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    The singular set for a semilinear unstable problem

    , Article Potential Analysis ; 2017 , Pages 1-12 ; 09262601 (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We study the regularity of solutions of the following semilinear problem(Formula presented.)where B1 is the unit ball in ℝn, 0 < q < 1 and λ± satisfy a Hölder continuity condition. Our main results concern local regularity analysis of solutions and their nodal set {u = 0}. The desired regularity is C[κ],κ−[κ] for κ = 2/(1 − q) and we divide the singular points in two classes. The first class contains the points where at least one of the derivatives of order less than κ is nonzero, the second class which is named (Formula presented.), is the set of points where all the derivatives of order less than κ exist and vanish. We prove that (Formula presented.) when κ is not an integer. Moreover,... 

    The singular set for a semilinear unstable problem

    , Article Potential Analysis ; Volume 49, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 411-422 ; 09262601 (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Netherlands  2018
    We study the regularity of solutions of the following semilinear problemΔu=−λ+(x)(u+)q+λ−(x)(u−)qinB1,where B1 is the unit ball in ℝn, 0 < q < 1 and λ± satisfy a Hölder continuity condition. Our main results concern local regularity analysis of solutions and their nodal set {u = 0}. The desired regularity is C[κ],κ−[κ] for κ = 2/(1 − q) and we divide the singular points in two classes. The first class contains the points where at least one of the derivatives of order less than κ is nonzero, the second class which is named Sκ, is the set of points where all the derivatives of order less than κ exist and vanish. We prove that Sκ= ∅ when κ is not an integer. Moreover, with an example we show... 

    The singular sources method for cracks

    , Article Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences ; Volume 30, Issue 10 , 2007 , Pages 1121-1134 ; 01704214 (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    The singular sources method is given to detect the shape of a thin infinitely cylindrical obstacle from a knowledge of the TM-polarized scattered electromagnetic field in large distance. The basic idea is based on the singular behaviour of the scattered field of the incident point source on the cross-section of the cylinder. We assume that the scatterer is a perfect conductor which is possibly coated by a material and investigate two models with different boundary conditions. Also we give a uniqueness proof for the shape reconstruction. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  

    Body Skin Detection in Colour Image

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fotouhi, Mehran (Author) ; Kasaie, Shohreh (Supervisor)
    In recent years, there has been a growing research interest in segmenting skin regions in color images. Skin segmentation aims at locating skin regions in an unconstrained input image. Skin detection is considered as an important preprocess in many applications such as face detection, face tracking, and filtering of objectionable web images. The most attractive properties of skin detection include low computational cost, increase of the total processing speed, and being invariance against rotation, scale, partial occlusion, and pose change. Because of the diversity of various image processing tasks, there exists no optimum method that can perform properly for all applications. Most of the... 

    Null controllability of degenerate/singular parabolic equations

    , Article Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems ; Volume 18, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 573-602 ; 10792724 (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Salimi, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer  2012
    The purpose of this paper is to provide a full analysis of the null controllability problem for the one dimensional degenerate/singular parabolic equation ut - (a(x)ux)x - λ/x βu = 0, (t,x) ∈ (0, T) × (0,1), where the diffusion coefficient a(·) is degenerate at x = 0. Also the boundary conditions are considered to be Dirichlet or Neumann type related to the degeneracy rate of a(·). Under some conditions on the function a(·) and parameters β, λ, we prove global Carleman estimates. The proof is based on an improved Hardy-type inequality  

    Controllability results for a class of one dimensional degenerate/singular parabolic equations

    , Article Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis ; Volume 12, Issue 3 , 2013 , Pages 1415-1430 ; 15340392 (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Salimi, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    We study the null controllability properties of some degenerate/singular parabolic equations in a bounded interval of ℝ. For this reason we derive a new Carleman estimate whose proof is based on Hardy inequalities  

    Spectral controllability of some singular hyperbolic equations on networks

    , Article Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems ; 2016 , Pages 1-22 ; 10792724 (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Salimi, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer New York LLC  2016
    The purpose of this paper is to address the question of well-posedness and spectral controllability of the wave equation perturbed by potential on networks which may contain unbounded potentials in the external edges. It has been shown before that in the absence of any potential, there exists an optimal time T∗ (which turns out to be simply twice the sum of all length of the strings of the network) that describes the spectral controllability of the system. We will show that this holds in our case too, i.e., the potentials have no effect on the value of the optimal time T∗. The proof is based on the famous Beurling-Malliavin’s Theorem on the completeness interval of real exponentials and on a... 

    Extracting Homography Matrix to Determine 3D Position of Soccer Players

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Fotouhi, Mehran (Author) ; Kasaei, Shohreh (Supervisor)
    Determination of the position of an object in the 3D world is one of the most basic preprocessing steps in the field of computer vision. It is used in many practical applications such as video surveillance, human action analysis, and human-computer interaction. For this determination, calibrated cameras are usually used for which the internal and external camera parameters are already known. But, in some real-life applications, a pre-access to the camera is not possible. This thesis studies the homography matrix extraction for determination of the position of soccer players. The pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras are used. (For a stationary camera, a Homography matrix is obtained once.) To... 

    A semilinear PDE with free boundary

    , Article Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications ; Volume 151 , 2017 , Pages 145-163 ; 0362546X (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Shahgholian, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2017
    We study the semilinear problem Δu=λ+(x)(u+)q−1−λ−(x)(u−)q−1inB1, from a regularity point of view for solutions and the free boundary ∂{±u>0}. Here B1 is the unit ball, 1

    General least gradient problems with obstacle

    , Article Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations ; Volume 58, Issue 5 , 2019 ; 09442669 (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Moradifam, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer New York LLC  2019
    We study existence, structure, uniqueness and regularity of solutions of the obstacle problem infu∈BVf(Ω)∫Ωϕ(x,Du),where BVf(Ω)={u∈BV(Rn):u≥ψinΩandu|∂Ω=f|∂Ω}, f∈W01,1(Rn), ψ is the obstacle, and ϕ(x, ξ) is a convex, continuous and homogeneous function of degree one with respect to the ξ variable. We show that every minimizer of this problem is also a minimizer of the least gradient problem infu∈Af(Ω)∫Rnϕ(x,Du),where Af(Ω)={u∈BV(Ω):u≥ψ,andu=finΩc}. Moreover, there exists a vector field T with ∇ · T≤ 0 in Ω which determines the structure of all minimizers of these two problems, and T is divergence free on { x∈ Ω : u(x) > ψ(x) } for any minimizer u. We also present uniqueness and regularity... 

    Geometrical Structure of Neuron Morphology

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Farhoodi, Roozbeh (Author) ; Fotouhi, Morteza (Supervisor)
    The tree structure of neuron morphologies has excited neuroscientists since their discovery in the 19-th century. Many theories assign computational meaning to morphologies, but it is still hard to generate realistic looking morphologies. There are a few growth models for generating neuron morphologies that correctly reproduce some features (e.g. branching angles) of morphologies, but they tend to fall short on other features. Here we present an approach that builds a generative model by extracting a set of human-chosen features from a database of neurons by using the naïve Bayes approach. Then by starting from a neuron with a soma we use statistical sampling techniques to generate... 

    Homogenization of a locally periodic time-dependent domain

    , Article Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis ; Volume 19, Issue 3 , 2020 , Pages 1669-1695 Fotouhi, M ; Yousefnezhad, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Institute of Mathematical Sciences  2020
    We consider the homogenization of a Robin boundary value problem in a locally periodic perforated domain which is also time-dependent. We aim at justifying the homogenization limit, that we derive through asymptotic expansion technique. More exactly, we obtain the so-called corrector homogenization estimate that specifies the convergence rate. The major challenge is that the media is not cylindrical and changes over time. We also show the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the microscopic problem. © 2020 American Institute of Mathematical Sciences. All rights reserved  

    Spectral controllability of some singular hyperbolic equations on networks

    , Article Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems ; Volume 23, Issue 3 , 2017 , Pages 459-480 ; 10792724 (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Salimi, L ; Sharif University of Technology
    The purpose of this paper is to address the question of well-posedness and spectral controllability of the wave equation perturbed by potential on networks which may contain unbounded potentials in the external edges. It has been shown before that in the absence of any potential, there exists an optimal time T∗ (which turns out to be simply twice the sum of all length of the strings of the network) that describes the spectral controllability of the system. We will show that this holds in our case too, i.e., the potentials have no effect on the value of the optimal time T∗. The proof is based on the famous Beurling-Malliavin’s Theorem on the completeness interval of real exponentials and on a... 

    The singular sources method for an inverse problem with mixed boundary conditions

    , Article Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ; Volume 306, Issue 1 , 2005 , Pages 122-135 ; 0022247X (ISSN) Fotouhi, M ; Hesaaraki, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We use the singular sources method to detect the shape of the obstacle in a mixed boundary value problem. The basic idea of the method is based on the singular behavior of the scattered field of the incident point-sources on the boundary of the obstacle. Moreover we take advantage of the scattered field estimate by the backprojection operator. Also we give a uniqueness proof for the shape reconstruction. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved  

    Deep Learning and Optimal Control

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ehsani, Pouya (Author) ; Fotouhi, Morteza (Supervisor)
    Our main focus in this thesis is on optimal control methods for the analysis of deep neural networks, such as the supervised learning problem. A neural network with a large number of layers can be modeled with an ordinary differential equation, whose control parameters play the role of intermediary functions in the neural network. This model gives us a more powerful tool to analyze the asymptotic behavior of the neural network. Also, in this thesis, the problems of numerical implementation of these methods will be discussed  

    Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Tumor Angiogenesis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Marzieh Abdolhamdi (Author) ; Fotouhi, Morteza (Supervisor)
    A major medical revolution that is helping us overcome some of the worst diseases, including cancer, is angiogenesis, which is based on the processes our bodies use to develop blood vessels. Most human cancers have acquired six essential capabilities: self-sufficiency in growth signals, insensitivity to growth-inhibitory signals, programmed cell death escape, unlimited replication potential, persistent angiogenesis, and tissue invasion that can induce metastasis. In other words, the defense mechanism that prevents any of these acquired capabilities must be neutralized before the cells become malignant and invasive tumors. In fact, tumors in the non-vascular growth stage can only grow up to... 

    Introducing a Simulation-Based Model to Improve the Design and Layout of Workstations Inside Airport Terminals in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Amini Esfidvajani, Amin Mohammad (Author) ; Alvanchi, Amin (Supervisor)
    The airport terminal is difficult to plan and design due to the different components and the intricate complexity of its parts. At the airport terminal, we face a queue system which simulation is always a good way to analyze. In addition, computer simulation using modern softwares with the capability to model different types of systems, including the airport terminal, while being less realistic than analytical models, is less costly than operational Exercise.In this study, a supportive approach for better and specific management of Iranian airport terminal buildings with discrete-event simulation is proposed, considering the need for managing the airport terminals building in the country and... 

    Travel Time Estimation for Signalized Arterials Using a Probabilistic Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fotouhi, Hossein (Author) ; Nassiri, Habibollah (Supervisor)
    Estimation of travel time in transportation engineering has always been an important issue. So far, most of travel time studies have focused on freeways and highways, and very few research have been done on travel time estimation for arterials. In this study, by using shock wave concept, a probabilistic model is developed for estimating the travel time of a signalized arterials consisting of two pre-timed signalized intersections. This model can be used in both coordinated and non-coordinated signals. In this study, travel time and traffic volume data were collected for Fatemi Ave. in Tehran, Iran. By using these data, some parameters of VISSIM simulation package were calibrated to reflect... 

    Temporal dynamics of connectivity and epidemic properties of growing networks

    , Article Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics ; Volume 93, Issue 1 , 2016 ; 15393755 (ISSN) Fotouhi, B ; Khani Shirkoohi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Physical Society  2016
    Traditional mathematical models of epidemic disease had for decades conventionally considered static structure for contacts. Recently, an upsurge of theoretical inquiry has strived towards rendering the models more realistic by incorporating the temporal aspects of networks of contacts, societal and online, that are of interest in the study of epidemics (and other similar diffusion processes). However, temporal dynamics have predominantly focused on link fluctuations and nodal activities, and less attention has been paid to the growth of the underlying network. Many real networks grow: Online networks are evidently in constant growth, and societal networks can grow due to migration flux and... 

    Cancer Models Based on Reaction-Diffusion Equations

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khanzad, Zahra (Author) ; Fotouhi, Morteza (Supervisor)
    The role of a mathematical model is to explain a set of experiments, and to make predictions. In setting up a mathematical model of a biological process, by a set of differential equations, it is very important to determine the numerical value of the parameters. For biological processes are typically valid only within a limited range of parameters. In the last decades, various cancer models have been developed in which the evolution of the densities of cells (abnormal, normal, or dead) and the concentrations of biochemical species are described in terms of differential equations. Some of these models use only ordinary differential equations (ODEs), ignoring the spatial effects of tumor...