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Guidance Algorithm Development and 6DOF Control in Final Rendezvous Phase with Uncooperative Target
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Saghafi, Fariborz (Supervisor)
Many future space missions, will require a high level of autonomy to service, repair, refuel, reconfigure satellites. As we know there is no project that has demonstrated an actual online pathpelanning for a terminal rendezvous phase in docking maneuver, for an uncooperative tumbling target. Particularly when the target is in a noncircular orbit. Such missions require a 6DOF precise position and attitude tracking maneuver that safely can avoid collision to the target and are capable of flying around. This thesis introduce a new guidance method for vectorial approach to the target in terminal rendezvous phase and applies a Sliding Mode method for attitude tracking control with respect to...
A first step to convolutive sparse representation
, Article 2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Las Vegas, NV, 31 March 2008 through 4 April 2008 ; 2008 , Pages 1921-1924 ; 15206149 (ISSN) ; 1424414849 (ISBN); 9781424414840 (ISBN) ; Babaie Zadeh, M ; Ghasemian Sahebi, A ; Jutten, C ; Sharif University of Technology
In this paper an extension of the sparse decomposition problem is considered and an algorithm for solving it is presented. In this extension, it is known that one of the shifted versions of a signal s (not necessarily the original signal itself) has a sparse representation on an overcomplete dictionary, and we are looking for the sparsest representation among the representations of all the shifted versions of s. Then, the proposed algorithm finds simultaneously the amount of the required shift, and the sparse representation. Experimental results emphasize on the performance of our algorithm. ©2008 IEEE
Machine Learning Approaches for the Prediction of Pathogenicity in Genome Variations
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sharifi Zarchi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Asgari, Ehsannedin (Supervisor)
Genome mutations whose effects are not specified pose one of the challenges in identifying genetic diseases. Utilizing wet lab tests to detect the pathogenicity of variants can be time-consuming and fiscally expensive. A rapid and cost-effective solution to this problem is the use of machine learning-based variant effect predictors, which have the ability to determine whether a mutation is pathogenic or not. The objective of this research is to predict the pathogenicity of genome variations. The proposed model exclusively utilizes the protein sequence as its input feature and does not have access to other protein features. The data used to construct the model comprises mutations with...
Optimal Placement of Active Filters in a Power System
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mokhtari, Hossein (Supervisor)
The extensive use of nonlinear loads such as motor drives and new generation of home appliances has caused a deterioration of power quality in power systems. The use of active power filters due to the fast variation of the loads has been recommended by power engineering. In this method, the harmonic profiles are controlled by applying active filters in a distribution feeder. Optimal placement of active filters in a distribution system due to the increase of harmonic generation loads has attracted researchers. However placement of each filter is the major concern that researchers face. In this paper, a new objective function is introduced to determine the optimal number and location of active...
Assessing public acceptance of connected vehicle systems in a new scheme of usage-based insurance
, Article Transportation Research Record ; Volume 2625 , 2017 , Pages 62-69 ; 03611981 (ISSN); 9780309441551 (ISBN) ; Nassiri, H ; Sharif University of Technology
National Research Council
The consequences of road accidents are significant for drivers and society. The connected vehicle system (CVS) is a promising technology that can improve road safety by warning drivers of traffic hazards. Broad implementation of the CVS could mitigate the harmful consequences of road accidents. Widespread implementation requires schemes that can promote the pervasive adoption of the system by drivers. This study proposes the innovative idea of implementing the CVS in usage-based insurance (UBI) as a measurement probe and modeling drivers' acceptance of the new UBI scheme. This study developed a random effect logit model demonstrating that the drivers of cheaper vehicles and middle-age...
Removal of Heavy Metal Ions and Wastewater Treatment by Using the Electrocoagulation Process
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghasemian, Saloumeh (Supervisor)
Industrial wastewater treatment has always been one of the significant human being problems for the years. In particular, sewage containing heavy metals that, if discharged into nature, would have irreversible effects on the ecosystem and human health. Due to their toxic nature, heavy metals will reduce the efficiency of wastewater treatment systems if they are not efficiently treated. Also, the removal of Nitrate from the wastewater, which is one of the most stable nitrogen oxides, has always been a serious human problem in the treatment of effluents due to their high solubility in water. The simultaneous presence of nitrate and heavy metals in the effluent will cause many problems in the...
Introducing An Integrated Framework For Solving The Fleet Planning Problem Using A Simulation-Optimization Approach
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Amini, Zahra (Supervisor)
One of the main concerns of industrial companies’ managers is providing an efficient logistics system. To achieve an efficient logistics system, the fleet planning problem is studied by many researchers in recent years. This problem consists of multiple sub-problems at three levels: operational, tactical, and strategic. These sub-problems are closely related to each other and need to be studied and addressed in an integrated manner. In this research, an attempt is made to provide an integrated framework to solve the vehicle routing problem (operational), outsourcing problem (tactical), and fleet composition problem (strategic). These problems have various uncertainties, including customer...
Modeling of Thermotropic Swelling of Smart Microgels by Finite Element Method
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Naghdabadi, Reza
Microgels, three-dimensional networks belonging to the family of smart materials, exhibit significant structural changes in response to external stimuli such as temperature. The rapid deformation of microgels upon thermal stimulation makes them a promising alternative for various mechanisms. Despite the similarities between hydrogels and microgels, many of their properties differ. Moreover, the Flory-Rehner model, typically used to describe the swelling behavior of temperature-sensitive hydrogels, only provides a qualitative description of microgel swelling. Nevertheless, previous numerical models of microgels have largely been based on the assumption that their behavior mirrors that of...
Effect of Flexible Vegetation and their Variation Density Through Water Depth on Vertical Diffusion
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Jamali, Mirmosadegh (Supervisor)
Nowadays, vegetations have an important role in protecting ecological systems. One of the impacts of vegetation in water system is pollution diffusion. The physical characteristics of plants, affect how vegetation influence the diffusion phenomenon. Plants’ flexibility may change the drag force and pollution diffusion. Also density variations of vegetation in depths have important affects on flow characteristics.
In this study we investigate experimentally the affects of flexible vegetations and their density changes in depths on vertical mass transport. Thus the current flume has modeled for crossing flow through the plants. To model the steep plants, inclined rigid cylinders have been...
In this study we investigate experimentally the affects of flexible vegetations and their density changes in depths on vertical mass transport. Thus the current flume has modeled for crossing flow through the plants. To model the steep plants, inclined rigid cylinders have been...
A New Model for Usage-based Insurance in Order to Increase Road Safety
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Nassiri, Habibollah (Supervisor)
The lack of road safety imposes heavy costs on society. The cost of treatment, disability, travel time and mental disorders are examples of costs caused by unsafe roads in a country. One of the most effective manners to improve road safety over the last decade is to use safe driving incentives and in particular usage-based insurance. Usage-based insurance reduces road accidents by internalizing the cost of driving violations and the cost of vehicle usage.Risky behaviors and driving violations, especially speed limits violations, have a significant effect on increasing unsafe road traffics. Accordingly, in this Ph.D. dissertation, a new scheme of usage-based insurance was introduced to reduce...
Design and Prototyping of an Ultra High Speed Air Micro Spindle
M.Sc. Thesis
Sharif University of Technology
Movahhedi, Mohammad Reza
Today, the need for high-speed machine tools, in areas such as defense, medical and electronic for producing parts with millimeter dimensions, and with features smaller than the millimeter, increased. To meet this need, the machine tool can be used with smaller dimensions and with high speed. These machines are able to produce these parts with high production rates.The project aims to improve technical design and construction of a micro spindle to achieve sustained speed about one hundred thousand RPM. In this project, the first step in understanding the fundamentals of the theory and the system components, and the whole operation was performed. The design is based on studies carried out in...
Delay-based passenger car equivalent at signalized intersections in Iran
, Article Promet - Traffic - Traffico ; Volume 29, Issue 2 , 2017 , Pages 135-142 ; 03535320 (ISSN) ; Tabatabaie, S ; Sahebi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Due to their different sizes and operational characteristics, vehicles other than passenger cars have a different influence on traffic operations especially at intersections. The passenger car equivalent (PCE) is the parameter that shows how many passenger cars must be substituted for a specific heavy vehicle to represent its influence on traffic operation. PCE is commonly estimated using headway-based methods that consider the excess headway utilized by heavy vehicles. In this research, the PCE was estimated based on the delay parameter at three signalized intersections in Tehran, Iran. The data collected were traffic volume, travel time for each movement, signalization, and geometric...
Assessing the relationship between heavy vehicle driver sleep problems and confirmed driver behavior measurement tools in Iran
, Article Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour ; Volume 59 , 2018 , Pages 57-66 ; 13698478 (ISSN) ; Nassiri, H ; Sahebi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Road traffic crashes have become an important public health problem. By studying the statistics of heavy vehicle crashes in the world, it becomes obvious that although heavy vehicle drivers experience fewer crashes than private car drivers, a large percentage of heavy vehicle crashes leads to death. So, it is important to identify the driving characteristics of heavy vehicle drivers. In this study, 474 Iranian truck drivers were interviewed face to face. Response rate of the survey was 80%, the participants who answered the questions on two behavioral questionnaires: Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) and Attention-Related Driving Error Scale (ARDES). Also, two sleep assessing...
Analysis of driving simulator sickness symptoms: zero-inflated ordered probit approach
, Article Transportation Research Record ; Volume 2673, Issue 4 , 2019 , Pages 988-1000 ; 03611981 (ISSN) ; Jeihani, M ; Sahebi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
SAGE Publications Ltd
Driving simulators can provide safe real-world driving conditions that may help researchers study driving behavior; however, driving simulator sickness (DSS) has been recognized as one of the most frequent challenges associated with using driving simulators. The DSS issue may affect the validity and reliability of results obtained during the driving simulator experience. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the potential consequences of DSS in the virtual environment of a driving simulator. The goal of this study is to analyze DSS symptoms among participants of a driving simulator by their demographics. The samples of four simulator studies were combined, including a total of 259...
A study of the factors affecting driving risk perception using the Bivariate Ordered Probit model
, Article International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion ; 2022 ; 17457300 (ISSN) ; Nassiri, H ; Naderi, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Taylor and Francis Ltd
This paper aims to examine the key factors influencing driving risk perception in Iran. We conducted separate surveys for two groups of Iranian drivers, namely passenger car drivers and truck drivers. In order to assess driving risk perception, respondents were asked what they think about their Probability of Having a Road Accident (PHRA) and if they eventually have an accident as a driver, what they think about the Probability of it being Fatal or causing Severe Injury (PFSI). A Bivariate Ordered Probit model, which considers the possible correlation between PHRA and PFSI, was developed to explain the observed driving risk perception using type of vehicle, driving experience,...
Interruptible Load Management in Simultaneous Energy and Reserve Market
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ehsan , Mehdi (Supervisor)
In restructured power system, the Independent System Operator (ISO) implements Security Constraint Unit Commitment (SCUC) for clearing of day-ahead market. In this project, SCUC is also uses for simultaneous clearing of energy and reserve market. Spinning reserve and of generating units and Interruptible Loads (IL) are considered as system operating reserves in the proposed model. Some of IL usage restrictions such as maximum load curtailed, maximum curtailment hour in a day, maximum length of each curtailment and etc is also considered. One of these constraints is interruption time (the time between ISO’s request and IL’s Answer) which is very difficult to formulate. Expected Energy Not...
Stochastic security constrained unit commitment incorporating demand side reserve
, Article International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems ; Volume 56 , March , 2014 , Pages 175-184 ; ISSN: 01420615 ; Hosseini, S. H ; Sharif University of Technology
Increasing the social welfare and achieving real competitive markets are the main purposes of consumers participation in electricity markets. Hence, Demand Response Programs (DRPs) have been designed to consider the consumers participation. One of these programs named Emergency Demand Response Program (EDRP) is based on consumers' responses to high electricity prices and to the incentives that are paid by Independent System Operators (ISOs) in the critical hours. In this paper, a model has been proposed for EDRP participation in the Stochastic Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) program. Both the spinning reserve and the demand side reserve, which is modeled as EDRP, are taken into...
Optimal design of a flux reversal permanent magnet machine as a wind turbine generator
, Article Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences ; Volume 28, Issue 2 , 2020 , Pages 693-707 ; Tahami, F ; Nasiri Gheidari, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
Turkiye Klinikleri
Flux reversal permanent magnet generators are well suited for use as wind turbine generators owing to their high torque generation ability and magnetic gear. However, they suffer from poor voltage regulation due to their high winding inductance. In this paper, a design optimization method is proposed for flux reversal generators in wind turbine applications. The proposed method includes a new multiobjective function. Cost, volume of the generator, and mass of the permanent magnet are considered in it independently and simultaneously. Besides the new objective function, the main superiority of this paper compared with published papers is considering winding inductance in optimization...
Simulation of a System of Biaxial Ellipsoid Liquid Crystals with RE-squared Interaction Potential
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ejtehadi, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
Liquid crystals are the type of the matter which show different levels of symmetry and structural properties in between those of a crystalline solid and an isotropic liquid. They can form various phases such as uni- or bi-axial nematics that because of their applications in display technology, have been widely investigated. In this thesis, uniaxial and biaxial ellipsoid liquid crystals have been simulated by using molecular dynamics simulations using LAMMPS simulation software. By control of the density of the system in NVT ensemble, the phase transitions of the systems were investigated. In all the simulations, the mesogens interact with RE-squared coarse grained force field. By calculating...
Preconcentration and determination of pantoprazole by solid-phase extraction coupled with spectrophotometry using iron oxide nanoparticles modified with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide
, Article Nano Biomedicine and Engineering ; Volume 7, Issue 3 , 2015 , Pages 102-110 ; 21505578 (ISSN) ; Naghian, E ; Sahebi, H ; Asgari, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Open Access House of Science and Technology
Solid phase extraction coupled with spectrophotometric detection was applied to trace amounts of Pantoprazole (PP) drug using Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide coated-iron oxide magnetite nanoparticles CTAB@Fe3O4 MNPs. After characterization of the prepared nano-adsorbents, experimental parameters affecting the extraction efficiency of the developed method were optimized. The results obtained showed that this proposed approach is applicable in concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 1.5 μg/ml (R2 = 0.9958) indicating that follows Beer's-Lambert law. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification calculated to be 0.014 and 0.04 μg/ml, respectively. The repeatability of the proposed method was...