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    Non-Rigid Medical Image Registration Based on Information Theory

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khorsandi, Rahman (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadoddin (Supervisor)
    The registration of images is a fundamental task in numerous applications in medical image processing. The importance of medical image registraiton due to the imaging systems development in last decades is obvious to every one. Especially the wide employment and different capabilities of these systems has caused more attention to this field of image processing. Th e application of medical image registraiton is extended from clinical diagnosis and treatment evaluation, to image guided surgery. The dimension of images as well as modalities of imaging and imaging subjectshas made a wide variety of problems in this branch of image processing. Registration, briefly speaking, is a geometrical... 

    Frame Rate Upconversion Using Image Registration Techniques on Echocardiography

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haghparast, Sobhan (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadoddin (Supervisor)
    In this research a novel method is proposed which uses the concept of image registration to forecast frames as a new frame up conversion method. This frame rate up conversion method is specially designed for medical videos because of the medical structure of the none rigid image registration used as a field to forecast new frames which causes better results for these kinds of videos. In this method we interpolate new frames in the field of none rigid transformation grid in order to improve video parameters such as blocking, blurriness, etc. which can help doctors to detect abnormalities in such videos much preciously. By analyzing existing methods, we can find that this field is bereft of a... 

    Protein Function Prediction using Protein Interaction Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Babapour Khosravi, Niloufar (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadoddin (Supervisor)
    Predicting protein function accurately is an important issue in the post genomic era. To achieve this goal, several approaches have been proposed deduce the function of unclassified proteins through sequence similarity, co expression profiles, and other information. Among these methods, the Global Optimization Method is an interesting and powerful tool that assigns functions to unclassified proteins based on their positions in a physical interaction network. To boost both the accuracy and speed of global optimization method, a new prediction method, Accurate Global Optimization Method (AGOM), is presented in this thesis, which employs optimal repetition method enhanced with frequency of... 

    Feature-Based Registration of Brain MR Images

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Abbasi Asl, Reza (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadoddin (Supervisor)
    Efficient feature selection from images would lead to a lower operational cost in image processing procedures. Recently, alpha stable filters have been used to extract significant features from medical images.
    A Feature-based method is introduced for image registration. The feature extraction is based on Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (BEMD). We have proposed two approach. The first one is a feature selection and reduction method. The registration is performed based on selected features and Bspline interpolation. The second approach is a hierarchically method based on BEMD features. Both methods improved the registration based on intensity of the images, especially for the... 

    Bayesian Filtering Approach to Improve Gene Regulatory Networks Inference Using Gene Expression Time Series

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fouladi, Ramouna (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadoddin (Supervisor) ; Arab, Shahriar (Co-Advisor)
    Gene regulatory modeling in different species is one of the main aims of Bioinformatics. Regarding the limitations of the data available and the perspectives which should be taken into account for modeling such networks, proposed methods up to now have not yet been successful in yielding a comprehensive model. In one of the recent researches, the Gene regulation process is considered as a nonlinear dynamic stochastic process and described by state space equations. Afterwards, in order for the unknown parameters to be estimated, Extended Kalman Filtering is used. In this thesis, first of all, Gene complexes are taken into consideration instead of genes and afterwards, Extended Kalman... 

    Designing and Implementing a Multi-View Face Recognition System

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shoja Ghiass, Reza (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadoddin (Supervisor) ; Marvasti, Farrokh (Supervisor)
    This thesis presents a novel approach for detection and recognition of multi-view faces whose location is unknown and the illumination conditions are varying. The illumination is a big problem in the face detection and recognition aspects. Two completely different methods are proposed for face detection in this thesis. Our proposed methods do not use the skin colour information for face detection. The detection of faces is accomplished after cancelling the effect of the various illumination conditions. Because of the independency of the approaches to the face’s skin colour, persons with every kind of skin colours are detected even in completely dark environments. Next, the detected faces are... 

    Effect of cold rolling reduction and intercritical annealing temperature on the bulk texture of two TRIP-aided steel sheets

    , Article Journal of Materials Processing Technology ; Volume 203, Issue 1-3 , 2008 , Pages 293-300 ; 09240136 (ISSN) Emadoddin, E ; Akbarzadeh, A ; Daneshi, Gh ; Sharif University of Technology
    High strength TRIP-aided steel sheets with high formability and better ductility are of industrial interest. Texture control and retained austenite characterization are considered as the main factors with respect to the formability and ductility. Processing parameter such as initial conditions of hot rolling, cold rolling to final size of sheet, intercritical annealing after cold rolling and subsequent isothermal heat treatment to achieve TRIP specification in product, affect bulk texture of sheets. Moreover, chemical composition of steel should be noted especially because it can change the intensity of orientation and final macro texture of sheet. In this work, the effect of cold rolling... 

    Effect of intercritical annealing on retained austenite characterization in textured TRIP-assisted steel sheet

    , Article Materials Characterization ; Volume 57, Issue 4-5 , 2006 , Pages 408-413 ; 10445803 (ISSN) Emadoddin, E ; Akbarzadeh, A ; Daneshi, Gh ; Sharif University of Technology
    Optimization of high strength and high formability of multiphase cold rolled sheet TRIP-aided steels is based on the composition and the austempering conditions. The effect of intercritical annealing temperature on the volume fraction and carbon concentration of the retained austenite was investigated in two different TRIP-aided steels. Experimental results show that the optimum annealing temperatures are 860 °C for Al-containing and 810 °C for Si-containing TRIP steels. It was demonstrated that the measurement of retained austenite can be successfully performed for textured TRIP steels by XRD. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved  

    Correlation between Luder strain and retained austenite in TRIP-assisted cold rolled steel sheets

    , Article Materials Science and Engineering A ; Volume 447, Issue 1-2 , 2007 , Pages 174-179 ; 09215093 (ISSN) Emadoddin, E ; Akbarzadeh, A ; Daneshi, G. H ; Sharif University of Technology
    In developed multiphase high strength, high formability TRIP-aided steel, Luders bands are observed similar to conventional low carbon steels. Retained austenite as the most effective constituent in TRIP steels, is responsible for Luders band formation as well as other properties such as formability, physical and mechanical properties. In the present study, a correlation between the Luders strain and the retained austenite characterization is proposed and verified by experimental evidences of the work carried out on two types of TRIP steel sheets. Intercritical annealing of cold rolled TRIP steels at different temperatures change the volume fraction of the retained austenite as well as the... 

    Anisotropy of retained austenite stability during transformation to martensite in a TRIP-assisted steel

    , Article Steel Research International ; Volume 84, Issue 3 , 2013 , Pages 297-303 ; 16113683 (ISSN) Emadoddin, E ; Akbarzadeh, A ; Petrov, R ; Zhao, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Retained austenite as a key constituent in final microstructure plays an important role in TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels. The volume fraction, carbon concentration, size, and morphology of this phase are the well-known parameters which effects on the rate of transformation of retained austenite to martensite and the properties of steel, are studied by many researchers. Of the transformation of retained austenite to martensite under strain in a TRIP steel is studied in this paper. The experimental results show that the transformation rate of retained, austenite with similar characteristics, to martensite in differently processed TRIP steel samples, exhibits an anisotropic... 

    Influence of cold-rolling reduction on retained austenite texture in cold-rolled and intercritically annealed TRIP-assisted steel

    , Article Journal of Applied Crystallography ; Volume 44, Issue 6 , 2011 , Pages 1190-1197 ; 00218898 (ISSN) Emadoddin, E ; Akbarzadeh, A ; Petrov, R ; Kestens, L ; Pirgazi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    The newly developed multiphase transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steels are of interest for industrial applications because of their excellent combination of high strength and ductility. Their performance can be successfully controlled by designing an optimum balance in the volume fractions of ferrite, bainite and retained austenite. The characteristics of the retained austenite are considered to be the main key to achieving the desired final properties. Against this background, the effects of retained austenite characteristics, such as volume fraction, carbon concentration, size and shape, on the behaviour of TRIP steels have been studied. The crystallographic orientation of the... 

    A new watermarking algorithm based on human visual system for content integrity verification of region of interest

    , Article Computing and Informatics ; Volume 31, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 877-899 ; 13359150 (ISSN) Fatemizadeh, E ; Maneshi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper proposes a semi-fragile, robust-to-JPEG2000 compression watermarking method which is based on the Human Visual System (HVS). This method is designed to verify the content integrity of Region of Interest (ROI) in tele-radiology images. The design of watermarking systems based on HVS leads to the possibility of embedding watermarks in places that are not obvious to the human eye. In this way, notwithstanding increased capacity and robustness, it becomes possible to hide more watermarks. Based on perceptual model of HVS, we propose a new watermarking scheme that embeds the watermarks using a replacement method. Thus, the proposed method not only detects the watermarks but also... 

    Roi-based 3D human brain magnetic resonance images compression using adaptive mesh design and region-based discrete wavelet transform

    , Article International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing ; Volume 8, Issue 3 , 2010 , Pages 407-430 ; 02196913 (ISSN) Fatemizadeh, E ; Shooshtari, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Due to the large volume required for medical images for transmission and archiving purposes, the compression of medical images is known as one of the main concepts of medical image processing. Lossless compression methods have the drawback of a low compression ratio. In contrast, lossy methods have a higher compression ratio and suffer from lower quality of the reconstructed images in the receiver. Recently, some selective compression methods have been proposed in which the main image is divided into two separate regions: Region of Interest (ROI), which should be compressed in a lossless manner, and Region of Background (ROB), which is compressed in a lossy manner with a lower quality. In... 

    A Novel Structural Based Similarity Measure for MRI and Ultrasound Registration

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Moaven, Aria (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadodin (Supervisor)
    One of the most important issues in medical image processing is the registration of images with various imaging modalities, because in this case, one can take advantage of these imaging modalities and sometimes fuse and use the useful information of each one in the form of a single image.As it was said, MRI and ultrasound images each have their own disadvantages and advantages, and by considering these two modalities, they have tried to integrate the good features of these two. As we know, one of the destructive cases in the MRI image is the inhomogeneity of the image, a inhomogeneity due to the fact that the main magnetic field is not constant and makes the parts of the image brighter or... 

    The effect of deformations passes on the extrusion pressure in axi-symmetric equal channel angular extrusion

    , Article Computational Materials Science ; Volume 44, Issue 4 , 2009 , Pages 1116-1125 ; 09270256 (ISSN) Eivani, A.R ; Ahmadi, S ; Emadoddin, E ; Valipour, S ; Karimi Taheri, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The most applicable configuration of the equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) dies is the axi-symmetric one. However, most of the previous analytical solutions are focused on the plane strain conditions. In this research, an upper bound model is used to investigate the deformation of the material during axi-symmetric ECAE. The analysis considers the effect of die angle, friction between the sample and the die walls, and the angle of the outer curved corner of the die, on the extrusion pressure. It is found that increasing the die angle and outer curved corner angle and decreasing the friction coefficient results in decreasing extrusion pressure. The proposed model is verified using two... 

    Activation Detection in fMRI Using Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Taalimi, Ali (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadeddin (Supervisor)
    Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a recently developed neuroimaging technique with capacity to map neural activity with high spatial precision. To locate active brain areas, the method utilizes local blood oxygenation changes which are reflected as small intensity changes in a special type of MR images. The ability to non-invasively map brain functions provides new opportunities to unravel the mysteries and advance the understanding of the human brain, as well as to perform pre-surgical examinations in order to optimize surgical interventions. To obtain these goals the analysis of fMRI is the first condition which should be met. First methods were linear and assumed the... 

    Design a Content-Based Color Image Retrieval Using Attention Driven Saliency Map

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ebrahimi, Davood (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadeddin (Supervisor)
    Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is in fact an image search engine which Operates on image Context . in this thesis (project) the aim was to use the Visual attention of humans in detecting the objects in image. in this ability first a salient image of the most important things in the image would be created And after an initial separation , for the final recognition the other features (details) in the image will be used It’s a while that the use of Visual attention models and saliency maps in designing the interfaces between humans and machines has been considered widely. This fact in the design of CBIR systems has not a good background (satisfying history). In this thesis I have... 

    Robust Similarity Measure in Medical Image Registration

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ghaffari, Aboozar (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadeddin (Supervisor)
    Image Registration is spatially alignment of two images in a wide range of applications such as remote sensing, computer assisted surgery, and medical image analysis and processing. In general, registration algorithms can be categorized as either intensity based or feature based. The feature based methods use the alignment between the extracted features in two images. The simplest feature is images intensity which is directly used in the intensity based method via similarity measure. This similarity measure quantifies the matching of two images.Similarity measure is main core of image registration algorithms. Spatially varying intensity dis-tortion is an important challenge in a wide range... 

    Decoding the Long Term Memory using Magnetoencephalogram

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Tavakoli, Sahar (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emad (Supervisor)
    Memory and recalling process has always been a basic question. Decoding the Long-Term_Memory is one of the first steps in answering this question. Since various experiments in the field of human long-term memory, was conducted. This research is motivated by a trial that in which, the Mgntvansfalvgram (MEG) has been recorded while recalling the color and orientation of a grading which is associated with an object, after the object has been shown. High accuracy in Decoding the mentioned color and direction, will be decoding the long-term memory. In order to enhance memory decoding, the research studies different classifiers such as sparse based classifiers and other popular one. It has also... 

    MRI Reconstruction using Partial k-Space Scans

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Farzi, Mohsen (Author) ; Fatemizadeh, Emadeddin (Supervisor)
    Based on Shannon theory, continuous-time band-limited signals are guaranteed to be recovered per-fectly subject to sampling with Nyquist rate. Due to inherently slow MRI sensors, sampling with Nyquist rate excruciatingly increases the scan time. This leads to patient inconvenience along with degradation in image quality caused by geometrical distortions.In recent years, Compressed Sensing (CS) has been introduced as an alternative to the Nyquist theory for the acquisition of sparse or compressible signals that can be well approximated by K ≪ N coeffi-cients from a N-dimensional basis. In CS theory, measurements are actually inner products of signal x with a base vector ϕi. In Fourier encoded...