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An Abstract Model for Perso-Arabic Typography
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Tabesh, Yahya (Supervisor)
In this research, we provide an abstract model for the typography of Persian language (Perso-Arabic script) and study two text corpora based on the Unicode properties of characters and this model. Then we search the corpora for phrases with special properties, based on the abstract model
A Novel Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Nanoparticle as Extracting Medium For Micro-Solid Phase Extraction
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Bagheri, Habib (Supervisor)
This thesis cantain two section. In the first section a novel extracting medium based on magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) nanoparticles was synthesized by chemical polymerization for micro-solid phase extraction. In this work, the modified chitosan magnetite nanoparticles (MNP-CS) was synthesized by co-precipitating Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the chitosan solution [1,2]. The characteristic properties of Fe3O4@MIPs nanoparticles were determined using Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. Extraction efficiency of the novel extracting medium was compared with MNP-CS sorbents for the determination of RhB in aqueous samples, via quantification by spectrofluorimetry. The obtained results...
Task migration in mesh NOCs over virtual point-to-point connections
, Article Proceedings - 19th International Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2011 ; 2011 , p. 463-469 ; ISBN: 9780769543284 ; Sarbazi-Azad, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Processor allocation in todays many core MPSoCs is a challenging task, especially since the order and requirements of incoming applications are unknown during design stage. To improve network performance, balance the workload across processing cores, or mitigate the effect of hot processing elements in thermal management methodologies, task migration is a method which has attracted much attention in recent years. Runtime task migration was first proposed in multicomputer with load balancing as the major objective. However, specific NoC properties such as limited amount of communication buffers, more sensitivity to implementation complexity, and tight latency and power consumption constraints...
Task migration in mesh NOCs over virtual point-to-point connections
, Article 19th International Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, PDP 2011, Ayia Napa, 9 February 2011 through 11 February 2011 ; 2011 , Pages 463-469 ; 9780769543284 (ISBN) ; Sarbazi Azad, H ; Sharif University of Technology
Processor allocation in todays many core MPSoCs is a challenging task, especially since the order and requirements of incoming applications are unknown during design stage. To improve network performance, balance the workload across processing cores, or mitigate the effect of hot processing elements in thermal management methodologies, task migration is a method which has attracted much attention in recent years. Runtime task migration was first proposed in multicomputer with load balancing as the major objective. However, specific NoC properties such as limited amount of communication buffers, more sensitivity to implementation complexity, and tight latency and power consumption constraints...
The Static and Dynamic Relationship between Monetary and Multidimensional Poverty Approaches
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Fatemi Ardestani, Farshad (Supervisor)
The identification of the poor and the elimination of their poverty always has been the subject of discussion among researchers and policymakers. Today, most researchers consider poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon, and in addition to income indicator, it has indicators related to the level of knowledge, awareness, well-being and the health of individuals. The study of multidimensional poverty and the search for the discovery of its static and dynamic relationship with income-based poverty is the subject of this research. The analysis shows that both statically and dynamically, there is a substantial mismatch in the identification of the poor households according to these two...
Propagation of SH Wave in Elastic Media with Cylindrical Inhomogeneity at Micro and Nano Scales by Couple Stress Theory
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Mohammadi Shodja, Hossein (Supervisor)
It is well known that the classical continuum theory does not consider size effect in predicting material’s behavior, however at the micro and nano scales, this effect is not negligible and the classical theory has deficiencies at these scales. To take into account the size effect, higher order continuum theories introduce new material constants into the formulation. One famous version of these theories is couple stress which is applied in this research. This theory considers size effect of inhomogeneity by employing Characteristic length of materials. Quasi-static couple stress and classical dynamic approaches do not include explicitly the size of the material unit cell in the formulation...
Evaluation of Performance and Power Consumption of the Task Migration Schemes in the Mesh NoC
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Sarbazi Azad, Hamid (Supervisor)
With the advance of the semiconductor technology, it has been feasible now to fabricate high performance multiprocessor systems-on-chips, containing tens and in the near future hundreds of processing cores. Meanwhile, the diminished technology feature size and high power consumption limit in using previous communication structures such as shared buses. Networks-on-Chip (NoC) have been introduced to obviate these constraints by providing high modularity, scalability and inherent parallelism. Design of these interconnect structures includes multiple tradeoffs between delays, throughput, energy consumption and silicon area requirements. So far, many mechanisms have been proposed to improve the...
Course Scheduling Problem in Sharif University of Technology
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Salmasi, Naser (Supervisor)
This study strives to solve the course scheduling problem based on the constraints in Sharif University. In course scheduling problem, first we need to assign each course to a professor (This is done according to professors’ preferences in Sharif University) then we assign each course to a classroom and a time slot subject to professors, classrooms and time constraints (For example no two courses can be assigned to the same classroom at the same time slot). If solved manually, the solving process will take several days and at best results in a feasible solution. The education department is responsible for scheduling 661courses in five days a week and assigning them to 56 classrooms...
Control of DFIG-Based Wind Generation to Improve Inter-area Oscillation Damping
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ranjbar, Ali Mohammad (Supervisor)
Low-frequency oscillation damping in power system is main determinants of the stability of the system. According to increasing of wind farms with high penetration levels in the power system, participation and control of wind farms for increase damping inter area oscillations seems important. In this study a damping controller suggested for Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). Using this controller and only available local signal as input controller and combination of both active and reactive power modulation, can greatly increase damping inter area oscillations and stability of uncertainty and different working points. Using linear analysis system, identified modes oscillating system and...
Coordinated Strategy of Price-maker Renewable Generation and Thermal Units in Elrctricity Market
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ranjbar, Ali Mohammad (Supervisor)
Wind energy, as a type of renewable energy resource, is clean and is rapidly growing globally. The intermittency in the production of wind energy is the most major obstacle for these producers in a competitive electricity market, to compete with thermal units. Most existing models in the literature mitigate the risk of wind power, by coordinating them with energy storages such as pumped storages power plant. Here, in this thesis, another risk mitigation approach is introduced which combines wind energy and natural gas power plant in an electricity market. In addition, as the penetration level of wind power grows, the wind power producers must be considered as a price-maker player which their...
Design of Steam Turbine Control Valves Seat on Site Machinning Robot
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Durali, Mohammad (Supervisor)
Designing a part of an on site repair system for refurbishing steam turbine high pressure control valve has been done in this project. The main role of this control valve is to control the input flow to the turbine in different working condition . However, due to high temperature and pressure, the seat is exposed to erosion. R epairing this part in workshop requires great amount of time and cost, because the valve is a part of the turbine body and must be cut and rewelded to the turbine body. S o using an on-site repair method is highly needed. In addition, due to the limited visibility and access to the valve seat, and accurate...
Resistance spot welding of MS1200 martensitic advanced high strength steel: microstructure-properties relationship
, Article Journal of Manufacturing Processes ; Volume 31 , 2018 , Pages 867-874 ; 15266125 (ISSN) ; Sobhani, S ; Goodarzi, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
This paper addresses the microstructure and tensile-shear mechanical performance of MS1200 Giga-grade martensitic advanced high strength steel resistance spot welds. The key phase transformations in MS1200 welds were lath martensite formation in the fusion zone (FZ) and upper-critical heat affected zone (HAZ), new ferrite formation in the inter-critical HAZ and martensite tempering in the sub-critical HAZ. The MS1200 welds were featured by a near matching hardness in the fusion zone and under-matching hardness in the heat affected zone (HAZ) compared to the base metal. At certain process window a complete nugget pullout and separation was observed with high post-necking tearing energy. The...
Direct yaw moment controller design for vehicle dynamic control systems
, Article Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Sumulation and Optimization, Banff, Alta., 2 July 2003 through 4 July 2003 ; 2003 , Pages 120-124 ; 0889863725 (ISBN) ; Naderkhani, B ; Esmailzadeh, E ; Sharif University of Technology
Direct yaw moment control (DYMC) is one of the most effective method that improves not only the directional stability of the vehicles but also their road handling and controllability to a great extent. In this method by developing a difference in the longitudinal force (often the braking force) on two sides of the vehicle, an external stabilizing yaw moment is applied to the vehicle. In this study, an optimal control law for DYMC is proposed. The control law is based on the yaw rate, the lateral velocity feedback, and the steering angle feedforward. Simulation results obtained indicate that considerable improvement in the vehicle dynamic behavior can be achieved when the optimal yaw moment...
Experimental and Simulation Study to Determine the Fracture Flow Functions in Two Phase Systems at Core Scale
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Ghazanfari, Mohammad Hossein (Supervisor)
Fractured reservoirs have allocated a significant portion of Iran's and the world's oil and gas reserves, underscoring the importance of predicting the performance of these reservoir types in the oil and gas industry. Predicting the performance of fractured reservoirs by professional reservoir simulators, especially in enhanced recovery conditions, requires precise information on fracture flow functions, which is often limited. These functions vary for each reservoir based on the distinct characteristics of the rock and fluid, and the only way to determine them is through appropriate laboratory experimentation and modeling of the results. Currently, in simulation models, the relative...
On the h-vector of a simplicial complex with Serre's condition
, Article Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra ; Volume 216, Issue 1 , January , 2012 , Pages 91-94 ; 00224049 (ISSN) ; Pournaki, M. R ; Seyed Fakhari, S. A ; Yassemi, S
Let δ be a (d-1)-dimensional simplicial complex and let h(δ)=(h0,h1,...,hd) be its h-vector. A recent result of Murai and Terai guarantees that if δ satisfies Serre's condition (Sr), then (h0,h1,...,hr) is an M-vector and hr+hr+1+...+hd is nonnegative. In this article, we extend the result of Murai and Terai by giving r extra necessary conditions. More precisely, we prove that if δ satisfies Serre's condition (Sr), then iihr+i+1ihr+1+...+i+d-rihd, 0≤i≤r≤d, are all nonnegative
Inverse scattering problem of reconstruction of an embedded micro-/nano-size scatterer within couple stress theory with micro inertia
, Article Mechanics of Materials ; Volume 103 , 2016 , Pages 123-134 ; 01676636 (ISSN) ; Fotouhi, M ; Shodja, H. M ; Sharif University of Technology
As long as the size of the embedded scatterer in comparison to the internal length scale of its surrounding elastic matrix is large, then the linear sampling method (LSM) and singular sources method (SSM) can be used in conjunction with classical theory of elasticity to reconstruct the size of the scatterer with reasonable accuracy. On the other hand, for the micro-/nano-size scatterer this treatment ceases to hold due to the shortcomings of classical theory of elasticity. Moreover, in the realm of this theory, wave propagation through a homogeneous medium is nondispersive on the macro-scale even for high frequency waves. This outcome is incompatible with the practical observations. A remedy...
On the Study and Comparison of the Post-yield Strain Softening in Polymer and Cellular Solid under Compression Loading
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Bagheri, Reza (Supervisor)
Strain softening after the yield point is a prevalent phenomenon in the stress-strain response of cellular solids, consisting of porosities in micro/macro-meter scale, as well as polymers, consisting of free volumes in sub-nanometer molecular scale. Although the underlying micromechanisms for softening in cellular solids are already known, the molecular origin for softening in polymers is still unknown. In this thesis, the micromechanisms of the softening in both materials are investigated. Then, a hypothesis is raised and evaluated to connect the nano-mechanics of softening in polymers to the micro-mechanics of softening in cellular solids. Experiments of compression test, positron-based...
A numerical approach to study the post-yield softening in cellular solids: role of microstructural ordering and cell size distribution
, Article Acta Mechanica ; Volume 228, Issue 6 , 2017 , Pages 2005-2016 ; 00015970 (ISSN) ; Bagheri, R ; Altstadt, V ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer-Verlag Wien
Designing meta-materials and cellular solids with biomimetic structures has received increasing attention in the past few years partially due to advances in additive manufacturing techniques that have enabled the fabrication of advanced materials with arbitrarily complex microarchitectures and novel functionalities. To impact on this trend, it is essential to develop our understanding about the role of microstructure on mechanical responses of these structures. Although a large literature exists on the general subject, the role of microstructure on the post-yield instability is not yet adequately documented. This research introduces a numerical approach to study the post-yield instability in...
Shear band propagation in honeycombs: numerical and experimental
, Article Rapid Prototyping Journal ; Volume 24, Issue 2 , 2018 , Pages 477-484 ; 13552546 (ISSN) ; Bagheri, R ; Altstadt, V ; Sharif University of Technology
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd
Purpose: Hexagonal honeycombs with meso-metric cell size show excellent load bearing and energy absorption potential, which make them attractive in many applications. However, owing to their bend-dominated structure, honeycombs are susceptible to deformation localization. The purpose of this study is to provide insight about shear band propagation in struts of 3D-printed honeycombs and its relation to the achieved macroscopic mechanical behavior. Design/methodology/approach: Hexagonal honeycombs and unit cell models are 3D-printed by fused deposition modeling (FDM). The samples are exposed to compression loading and digital image correlation technique and finite element analyses are...
Tailoring the graphene polarity through the facile and one-step electrochemical exfoliation in low concentration of exfoliation agents
, Article FlatChem ; Volume 22 , July , 2020 ; Pircheraghi, G ; Khonakdar, H. A ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
Graphene nanoplatelets with different oxidation degrees, from low polar few-layer graphene (FLG) to high polar graphene oxide (GO) in the same current and concentration of the oxidizing agent in low concentrated electrolytes ((NH4)2SO4, Sodium Do-decyl Sulfate (SDS), and HNO3) are prepared through a one-step and cost-effective electrochemical synthesis route to find the effect of electrolyte on the surface polarity of powders. In order to use a wide variety of electrolytes, basic, neutral, and acidic electrolytes in a concentration as low as 0.2 M are used. Exfoliated graphene nanoplatelets without any further process are obtained to simplify and accelerate the synthesis process. Several...