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    Tuning of random lasers by means of external magnetic fields based on the Voigt effect

    , Article Optics and Laser Technology ; Volume 47 , April , 2013 , Pages 121-126 ; 00303992 (ISSN) Ghasempour Ardakani, A ; Mahdavi, S. M ; Bahrampour, A. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    It has been proposed that emission spectrum of random lasers with magnetically active semiconductor constituents can be made tunable by external magnetic fields. By employing the FDTD method, the spectral intensity and spatial distribution of electric field are calculated in the presence of an external magnetic field. It is numerically shown that due to the magneto-optical Voigt effect, the emission spectrum of a semiconductor-based random laser can be made tunable by adjusting the external magnetic field. The effect of magnetic field on the localization length of the laser modes is investigated. It is also shown that the spatial distribution of electric field exhibited remarkable... 

    Tunability of terahertz random lasers with temperature based on superconducting materials

    , Article Journal of Applied Physics ; Volume 112, Issue 4 , 2012 ; 00218979 (ISSN) Ghasempour Ardakani, A ; Bahrampour, A. R ; Mahdavi, S. M ; Hosseini, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We theoretically demonstrate the tunabiltiy of terahertz random lasers composed of high temperature superconductor YBCO and ruby layers as active medium. The considered system is a one-dimensional disordered medium made of ruby grain and YBCO. Finite-difference time domain method is used to calculate the emission spectrum and spatial distribution of electric field at different temperatures. Our numerical results reveal that the superconductor based random lasers exhibit large temperature tunability in the terahertz domain. The emission spectrum is significantly temperature dependent, the number of lasing modes and their intensities increase with decreasing temperature. Also, we make some... 

    Temperature tunable random laser using superconducting materials

    , Article Optics Communications ; Volume 285, Issue 7 , 2012 , Pages 1900-1904 ; 00304018 (ISSN) Ghasempour Ardakani, A ; Hosseini, M ; Bahrampour, A. R ; Mahdavi, S. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    We propose that spectral intensity of superconductor based random lasers can be made tunable by changing temperature. The two fluid model and wavelength dependent dispersion formula have been employed to describe the optical response of the superconducting materials. Random laser characteristics have been calculated using the one dimensional FDTD method. Our simulation results reveal that the emission spectrum can be manipulated through the ambient temperature of the system. It is observed that transition from metal phase to pure superconducting phase leads to the enhancement of the laser emission. Furthermore, spatial distribution of the fields in one dimensional disordered media is very... 

    Numerical study of random lasing in three dimensional amplifying disordered media

    , Article Optics Communications ; Volume 285, Issue 6 , 2012 , Pages 1314-1322 ; 00304018 (ISSN) Ghasempour Ardakani, A ; Bahrampour, A. R ; Mahdavi, S. M ; Golshani Gharyeh Ali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, the lasing action in three-dimensional active random systems has been numerically investigated. Here, random systems of spherical dielectric particles imbedded in an active medium are considered. The quasi steady state approximation for the population inversion of the active medium is applied to solve three dimensional governing equations. Results show that when the density of particles increases to an upper limit, the intensity of lasing modes is enhanced. Also, the effects of pumping rate and particle size on the number of lasing modes and their intensity are studied. Lasing threshold of laser modes in different disordered systems is calculated and it is shown that by an... 

    Mode analysis of fiber Bragg grating random lasers in the presence of mode competition

    , Article Optics and Laser Technology ; Volume 44, Issue 4 , 2012 , Pages 969-975 ; 00303992 (ISSN) Ghasempour Ardakani, A ; Golshani Gharyeh Ali, M ; Mahdavi, S. M ; Bahrampour, A. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In the presence of self and cross saturation effects, the laser governing equations are nonlinear. To solve the governing equations of a fiber Bragg grating random laser, on the basis of the transfer matrix method, a simple and fast iterative method is introduced. The method is employed to obtain the frequency, threshold pumping rate and spatial distribution of different laser modes. Numerical calculations show that by increasing the number of fiber Bragg grating, the number of lasing modes increases, while the threshold pumping rate of the first mode decreases. Our theoretical results are in agreement with the experimental observations reported by previous authors  

    Ultraviolet photodetectors based on ZnO sheets: The effect of sheet size on photoresponse properties

    , Article Applied Surface Science ; Volume 258, Issue 14 , 2012 , Pages 5405-5411 ; 01694332 (ISSN) Ghasempour Ardakani, A ; Pazoki, M ; Mahdavi, S. M ; Bahrampour, A. R ; Taghavinia, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this work, ultraviolet photodetectors based on electrodeposited ZnO sheet thin films were fabricated on a glass substrate. Before electrodeposition, a thin buffer layer of ZnO was deposited on the glass by pulsed laser deposition method. This layer not only acted as a nucleation site for ZnO sheet growth, but also made it possible to use cheap glass substrate instead of conventional fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) substrate. Our results showed that photoresponse properties of the photodetectors strongly depend on the sheet sizes. The smaller sheets exhibited enhanced photosensitivity, shortened fall times and decreased gain compared to larger ones. We showed that photodetectors based on... 

    Numerical Simulation, Tunability and Experimental Investigation of Random Lasers and Using ZnO Nanosheets in these Lasers and UV Photodetectors

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Ghasempour Ardakani, Abbas (Author) ; Mahdavi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Bahrampour, Ali Reza (Supervisor) ; Taghavinia, Nima (Co-Advisor)
    In this thesis, first, random lasing in a three dimensional disordered medium has been simulated using FDTD method and some properties of random lasers which were observed by others in the previous experiments have theoretically been shown. Our simulation results show that when the density of particles increases to an upper limit, the intensity of lasing modes is enhanced. Also, the effects of pumping rate and particle size on the number of lasing modes and their intensity are studied. Lasing threshold of laser modes in different disordered systems is calculated and it is shown that by an appropriate selection of the central frequency of gain line-shape, the output power intensity of random... 

    Experimental Investigation of Paraffin Nano-encapsulated Phase Change Material on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Pulsating Heat Pipe

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Heydarian, Gholamreza (Author) ; Shafii, Mohammad Behshad (Supervisor) ; Rezaee Shirin-Abadi, Abbas ($item.subfieldsMap.e) ; Ghasempour, Roghayeh ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    In this study, a mixture of nano-encapsulated phase change materials in water has been used as a working fluid in a pulsating heat pipe in order to investigate its thermal performance. The results of the experiments showed that using the nano-encapsulated paraffin dispersed in water as working fluid improves heat transfer and decreases the thermal resistance of the pulsating heat pipe. On the other hand, there is an optimal concentration among tested concentrations for nano-encapsulated paraffin, in which increasing its concentration due to the increased dynamic viscosity of the fluid causes an increase in the thermal resistance of the pulsating heat pipe. Enhancement in the thermal... 

    Hybrid multiwalled carbon nanotubes and trioxide tungsten nanoparticles for hydrogen gas sensing

    , Article Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ; Volume 42, Issue 16 , 2009 ; 00223727 (ISSN) Ghasempour, R ; Iraji zad, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The WO3/multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) hybrid films were fabricated by spin-coating on an alumina substrate. The structure, morphology, chemical composition and quality of the as-prepared WO3 nanoparticles, functionalized MWNTs and WO3/MWNTs hybrid films were studied by SEM, TEM, XRD, XPS, DLS and Raman spectroscopy methods. Results show that WO3 nanoparticles were nucleated on oxygenated functionalized MWNTs in hybrid suspension. After coating and annealing the films at 350 °C, the hybrid WO3/MWNTs films present rather linear gas sensitivity as a function of hydrogen concentrations at 300 °C. Results are discussed based on surface increase as well as development of two types of... 

    Agile web development methodologies: a survey and evaluation

    , Article Studies in Computational Intelligence ; Volume 722 , 2018 , Pages 1-25 ; 1860949X (ISSN) Ghasempour Maleki, N ; Ramsin, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2018
    Dynamic and accessible web systems have gained utmost importance in modern life. Due to the competitive nature of such systems, they need to be superior as to performance, scalability, and security. Web systems typically require short time-to-markets, and it should be possible to easily implement new requirements into working web systems. These ideals have made agile methods especially suitable for developing such systems, as they promote productivity, facilitate continuous interaction with customers, and enhance the flexibility and quality of the software produced. When starting a web development project, selecting the methodology that fits the project situation can be an important factor... 

    Safe Personalized Treatment Recommendation System for Multimorbidity

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghasempour, Elahe (Author) ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
    Multimorbidity in an individual is a typical and increasing condition and a major challenge in healthcare. The goal of treatment recommendation for such patients is to decide the most effective combination of treatments. Doctors typically prescribe medication based on their intuition and experience. However, due to knowledge gaps or unintended biases, often times these clinical decisions can be sub-optimal. Broad adoption and usage of electronic health records (EHRs) in the last decade has opened up a great opportunity to leverage healthcare data to improve clinical decisions.In this approach we use EHR and drug-drug interaction (DDI) information to prescribe medications. We use multiple... 

    Approximation Approaches for Ontology Alignment

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghasempour, Rouhollah (Author) ; Abolhassani, Hassan (Supervisor)
    Ontology alignment is a process for selection of a good mapping between entities of two (or more) ontologies. It can be viewed as a two phase process of: 1) Find the similarity of each pair of entities from two ontologies, and 2) Extraction of an optimal or near optimal mapping. Many researches had been down in the first phase, but researches in the second phase are little. Mapping extraction approaches applied in ontology alignment use similarity matrix to extract mapping, and ontologies have not any role in mapping extraction phase. One of the most important components in ontology is its structure which can help us in alignment extraction.
    In this thesis, an approach was proposed that... 

    Evaluation the Surface Settlement and Interaction Between Tunnelinline2 and Metro Station Inline1 of Mashhad Metro at Intersection Using 3-D Numerical Modeling

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghasempour, Hamid (Author) ; Sadaghiani, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
    In this study, the interaction of tunneling of line 2 of Mashhad metro and existing metro station (Shariati station) in line 1 has been investigated. To produce the stress and displacement which is caused by excavation of station, the process of station excavation has been modeled by method of cut and cover.This method is the common method for station construction at Shallow depth and is used in several cases in line 1 of Mashhad metro. The piled-raft system is used in foundation of central part of the station to reduce the settlements and the effects of interactions between the station and new tunnel. The new tunnel under the station is surrounded by two rows of lateral piles with distance... 

    VLSI Architecture of Turbo Decoder for LTE

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ardakani, Arash (Author) ; Shabany, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    Long Term Evolution (LTE) aims the peak data rates in excess of 300 Mb/s, which may appear to be challenging to achieve due to the existence of some blocks such as the turbo decoder. One efficient approach to achieve this throughput is by parallelizing the Log Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) algorithm in the turbo decoder. In fact, the interleaver is known to be a major challenging part of the turbo decoder due to its need to the parallel interleaved memory access. LTE uses Quadratic Permutation Polynomial (QPP) interleaver, which makes it suitable for the parallel decoding. In this thesis, first, we propose an efficient architecture for the QPP interleaver, called the Add-Compare-Select (ACS)... 

    An efficient max-log MAP algorithm for VLSI implementation of turbo decoders

    , Article Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 24 May 2015 through 27 May 2015 ; Volume 2015-July , 2015 , Pages 1794-1797 ; 02714310 (ISSN) ; 9781479983919 (ISBN) Ardakani, A ; Shabany, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    Long term evolution (LTE)-advanced aims the peak data rates in excess of 3 Gbps for the next generation wireless communication systems. Turbo codes, the specified channel coding scheme in LTE, suffers from a low-decoding throughput due to its iterative decoding algorithm. One efficient approach to achieve a promising throughput is to use multiple Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) cores in parallel, resulting in a large area overhead, a big drawback. The scaled Max-log MAP algorithm is a common approach to implement the MAP algorithm due to its efficient architecture with its acceptable performance. Although many works have been reported to reduce the area of the MAP unit, an efficient VLSI... 

    A novel area-efficient VLSI architecture for recursion computation in LTE turbo decoders

    , Article IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs ; Volume 62, Issue 6 , 2015 , Pages 568-572 ; 15497747 (ISSN) Ardakani, A ; Shabany, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2015
    Long-term evolution (LTE) is aimed to achieve the peak data rates in excess of 300 Mb/s for the next-generation wireless communication systems. Turbo codes, the specified channel-coding scheme in LTE, suffer from a low-decoding throughput due to its iterative decoding algorithm. One efficient approach to achieve a promising throughput is to use multiple maximum a posteriori (MAP) cores in parallel, resulting in a large area overhead. The two computationally challenging units in an MAP core are α and β recursion units. Although several methods have been proposed to shorten the critical path of these recursion units, their area-efficient architecture with minimum silicon area is still missing.... 

    A low-complexity fully scalable interleaver/address generator based on a novel property of QPP interleavers

    , Article Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 28 May 2017 through 31 May 2017 ; 2017 ; 02714310 (ISSN) ; 9781467368520 (ISBN) Ardakani, A ; Shabany, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    5-th generation mobile networks aim the peak data rates in excess of few Gbs, which may appear to be challenging to achieve due to the existence of some blocks such as the turbo decoder. In fact, the interleaver is known to be a major challenging part of the turbo decoder due to its need to the parallel interleaved memory access. LTE uses Quadratic Permutation Polynomial (QPP) interleaver, which makes it suitable for the parallel decoding. In this paper, a new property of the QPP interleaver, called the correlated shifting property, is theoretically proved, leading to a fully scalable interleaver and a low-complexity address generator for an arbitrary order of parallelism. The proposed... 

    Stochastic Cauchy Problem in UMD Banach Spaces

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghasempour, Mohammad (Author) ; Zohuri Zangeneh, Bijan (Supervisor)
    We discuss, in the setting of UMD Banach spaces E, existence, uniqueness and the continuous dependence on the data A, F, G and of mild solutions of semilinear stochastic evolution equations with multiplicative noise of the form dX(t) = [AX(t) + F(t;X(t))]dt + G(t;X(t))dWH(t); t 2 [0; T]; X(0) = ; Where A generates an analytic C0-semigroup on a UMD Banach space E and WH is a cylindrical Brownian motion with values in a Hilbert space H. We can see that if the mappings F : [0; T] E ! E and G : [0; T] E ! L(H;E) satisfy suitable Lipschitz conditions and is F0-measurable and bounded, then this problem has a unique mild solution.And We arw going to review continuous dependence of the solutions... 

    Csr Effect on Customer Loyalty during a Pandemic: a Case Study of Mobile-Phone Operator Companies in Iran

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghasempour Negati, Mobin (Author) ; Kiamehr, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    Customer loyalty plays one of the most vital roles in business profitability. This concept gives special prominence to attaining new customers, which is by far less costly than attracting new ones. Therefore, investigating the impact of factors affecting customer retention is of precise significance. In the respect, corporate social responsibility, as an imperative factor impacting customer loyalty, gained more attention by various companies in the last decades.Over the past few months, the world has encountered the hazard of the Coronavirus pandemic. Most aspects of daily life in different parts of the globe have been affected by this disease. Companies are no exception. The coronavirus has... 

    Investigating the Effect of Communication of the Family Nature of Business on the Organizational Reputation, Measuring the Mediating Role of Brand Equity and Corporate Social Responsibility

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghasempour, Dana (Author) ; Khalili Nasr, Arash (Supervisor)
    According to official statistics, family businesses form the majority of businesses around the world. When we talk about businesses, we are more likely to say that those firms face issues related to family businesses.One of the trending topics that has recently been considered by researchers and a lot of research has been done in this regard, is specific issues related to marketing and branding of family businesses.In this study, we tried to examine the family business brand in terms of reputation. Reputation is the perception in the minds of brand stakeholders about the brand and the organization. So we tried to take as fair and accurate a sample as possible, to seek the opinions of...