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    Preparation and Characterization of PVDF/ PVAc/ ND Nanocomposite

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahrampour, Fatemeh (Author) ; Frounchi, Masood (Supervisor)
    Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is remarkable since its mechanical properties, chemical stability and significant ferroelectricity. This Polymer has a simple chemical structure and can be found in five different crystal phases (α,β ,ɣ,δ and ε). Between these phases, beta shows a substantial pyro and piezoelectric activity since its great dipole moment. In this study PVDF/Poly(vinyl acetate)/Nanodiamond (ND) nanocomposite films were synthetized by solving in dimethylformamide adding ND particles to PVDF/PVAc blend in order to improve mechanical and piezoelectric properties. Scanning electron microscopy results showed that PVDF/PVAc are miscible and lead to a single crystal phase and dispersion... 

    HAP/Agar Nanocarriers for Bone Anti-infection Drug

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghazagh, Parisa (Author) ; Frounchi, Masood (Supervisor)
    Successful treatment of bone infections is a major orthopedic challenge due to the physiological and anatomical features of bone. In this project, we prepared a drug delivery system with injectable and biodegradable polysaccharide agar containing alginate, polyvinyl alcohol and hydroxyapatite nanocarriers composite microspheres. Alginate and polyvinyl alcohol composite microspheres are crosslinked by calcium and freeze-thawing technique. Using the freeze thawing process for polyvinyl alcohol crosslinking, in addition to alginate crosslinking, improved hydrogel swelling behavior and enhanced drug loading and thus slowed drug release, drug loading increased with increasing PVA percentage from ... 

    Investigation of Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Recycled PP – Calciumcarbonat Nanocomposites

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Janzadeh, Amir Hossin (Author) ; Moosavi, Abass (Supervisor) ; Frounchi, Masood (Supervisor)
    In this work the effect of recycling process and nanometric CaCO3 on the rheological and heat-sealing properties of co-polymer Polypropylene (R40) was studied. Nanocomposites with recycled and neat matrix were prepared with twin extruder. Complex viscosity, dynamic modulus, flexural and tensile properties, impact strength and sealing ability of nanocomposites of neat Co-PP (R40) and Recycled Co-PP (RPP) determined according to the relevant standard specifications.Rheological analysis revealed that incorporation of nanofiller enhances values of Complex viscosity and dynamic modulus, broadening molecular weight distribution (MWD) and decrease cross over point (ωc, GC) for RPP. In this study,... 

    Use of rigid thermoplastics for toughening an optical network polymer

    , Article European Polymer Journal ; Volume 37, Issue 5 , 2001 , Pages 995-1000 ; 00143057 (ISSN) Frounchi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Blends of the thermoset poly(allyl diglycol carbonate) (PADC) with thermoplastic polymethacrylates have been prepared by dissolving polymethacrylates in allyl diglycol carbonate (ADC) monomer and subsequent polymerization of ADC. The polymethacrylates formed separate phases in the blends as shown by scanning electron micrographs. The dynamic mechanical data showed two distinct high-temperature peaks corresponding to the glass transition temperatures of the PADC and polymethacrylates. Fracture toughness tests showed a significant increase in the critical intensity factor kc of PADC by addition of only 10% (w/w) a ductile thermoplastic poly(ethyl methacrylate). Young's modulus at room... 

    Seismic Performance Evaluation of Shear Wall Buildings through Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mosaferi, Mehdi (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    The primary goal of seismic design requirements of building codes is to protect life safety of occupants during severe earthquakes. Thus it is required that collapse probability of designed buildings to be acceptably low. However current design codes are strength based and intrinsically experimental. Thus collapse safety of buildings designed by these codes is not known quantitatively. The history of formation and update of seismic building codes is marked by big earthquakes; often serving as landmarks for the evolution of seismic codes and detecting its deficiencies. As time passes, the design criteria become more and more articulate and ambitious, just as the design objectives evolve from... 

    On the Behavior of Semi-Hinged Double-Angle Connections

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Esfahanian, Alireza (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, the semi-hinged connections such as double-angle connections, which are welded to the beam web and bolted to the column flange, are investigated. In this study it's tried to establish the effect of clearance setback between beam end and column flange and/or web. When the beam rotates, it is desirable to avoid the bottom flange of the beam bearing against the column as this can induce large forces in the connection. The usual way of achieving this is to ensure that the connection extends at least a few millimeters beyond the end of the beam. For this purpose, several connections are designed and considered, based on two different shear capacities for the beam. For each... 

    On the Characteristics and Performance of RCFrames with Y-Bracing Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Atri, Saman (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    Steel bracing systems can be used effectively for seismic retrofitting of existing RC buildings as well as for seismic design of new building. Steel bracing system has been used to increase the lateral load resistance of steel structures. In recent years the concept of steel bracing has also been applied to the retrofitting of reinforced concrete frames, especially to improve seismic performance of non-ductile reinforced concrete buildings. The use of steel bracing systems for seismic rehabilitation of RC frames offers some advantages such as (a) minimal added weight to the structure; (b) ease and speed of construction;(c) increased architectural flexibility; in comparison with RC shear... 

    Developing the MIDA Method for Structures Equipped with Dampers and Exerting this Method on a Structure with SCVDs Damper

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Zafarkhah, Elyar (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    Determining nonlinear dynamic behavior of structures is always one of the main goals of structure and earthquake engineers. The Modal Incremental Dynamic Analysis (MIDA) is one of the newest methods for analyzing the seismic behavior of structures. Indeed, this method has superseded the exact IDA method which is too complicated and prolix. Although, this method represents approximate results, high accuracy, fastness and low cost procedure made it an efficient and useful technique. Many researchers have used this method and investigated the accuracy of that and achieved proper results. Up to now no one has applied this method on structures which are equipped with dampers. In the procedure of... 

    Analysis of Tall Outrigger Braced Structures on Flexible Foundations Using Finite Elements Modeling

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nezhadi, Siamak (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    One of the most efficient methods in stiffening tall buildings to withstand lateral loads such as wind loading is to link the shear resisting core to the exterior columns using outrigger trusses. Many tall buildings such as Taipei 101 have benefited from outriggers. In this system, the outriggers force the perimeter frame to take part in resisting the bending moment of the lateral load acting on the structure by developing axial restraining forces in the windward and the leeward columns of the perimeter frame and forming a resisting moment.Most of the present analytical methods have studied the performance of outrigger braced structures neglecting shear deformation of the shear wall core and... 

    Analysis on Characteristics and Behavior of Steel Structures with Steel Plate Shear Walls

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadati, Mohammad (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    Steel plate shear walls (SPSWs) are popular lateral force resisting systems whose practical applications range from high seismic regions to medium and low seismic areas and wind load applications. The factors which make SPSW attractive include its energy dissipation capacity, excellent ductility, constructability, speed of construction compared to concrete shear walls, reduced architectural footprint compared to concrete shear walls, and increased inelastic deformation capacity as compared to braced frames and concrete shear walls.
    In this research, characteristics and behavior of un-stiffened perforated SPSWs using non-linear finite elements software has been investigated. In order to... 

    Iron Removal from Copper Electrowinning Procces

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini, Farzaneh (Author) ; Askari, Masood (Supervisor)
    Iron is a common impurity in copper minerals. The presence of iron in hydrometallurgical copper PLS causes continuous reactions between Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions. In order to improve energy efficiency and product quality iron removal shall be done. In this study separation of iron from Sarcheshme copper leaching liquor containing 6 g/L Fe, was conducted by solvent extraction using D2EHPA in kerosene. Chloric acid solution was used to strip the loaded iron from organic phase. Results of extraction experiments designed by taguchi method showed 92.49% iron recovery and 2.44% copper extraction under optimum condition. Using same method for stripping experiments, it was found that variation of time... 

    Scrutiny of a Semi-rigid End-plate Splice Connection under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Keikha, Hamed (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    Existing design methods for steel frames has been improved over the last three decades in order to incorporate the behavior of semi-rigid steel connections in furtherance of frame design and since the analysis and design of structures is often done based on the assumption of completely rigid or pinned behavior,therefore, the actual behavior of connections and their modeling can help to understand the actual behavior of structures.Knowledge of the initial rotational stiffness of the connection is important for elastic analysis of structures. Investigations show that structures with semi-rigid connections have many features which are the causes to prefer these kinds of connections to the... 

    On the Numerical Modeling of Semi Rigid Steel Beam to Column Connection Subjected to Monotonic and Cyclic Loading using Finite Lements Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mohammadi, Hamid (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    To investigate the accurate performance of a structure, the knowledge of the way its connections function, is of great importance. Moreover, cognition of the actual behavior of connections which is often semi-rigid can lead to better apprehension of the actual and more accurate behavior of structures, whilst it is often considered to be pinned or fully-rigid.Therefore, in this study a new semi-rigid steel connection of beam to column will be introduced, and its behavior will be investigated using commercial finite element packages along with mathematical approximate modeling methods. One of the features of this connection is that its behavior mainly depends uponfolding of top and bottom... 

    Nonlinear Behavior of Low-rise Steel Structures, subjected to Shifted and/or Separated Concentric Braces

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Badali, Aref (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    Despite all the developments of construction industry, there are some limitations in this important industry. For example, one of the common limitations of buildings is restrictions of architectural designs that often rise due to location of lateral load-resisting systems of buildings and usually rise disagreement between structure and architecture engineers. The lateral load-resisting systems and location of them are very important, therefore, in this study we attempt to investigate the changes of their location in structure’s stories. Due to architectural restrictions, the removal and movement of lateral load-resisting systems have been done only in some stories or from a story to the... 

    Quantification of Seismic Performance Factors in Off-Center Bracing System(OBS) Equipped with Knee Element

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Asefi, Hamed (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    OBS Bracing System is a kind of concentric bracing frame that consists of three members and with y-shape layout can provide a necessary opening in the building. In this investigation will evalouate OBS Bracing System with Knee element. Buildings equipped with OBS-Knee bracing system considered SCBF. To design these buildings according to regulations, it is needed to have Seismic performance coefficients such as response modification factor (R), over strength factor (Ω0) and deflection amplification factor (Cd). The purpose of the present investigation is quantifying these parameters and evaluation of accuracy based on the proposed method in FEMA P695. In the mentioned method, at first by... 

    Investigating the Effects of the Length of Yielding Area In Buckling-Restrained Braces

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Khademi, Ziba (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    Structures having buckling restrained braces (BRB) as earthquake resisting system, have the qualities of high lateral stiffness and the ability to damp the energy coming from earthquake, at the same time.In addition to new structures, these braces can also be used in rehabilitating old steel or concrete buildings. By using this kind of resisting system, smaller sections are needed in design of buildings and also the cost of repair after earthquake can be highly reduced.The most important advantage of buckling restrained braces is their equal behavior and capacity in both tention and compression, that causes high energy absorption as a result of symmetric and stable cyclic behavior. All these... 

    Structural Performance Assessment of Large Unstiffened Openings in Steel Plate Shear Walls and Introduction of Plate-Frame Interaction in Steel Plate Shear Walls with Perforated Infill Plates

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Darvishi, Hadi (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    One of the advantages of Steel Plate Shear Walls (SPSWs) is the possibility of using openings with varying sizes in the infill plates depending on a need basis. Openings are used for various reasons, such as the possibility of installing utilities and for architectural reasons. However, the latest research studies suggest that the use of large-sized openings in infill plates calls for the use of heavy stiffeners or special measures for ensuring system stability. The seismic behavior of two SPSWs with large unstiffened opening (one with a rectangular opening in the middle of the plate and the other with two oval openings on the sides of the infill plate) was studied experimentally and... 

    Performance of an Off-center Bracing System Using Smart Piezo Electric Damper

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseini, Kasra (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    OBS1 frame is a concentric bracing system that consists of three elements, and it provides openings for building using a y-form structure. In the present thesis, the OBS system has been accompanied by a smart damping system.The buildings in which this lateral bearing system is employed are considered as SCBF frames. According to design guidelines, seismic performance parameters are required to design these buildings, including response modification coefficient (R), over-strength factor (Ω) and displacement amplification factor (Cd). This thesis aims to quantify these parameters and evaluate their accuracy based on the method proposed by FEMA-P695. In this method, first, the required initial... 

    Colorings of Latin Square Graphs and Block Designs

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Author) ; Mortezaeefar, Masood (Supervisor)
    In the first part of this thesis we study Latin Square Graphs defined as follows: to each cell of a latin square L of order n we associate a vertex of the graph (which we call L3(n)) with two vertices u and v adjacent if and only if their respective cells are in the same row or column or contain the same symbol. We investigate the coloring problem associated with these graphs and explore the relationship between this problem and some other combinatorial objects such as strongly regular graphs and transversals and obtain some upper bounds. We use a computer search to find the chromatic number of all latin squares of order less than 8. We determine the chromatic number of some special classes... 

    Development of Fragility Curves for Short and Mid-Rise RC Buildings Retrofitted with Steel Knee Braces Based on Incremental Dynamic Analysis

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Keipour, Nicka (Author) ; Mofid, Masood (Supervisor)
    All buildings should be designed to bear both gravity loads and lateral loads such as earthquake. Resisting system for earthquake can be moment resisting frame, shear wall, brace or combination of them. Normally for strengthening of reinforce concrete buildings, shear wall should be added, but in some cases after constructing RC buildings, engineers find out that building does not have enough strength against seismic loads. In this case, adding shear wall is difficult because of architectural restrictions and assembling braces on the original frame is easier.
    Structural engineers always looking to find a structural element to absorb earthquake energy to prevent potential damages of other...