using a single image of the film. In this work, we use the colors that appear on thin films, such as soup bubbles, which is a result of light interference to calculate the thickness of the layer  

    Measure for Macroscopic Quantumness via Quantum Coherence and Macroscopic Distinction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Naseri, Moein (Author) ; Raeisi, Sadegh (Supervisor)
    One of the most elusive problems in quantum mechanics is the transition between classical and quantum physics. This problem can be traced back to the Schrodinger's cat. A key element that lies at the center of this problem is the lack of a clear understanding and characterization of macroscopic quantum states. Our understanding of Macroscopic Quantumness relies on states such as the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(GHZ) or the NOON state. Here we take a first principle approach to this problem. We start from coherence as the key quantity that captures the notion of quantumness and demand the quantumness to be collective and macroscopic. To this end, we introduce macroscopic coherence which is the... 

    Structural Health Monitoring using Bayesian Optimization of the finite element model of structures and Kalman filter

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadegh, Alireza (Author) ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor)
    With confidence in the recorded observations, the RLS method no longer estimates the recorded measurements by sensors, i.e. the displacement and speed of the floors, and only estimates the parameters. In contrast, in the EKF method, in addition to estimating the structure's parameters, a more precise estimation of the observations recorded by the sensors has been done by accepting the noise in the recorded observations. These methods, which are based on the Bayesian updating, investigate the two primary sources of uncertainty in a problem: a) measurement noise or observation noise, and b) process noise, which includes modeling errors. In these methodologies, the unknown system parameters,... 

    Finding Semi-Optimal Measurements for Entanglement Detection Using Autoencoder Neural Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yosefpor, Mohammad (Author) ; Raeisi, Sadegh (Supervisor)
    Entanglement is one of the key resources of quantum information science which makes identification of entangled states essential to a wide range of quantum technologies and phenomena.This problem is however both computationally and experimentally challenging.Here we use autoencoder neural networks to find semi-optimal measurements for detection of entangled states. We show that it is possible to find high-performance entanglement detectors with as few as three measurements. Also, with the complete information of the state, we develop a neural network that can identify all two-qubits entangled states almost perfectly.This result paves the way for automatic development of efficient... 

    Numerical Analysis and Optimization of A Vortex Tube with Differential Evolution Algorithm

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khazaali, Sadegh Khazaali (Author) ; Mazaheri, Karim (Supervisor)
    The vortex tube is a simple device that injects compressed gas (air) tangentially into the vortex chamber through one or more injection nozzles. After entering, the flow becomes rotational and an axial cold flow goes towards the cold outlet and a peripheral hot flow goes towards the hot outlet. Besides all the different applications of the vortex tube, the main application of this device is cooling. Here, the goal is to optimize the geometry and physical conditions to improve the performance, which is done by using a commercial software and numerical analysis of a vortex tube to understand the flow physics and optimization. In this research, we use experimental and numerical data for... 

    Fault-tolerant spanners in networks with symmetric directional antennas

    , Article Theoretical Computer Science ; Volume 704 , 2017 , Pages 18-27 ; 03043975 (ISSN) Abam, M. A ; Baharifard, F ; Borouny, M. S ; Zarrabi Zadeh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let P be a set of points in the plane, each equipped with a directional antenna that covers a sector of angle α and range r. In the symmetric model of communication, two antennas u and v can communicate to each other, if and only if v lies in u's coverage area and vice versa. In this paper, we introduce the concept of fault-tolerant spanners for directional antennas, which enables us to construct communication networks that retain their connectivity and spanning ratio even if a subset of antennas are removed from the network. We show how to orient the antennas with angle α and range r to obtain a k-fault-tolerant spanner for any positive integer k. For α≥π, we show that the range 13 for the... 

    Fault-tolerant spanners in networks with symmetric directional antennas

    , Article 11th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation, WALCOM 2017, 29 March 2017 through 31 March 2017 ; Volume 10167 LNCS , 2017 , Pages 266-278 ; 03029743 (ISSN); 9783319539249 (ISBN) Abam, M. A ; Baharifard, F ; Borouny, M. S ; Zarrabi Zadeh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2017
    Let P be a set of points in the plane, each equipped with a directional antenna that can cover a sector of angle α and range r. In the symmetric model of communication, two antennas u and v can communicate to each other, if and only if v lies in u’s coverage area and vice versa. In this paper, we introduce the concept of fault-tolerant spanners for directional antennas, which enables us to construct communication networks that retain their connectivity and spanning ratio even if a subset of antennas are removed from the network. We show how to orient the antennas with angle α and range r to obtain a k-fault-tolerant spanner for any positive integer k. For α ≥ π, we show that the range 13 for... 

    Quantum Information Processing with NMR Spectroscopy

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Salimi Moghadam, Mahkameh (Author) ; Raeisi, Sadegh (Supervisor)
    Quantum Information Processing (QIP) is one of the active areas of research in both theoretical and experimental physics. Any experimental technique that is used for a scalable implementation of QIP must satisfy DiVincenzo’s criteria [17]. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) satisfies many of these conditions, but it is not scalable and cannot initialize the qubits to pure state [28]. NMR can be a great platform for studying the fundamentals of QIP. In this project, for a two­qubit system, we prepare pseudo pure states from the initial mixed states by using unitary operations and implement CNOT gates. According to the results of our experiments, we can apply all the gates with high fidelity.... 

    Natural convection from a confined horizontal cylinder: The optimum distance between the confining walls

    , Article International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ; Volume 44, Issue 2 , 2001 , Pages 367-374 ; 00179310 (ISSN) Sadegh Sadeghipour, M ; Razi, Y. P ; Sharif University of Technology
    The laminar natural convection from an isothermal horizontal cylinder confined between vertical walls, at low Rayleigh numbers, is investigated by theoretical, experimental and numerical methods. The height of the walls is kept constant, however, their distance is changed to study its effect on the rate of the heat transfer. Results are incorporated into a single equation which gives the Nusselt number as a function of the ratio of the wall distance to cylinder diameter, t/D, and the Rayleigh number. There is an optimum distance between the walls for which heat transfer is maximum. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved  

    A coarse relative-partitioned index theorem

    , Article Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques ; Volume 153 , 2019 , Pages 57-71 ; 00074497 (ISSN) Karami, M ; Esfahani Zadeh, M ; Sadegh, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Masson SAS  2019
    It seems that the index theory for non-compact spaces has found its ultimate formulation in the realm of coarse spaces and K-theory of related operator algebras. Relative and partitioned index theorems may be mentioned as two important and interesting examples of this program. In this paper we formulate a combination of these two theorems and establish a partitioned-relative index theorem. © 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS