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    Modeling and Improving the Thickness Distribution in Vacuum Coating System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Chaghazardi, Zahra (Author) ; Rashidian, Bizhan (Supervisor)
    In the fabrication of semiconductor devices, uniformity of thin films has many important influences on optical and electrical properties of the device. many attempts have been done on the enhancement of the uniformity of thin films so far. In this thesis, first the effect of angular variation of source with respect to the target on uniformity in the evaporation coating system has been studied, then an in situ positioning system for substrate has been designed and fabricated. After finding the thickness’s profile for Ag and Cu in Electron Beam Gun system, we studied the motion pattern of the target for improving the uniformity. This positioning system can be used to any coating systems. in... 

    Design and Simulation of Spin Transport in Graphene Based Nanostructures

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Chaghazardi, Zahra (Author) ; Faez, Rahim (Supervisor) ; Pourfath, Mahdi (Co-Advisor)
    Graphene -a two-dimensional monolayer of graphite- was realized for the first time in 2004.Owing to its physical extra ordinary properties, graphene has attracted growing interest in research from fundamental physics to electronics, spintronics, and thermoelectrics. Importantly, it is an attractive material for electronics and spintronics due to its specific physical properties such as high electron mobility and gate tunable carrier concentration. Furthermore,achievement of room-temperature spin transport with relatively long spin relaxation time makes graphene nanoribbons the best candidate for spintronics. Based on the theoretical predictions, the weak spin-orbit interaction in graphene... 

    Spin relaxation in graphene nanoribbons in the presence of substrate surface roughness

    , Article Journal of Applied Physics ; Volume 120, Issue 5 , 2016 ; 00218979 (ISSN) Chaghazardi, Z ; Babaee Touski, Sh ; Pourfath, M ; Faez, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Institute of Physics Inc  2016
    In this work, spin transport in corrugated armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGNRs) is studied. We survey combined effects of spin-orbit interaction and surface roughness, employing the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism and multi-orbitals tight-binding model. Rough substrate surfaces have been statistically generated and the hopping parameters are modulated based on the bending and distance of corrugated carbon atoms. The effects of surface roughness parameters, such as roughness amplitude and correlation length, on spin transport in AGNRs are studied. The increase of surface roughness amplitude results in the coupling of σ and π bands in neighboring atoms, leading to larger spin... 

    Spin FET based on graphene nanoribbon in the presence of surface roughness

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ; Volume 64, Issue 8 , 2017 , Pages 3437-3442 ; 00189383 (ISSN) Chaghazardi, Z ; Faez, R ; Babaee Touski, S ; Pourfath, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2017
    In this paper, the characteristics of an armchair graphene nanoribbon spin FET (SFET) are investigated in the presence and absence of surface roughness, by employing a multiorbital tight-binding method along with the nonequilibrium Green's function approach. It is found that the bandgap monotonically decreases with increasing the vertical electric field, since Stark effect enhances spin-flip rate under a high vertical electric field. Furthermore, spin transport in the presence of a random potential, which is induced by the concurrent effect of the applied vertical electric field and surface roughness, is carefully analyzed. This random potential strongly scatters carriers and reduces spin... 

    Calculating Value at Risk for Bond Portfolios by Selecting Basic Scenarios in the Historical Simulation Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Chaghazardi, Ali (Author) ; Zamani, Shiva (Supervisor) ; Arian, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
    In many methods of calculating Value-at-Risk (VaR), we need to calculate the value of the portfolio several times for different scenarios. Because an explicit formula is not available to calculate the value of some fixed income assets, calculating VaR for portfolios containing these assets imposes a heavy computational burden. In this study, we introduce a new method for calculating VaR for such portfolios. In this method, some of the existing scenarios are selected as basic scenarios and the value of the portfolio is calculated only for each of them. Next, using the calculated values, the portfolio values for other scenarios are estimated by interpolation (or extrapolation). Finally, by... 

    Technical English for mechanical engineers

    , Book Alemi, Minoo ; Meghdari,Ali
    Sharif University Press  2014
    Local educational institutions produce in-house English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials according to the curriculum policies designated and developed by the Ministry of Higher Education In Iran. To this end, this book aims to be used in the Iranian setting at the tertiary level for undergraduate students majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Moreover, the style of English usage in this ESP textbook is American.
    Regarding the content of the textbook, it has both thematic organizations in which the topics are relevant and includes sufficient treatment of the target language areas necessary for the students. The principle organizing approach of this textbook is theme-based. In addition,... 

    Feedback control of the neuro-musculoskeletal system in a forward dynamics simulation of stair locomotion [electronic resource]

    , Article Proc. of IMechE Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine ; 2009, Vol. 223, No. 6, pp. 663-675 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation ; Volume 11, Issue 1, 30 April 2014, Article number 78 Selk Ghafari, A. (Ali) ; Meghdari, Ali ; Vossough, Gholam Reza ; Sharif University of Technology
    The aim of this study is to employ feedback control loops to provide a stable forward dynamics simulation of human movement under repeated position constraint conditions in the environment, particularly during stair climbing. A ten-degrees-of-freedom skeletal model containing 18 Hill-type musculotendon actuators per leg was employed to simulate the model in the sagittal plane. The postural tracking and obstacle avoidance were provided by the proportional—integral—derivative controller according to the modulation of the time rate change of the joint kinematics. The stability of the model was maintained by controlling the velocity of the body's centre of mass according to the desired centre of... 

    Design and Construction of a Soft Actuated Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Razavi Zadehgan, Ali Akbar (Author) ; Ghafari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    The main goal of this thesis is the design and development of a rehabilitation device for helping patients “to improve blood circulation” & retain and recover their abilities if possible that were lost during the stroke or a accident like that (my research in karaj/iran shows that it is possible by just movement of the specific body part). The focus is on hand in this thesis because Injuries to the hand are common and can be very debilitating since our hands are our primary means for interacting with our world. For rehabilitation in case of human hand there are several practices that should be done for patients either in home or in a rehabilitation center, time and money that is supposed to... 

    Silica chloride/wet SiO2 as a novel heterogeneous system for the deprotection of acetals under mild conditions [electronic resource]

    , Article Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements ; Volume 178:2667-2670, Issue 12, 2003 Mirjalili, B. F. (BiBi Fatemeh) ; Pourjavadi, Ali ; Zolfigol, Mohammad Ali ; Bamoniri, Abdolhamid
    A combination of silica chloride and wet SiO2 was used as an effective deacetalizating agent for the conversion of acetals to their corresponding carbonyl derivatives under mild and heterogeneous condition  

    Earthquake Branch

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bagher Shemirani, Ali Reza (Author) ; Bakhshi, Ali (Supervisor)
    In the past few decades, shaking tables are widely used to evaluate system response of structures under seismic excitations. These devices are used without any fundamental research performed on a shaking table system as an entity model. In most of these studies for simplicity, it is assumed that there exist no considerable vibration and displacement around the shaking tables, and no attention is paid to the peripheral substances such as soil settled under the foundation.
    In this thesis, result of ambient vibration test on shaking table system (solid deck, concrete foundation and soil layer) has been presented. Precise sensors known as low frequency and high accuracy accelerometers have... 

    Comparison between Performance of Stone Columns and RAPs from the Bearing Capacity and Settlement Reduction Viewpoints

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Golestani Dariani, Ali Akbar (Author) ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor)
    Out of several ground improvement techniques available, stone columns have been widely used. This technique has been successfully applied to increase the bearing capacity and to reduce the settlement for foundation of structures like liquid storage tanks, earthen embankments, raft foundations, etc., where a relatively large settlement is permissible. This technique has, generally, been proven successful in increasing the stiffness of weak soils, upgrading their safe bearing capacity, and reducing their total and differential settlements, as well as speeding up their consolidation process. The beneficial effects of stone column installation in weak deposits is manifested in the form of... 

    Improvement of Stability of Haptic Force Interaction with Virtual Environments Using a Haptic Interface with a Separate Tracker

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mashayekhi, Ahmad (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Nahvi, Ali (Supervisor)
    In the present study, a new version of haptic devices is presented in which user’s hand is in contact with the device just while collision with virtual surface. In this system, the position of user’s finger can be traced by using a camera and the haptic device follows user’s finger at the distance of about two centimeters. While the haptic device approaches to the virtual surface, gradually reduces its speed and stops about two centimeters distant of virtual plane. Then user’s hand collides with the haptic device which is static. Greater fidelity, transparency, more stability and also no need to large actuators are of the advantages of this system. In this project, first we present a new... 

    Performance of Partially Filled Mini-Channels with Porous Media

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Azimi, Adel (Author) ; Nouri, Ali (Supervisor) ; Moosavi, Ali (Co-Advisor)
    Laminar forced convection flow through a channel partially filled with a porous material was numerically studied in this thesis. The Navier-Stokes and Brinkman-Forchheimer equations were used to model the fluid flow in the free and porous regions, respectively. Coupling of the pressure and velocity fields was resolved using the SIMPLEC algorithm. The local thermal equilibrium was adopted in the energy equation. The effects of the thermal conductivity ratio, Darcy number, porosity, Reynolds number and height of the porous insert on velocity and temperature field were investigated. The results show that the flow behavior and its associated heat transfer are susceptible to the variation of the... 

    Selective synthesis of conjugated enynes from α-arylalkynols using LiCl-Acidic Al2O3 under solvent-free conditions [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Chemical Research ; Volume 2002, Number 8, 1 August 2002, pp. 378-380(3) Pourjavadi, A. (Ali) ; Bagheri Marandi, Gholam
    Free Content Selective synthesis of conjugated enynes from α-arylalkynols using LiCl-Acidic Al2O3 under solvent-free conditions  

    Selective preparation of fluorescent 1,8-naphthalimides using acidic alumina under microwave irradiation [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Chemical Research ; 01/2001; 2001(11):485-487 Pourjavadi, A. (Ali) ; Bagheri Marandi, Gholam
    7H-benzimidazo[2,1-a]benz[de]isoquinolin-7-one compounds were prepared in a selective manner by reaction between o-phenylenediamines and appropriate 1,8-naphthalenedicarboxylic anhydrides using acidic alumina under microwave irradiation  

    Simulation of the Biomolecule Imaging and Manipulation Via AFM by Molecular Dynamics Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Kheiroddin, Mohsen (Author) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor) ; Moosavi, Ali (Supervisor)
    In this thesis we try to find optimized parameters for imaging and manipulation of a biosample with AFM. For this we have prepared a numerous Molecular Dynamics simulation and find some reliable result. So, first we have focused on imaging process in Non contact mode (the less harmful mode). Then we headed into the manipulation process. The main problem about manipulating a biosample is the environment. In imaging section, the process of imaging a biomolecule by AFM is modeled using molecular dynamics simulations. Since the large normal force exerted by the tip on the biosample in contact and tapping modes may damage the sample structure and produce irreversible deformation, the non-contact... 

    Characterzing Variation of Small Strain Shear Modulus of Unsaturated Sand During Hydraulic Hysteresis with Bender Elements

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shahbazan, Parisa (Author) ; Pak, Ali (Supervisor) ; Khosravi, Ali (Supervisor)
    Results of previous studies on silt and clay indicated that variations in the small strain shear modulus, Gmax, during drying had a non-linear increasing trend with matric suction with greater values upon wetting. However, due to different material properties and inter-particle forces, different behaviour in Gmax is expected for sand. Although considerable research has been devoted in recent years to characterize the behaviour of Gmax of sand during drying, rather less attention has been paid to the effect of hydraulic hysteresis on Gmax and its variations during wetting. In the study presented herein, an effort was made to characterize the variation of Gmax for specimens of sand during... 

    Sequential Competitive Facility Location In Continuous Geometric Space

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Lavasani, Ali Mohammad (Author) ; Abam, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Abstract The problem of competetive facility location can be defined as follows: There are a number of customers in the form of points in space, and two players arrange a number of facilities in the form of points in space, given some limitations, respectively. Each customer’s connection to each facility has a cost for the customer and an advantage for the facility, and each customer wants to be connected to at most one of the facilities which has the lowest cost for him. The goal is to find the strategy of placing the facilities and determining the cost which the facility receives from the customer, in such a way that the player’s profit is maximised.In this thesis, we first sought to... 

    Distributed Verifiable Computing: Algorithms and Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahimi, Ali (Author) ; Maddah Ali, Mohammad Ali (Supervisor)
    Zero knowledge proofs allow a person (prover) to convince another person (verifier) that he has performed a specific computation on a secret data correctly, and has obtained a true answer, without having to disclose the secret data. QAP (Quadratic Arithmetic Program) based zkSNARKs (zero knowledge Succinct Non-interactive Argument of Knowledge) are a type of zero knowledge proof. They have several properties that make them attractive in practice, e.g. verifier's work is very easy. So they are used in many areas such as Blockchain and cloud computing. But yet prover's work in QAP based zkSNARKs is heavy, therefore, it may not be possible for a prover with limited processing resource to run... 

    Cracked Rotors Modeling for Vibration Analysis and Control

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ebrahimi, Ali Reza (Author) ; Behzad , Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Meghdari, Ali (Supervisor)
    The main aim of this thesis is to develop a mathematical model for vibration analysis of cracked rotors. This model should be a simple and precise model for prediction of the cracked rotor vibration behavior and suitable for vibration control. In order to create such model, the pure bending of a cracked beam is analyzed at first. This analysis is performed for two different orientations of the crack with respect to the beam and the bending vector. In this section a continuous bending model with continuous model for crack is developed which can predict the full deformation of the cracked beam in bending and can estimate the stress distribution in the beam with good approximation. Comparison...