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Weighted TINs Smplification and Design of Some Algorithms on it
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghodsi, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Due to increasing quality of satellite images, volume of stored data significantly increased, so speed of statistical and computational processing decreased. For solving this problem, simplification
problem has been suggested. Surface simplification problem is a fundamental problem in computational geometry and it has many applications in other fields such as GIS, computer graphics, and image processing. Major goal of simplification problems is reducing stored information in any surface, Because it improves speed of processes. One of common types in this field is 3D terrain simplification while error of simplified surface be acceptable. Simplification is NP-Hard problem. In this project,...
problem has been suggested. Surface simplification problem is a fundamental problem in computational geometry and it has many applications in other fields such as GIS, computer graphics, and image processing. Major goal of simplification problems is reducing stored information in any surface, Because it improves speed of processes. One of common types in this field is 3D terrain simplification while error of simplified surface be acceptable. Simplification is NP-Hard problem. In this project,...
Investigation of Biocompatibility and Biodegradability of Porous Chitosan Scaffold in Nerve Tissue Engineering
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mashayekhan, Shohreh (Supervisor) ; Ramezani Saadat, Ahmad (Supervisor)
Nerve repair plays a very prominent and significant role among the efforts that have been made to integrate the concepts of tissue engineering in strategies to repair almost all parts of the body. This is partly due to the complexity of the nervous anatomy system and its function as well as the inefficiency of conventional repair methods that are based on a component of biomaterials or cells alone. Studies show that electrical stimulation can enhance the nerve regeneration process; so the use of conducting polymers has attracted much attention for the construction of neural tissue engineering scaffolds. In this study, the electrical properties of neurons and the effects of electrical...
High performance and predictable memory controller for multicore mixed-criticality real-time systems
, Article IET Computers and Digital Techniques ; Volume 13, Issue 5 , 2019 ; 17518601 (ISSN) ; Farbeh, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Institution of Engineering and Technology
Multicore processors are widely used in today's real-time embedded systems to satisfy the performance and predictability requirements as well as reduce cost. A vast majority of multicore embedded systems are running several tasks with mixed-criticality, in which the non-functional requirements of the tasks are different or even conflicting. A major challenge in mixed-criticality systems is to maximise the efficiency of shared resources while satisfying the criticality requirements. Shared memory is a key component that should be well managed and memory controller plays the main role in this case. Several memory controllers have been introduced in the literature for multicore processors. In...
On Comparison of Architecture-level Dependability Approaches for Multicore Processors in Mixed-critical Embedded Applications
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Miremadi, Ghasem (Supervisor)
Nowdays, embedded systems need high dependability and performance and low cost. Use of multicore processors cause increase performance, and can lead to increase dependability with its inherent redundancy. Also mixed critical leads to decrease cost and increase dependability, because designer just considers dependability techniques for high critical tasks. A lot of work to increase dependability of real-time multicore systems with mixed-criticality has been done. In this study, a comprehensive classification of the approaches that has been done in this area is provided. One of the issues that is expressed in muticore, is shared resources. In multicore platforms some resources like memory and...
Combustible organic materials : determination and prediction of combustion properties
, Book
De Gruyter
The Study of Eliminating Gender Gap in Iran Labor Market on Participation Rate of Married Urban Women
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rahmati, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor) ; Joshaghani, Hossein (Supervisor)
The low female labor force participation rate in the Iranian labor market relative to the global average and even to countries that do not differ significantly from the socio-economic characteristics of our country is one of the important questions of the Iranian labor market. In this study, we seek to answer the question of whether the economic participation rate of married women will increase if the gender gaps in wages, job findings and job losses among women and men are eliminated in the Iranian labor market. To answer this question using household expenditure and income data and labor force data, we show that between the two categories of occupations, in terms of the share of women's...
Crack Detection in a Rotor using Traditional Mode Shape Based Modal Analysis Methods and Experimental Evaluation
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammad Navazi, Hossein (Supervisor)
Fatigue crack growth can have harmful effects on the reliability rotary machine. While an early warning to crack, can be used to extend the life of these expensive machines and increase reliability.Structural Vibration Condition Monitoring as a primary fault detection method, achieved to a lot amazing result and for this reason studies vibration behavior of cracked rotational shaft is a big issue for engineers of dynamic machine.In this research, first check the fault detection methods based on structural vibration condition monitoring, mode shape methods were extracted. Then by modeling rotational shaft in computer and creation of crack on it, fault detection quality of these methods have...
The Effect of Increasing The Value of Natural Gas Production on Property Value, Wages, Unemployment Rate and Birth Rate in The United States of America (2000-2011)
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rahmati, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
In the present study, the effects of increasing the value of shale gas production, either due to increased production or price increases, have been studied on economic variables such as employment, wage, property value and the number of births. In this regard, the data for each of these variables was used at the county level in the United States of America between 2000 and 2011. In order to estimate the desired effects, counties are divided into two types of boom and non-boom counties. The findings indicate that increasing natural gas production will lead to more employment and wage growth in boom counties than non-boom counties. Also, during the period of increasing production, the value of...
Investigating and Analyzing the Optimal Method for Construction of Keshavarz Metro Station on Line Three of Esfahan Urban Railway
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadaghiani, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
It is important to provide an appropriate and economically method with technical and engineering considerations to stabilize excavated underground spaces. The necessity of this, especially for the construction of underground metro stations located in the cities which faces many problems, is more evident. In this research, it has been tried to introduce an optimal method according to the type of area for the construction of the underground station. In order to obtain stress and strain condition in structural elements and surface deformations due to different stages of excavating, numerical modeling in FLAC3D has been used. By examining the parameters that affect the sustainability of this...
Learning Interpretable Representation of Drugs based on Microscopy Images
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rohban, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
In this study, we aim to learn representations from microscopic cell images that effectively capture the features of drugs affecting the cells, allowing us to identify effective drugs for treating a disease. We employ two parallel learning paths using predictive and generative models. Specifically, we have achieved a predictive model on the RxRx19a dataset that, unlike previous models, is interpretable, optimized, and robust to dras- tic changes in drug properties. Additionally, we have developed the first generative model on this dataset, which not only generates high-quality images but also discovers a meaningful latent space. This latent space divides the representation into relevant...
Inflationary Permanent and Long-Term Positive Interest Rate Shocks
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rahmati, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
Co-movement between inflation and nominal interest in response to an interest rate shock, dubbed neo-fisherianism, has been the subject of contentious debate since the advent of non-inflationary ZLB environment. We design an economic model rich with banking features to understand the economic responses to permanent and long-term interest rate shocks. We find that responses to a permanent positive interest rate shock depend on the monetary authorities’ speculation of the new long-term inflation rate, with the most probable outcome being a permanent increase in inflation. Responses to a long-term positive interest rate shock depict an increase and then decrease in inflation. We also discover...
A new model for robust facility layout problem [electronic resource]
, Article Information Sciences, Elsevier ; Volume 278, 10 September 2014, Pages 498–509 ; Eshghi, Kourosh ; Salmani, Mohammad Hassan ; Sharif University of Technology
The Facility Layout Problem (FLP) is the problem of locating each department in a long plant floor without any overlap between departments in order to minimize the material handling cost. The main purpose of this study is to show the effectiveness of a robust approach to solve FLP. In this study, it is assumed that the departments’ length and width are not predetermined. For modeling this kind of uncertainty, the size of each department is considered as a bounded variable and two new parameters are also introduced to implement a robust approach. Moreover, a new adaptive algorithm is designed to determine the robust layout with respect to the decision makers’ requirements. Furthermore, the...
Interaction of Parallel Tunnels; Case Study: Interaction of Towhid Tunnel and Tehran Metro line 7 Tunnel
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadaghiani, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
Influence of excavating the Tehran metro line 7 tunnel on surface settlement, stresses and deformations induced in Towhid tunnel is investigated using numerical modeling. Construction of Metro tunnel as the new one must be carried out without imposing any damage to the Towhid tunnel as the existing tunnel. Towhid tunnel is a set of twin tunnels along the Chamran highway in Tehran. The tunnels were constructed using sequential excavation method and lined with cast in place reinforced concrete; on the other side metro line 7 is being constructed using 2 EPB tunnel boring machines and lined with reinforced concrete segments. This research consists of the study of the effects of pillar width,...
Pore-Scale Experimental Study of Foam/Nano-Foam Flooding to Heavy oil in Heterogeneous Five-Spot System: Stability Analysis and Displacement Mechanisms
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein
Foam injection for enhanced oil recovery is concerned by petroleum engineers because it decreases adverse effects of fingering and gravity segregation caused by the injected fluid .Obviously foam stability is an important factor in the efficiency of this process. So investigating it is an imperative. One of the ways that less studied and can improve foam stability is using of nanoparticles. In this project effect of nanoparticles on foam stability and displacement mechanism during foam flooding has been discussed.
Study consisted of two sets of experiments. In the first part, the static foam stability in the presence of silica nanoparticles has been investigated. Also influence of...
Study consisted of two sets of experiments. In the first part, the static foam stability in the presence of silica nanoparticles has been investigated. Also influence of...
Modeling and Simulation of Miscible Flow through Fractured Porous Media Using Random Walk Method
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
Miscible displacement in fluid flowing through a porous medium plays an important role in many environmental and industrial applications; for instance, miscible displacements in enhanced oil recovery processes and pollutant spreading in groundwater. A large number of numerical approaches have been developed to solve the advection-dispersion equation that describes the behavior of miscible displacement in porous media. Most of these numerical models suffer from numerical dispersion. Random walk seems to be an effective method to overcome this problem especially in heterogeneous media. Here, a random walk model was developed and used for simulating miscible displacement in heterogeneous porous...
Non-stationary Vibration of a Rotor with Foil Gas Bearings Passing Through Critical Speeds
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammad Navazi, Hossein (Supervisor)
The use of air bearings was began the last decade. Oil-free air bearing technology is implemented in rotating machines such as turbines, Micro gas turbines and turbocharged, this technology has improved the efficiency of rotating systems. In rotating machines, at high speeds, passing through the critical speed happens. As a result, the natural frequency of the system is crossing the critical speed, which causes system instability and lack of system amplitude control. Instability causes damage to the system. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the nonstationary vibrations of a flexible rotor with air bearings in the passing critical speeds. Behavior of air bearings is also considered to...
Spherical Graphite Cast iron Production from Sponge Iron
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ashuri, Hossein (Supervisor)
Due to the increasing spread of metal industries and the need for raw material as feed for electric furnaces in order to produce cast iron and steel, as well as scrap deficiency and rising prices, the use of sponge iron as a substitute for scrap was considered in this project Therefore, in order to achieve the chemical analysis of the sorel ingot that is special for spherical graphite cast iron production with low manganese and chromium content, the direct reduction process was carried out using tunnel kiln method on low-manganese iron ore concentrate.After the investigation on direct reduction parameters including the saggers and coal grading,the produced sponge iron has melted in...
Parametric Analysis of Interaction Between Crossing Tunnel with Existing Metro Station at Different Levels
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Sedghiani, Mohammad Hossein
The interaction of perpendicularly tunneling beneath existing metro station is investigated. In this paper E4R7 station, in line 7 of Tehran Metro (Tehran Urban and Suburban Railway co., TUSRC); Iran has been studied. This existing station has some special specifications such as a new pre-supporting system that is called Concrete Arch Pre-supporting System (CAPS). Construction of CAPS is mainly based on an Old Iranian small water tunnels excavation method, Quanat, which is faster and more economical than other common methods. CAPS is a rib like structure consisting of concrete piles and arch beams constructed around underground space before its construction. This method has been utilized in...
Estimating Welfare Effects of Rationed Good
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Vesal, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Rahmati, Mohammad Hossein (Co-Supervisor)
Assuring households’ access to essential goods at economy’s hard times has always been of policymakers’ main concerns. Using Household’s Income and Expenditure Survey data during Iran-Iraq war during 80’s, we have calculated welfare and distribution effects of rationing by coupons of three essential goods in these years. We found that rationed quantities were inefficiently excessive and due to their significant low prices, they were overconsumed. Also, without any extra financial burden, government could have improved lowest income quantile’s aggregate utility by 5.2% or 5.6%, if cash subsidy equal to each household’s previous subsidy value or an equal per-capita subsidy were distributed...
Optimization of the Urban Tunnels Final Lining
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadaghiani, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
Tunnels are considered as one of the vital arteries of each country. In this concept, one of the most notable issues is designing of tunnel lining systems. Due to the increase of investments in tunnels and the progress of machinery and tunnel technology is needed for an optimal tunnel lining systems more than the past. The effect of initial lining system is not considered in designing of final lining systems, and this section is assumed to be omitted. In general, in this project, the final lining system of urban tunnels will be optimized by finite element method. This method is used by Abaqus software for analysis and the modeling. The purpose of this work is optimization of design lining...