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    The regulated market for kidneys in Iran

    , Article Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 22 August 2011 through 23 August 2011 ; Volume 80 LNICST , August , 2012 , Pages 62-75 ; 18678211 (ISSN) ; 9783642309120 (ISBN) Fatemi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    We study the kidney market in Iran. The most effective treatment for end-stage renal disease is a kidney transplant. While the supply of cadaveric kidneys is limited, the debate has been focused on the effects of the existence of a free market for human organs. Economists as well as medical and legal researchers are divided over the issue. Iran has a unique kidney market which has been in place for over 20 years, frequently reporting surprising success in reducing the waiting list for kidneys. This paper demonstrates how the Iranian system works  

    Introducing a Simulation-Based Model to Improve the Design and Layout of Workstations Inside Airport Terminals in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Amini Esfidvajani, Amin Mohammad (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    The airport terminal is difficult to plan and design due to the different components and the intricate complexity of its parts. At the airport terminal, we face a queue system which simulation is always a good way to analyze. In addition, computer simulation using modern softwares with the capability to model different types of systems, including the airport terminal, while being less realistic than analytical models, is less costly than operational Exercise.In this study, a supportive approach for better and specific management of Iranian airport terminal buildings with discrete-event simulation is proposed, considering the need for managing the airport terminals building in the country and... 

    The effect of geometrical properties of reservoir shale barriers on the performance of Steam-assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD)

    , Article Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects ; Volume 34, Issue 23 , 2012 , Pages 2178-2191 ; 15567036 (ISSN) Fatemi, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Many bitumen reservoirs contain shale layers of varying thickness, lateral extent, and frequency. These shale layers, depending on their size, vertical and horizontal locations, and continuity throughout the reservoir, may act as a flow barrier and severely reduce vertical permeability of the pay zone and slow down the steam-assisted gravity drainage steam chamber development. Therefore, to improve productivity in these reservoirs, understanding of the effects of reservoir heterogeneities has become necessary. This work presents numerical investigation of the effects of shale barriers on steam-assisted gravity drainage performance when applied to produce mobile heavy oil. The most concern of... 

    The applicability of expanding solvent steam-assisted gravity drainage (ES-SAGD) in fractured systems

    , Article Petroleum Science and Technology ; Volume 28, Issue 18 , Oct , 2010 , Pages 1906-1918 ; 10916466 (ISSN) Fatemi, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The aim of this contribution is to evaluate the performance of an expanding solvent steam assisted gravity drainage (ES-SAGD) process in naturally fractured systems. Steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) and ES-SAGD processes have been investigated in both conventional and fractured reservoir models and the effect of networked fractures on the recovery mechanism and performance of ES-SAGD has been investigated. Operational parameters such as steam quality, vertical distances between wells, and steam injection temperature have been also evaluated. Finally, to study the effect of a well's horizontal offset, a staggered ES-SAGD well configuration has been compared to a stacked ES-SAGD  

    Simulation study of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) in fractured systems

    , Article Oil and Gas Science and Technology ; Volume 64, Issue 4 , 2009 , Pages 477-487 ; 12944475 (ISSN) Fatemi, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) process, a developed Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) process to recover oil and bitumen, has been studied theoretically and experimentally in conventional reservoirs and models and is found a promising EOR method for certain heavy oil reservoirs. In this work simulation studies of the SAGD process were made on different fractured models consisting of fractures in both Near Well Region (NWR) and Above Well Region (AWR) and even in the presence of networked fractures. At early stage of the SAGD process in fractured system, steam moves through the fractures first and then the matrix blocks are heated primarily by conduction and possibly some steam... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    Limited water resources in Iran have made dams an important part of the country’s infrastructure. As a result of the large number of in-progress and expected dam projects in the country, consideration of sustainability factors during planning, construction and operation phases of dam projects can create significant economical, social and environmental impacts in the long term. To come up with an inclusive sustainable development, new sustainability assessment approaches seek for sustainable development at the entire project’s life-cycle; they are looking for sustainable development at all design, construction, operation, maintenance and even demolition phases. In this research we have... 

    Effective Permeability of Isotropic Overlapping Sandbodies in 2D Using Percolation Theory

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fatemi, Amin (Author) ; Masihi, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    Permeability is an essential parameter used for reservoir evaluation, simulation and management to optimize oil recovery. The conventional approach to estimate reservoir connectivity, conductivity, sweep efficiency and other critical information for decision-making is to build detailed geological models, which are then upscaled to a coarser grid where flow simulations are run. However, this takes many hours to be carried out even for a single realization practically. In practice, a very small number of realizations are considered and consequently the true uncertainty in the results is very poorly estimated. In this study, a statistical model of isotropic overlying sandbodies is used to... 

    Analysing the Effects of Monetizing Energy Carriers Subsidy on Expenditures and Welfare Criteria of Iranian Households

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Einian, Majid (Author) ; Fatemi, Farshad (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, with a review on policy simulation and economic reform analysis literature, we design a suitable method to analyze the effects of monetizing energy carriers subsidy on welfare criteria of Iranian households. The selected method is limited general equilibrium that needs demand estimates of goods, services and energy. In firs step,based on 13 years of data on “Iranian Households’ Expenditures and Income” surveys, data are provided as a pseudo-panel. Demand equations are estimated using “Seemingly Unrelated Regressions” for panel data, and elasticities are calculated. In the next step, we evaluated the equivalent variation and equivalent gain measures in each price scenarios.... 

    Adverse Selection in Iranian Life Insurance Market

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mirtaher, Abdolkarim (Author) ; Fatemi, Farshad (Supervisor)
    This thesis finds evidence for the presence of adverse selection in the Iranian life insurance market. We use a unique dataset including more than one million policyholders’ profile information alongside their chosen life insurance coverage from the largest Iranian insurance company. Our results not only find evidence in support of adverse selection in this market, but also consider the magnitude of adverse selection relatively notable. Moreover, we found that in addition to the coverage, the other dimensions of contract could be the potential source of adverse selection. Particularly, we focused on the insurance duration and the payment method (monthly, annually, all-in-advance).... 

    Living with Uncertainty

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fatemi, Arvin (Author) ; Azadegan, Ebrahim (Supervisor)
    Michael Zimmerman in his book Living with Uncertainty has objected to two views of moral obligation, namely objective and subjective view. Two overcome these problems he suggests a third view which he calls prospective view and tells us that our moral obligation is determined by the prospection that each of our choices give us. In this thesis first I review Zimmerman’s objections to objective and subjective view. Then I try to suggest a solution for the objective view  

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fatemi, Reza (Author) ; Abedian, Ali (Supervisor)
    Retrofitting of old mechanical structures by composite materials is one of the most important issues of the world.High reproducing and replacement cost of structures leads to, researchers try to retrofitting old structures and increase their capabilities and so increase their service age. Their research results leads to decreasing cost in one hand and introduce new application of composites in aviation industry in the other hand.Retrofitting mechanical structures show us the important of elements with more stress than the others. The probability of failure is more in these element than the other that we call critical element.These elements in fact are critical parts of an aerial structures... 

    Examining Evolution of Technology Performance in the Global Smartphone Industry

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fatemi, Arman (Author) ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    In this research we have studied the changes in the technology performance in the smartphone industry, and by using theoretical models in technology management literature, we have compared this performance with coustomer’s required level of performance. The study shows that after 2011, the level of customer satisfactions depends less on the technology performance and more on the price. This observation is consistent with Christiensen’s suggested model for technology performance, in which after a certain point technology’s performance surpasses the customer’s need. In addition, we have studied the effect of modular design for smartphones on the customer’s satisfaction. We found that... 

    Analyses of Effect of Bank Branching on Deposit Market Share and Market Size in Iran Banking Industry

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Yousefi, Fateme (Author) ; Fatemi, Farshad (Supervisor)
    This thesis aim to the study of the effect of bank’s branching decisions on deposit market. Using panel data banks from Iran, we study effect of branching on market share and market size. In theoretical part, we assume that banks maximize discounted flow of the profits. We also assume that the banks take into account the reaction from rival banks in setting number of branches. Banks are assumed to expect the rival banks react by a lag of one period. In empirical part, in order to distinguish between aggregate market size effect and market share effect, we rewrite quantity of deposit in banks as the product of aggregate deposit and market share. We specify deposit market share function with... 

    Investigation of Hamrahe-Aval Demand Services

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseinabadi, Mahsa (Author) ; Fatemi, Farshad (Supervisor)
    In the past few years mobile usage is increasing in Iran. Since mobile industry is growing and new innovations are presented, the competition between operators is rising. Although this competition has a great influence on the mobile demand for each operator, lack of the data of the all operators made us to use the data of one of the operators to investigate the demand. Based on the subscriber’s data of Hamrahe-Aval company, it has been introduced an estimation of a demand system for customers of this company by using AIDS model in this essay. This model includes three groups of services: sending short messages, calling to mobile numbers and calling to fixed numbers.
    This study has two... 

    Assessment of vapor extraction (VAPEX) process performance in naturally fractured reservoirs

    , Article Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ; Volume 75, Issue 3-4 , January , 2011 , Pages 260-273 ; 09204105 (ISSN) Fatemi, S. M ; Kharrat, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    The Vapour Assisted Petroleum Extraction (VAPEX) process, a newly developed Enhanced Heavy Oil Recovery process, is a promising EOR method for certain conventional non-fractured heavy oil sandstone reservoirs such as those in Canada, but its applicability on low permeable Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (NFR) such as those in the Middle East and Persian Gulf still remained as a question. Previous studies show that the foremost concern for VAPEX application in the case of NFR is the low non-economical production rates. The aim of the present work is to study the effect of fractures geometrical properties such as orientation (vertical or horizontal), density, spacing, location and networking on... 

    The effect of fractures' geometrical properties on the recovery mechanism of the top-down in situ combustion process

    , Article Petroleum Science and Technology ; Volume 30, Issue 2 , Feb , 2011 , Pages 147-158 ; 10916466 (ISSN) Fatemi, S. M ; Kharrat, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    The top-down in situ combustion (ISC) involves the stable propagation of the combustion front from the top vertical injector to the bottom horizontal producer. Apart from laboratory studies in conventional sandstones, no application of the process in fractured carbonates has been addressed yet. The authors modified a successful combustion tube history matched model of an Iranian low-permeable heavy oil reservoir called Kuh-E-Mond to investigate the feasibility of ISC in fractured carbonate reservoirs mimicking block-scale combustion cells. Effects of fractured geometrical properties such as orientation, location, extension, density, spacing, and dispersion were considered. Results confirmed... 

    A non-monotone trust region algorithm for unconstrained optimization with dynamic reference iteration updates using filter

    , Article Optimization ; Volume 61, Issue 6 , 2012 , Pages 733-763 ; 02331934 (ISSN) Fatemi, M ; Mahdavi-Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    We present a non-monotone trust region algorithm for unconstrained optimization. Using the filter technique of Fletcher and Leyffer, we introduce a new filter acceptance criterion and use it to define reference iterations dynamically. In contrast with the early filter criteria, the new criterion ensures that the size of the filter is finite. We also show a correlation between problem dimension and the filter size. We prove the global convergence of the proposed algorithm to first- and second-order critical points under suitable assumptions. It is significant that the global convergence analysis does not require the common assumption of monotonicity of the sequence of objective function... 

    A filter trust-region algorithm for unconstrained optimization with strong global convergence properties

    , Article Computational Optimization and Applications ; Volume 52, Issue 1 , 2012 , Pages 239-266 ; 09266003 (ISSN) Fatemi, M ; Mahdavi Amiri, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    We present a new filter trust-region approach for solving unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems making use of the filter technique introduced by Fletcher and Leyffer to generate non-monotone iterations. We also use the concept of a multidimensional filter used by Gould et al. (SIAM J. Optim. 15(1):17-38, 2004) and introduce a new filter criterion showing good properties. Moreover, we introduce a new technique for reducing the size of the filter. For the algorithm, we present two different convergence analyses. First, we show that at least one of the limit points of the sequence of the iterates is first-order critical. Second, we prove the stronger property that all the limit points... 

    Simulation analysis of the effects of fractures' geometrical properties on the performance of vapour extraction process

    , Article Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology ; Volume 49, Issue 7 , 2010 , Pages 47-59 ; 00219487 (ISSN) Fatemi, S. M ; Bahonar, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Vapour extraction (VAPEX), a newly developed heavy oil recoveiy (HOR) method, has been extensively studied, both theoretically and experimentally, in conventional sandstone models. However, the applicability of this process to naturally fractured reservoirs has not yet been addressed. The objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of fractures' geometrical properties, such as orientation, length of extension, discontinuity in both the upper well region (UWR) and the far well region (FWR) and vertical fracture location on VAPEX performance. Additionally, the effects of horizontal and vertical fracture dispersion in various density, dispersion scheme and networking on the performance of... 

    Simulation of Gas-Liquid Flow Patterns in Vertical, Horizontal and Inclined Pipes and Assessment of Empirical Models

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khajezadeh, Vahid (Author) ; Fatemi, Mobeen (Supervisor)
    Multiphase flows are commonly encountered in oil and gas industries. Flow fields in production operations are often complex and include multiphase flows of gas and liquid. The prediction of pressure gradients, liquid holdup and flow patterns occurring during the simultaneous flow of gas and liquid in pipes and wellbores is necessary in designing production facilities. Previously, due to their complex nature, these flow patterns have been mostly investigated only experimentally and empirical correlations based on the experimental data. From another point of view, it is almost impossible to experimentally realize all the flowing conditions for each of the flowing patterns. Nowadays, computer...