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    Investigation and Synthesis of Zn-Ni-Mn Three Cationic Electrophosphate Coating

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Alimi, Zahra (Author) ; Ghorbani, Mohamad (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this study was to create a three-cationic electro phosphate coating of zinc-nickel-manganese by cathodic method and to investigate the effect of operating variables on the properties of zinc-nickel-manganese tri-cationic electro phosphate coating. Hence, the effects of variables such as coating acidity, coating thickness, coating temperature, coating time and concentration of manganese were studied in the bath on the properties such as coating morphology, corrosion resistance, coating thickness. Coating morphology was characterized by scanning electron microscopy and corrosion resistance by polarization test. The pH values of 1.4, 1.8, 2 and 2.2 were selected, and the results... 

    Investigation of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Modified by Platinum Nanoparticles as Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Salmani Rezaie, Salva (Author) ; Dolati, Abolghasem (Supervisor) ; Ghorbani, Mohamad (Supervisor)
    The present research describes sensing behavior of modified aligned carbon nanotubes toward detection of hydrogen sulfide. Aligned carbon nanotubes were grown on etched stainless steel by thermal chemical vapor deposition. Obtained CNTs have curved closed tips and bamboo like structure. Purification of carbon nanotubes were performed by electrochemical oxidation of CNTs. Potential cycling was applied on grown CNTs in different acid solutions and 0.2 M sulfuric acid was chosen to oxidize the CNTs. Carboxylic functional groups were produced by electrochemical oxidation of CNTs and can be observed in FTIR studies. These groups enhanced the electrochemical properties of electrodes and may act as... 

    Developing a Simulator for Concurrent Execution of Multiple Workflows in Fog Computing Environment

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rayej, Mohamad Amin (Author) ; Izadi, Mohamad (Supervisor)
    Fog computing environment consists of several devices which distribute across an arbitrary topology. Each of these devices is capable of carrying out a designated computation simultaneously with other devices. One of the common ways of describing a computation is through the usage of workflows. Workflow is a flexible and formal way of modeling tasks and their requirements for execution. A workflow is essentially a DAG. Therefore, it can model the data dependency between tasks quite accurately. The complex structure of a workflow in conjunction with the homogenous nature of devices in a fog environment makes it difficult to find a resource management algorithm to minimize execution time, used... 

    Investigation of the Drop Tank Influence on Range and Optimization of Its Geometry

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nasiri Khansari, Mohamad Tagi (Author) ; Durali, Mohamad (Supervisor)
    This project focuses on the design of fuel drop tanks for airplanes that add minimal drag and positive lift to the flying object. This will obviously effect the stability and dynamic performance of the airplane. To reduce adverse dynamic effects the tank was divided to several segment with a special emptying sequence. The add-on tank has to have no interference with the object existing systems and require minimum structural changes in the object. Several designs were proposed and the one gaining highest marks was selected. The flow field and the dynamic behavior of combined vehicle and drop tanks were studied using FE simulations. The result shows that adding a drop tank with optimized... 

    A Stochastic Model for Cancer Tumor Growth

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Miraboutalebi, Mohamad Hosein (Author) ; Foroughmand Arabi, Mohamad Hadi (Supervisor) ; Alishahi, Kasra (Co-Supervisor)
    Cancer can be defined as a stochastic phenomenon. Thus, the tumor growth can be defined as a stochastic process. A Cancer tumor can be analyzed by its geometric shape. Furthermore, computing fractal dimension of shapes is a useful technique to analyze chaosity and complexity of shapes. This approach can be used to compare results from laboratory with simulated results of a mathematical model. A stochastic model of tumor growth will be presented. And some geometrical properties will be analyzed through computer simulation of the model  

    A Biomechanical Model for Evaluation of Shoulder Function: Detecting the
    Relationship Between Muscles Activation Patterns and Shoulder Joint Torques Using Synergy Concept

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nassajian Moghadam, Mohamad Reza (Author) ; Parnianpour, Mohamad (Supervisor) ; Asghari, Mohsen (Supervisor)
    The effects of combined task demands on the way muscles are recruited to balance external loads during posture and movement is of great importance in quantitative analysis of upper arm function. Pain and disability of shoulder joint is becoming more important as population spends more often interacting with computers in seated position and carrying repetitive tasks using upper extremities. Shoulder joint that is more dependent on the muscles for its normal function than other joints such as hip due to its small articular surface and large range motion has been used here to study its coordination during isometric exertions. Since, the numbers of tasks that could be performed are enormous. In... 

    Experimental Study of Fuel Concentration Fluctuations on Diffusion Flame Structure

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fathieh, Farhad (Author) ; Farshchi, Mohamad (Supervisor)
    In the present study, the axisymmetric liquid gas/air diffusion flame in the presence of fuel concentration oscillations and velocity perturbations has been investigated experimentally. Several industrial combustions take a place by diffusion mechanism which necessitate scientists to make far better understanding of diffusion flames. In order to study diffusion flames, the instrument with two separated lines of fuel and air has been developed. Nitrogen is used for fuel dilution oscillatory with pulse of 1, 2, and 4 Hz frequencies. The pulse duration effects on flame structure are also studied. The flame shape has been captured by high speed camera and the results are processed by image... 

    Experimental Study on a Non-Premixed Swirl-Stabilized Burner

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mosadegh, Sepehr (Author) ; Farshchi, Mohamad (Supervisor)
    Burner scaling criteria have been studied and the most appropriate one has been selected to scale down a large industrial burner. The sub-scaled non-premixed swirl-stabilized burner is manufactured to ensure that the available experimental setup and equipment are sufficient and practical for characterizing the burner. The aim of the research is to assist the future design optimization with the identifications which have been done. The constant residence time method is selected in this project and it is shown that this is the proper criteria for non-premixed and swirl-stabilized burners. For better identification, stability maps of the flame are extracted with the experimental methodology for... 

    Laboratory and Numerical Study of External Corrosion Effect on the Integrity of Sea Pipelines

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Afzalimir, Hamidreza (Author) ; Raie, Mohamad (Supervisor)
    This research evaluates the effect of external corrosion geometry and bending moment on the burst pressure of pipes. In recent decades, the use of natural resources of offshore oil and gas has increased, as a result, the use of offshore pipelines for transferring products has grown dramatically. At the same time, numerous accidents and explosions in offshore pipelines and its economic and environmental consequences indicates the importance of ensuring safe operation. Pipeline Integrity Management has been developed to ensure safe and efficient operation of pipelines. Integrity management includes planning, inspection, evaluation and repair. This cycle is checked continuously. The importance... 

    Analyzing Airport Saturation Based on Continuous Descent Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Norouzi, Ramin (Author) ; Malaek, Mohamad Bagher (Supervisor)
    Airport saturation is one of the important issues which have always been of the specialists’ concern. One of the major applications of this subject is at the airport approach problems. While using current conventional approach procedures have many disadvantages regarding high fuel consumption and subsequent much environmental and noise pollution, the CDA concept which is one of the modern topics introduced in consequence of free flight theory, has less such disadvantages compared to conventional approach. Subject of this study is to investigate whether Procedural approach or CDA saturates an aiport sooner if the traffic flow increases. In this dissertation, using BADA database, CDA... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology (Author) ; Ghorbani, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In the preceding years, hydroxyapatite (HA)-based coatings and scaffolds have been known as the best biomaterials for dental and orthopedics applications. Biocompatible and bioactive hydroxyapatite-based Coatings on metallic implants is one of the best methods for reaching both suitable mechanical properties and appropriate bioactivity, leading to better osseointegration and osteoblast proliferation. The ultimate goal of this project is characterization as well as mechanical and electrochemical behavior investigation of Hydroxyapatite- Chitosan nanocomposite coating by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) method on Plasma Electrolyte Oxidation (PEO) treated titanium substrates and Magnesium (Mg)... 

    Effects of Wind Shear Flow on the Aeroelastic Performance of a Large-Scale Wind Turbine with UBEM

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hossein, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Ebrahimi, Abbas (Supervisor) ; Taeibi-Rahni, Mohamad (Supervisor) ; Rezaei, Mohamad Mahdi (Co-Supervisor)
    Study of the structural flexibility of large-scale wind turbine components on aeroelastic performance is important under the existence of critical atmospheric conditions. Prediction and control the critical deformations, identifying maximum local deformation and modeling the forces involved, are required. Aeroelasticity analysis is a suitable method for studying the coupling effects of wind turbine aerodynamics, dynamics and structures. This research has been done by modeling wind turbine components including blades, hub, nacelle and tower, taking into account aerodynamic couplings, dynamics and structures. Considering the large scale of reference wind turbine, nonlinear equations have added... 

    The Role of the Religion in the Assessment of Scientific Theories

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Momeni, Mohamad Reza (Author) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    The problem of science-religion relation is considered here, considering realism and the cognitive status of religious statements and accepting the existence of common issues between science and religion. Different approaches have been adopted to explain this relation. One of the approaches which have been proposed in recent years has been the issue of religious science, which is considered to solve incompatible issues between science and religion. The possibility of religious science is one of the important problems that have attracted the mind of some Muslim scholars and some devoted Muslims. Some motivation could be mentioned for bringing in this issue, like the removal of conflict... 

    Numerical Modeling of the Behavior of Base Plates with Various Degrees of Rigidity

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shafieifar, Mohamad Reza (Author) ; Khonsari, Vahid (Supervisor)
    Connections have a crucial role in the behavior of every structure. Amongst various types of connections used in steel structures are those used to connect the columns to the foundations, namely Base Plates. As other types of connections, base plates control the behavior of the structure in various respects including affecting the effective length of columns. The main task of any base plate is to distribute the forces of the column on the foundation in such a manner that the stresses in concrete are below their allowable values. Different configurations, with or without various attachments, are used for designing the base plates hence achieving various types of behavior with various levels... 

    A Conceptual Framework for Networked Businesses

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sohanian, Mohamad Reza (Author) ; Modarres, Abdolhamid (Supervisor)
    Networked business is a kind of businesses, relatively new and very complex, worthy of more analysis and study. From all types of networked businesses, “Platform based” ones are subject of this study. To solve “the problem of networked business”, in this study we try to develop a conceptual framework, using different disciplines especially:
    - Business model studies
    - Network science and social network studies
    - Economic and strategic studies of platforms
    Besides some new business concepts defined and theorized in this study, reader will find the conceptual architecture, applicable to the general of the business  

    Decision Analysis and Revenue Management In Health-Care

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Samadi, Mohamad Reza (Author) ; Koorosh, Eshghi (Supervisor)
    Nowadays, Resource Capacity Management (RCM) is one of the main challenges for industries which have a limited capacity to meet the demands. Revenue Management (RM) is a technique that controls the supply, improves the quality of Capacity Management and maximizes the revenue. Supplying the products and services to different groups of customers is a decision making problem.While the classic RM techniques take into account only the expected revenue, preferences of decision makers strongly affect the results. In this study, utility theory has been proposed because the healthcare industries are usually nonprofitable and they are not highly focused on the revenue gained by their products and... 

    Using Decoupling Techniques in Control of Fractional-Order TITO Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Azimi, Farzad (Author) ; Tavazoei, Mohamad Saleh (Supervisor)
    The purpose of this thesis is presenting some decoupling methods for fractional-order two input-two outputs (TITO) systems in order to using in control applications. To achieve this purpose, some methods which have been proposed for decoupling of integer-order systems have been studied and then generalized to be used in decoupling of the fractional-order systems. These methods are classified in two classes: state space based methods and transfer function based methods. Also, in this thesis the proposed decoupling methods have been used in control of some fractional-order TITO systems  

    Hydroelastic Analysis of Surface Piercing Propeller

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Fatemeh, Shahreki (Author) ; Seif, Mohamad Saeed (Supervisor)
    Surface piercing propellers are particular type of supercavitating propellers that are commonly used for High-speed vessels. Most studies on this type of propellers has been investigating the hydrodynamic forces. But in recent years with increase in SPPs diameter used in vessels, structural analysis of this type of propellers is considered. For this purpose, studies on the stresses exerted on the propeller structures under load is done with the help of Hydro elastic methods. In this type of analysis, structura of propeller is intended to be flexible and Displacements under pressure checked and Tensions resulting from it are studied.
    The present Thesis using ANSYS software to analyze a... 

    Experimental Evaluation and Characterization of Piezo-film Force Sensors in Graspers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Veyseh, Mohamad Ali (Author) ; Farahmand, Farzam (Supervisor)
    Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is a new surgical technique in which surgery is performed using smart instruments and viewing apparatus inserted through a very small incision rather than by making a large incision to expose, and afford access to the operation site. Piezo film force sensor can be used in MIS graspers for providing tactile data to overcome problems such as lack of sense of touch or to find hidden arteries.This thesis, investigates fundamental understanding of piezo film sensor especially when we want to connect these sensors to measurement units.Two different approaches for signal conditioning the sensor have been proposed and circuits have been fabricated. Several... 

    A Comparative Study between Available Lifting Tools for Assessment of Risk of Back Injuries

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rajaee, Mohamad Ali (Author) ; Arjmand, Navid (Supervisor)
    Epidemiological studies have identified manual material handling and lifting as risk factors in occupational low back pain (LBP). There are many lifting analysis tools to estimate the risk of injury during a specific lifting task. One for using these tools, needs to know the limitations of each tool and be noticed where a tool cannot be used. The purpose of this study is to compare different biomechanical models of lumbar spine and find out their characteristics.Five models are chosen for this study which are: the University of Michigan’s Static Strength Prediction Program ( ) software, the revised Hand-Calculation Back Compressive Force (HCBCF) equation, the simple polynomial equation of...