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Toward a hydrocarbon-based chemical for wettability alteration of reservoir rocks to gas wetting condition: implications to gas condensate reservoirs
, Article Journal of Molecular Liquids ; Volume 248 , 2017 , Pages 100-111 ; 01677322 (ISSN) ; Ghazanfari, M. H ; Sharif University of Technology
Recently, wettability alteration has been much attended by researchers for studying well productivity improvement in gas condensate reservoirs. Previous studies in this area only utilized water/alcohol based chemicals for this purpose. While, hydrocarbon nature of the blocked condensate in retrograde gas reservoirs, may motivate application of hydrocarbon based chemical agents. In this study, a new hydrocarbon based wettability modifier is introduced to alter wettability of carbonate and sandstone rocks to preferentially gas wetting condition. Static and dynamic contact angle measurements, spontaneous imbibition and core flooding tests were conducted to investigate the effect of proposed...
Application of a water based nanofluid for wettability alteration of sandstone reservoir rocks to preferentially gas wetting condition
, Article Journal of Molecular Liquids ; Volume 232 , 2017 , Pages 351-360 ; 01677322 (ISSN) ; Ghazanfari, M. H ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
Condensate and water banking around gas condensate wells result in vital well deliverability issues. Wettability alteration of near wellbore region to gas wetting condition is known to be the most novel and the only permanent method, to improve condensate well productivity. In this work, a water based nanofluid is used to change the wettability of sandstone reservoir rocks from strongly liquid wetting to intermediate gas wetting condition. Static contact angle measurements demonstrated significant increase of liquid phase contact angle as a result of chemical treatment with SurfaPore M nanofluid. The characteristics of SurfaPore M adsorption on sandstone rock are quantified through kinetic...
Wettability alteration of reservoir rocks to gas wetting condition: a comparative study
, Article Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering ; Volume 96, Issue 4 , April , 2018 , Pages 997-1004 ; 00084034 (ISSN) ; Ghazanfari, M. H ; Karimi Malekabadi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Wiley-Liss Inc
Productivity of gas condensate reservoirs reduces significantly due to the near wellbore condensate/water blockage phenomenon. A novel, permanent solution to alleviate this problem is near wellbore wettability alteration of reservoir rocks to preferentially gas wetting conditions; industrial chemical materials are good candidates for this purpose, because of their eco-friendly characteristics, economical price, and mass production. In this paper, a comparative study is conducted on two industrial fluorinated chemicals, MariSeal 800 and SurfaPore M. Static and dynamic contact angle measurements, spontaneous imbibition, and core flooding tests were conducted to investigate the effect of...
Introduction of a new hydrocarbon based chemical for wettability alteration of reservoir rocks to gas wetting condition
, Article 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017, 12 June 2017 through 15 June 2017 ; 2017 ; 9789462822177 (ISBN) ; Joonaki, E ; Ghazanfari, M. H ; Ghanaatian, S ; Hassanpour Youzband, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Condensate and water blockage are known as the most prevalent causes of well productivity decline in gas condensate reservoirs. The methodology of wettability alteration of near wellbore region to gas wetting condition, is a novel and permanent technique to address the aforementioned problem. In this work, we report the introduction of a hydrocarbon based polymer solution to change the wettability of reservoir rocks from liquid wetting to intermediate- to gas wetting condition. Both air-n-decane and air-water contact angles changed from liquid wetting condition to intermediate and gas wetting condition, respectively, after treatment of calcite and laminated glass thin sections with chemical...
Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Wettability Alteration to Gas Wetting Condition in Gas Condensate Reservoirs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
During production from gas condensate reservoirs, reservoir pressure decreses to lower than dew point pressure of the reservoir fluid. Consequently, condensates will form in near wellbore regions, which significantly decrease well productivity. One of the remediations that is recently proposed for solving this problem is wettability alteration of near wellbore region to gas wetting condition. In comparison to other methods, it provides a better permanency, which is its key advantage. The main purpose of this thesis is, quantitative, qualitative and modeling study of wettability alteration of rock to gas wetting condition and verification of modeling rsults for a reservoir rock sample. Also,...
Continuous Synthesis of Medicine Utilizing Catalyst Through a Microreactor System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazemeini, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Khorasheh, Farhad (Supervisor) ; Hosseinpour, Vahid (Co-Supervisor)
Nowadays, the use of microreactors is receiving a great deal of attention due to the unique characteristics of such systems, such as high surface-to-volume ratio, low material loss, greater safety, and minimizing mass and heat transfer limitations. In this study, the optimization of the continuous-flow synthesis of Plavix by Cu-MOF heterogeneous catalyst utilizing a glass microreactor was investigated. Structural characteristics of the catalyst were investigated using X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and BET surface area studies to describe the structure and morphology of the catalyst. In order to build...
Structural integrity assessment of offshore jackets considering proper modeling of buckling in tubular members—a case study of resalat jacket
, Article Journal of Marine Science and Application ; Volume 21, Issue 4 , 2022 , Pages 145-167 ; 16719433 (ISSN) ; Sharif University of Technology
Editorial Board of Journal of Harbin Engineering
In the present research, results of buckling analysis of 384 finite element models, verified using three different test results obtained from three separate experimental investigations, were used to study the effects of five parameters such as D/t, L/D, imperfection, mesh size and mesh size ratio. Moreover, proposed equations by offshore structural standards concerning global and local buckling capacity of tubular members including former API RP 2A WSD and recent API RP 2A LRFD, ISO 19902, and NORSOK N-004 have been compared to FE and experimental results. One of the most crucial parts in the estimation of the capacity curve of offshore jacket structures is the correct modeling of...
Experimental and modelling study of gravity drainage in a three-block system
, Article Transport in Porous Media ; 2020 ; Karimi Malekabadi, A ; Ghazanfari, M. H ; Rostami, B ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Science and Business Media B.V
Gravity drainage is known as the controlling mechanism of oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoirs. The efficiency of this mechanism is controlled by block-to-block interactions through capillary continuity and/or reinfiltration processes. In this study, at first, several free-fall gravity drainage experiments were conducted on a well-designed three-block apparatus and the role of tilt angle, spacers’ permeability, wettability and effective contact area (representing a different status of the block-to-block interactions between matrix blocks) on the recovery efficiency were investigated. Then, an experimental-based numerical model of free-fall gravity drainage process was developed,...
Experimental and modelling study of gravity drainage in a three-block system
, Article Transport in Porous Media ; Volume 136, Issue 2 , 2021 , Pages 471-494 ; 01693913 (ISSN) ; Karimi Malekabadi, A ; Ghazanfari, M. H ; Rostami, B ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer Science and Business Media B.V
Gravity drainage is known as the controlling mechanism of oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoirs. The efficiency of this mechanism is controlled by block-to-block interactions through capillary continuity and/or reinfiltration processes. In this study, at first, several free-fall gravity drainage experiments were conducted on a well-designed three-block apparatus and the role of tilt angle, spacers’ permeability, wettability and effective contact area (representing a different status of the block-to-block interactions between matrix blocks) on the recovery efficiency were investigated. Then, an experimental-based numerical model of free-fall gravity drainage process was developed,...
Shear-flexural interaction in analysis of Reduced web section beams using VM link element
, Article International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications ; Volume 20, Issue 1 , 2007 , Pages 23-35 ; 1728-144X (ISSN) ; Kazemi, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
Materials and Energy Research Center
Reduced web section beams in shear-yielding moment-resistant steel frames are used for energy dissipating of earthquakes. The finite element analysis indicates that failure mode of these beams are governed by the combination of shear force and flexural moment. Therefore the analysis of frames with reduced web section beams needs consideration of shear-flexural interaction in those sections. In the present paper, modeling and analysis of reduced web section beams are investigated by using a special element which is called VM link element. The elastic and inelastic shear and flexural deformations and tangential stiffnesses in this link element are considered by using the multi- surfaces...
VM link element for consideration of shear-flexural interaction
, Article 10th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, EASEC 2010, Bangkok, 3 August 2006 through 5 August 2006 ; Volume 2 , 2006 , Pages 149-154 ; Kazemi, M. T ; Sharif University of Technology
A mixed shear-flexural beam element, which is called VM link element, is introduced. Dissimilar multi-surfaces in the shear-flexural space and non zero off diagonal components in flexibility matrixes are used for more realistic modeling of inelastic shear-flexural interaction. For preventing of intersecting among the yield surfaces, a new non-associated flow rule and a new kinematic hardening rule are developed. Capability of this element is examined for shear links used in eccentrically braced frames analysis for cyclic loading. It is shown that, the proposed link element is in a good agreement with the existing test results
Increasing robustness of one bit embedding spread spectrum audio watermarking against malicious attack
, Article Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Circuits, Signals, and Systems, Clearwater Beach, FL, 28 November 2004 through 1 December 2004 ; 2004 , Pages 69-73 ; 0889864551 (ISBN); 9780889864559 (ISBN) ; Ghaemmaghami, S ; IASTED ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper, we change the correlation detector at receiver of spread spectrum (SS) audio watermarking to present a mechanism that prevents the system against malicious attack. The receiver of typical SS-based watermarking can only detect the watermark bit, while a pirate can send a pure signal that may incorrectly be detected as a watermarked signal. In our system we consider all conditions that we may have in SS-based watermarking system. By computing a threshold, we can detect watermark in any of two cases of having watermarked signal or pure original signal at the receiver. We reduce false alarm probability to approximately zero in our system. This mechanism, as compared to SS, comes...
Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete Slab Subjected to Temperature Variations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor)
Tests have shown that concrete post-tensioned slab under heat condition suffer a significant reduction in stiffness and strength. Design and implementation of post-tensioned concrete slabs with large spans of industrial structures exposed to extreme variation in temperature can be possible with detailed research on its behavior under heating condition. In this study numerical modelling of PT concrete slabs with unbonded tendons under heating condition was created based on available test results in the literature. A parametric study has been carried out and the results are presented for concrete coefficient thermal expansion, thermal contact conductance between the concrete and the cables,...
Recent advances in the design and applications of amyloid-β peptide aggregation inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease therapy
, Article Biophysical Reviews ; Volume 11, Issue 6 , 2019 , Pages 901-925 ; 18672450 (ISSN) ; Khazaei, S ; Behnammanesh, H ; Shamloo, A ; Erfani, M ; Beiki, D ; Bavi, O ; Sharif University of Technology
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an irreversible neurological disorder that progresses gradually and can cause severe cognitive and behavioral impairments. This disease is currently considered a social and economic incurable issue due to its complicated and multifactorial characteristics. Despite decades of extensive research, we still lack definitive AD diagnostic and effective therapeutic tools. Consequently, one of the most challenging subjects in modern medicine is the need for the development of new strategies for the treatment of AD. A large body of evidence indicates that amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide fibrillation plays a key role in the onset and progression of AD. Recent studies have reported...
Design and construction of a non-linear model predictive controller for building's cooling system
, Article Building and Environment ; Volume 133 , 2018 , Pages 237-245 ; 03601323 (ISSN) ; Rajabi Ghahnaviyeh, A ; Boroushaki, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
This research aims to optimize a multi-zone Air Handling Unit's (AHU) energy consumption by using a Non-linear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) approach. In this paper, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Non-linear autoregressive network with exogenous inputs (NARX) have been utilized to design NMPC for a multi-zone AHU. The NMPC problem could be divided into two main sections: internal model and the optimizer. NARX serves as the controller's internal model to predict the building's thermal dynamics. GA is then used to solve the NMPC problem and find the optimal value of the control signals at each time step. The proposed NMPC jointly minimizes energy consumption of the AHU and the deviation from the...
Thermal-aware Routing Algorithm in Fault-tolerant Optical Networks-on-Chip
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Koohi, Somayyeh (Supervisor)
During the recent years, the emerging technology of photonic, on-chip communication has been widely explored to resolve the problems of traditional electrical communication in terms of performance and power consumption. Micro-Resonator (MR) as the photonic building block for optical comunication is very sensitive to temperature and process variation. Variation of resonance wavelength of a micro-resonator as a result of temperature fluctuations causes tremendous error for optical data routing through the waveguides, and reduce the reliability of network. A temperature-aware routing algorithm enables the network to tolerate fault and continue working properly. Temperature variation of MRs is a...
Multi objective optimization of an irreversible thermoelectric heat pump using evolutionary algorithms and response surface method
, Article Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects ; 2021 ; 15567036 (ISSN) ; Assareh, E ; Erfani, A ; Alirahmi, M ; Jafarinejad, T ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
In this study, modeling of an irreversible thermoelectric heat pump was conducted, and its performance was assessed in terms of exergy for 10, 20, 30 and 40 K difference in temperature (∆T) by changing the values of the design parameters. By employing this model, positive impact of increasing cross-section area, current and thermocouple’s length which in turn increases the exergy efficiency is realized. In addition, diminishing adverse impact of adding more thermocouples on the exergy efficiency of the system is illustrated. Afterward, exergoeconomic performance of the thermoelectric heat pump is evaluated. Then, exergoeconomic factor for each of the system’s components is diagnosed. The...
Model Predictive Control for Determining Optimal Real-time Operation of Heating (Cooling) System with Minimum Energy Consumption
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Rajabi-Ghahnavieh, Abbas (Supervisor) ; Boroushaki, Mehrdad (Co-Advisor)
Considering the increasing importance of energy conservation in recent decades, different technologies regarding energy system have been developed to satisfy this goal. Building section is responsible for a big portion of final energy consumption and greenhouse gasses emission around the globe. Utilizing energy consumption reduction techniques in the building sector is among the foremost solutions to achieve the energy conservation potentials in this sector which would be followed by a decline in greenhouse emissions. Considering the contribution of heating and coling systems in a building’s energy use, optimizing these systems could have a huge effect on a building’s final energy...
Investigation of Crack and Buckling Effects on Ultimate Capacity of Fixed Offshore Platforms with Dynamic Analysis Approach
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Sayyadi, Hassan (Supervisor) ; Tabeshpoor, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
Tubular sections and consequently tubular joints in construction of steel structures in the form of space frames is widely used in ground and marine structures, including offshore jacket platforms. The passage of part of the life of the existing offshore platforms has caused cracks in various parts of the joints of these structures due to various reasons, the most important of which is fatigue. In this thesis, by adopting numerous numerical studies and validations with some cited experimental papers, the principles governing the proper buckling behavior of tubular members focusing on the conventional geometries of Persian Gulf platforms as well as the behavior and local flexibility of...
Using description logics for network vulnerability analysis
, Article International Conference on Networking, International Conference on Systems and International Conference on Mobile Communications and Learning Technologies, ICN/ICONS/MCL'06, Morne, 23 April 2006 through 29 April 2006 ; Volume 2006 , 2006 ; 0769525520 (ISBN); 9780769525525 (ISBN) ; Jalili, R ; Abolhassani, H ; Shahriari, H. R ; Sharif University of Technology
The distributed nature and complexity of computer networks and various services provided via them, makes the networks vulnerable to numerous attacks. The TCP/IP presumptions which are based on using this protocol to provide a simple, open communication infrastructure in an academic and collaborative environment, causes this protocol lack of built-in mechanisms for authentication, integrity and privacy. Even though in the last few years a more systematic approach to TCP/IP network security problem has been followed, a formal approach to this problem is lacking. In this paper, we propose using Description Logics as a formal model which could be used to analyze TCP/IP networks against attacks....