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    Enhanced mechanical properties of chitosan/nanodiamond composites by improving interphase using thermal oxidation of nanodiamond

    , Article Carbohydrate Polymers ; Volume 167 , 2017 , Pages 219-228 ; 01448617 (ISSN) Delavar, Z ; Shojaei, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2017
    Polymer composite films based on chitosan (CS) and nanodimaond (ND) were prepared using solution casting method. ND with variable contents of carboxylic functional group was prepared using thermal oxidation at temperature of 420 °C under air atmosphere at various durations of 1.5 and 4.5 h. The interfacial interaction between NDs and CS and morphological evolution of CS in presence of NDs were investigated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. A significant improvement in tensile strength (∼85%) and tensile modulus (∼125%) of CS was achieved by oxidized ND (OND) obtained at higher oxidation time of 4.5 at low... 

    Gain and Phase Margins in a Class of Nonlinear Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Delavar, Abolfazl (Author) ; Haeri, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The stability of dynamic systems has long been discussed in the theory of control and many people and experts have researched in this field and important results have been obtained from their research. In the real world, systems stability is the premise of controlling their behavior. In fact, systems that are unstable will not be controllable without stability. Therefore, the stability of the systems is discussed and at the same time the control expectations of the system will be raised. The systems of the surrounding world behave nonlinearly; Therefore, their exact stability is not debatable with linear approaches and requires stronger mathematics and attention to specific behaviors of... 

    Modeling, estimation, and model predictive control for Covid-19 pandemic with finite security duration vaccine

    , Article 30th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2022, 17 May 2022 through 19 May 2022 ; 2022 , Pages 78-83 ; 9781665480871 (ISBN) Delavar, A ; Baghbadorani, R. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2022
    Spreading Covid19 has significantly impacted humans' affairs worldwide, either economically or in a sanitary manner. Besides social distance and hospitalization, making and introducing different vaccines help us ameliorate infection and mortality rates. In this research, we use a nonlinear dynamic model for Covid19, with eight states named susceptible, exposed, infected, quarantined, hospitalized, recovered, deceased, and insusceptible populations. Also, we use social distancing, hospitalization, and vaccination rate as three control inputs. This research aims to stop the Covid-19 from spreading worldwide and minimize exposed, infected and deceased populations using model predictive control.... 

    Characterisation and Preparation of Chitosan-nano Diamond Nanocomposite

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Delavar Jolfaee, Zahra (Author) ; Shojaei, Akbar (Supervisor)
    Chitosan is a biocompatible and biopolymer with unique characteristics. Nanodiamonds that are basically carbon based nanoparticle have excellent mechanical, thermal stability biocompatibility bahviors. Combination of these two materials helps to the advantage of all the desirable features of both material and compensate low mechanical properties and strength of chitosan. In this study, we examine the composition of different percentages of nanodiamonds in chitosan and effect of modification on properties of the nanocomposites. The thermal behaviour, swelling behaviour and water contact angle of different nanocomposites were analyzed. Finally, to determine the distribution of the... 

    A ring oscillator-based PUF with enhanced challenge-response pairs

    , Article Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering ; Volume 39, Issue 2 , 2016 , Pages 174-180 ; 08408688 (ISSN) Delavar, M ; Mirzakuchaki, S ; Mohajeri, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Canada  2016
    Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are powerful security primitives that provide cheap and secure solutions for security-related applications. Strong PUFs provide a large set of challenge-response pairs (CRPs) and are suitable for device authentication. Weak PUFs produce a small number of CRPs and can be used for key extraction. In this paper, we propose a novel method to enhance the CRP set of traditional ring oscillator-based PUFs (RO-PUFs). RO-PUFs are one of the most reliable types of PUFs and the best fit to implement on the field-programmable gate arrays. To the best of our knowledge, our method provides the maximum number of CRPs compared with the state of the art. In addition, the... 

    New scheduling algorithm for dynamic task and fault tolerant in heterogeneous grid systems using genetic algorithm

    , Article Proceedings - 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, ICCSIT 2010, 9 July 2010 through 11 July 2010 ; Volume 9 , July , 2010 , Pages 408-412 ; 9781424455386 (ISBN) Ghorbannia Delavar, A ; Nejadkheirallah, M ; Motalleb, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper with studying of all parameters in grid environment a new scheduling algorithm for independent task is introduced according to Genetic Algorithm. This algorithm can be more efficient and more dependable than similar previous algorithms. The simulated results and reasons for reaching to better makes pan and more efficiency in the grid environment. In the grids with high fault with high fault rate for fault tolerant is used from check point method that has more efficiency that other methods such as retry, migration and replication. This method maintains effective efficiency in these situations. So the servicing quality increases in various grid environments and also the average... 

    PUF-based solutions for secure communications in advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)

    , Article International Journal of Communication Systems ; Volume 30, Issue 9 , 2017 ; 10745351 (ISSN) Delavar, M ; Mirzakuchaki, S ; Ameri, M. H ; Mohajeri, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    John Wiley and Sons Ltd  2017
    Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) provides 2-way communications between the utility and the smart meters. Developing authenticated key exchange (AKE) and broadcast authentication (BA) protocols is essential to provide secure communications in AMI. The security of all existing cryptographic protocols is based on the assumption that secret information is stored in the nonvolatile memories. In the AMI, the attackers can obtain some or all of the stored secret information from memories by a great variety of inexpensive and fast side-channel attacks. Thus, all existing AKE and BA protocols are no longer secure. In this paper, we investigate how to develop secure AKE and BA protocols in the... 

    On the security of YRL, an anonymous broadcast encryption scheme

    , Article 8th International Symposium on Telecommunications, IST 2016, 27 September 2016 through 29 September 2016 ; 2017 , Pages 752-755 ; 9781509034345 (ISBN) Rabaninejad, R ; Ameri, M. H ; Delavar, M ; Mohajeri, J ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2017
    Broadcast encryption is a novel concept for sending a special message to a subset of users. In broadcast encryption schemes, the distribution center broadcasts the message in encrypted form and expect that only the intended users be able to decrypt the message. This concept has several applications such as pay-per-service TVs. In this paper, we investigate one of the most recent broadcast encryption schemes and show that the introduced scheme does not provide the main requirement of broadcast encryption schemes. For this purpose, we demonstrate that all of the users, including authorized and unauthorized users, can decrypt the broadcasted encrypted message. © 2016 IEEE  

    Design of a Micromixer based on Cantilever Beam Displacement due to Piezoelectric Laminars

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Delavar, Siavash (Author) ; Ahmadian, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor) ; Asghari, Mohsen (Co-Advisor)
    During the past decade, micromachining technology has become available to fabricate micron-sized mechanical parts. The miniaturization of almost all types of devices and systems is arguably a greater opportunity for commercial profit and beneficial technological advances (e.g., micromechanical, microfluidic, microthermal, micromagnetic, microoptical and microchemical). However, instead of the traditional evolutionary engineering effort to reduce size and power while simultaneously increasing the performance of such a diverse set of systems, the field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) represents an effort to radically transform the scale, performance and cost of these systems by... 

    Overexpression of protein kinase Mζ in the hippocampus mitigates alzheimer's disease-related cognitive deficit in rats

    , Article Brain Research Bulletin ; Volume 166 , 2021 , Pages 64-72 ; 03619230 (ISSN) Amini, N ; Roosta Azad, R ; Motamedi, F ; Mirzapour Delavar, H ; Ghasemi, S ; Aliakbari, S ; Pourbadie, H. G ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Inc  2021
    Accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ) soluble forms in the cerebral parenchyma is the mainstream concept underlying memory deficit in the early phase of Alzheimer's disease (AD). PKMζ plays a critical role in the maintenance of long-term memory. Yet, the role of this brain-specific enzyme has not been addressed in AD. We examined the impact of hippocampal PKMζ overexpression on AD-related memory impairment in rats. Oligomeric form of Aβ (oAβ) or vehicle was bilaterally microinjected into the dorsal hippocampus of male Wistar rats under stereotaxic surgery. One week later, 2 μl of lentiviral vector (108 T.U. / ml.) encoding PKMζ genome was microinjected into the dorsal hippocampus. Seven days... 

    Intelligent semi-active vibration control of eleven degrees of freedom suspension system using magnetorheological dampers

    , Article Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology ; Volume 26, Issue 2 , 2012 , Pages 323-334 ; 1738494X (ISSN) Zareh, S. H ; Sarrafan, A ; Khayyat, A. A. A ; Zabihollah, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    A novel intelligent semi-active control system for an eleven degrees of freedom passenger car's suspension system using magnetorheological (MR) damper with neuro-fuzzy (NF) control strategy to enhance desired suspension performance is proposed. In comparison with earlier studies, an improvement in problem modeling is made. The proposed method consists of two parts: a fuzzy control strategy to establish an efficient controller to improve ride comfort and road handling (RCH) and an inverse mapping model to estimate the force needed for a semi-active damper. The fuzzy logic rules are extracted based on Sugeno inference engine. The inverse mapping model is based on an artificial neural network... 

    Performance and exhaust emission characteristics of a spark ignition engine operated with gasoline and CNG blend

    , Article Proceedings of the Spring Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division ; 2012 , Pages 179-187 ; 15296598 (ISSN) ; 9780791844663 (ISBN) Dashti, M ; Hamidi, A. A ; Mozafari, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Using CNG as an additive for gasoline is a proper choice due to higher octane number of CNG enriched gasoline with respect to that of gasoline. As a result, it is possible to use gasoline with lower octane number in the engine. This would also mean the increase of compression ratio in SI engines resulting in higher performance and lower gasoline consumption. Over the years, the use of simulation codes to model the thermodynamic cycle of an internal combustion engine have developed tools for more efficient engine designs and fuel combustion. In this study, a thermodynamic cycle simulation of a conventional four-stroke spark-ignition engine has been developed. The model is used to study the... 

    A comparative study of the performance of a SI engine fuelled by natural gas as alternative fuel by thermodynamic simulation

    , Article 2009 ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, ICEF 2009, Lucerne, 27 September 2009 through 30 September 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 49-57 ; 9780791843635 (ISBN) Dashti, M ; Hamidi, A. A ; Mozafari, A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  2009
    With the declining energy resources and increase of pollutant emissions, a great deal of efforts has been focused on the development of alternatives for fossil fuels. One of the promising alternative fuels to gasoline in the internal combustion engine is natural gas [1-5]. The application of natural gas in current internal combustion engines is realistic due to its many benefits. The higher thermal efficiency due to the higher octane value and lower exhaust emissions including CO2 as a result of the lower carbon to hydrogen ratio of the fuel are the two important feature of using CNG as an alternative fuel. It is well known that computer simulation codes are valuable economically as a cost... 

    Analytical and experimental analyses of nonlinear vibrations in a rotary inverted pendulum

    , Article Nonlinear Dynamics ; Volume 107, Issue 3 , 2022 , Pages 1887-1902 ; 0924090X (ISSN) Dolatabad, M.R ; Pasharavesh, A ; Khayyat, A. A. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Science and Business Media B.V  2022
    Gaining insight into possible vibratory responses of dynamical systems around their stable equilibria is an essential step, which must be taken before their design and application. The results of such a study can significantly help prevent instability in closed-loop stabilized systems by avoiding the excitation of the system in the neighborhood of its resonance. This paper investigates nonlinear oscillations of a rotary inverted pendulum (RIP) with a full-state feedback controller. Lagrange’s equations are employed to derive an accurate 2-DoF mathematical model, whose parameter values are extracted by both the measurement and 3D modeling of the real system components. Although the governing... 

    A suction-controlled ring device to measure the coefficient of lateral soil pressure in unsaturated soils

    , Article Geotechnical Testing Journal ; Volume 44, Issue 1 , 2020 Pirjalili, A ; Garakani, A. A ; Golshani, A ; Mirzaii, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    ASTM International  2020
    A suction-controlled ring device has been developed to continuously measure the coefficient of lateral soil pressure in deformable unsaturated soil samples from the at-rest to the active condition under application of increasing vertical pressure and controlled matric suction. The device incorporates a thin aluminum specimen ring equipped with horizontal strain gages for recording the lateral soil strains. In addition, a sensor recording water volume changes is utilized to continuously monitor the degree of saturation of the soil sample during tests. The matric suction within the soil texture is controlled using the axis translation technique. In order to verify the performance of the ring... 

    Gum tragacanth gels as a new supporting matrix for immobilization of whole-cell

    , Article Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering ; Volume 24, Issue 4 , 2005 , Pages 1-7 ; 10219986 (ISSN) Otady, M ; Vaziri, A ; Seifkordi, A. A ; Kheirolomoom, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    We introduce a new smooth, non-toxic, biocompatible method for cross-linking of gum tragacanth (GT), a polysaccharide of natural origin, in order to serve as a new supporting matrix for immobilization systems. The modified gum is used as a matrix for the catalysis of the conversion of benzyl penicillin to 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) by means of Escherichia coli ATCC11105 with penicillin G acylase (PGA) activity. The results show that GT beads can not only serve as a proper matrix for immobilization, but show enhanced hydrolysis rate and stability compared to other immobilization systems used for this reaction. This signifies the potential of GT as a biocompatible matrix for... 

    True Class-E Design For Inductive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer Applications

    , Article 30th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2022, 17 May 2022 through 19 May 2022 ; 2022 , Pages 864-868 ; 9781665480871 (ISBN) Haeri, A. A. R ; Safarian, A ; Fotowat Ahmady, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2022
    The Class-E power amplifier has been widely studied and formulated in the literature. Although the majority of reported inductive coupling wireless power transfer (WPT) systems use a class-E power amplifier for driving the primary coil, still there is a lack of a comprehensive study on class-E circuit dedicated to WPT, providing a set of closed form design equations for proper class-E operation. This paper presents the required design equations needed to design a 'true' class-E circuit for WPT applications. Equations for the series-tuned secondary coil WPT system are presented, as well as two different design procedures for the parallel-tuned secondary coil. The derived equations have been... 

    Crashworthiness determination of side doors and B pillar of a vehicle subjected to pole side impact

    , Article Applied Mechanics and Materials ; Vol. 663, issue , 2014 , p. 552-556 Lilehkoohi, A. H ; Faieza, A. A ; Sahari, B. B ; Nuraini, A. A ; Halali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Pole Side Impact Tes is one out of three crash tests described by Euro NCAP standard for star rating of a vehicle and is required for assessing the Adult Occupant Protection. In this paper the goal is to determine the crashworthiness of side doors and B pillar in a Pole Side Impact Test based on Euro New Car Assessment Program (Euro-NCAP) using computer and simulation method. In this matter, a vehicle model has been prepared and meshed using Hypermesh and CATIA. The velocity of 29 km/h has been assigned to the vehicle which was on top of a cart while the pole has been assigned as a rigid static object based on Euro NCAP requirements specifically. Results show that different amounts of energy... 

    Investigation of Thickness Influences On Energy Absorption For Side Doors And B Pillar In Euro NCAP Pole Side Impact Test

    , Article Applied Mechanics and Materials ; Vol. 663, issue , Oct , 2014 , p. 585-589 Lilehkoohi, A. H ; Faieza, A. A ; Sahari, B. B ; Nuraini, A. A ; Halali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    To assess a car under the Euro New Car Assessment Program (Euro-NCAP), Adult Occupant Protection is one out of three parameters which need to be calculated with a weight factor of 50% while the other parameters, Child Occupant Protection and Pedestrian Occupant Protection, have a weight factor of 20%. The Pole Side Impact Test, beside two other tests, Side and Front Impact, is also required to calculate the Adult Occupant Protection. It shows how important the Pole Side Impact Test is and what an effective role it has in the car rating assessment. In this paper, the objective is to evaluate the effect of thickness on the energy absorbed by the side doors and the B pillar and its... 

    Crashworthiness determination for front and rear doors and B pillar subjected to side impact crash by a mobile deformable barrier

    , Article Advanced Science Letters ; Volume 19, Issue 2 , 2013 , Pages 392-395 ; 19366612 (ISSN) Lilehkoohi, A. H ; Faieza, A. A ; Sahari, B. B ; Nuraini, A. A ; Halali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In Euro NCAP standard, adult protection is one of the most important rating scores with 50% weight factor while child protection and pedestrian protection are accounted into consideration with 20% weight factor. For adult protection testing, three tests are required to perform: (1) side impact, (2) pole impact, (3) front impact. In the side impact test, dummy's head, chest, shoulder, thorax, ribs, abdomen, pelvic and femur must be studied to evaluate the rating score. Crashworthiness of a car during side impact can describe the score rated for that car. In this paper the goal is to determine the crashworthiness of side doors and B-pillar in side impact crash est by simulation using LS DYNA...