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    General theory of translation invariant systems [electronic resource]

    , Article Mathematics and Its Applications ; Volume 329, 1995, pp 77-89 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Sharif University of Technology
    The basic goal of this article is to present an abstract system-theoretic approach to morphological filtering and the theory of translation invariant systems which is mainly based on residuated semigroups. Some new results as well as a number of basic questions are also introduced  

    Duality in a generalized model for translation invariant systems [electronic resource]

    , Article Fuzzy Sets and Systems ; 1996, Volume 83, Issue 3, Pages 347–352 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Sharif University of Technology
    In a previous paper we introduced a generalized model for translation invariant (TI) operators. In this model we considered the space, φ of all maps from an abelian group G to ω U {-∞}, called LG-fuzzy sets, where ω is a complete lattice-ordered group; and we defined TI operators on this space. Also, in that paper, we proved strong reconstruction theorem to show the consistency of this model. This theorem states that for an order-preserving TI operator Y one can explicitly compute Y(A), for any A, from a specific subset of φ called the base of Y. In this paper duality is considered in the same general framework, and in this regard, continuous TI operators are studied. This kind of operators... 

    Reconstruction in a generalized model for translation invariant systems [electronic resource]

    , Article Fuzzy Sets and Systems ; 1996, Volume 83, Issue 1, Pages 51–55 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Sharif University of Technology
    We consider translation invariant (TI) operators on Φ, the set of maps from an abelian group G to Ω ∪ {−∞} , called LG-fuzzy sets, where 0 is a complete lattice ordered group. By defining Minkowski and morphological operations on Φ and considering order preserving operators, we prove a reconstruction theorem. This theorem, which is called the Strong Reconstruction Theorem (SRT), is similar to the Convolution Theorem in the theory of linear and shift invariant systems and states that for an order preserving TI operator Y one can explicitly compute Y ( A ), for any A , from a specific subset of Φ called the base of Y . The introduced framework is a general model for the theory of translation... 

    Residuated semigroups and morphological aspects of translation invariant systems [electronic resource]

    , Article 1997, Volume 90, Issue 1, Pages 69–81 ; Fuzzy Sets and Systems Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Sharif University of Technology
    The main goal of this paper is to verify classical properties of morphological operators within the general model of translation invariant (TI) systems. In this model, TI operators are defined on the space of LG-fuzzy sets Φ i.e. Φ = {A: G → Ω ∪ {− ∞}} in which G is an abelian group and Ω is a complete lattice ordered group. A TI operator Y is an operator on Φ which is invariant under translation on G and Ω as groups. We consider the generalization of Minkowski addition (D on Φ and we emphasize that (Φ,⊛) is an involutive residuated topological monoid. We verify all properties of traditional (set-theoretic) morphological operators as well as classical representations (Matheron, 1967) for... 

    Forcing structures and cliques in uniquely vertex colorable graphs [electronic resource]

    , Article SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics ; 2001, Volume 14, Issue 4, Pages 433-445 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let G be a simple undirected uniquely vertex k-colorable graph, or a k-UCG for short. M. Truszczyński [Some results on uniquely colorable graphs, in Finite and Infinite Sets, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984, pp. 733--748] introduced $e^{^{*}}(G)=|V(G)|(k-1)-{k \choose 2}$ as the minimum number of edges for a k-UCG and S. J. Xu [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B, 50 (1990), pp. 319--320] conjectured that any minimal k-UCG contains a Kk as a subgraph. In this paper, first we introduce a technique called forcing. Then by applying this technique in conjunction with a feedback structure we construct a k-UCG with clique number k-t, for each $t \geq 1$ and each k, when k is large enough. This also... 

    Graph homomorphisms and nodal domains [electronic resource]

    , Article Linear Algebra and its Applications ; 2006, Volume 418, Issue 1, Pages 44–52 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we derive some necessary spectral conditions for the existence of graph homomorphisms in which we also consider some parameters related to the corresponding eigenspaces such as nodal domains. In this approach, we consider the combinatorial Laplacian and co-Laplacian as well as the adjacency matrix. Also, we present some applications in graph decompositions where we prove a general version of Fisher’s inequality for G-designs  

    On defining numbers of circular complete graphs

    , Article Discrete Mathematics ; Volume 307, Issue 2, 28 January 2007, Pages 173–180 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Sharif University of Technology
    Let d(σ)d(σ) stand for the defining number of the colouring σσ. In this paper we consider View the MathML sourcedmin=minγd(γ) and View the MathML sourcedmax=maxγd(γ) for the onto χχ-colourings γγ of the circular complete graph Kn,dKn,d. In this regard we obtain a lower bound for dmin(Kn,d)dmin(Kn,d) and we also prove that this parameter is asymptotically equal to χ-1χ-1. Also, we show that when χ⩾4χ⩾4 and s≠0s≠0 then dmax(Kχd-s,d)=χ+2s-3dmax(Kχd-s,d)=χ+2s-3, and, moreover, we prove an inequality relating this parameter to the circular chromatic number for any graph G  

    A general model for I/O system theory, Proceedings of AIMC31 [electronic resource]

    , Article Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems ; 2006, Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 1-19 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Hashem, Amir ; Sharif University of Technology

    On small uniquely vertex-colourable graphs and Xu's conjecture [electronic resource]

    , Article Discrete Mathematics ; Volume 223, Issues 1–3, 28 August 2000, Pages 93–108 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Naserasr, Reza ; Sharif University of Technology
    Consider the parameter Λ(G) = |E(G)| - |V(G)|(k - 1) + (k2) for a k-chromatic graph G, on the set of vertices V(G) and with the set of edges E(G). It is known that Λ(G)≥0 for any k-chromatic uniquely vertex-colourable graph G (k-UCG), and, S.J. Xu has conjectured that for any k-UCG, G, Λ(G) = 0 implies that cl(G) = k; in which cl(G) is the clique number of G. In this paper, first, we introduce the concept of the core of a k-UCG as an induced subgraph without any colour-class of size one, and without any vertex of degree k - 1. Considering (k, n)-cores as k-UCGs on n vertices, we show that edge-minimal (k, 2k)-cores do not exist when k ≥ 3, which shows that for any edge-minimal k-UCG on 2k... 

    Graph homomorphisms through random walks [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Graph Theory ; 2003, Volume 44, Issue 1, pages 15–38 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Hajiabolhassan, Hossein ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper we introduce some general necessary conditions for the existence of graph homomorphisms, which hold in both directed and undirected cases. Our method is a combination of Diaconis and Saloff–Coste comparison technique for Markov chains and a generalization of Haemers interlacing theorem. As some applications, we obtain a necessary condition for the spanning subgraph problem, which also provides a generalization of a theorem of Mohar (1992) as a necessary condition for Hamiltonicity. In particular, in the case that the range is a Cayley graph or an edge-transitive graph, we obtain theorems with a corollary about the existence of homomorphisms to cycles. This, specially, provides... 

    On the complexity of isoperimetric problems on trees [electronic resource]

    , Article Discrete Applied Mathematics ; Volume 160 Issue 1-2, January, 2012 Pages 116-131 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Javadi, Ramin ; Sharif Univercity of Technology
    This paper is aimed at investigating some computational aspects of different isoperimetric problems on weighted trees. In this regard, we consider different connectivity parameters called minimum normalized cuts/isoperimetric numbers defined through taking the minimum of the maximum or the mean of the normalized outgoing flows from a set of subdomains of vertices, where these subdomains constitute a partition/subpartition. We show that the decision problem for the case of taking k-partitions and the maximum (called the max normalized cut problem NCP^M), and the other two decision problems for the mean version (referred to as IPP^m and NCP^m) are NP-complete problems for weighted trees. On... 

    Unique list-colourability and the fixing chromatic number of graphs [electronic resource]

    , Article Discrete Applied Mathematics ; Volume 152, Issues 1–3, 1 November 2005, Pages 123–138 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Hajiabolhassan, Hossein ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper we introduce a chromatic parameter, called the fixing chromatic number, which is related to unique colourability of graphs, in the sense that it measures how one can embed the given graph G in G∪Kt by adding edges between G and Kt to make the whole graph uniquely t-colourable. We study some basic properties of this parameter as well as its relationships to some other well-known chromatic numbers as the acyclic chromatic number. We compute the fixing chromatic number of some graph products by applying a modified version of the exponential graph construction  

    Circular colouring and algebraic no-homomorphism theorems

    , Article European Journal of Combinatorics ; Volume 28, Issue 6, August 2007, Pages 1843–1853 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Hajiabolhassan, Hossein ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we apply some new algebraic no-homomorphism theorems in conjunction with some new chromatic parameters to estimate the circular chromatic number of graphs. To show the applicability of the general results, as a couple of examples, we generalize a well known inequality for the fractional chromatic number of graphs and we also show that the circular chromatic number of the graph obtained from the Petersen graph by excluding one vertex is equal to 3. Also, we focus on the Johnson–Holroyd–Stahl conjecture about the circular chromatic number of Kneser graphs and we propose an approach to this conjecture. In this regard, we introduce a new related conjecture on Kneser graphs and we... 

    Density and power graphs in graph homomorphism problem

    , Article Discrete Mathematics ; Volume 308, Issue 17, 6 September 2008, Pages 4027–4030 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Hajiabolhassan, Hossein ; Sharif University of Technology
    We introduce two necessary conditions for the existence of graph homomorphisms based on the concepts of density and power graph. As corollaries, we obtain a lower bound for the fractional chromatic number, and we set forward elementary proofs of the facts that the circular chromatic number of the Petersen graph is equal to three and the fact that the Coxeter graph is a core  

    Relations among the fractional chromatic, choice, Hall, and Hall-condition numbers of simple graphs [electronic resource]

    , Article Discrete Mathematics ; 2001, Volume 241, Issues 1–3,Pages 189–199 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Sharif University of Technology
    Hall's condition for the existence of a proper vertex list-multicoloring of a simple graph G has recently been used to define the fractional Hall and Hall-condition numbers of G, and . Little is known about , but it is known that , where ‘⩽’ means ‘is a subgraph of’ and α(H) denotes the vertex independence number of H. Let and denote the fractional chromatic and choice (list-chromatic) numbers of G. (Actually, Slivnik has shown that these are equal, but we will continue to distinguish notationally between them.) We give various relations among , , , and , mostly notably that , when G is a line graph. We give examples to show that this equality does not necessarily hold when G is... 

    On nodal domains and higher-order Cheeger inequalities of finite reversible Markov processes [electronic resource]

    , Article Stochastic Processes and their Applications ; Volume 122, Issue 4, April 2012, Pages 1748–1776 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Javadi, Ramin ; Miclo, Laurent ; Sharif Univercity of Technology
    Let LL be a reversible Markovian generator on a finite set View the MathML sourceV. Relations between the spectral decomposition of LL and subpartitions of the state space View the MathML sourceV into a given number of components which are optimal with respect to min–max or max–min Dirichlet connectivity criteria are investigated. Links are made with higher-order Cheeger inequalities and with a generic characterization of subpartitions given by the nodal domains of an eigenfunction. These considerations are applied to generators whose positive rates are supported by the edges of a discrete cycle ZNZN, to obtain a full description of their spectra and of the shapes of their eigenfunctions, as... 

    On the isoperimetric spectrum of graphs and its approximations [electronic resource]

    , Article Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B ; Volume 100, Issue 4, July 2010, Pages 390–412 Daneshgar, A. (Amir) ; Hajiabolhassan, Hossein ; Javadi, Ramin ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper1 we consider higher isoperimetric numbers of a (finite directed) graph. In this regard we focus on the nth mean isoperimetric constant of a directed graph as the minimum of the mean outgoing normalized flows from a given set of n disjoint subsets of the vertex set of the graph. We show that the second mean isoperimetric constant in this general setting, coincides with (the mean version of) the classical Cheeger constant of the graph, while for the rest of the spectrum we show that there is a fundamental difference between the nth isoperimetric constant and the number obtained by taking the minimum over all n-partitions. In this direction, we show that our definition is the... 

    Max-plus Algebra An Algebra for Discrete Event Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haddadan, Shahrzad (Author) ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)

    Spectral Graph Partitioning

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Behjati, Shahab (Author) ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
    Graph partitioning, or graph clustering, is an essential researa problem in many areas. In this thesis, we focus on the partitioning problem of unweighted undirected graph, that is, graphs for which the weight of all edges is 1. We will investigate spectral methods for solving the graph partitioning and we compare them. In addition to theoretical analysis,We also implement some of spectral algorithms in matlab and apply them on standard graph data sets. Finally, the experimental
    results obtained are offering  

    Comparison of Switching Stream Cipher Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hamidreza, Eghbali (Author) ; Daneshgar, Amir (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we analyze and compare switching and CPSP cryptography systems. CPSP is a dynamic system which can act as synchronized or self-synchronized stream cipher under specific conditions. To do the comparison, first we have a brief review of cryptography fundamentals like stream cipher systems, synchronized stream ciphers, and self-synchronized ones. Then, we consider chaos systems in general form and then we present their role in cryptography systems, and in continue by introducing switching cryptography systems and also CPSP cryptography systems, and analyzing their relation with self-synchronized stream ciphers, we do our statistical tests on them