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Investigation of Aero-Servo-Elasticity Behavior of Airship by Considering the Torsional Mode of the Fuselage
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Haddadpour, Hassan (Supervisor)
In this research, with the help of a comprehensive dynamic model, the stability, control, dynamics and twisting of airships with flexible bodies and beams have been investigated. For the first time, the influence of the twisting mode of the body on the dynamic behavior and control of the airship has been investigated by considering the pressure drop inside the body. By obtaining the terms of kinetic energy and the potential of the body and beams, the governing equations of the bird have been extracted and with the help of mass integrals, the velocity of the body and beams has been obtained. The answer to this non-linear dynamic couple problem, due to the existence of two types of dynamic...
Microwave-Assisted Coke Resistance and Mesoporous Ni-Co Catalyst in two Steps for Methane Steam Reforming
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sadrnezhad, Khatiboleslam (Supervisor)
Methane steam reforming (MSR) is an assuring reaction using steam to produce H2 as clean energy over a nickel-based catalyst. We synthesized monometallic NiMgAl2O4 and bimetallic NiCoMgAl2O4 catalysts in a two-step combustion method using urea, glycine, and sucrose, as fuel. BET-BJH, XRD, TGA, TPR, FESEM, and EDX-mapping characterized surface area, porosity, morphology, crystalline structure, and metal-support interaction behavior. The products exhibited well-structured, simple MgAl2O4 spinel and NiO without NiAl2O4, in both specimens. The MSR evaluation tests at 750℃ under atmospheric pressure, CH4: H2O feed ratio of 1:1.6 showed the bimetallic catalyst has the highest conversion (99.30%)...
A two step Microwave-assisted coke resistant mesoporous Ni-Co catalyst for methane steam reforming
, Article Fuel ; Volume 317 , 2022 ; 00162361 (ISSN) ; Sadrnezhaad, S. K ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Methane steam reforming (MSR) is an assuring reaction using steam to produce H2 as clean energy over a nicκel-based catalyst. We synthesized mesoporous monometallic NiMgAl2O4 and bimetallic NiCoMgAl2O4 catalysts in a two-step combustion method using a mix of fuels and powder metallurgy. BET-BJH, XRD, TGA, TPR, FESEM, and EDX-mapping characterized surface area, porosity, morphology, crystalline structure, and metal-support interaction behavior. The products exhibited strong interaction of well-structured MgAl2O4 spinel with NiO, in both specimens. The MSR evaluation tests at 750 °C under atmospheric pressure, CH4:H2O feed ratio of 1:1.2 showed the bimetallic catalyst has the highest...
FAME: fast and memory efficient multiple sequences alignment tool through compatible chain of roots
, Article Bioinformatics ; Volume 36, Issue 12 , 15 June , 2020 , Pages 3662-3668 ; Parvinnia, E ; Sharifi Zarchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Oxford University Press
Motivation: Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is important and challenging problem of computational biology. Most of the existing methods can only provide a short length multiple alignments in an acceptable time. Nevertheless, when the researchers confront the genome size in the multiple alignments, the process has required a huge processing space/time. Accordingly, using the method that can align genome size rapidly and precisely has a great effect, especially on the analysis of the very long alignments. Herein, we have proposed an efficient method, called FAME, which vertically divides sequences from the places that they have common areas; then they are arranged in consecutive order. Then...
A new multiple dna and protein sequences alignment method based on evolutionary algorithms
, Article Journal of Knowledge and Health in Basic Medical Sciences ; Volume 16, Issue 1 , 2021 , Pages 13-20 ; 1735577X (ISSN) ; Parvinnia, E ; Sharifi Zarchi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Shahroud University of Medical Sciences
Introduction: The study of life and the detection of gene functions is an important issue in biological science. Multiple sequences alignment methods measure the similarity of DNA sequences. Nonetheless, when the size of genome sequences is increased, we encounter with the lack of memory and increasing the run time. Therefore, a fast method with a suitable accuracy for genome alignment has a significant impact on the analysis of long sequences. Methods: We introduce a new method in which, it first divides each sequence into short sequences. Then, it uses evolutionary algorithms to align the sequences. Results: The proposed method has been evaluated in seven datasets with different number of...
On the performance of an innovative electronic chipset thermal management module based on energy storage unit concept utilizing nano-additive phase change material (NPCM)
, Article Journal of Energy Storage ; Volume 50 , 2022 ; 2352152X (ISSN) ; Alimohammadi, M ; Barani, E ; Taheri, A ; Passandideh Fard, M ; Sardarabadi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Due to size minimization and increment in the frequency of electronic devices, efficient and reliable methods for thermal management are required to reduce operating temperature, enhance stability, increase lifetime and user comfort. To prevent the damages of leakage and corrosion which occur in conventional heat sinks, proposing innovative thermal management methods has always been welcomed. Regarding these issues and based on the energy storage unit concept, in this study, a passive heat sink (HS) is fabricated and characterized for electronic chipset cooling with heat fluxes of 2000 to 4000 W/m2 utilizing phase change material (PCM) and nano-additive PCM (NPCM). The presented cooling...