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Synthesis and Evaluation of a Three-Way Catalyst for CO, Hydrocarbon and Nitrogen Oxide Emission Control in CNG-Fueled Vehicles
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hamzehlouyan, Tayebeh (Supervisor)
According to the reports of the Tehran Air Quality Control Company, mobile sources are responsible for the emission of 70-85% of air pollutant in this metropolis. Over the past decades, compressed natural gas (CNG) is known as a cleaner fuel and a suitable alternative to gasoline and diesel fuels in the transportation section in some countries. However, methane emissions from natural gas vehicles is a significant challenge because it is a potent greenhouse gas and plays important role in global warming. In addition, because of another pollutant emissions from these vehicles, exhaust gas treatment is a crucial issue. Using Three-Way catalysts (TWC) is the conventional method in order to...
Catalytic reduction of nitroarenes and Suzuki-Miyaura reactions using Pd complex stabilized on the functionalized polymeric support
, Article Chemical Physics Letters ; Volume 793 , 2022 ; 00092614 (ISSN) ; Pourmorteza, N ; Yousefi, A ; Esperi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
The significance of aromatic amines as crude substances in diverse applications has attracted extensive consideration in the field of economic procedures for the reduction of nitroarenes. Also, the formation of Carbon–Carbon bond as a dominant step in the structure of complex molecules is an important phenomenon in chemical reactions. Improvements of eco-friendly methodologies for reduction process and Carbon–Carbon bond formation have been noticeable. The present work represents through a capable heterogeneous Pd catalyst, the reduction of nitroarenes to the corresponding amines in the presence of N2H4 as a weak hydrogen donor reagent in the room temperature and solvent-free condition was...