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    Dynamic Modeling of Integrated Pre-Combustion CO2 Capture in Natural Gas Combined Cycle

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Goshayeshi, Bahman (Author) ; Soltanieh, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    In this project dynamic effect of changes in gas turbine load on power plant, reforming and Co2 capture section is investigate. The reason for study of effects change of gas turbine load is that gas turbine determines the performance of the other parts in combined cycle including gas cycle and change of gas turbine load can alter the load and the performance of other parts in the power plant and in other process such as production of synthesis gas and carbon dioxide separation unit. One Autothermal reactor and eight sewgs reactor are utilized to produce gas turbine fuel which is mainly consist of Hydrogen. this part of thesis is to be implemented in the gPROMS from process system enterprise... 

    Observation of cosmic rays by Alborz -1 array

    , Article Iranian Journal of Physics Research ; Volume 17, Issue 3 , 2017 , Pages 473-484 ; 16826957 (ISSN) Bahman Abadi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Isfahan University of Technology  2017
    The first phase of the Alborz Observatory Array (Alborz-1) consists of 20 plastic scintillation detectors each one with surface area of 0.25 m2 spread over an area of 40×40 m2 realized to the study of Extensive Air Showers around the knee at the Sharif University of Technology campus. The first stage of the project including construction and operation of a prototype system has now been completed and the electronics that will be used in the array instrument has been tested under field conditions. In order to achieve a realistic estimate of the array performance, a large number of simulated CORSIKA showers have been used. In the present work, theoretical results obtained in the study of... 

    Energy Optimization in Visbreaker Furnace

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Goshayeshi, Babak (Author) ; Pishvaie, Mahmoud Reza (Supervisor) ; Farhadi, Fathollah (Supervisor)
    In this project Visbreaker furnace was modeled and optimized. For this goal, Lobo & Evans method and refinery data was used. Effect of parameters such as, excess air, stack height, decoking period, burn out and fuel heat value were investigated. Among optimization method, genetic algorithm and MITA (Musical Instrument Tempering Algorithm) were used to minimizing cost function of furnace. Also based on Zone method, profiles of properties of process fluid were obtained. Finally fuzzy logic was used for furnace behavior identification  

    Robot control using an inexpensive P300 based BCI

    , Article 26th National and 4th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME 2019, 27 November 2019 through 28 November 2019 ; 2019 , Pages 204-207 ; 9781728156637 (ISBN) Bahman, S ; Shamsollahi, M. B ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2019
    Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) are an important concept of biomedical engineering because of their ability to improve life conditions for people with different disabilities. Lots of studies have worked on important characteristics of BCI systems, such as speed and accuracy, whereas price is an important aspect too. Thus, a low cost BCI system with high accuracy clearly can help more people. Our purpose in this study is to design a P300 based BCI system using a low-priced EEG headset which has an acceptable accuracy. Our final design got a mean real-time accuracy of 93.3% which is comparable to systems with much more expensive hardware. © 2019 IEEE  

    Performance Evaluation of Membrane Bioreactors in Treating Municipal Wastewater

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hatami Bahman Beyglou, Elnaz (Author) ; Torkian, Ayoub (Supervisor)
    Membrane bioreactors can replace the activated sludge process and the final clarification step in municipal wastewater treatment. The combination of bioreactor and crossflow microfiltration allows for a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction of synthetic wastewater. In this study, experimental data from a laboratory scale membrane bioreactor are presented. In order to investigate the influence of various operating parameters such as hydraulic retention time (HRT), biomass concentration and organic loading rate on organic pollutant removal, the pilot scale submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) with a Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) hollow fiber membrane module was conducted using synthetic... 

    Frozen leg operation of a three-phase dual active bridge DC/DC converter at light loads

    , Article Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC ; Volume 2018-March , 18 April , 2018 , Pages 3385-3391 ; 9781538611807 (ISBN) Haghbin, S ; Blaabjerg, F ; Yazdani, F ; Bahman, A. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2018
    A three-phase dual active bridge (DAB) converter is designed and constructed as the DC/DC stage of a 50 kW fast charger station. Recently introduced 300A SiC power modules and drivers are utilized in the converter to obtain a high efficiency. Each module has two interconnected switches with anti-parallel diodes resembling a converter leg. It is observed that the driver halts the module operation as a result of protective actions such as over-current, gate under-voltage, or gate overvoltage. In such case the module operates as a leg with two diodes until an external hardware signal resets the driver. The aim of this paper is to provide analysis, simulation and experiments for a three-phase... 

    Numerical Study of Various Parameters Affecting Ventilation and Fire- Induced Smoke Movement in Curved Road Tunnels

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahman Shamsabadi, Mohammad Mahdi (Author) ; Farhanieh, Bijan (Supervisor)
    When a fire breaks out in a tunnel, due to the enclosure of the interior of the road tunnels, hot and poison smoke quickly spreads in the tunnel. This phenomenon, in addition to destroy the tunnel structure, causes a lot of financial and human losses. In recent years, research into fire control has become more important with the occurrence of numerous accidents in road tunnels and fatalities. Longitudinal ventilation is still the main method for controlling smoke distribution in tunnels due to lower construction costs and acceptable efficiency. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of different and effective parameters on fire control and smoke emissions in direct... 

    Experimental Aeroacoustic Investigation of Transient Impinging Jet Using Shock Tube

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Bahman Jahromi, Iman (Author) ; Ebrahimi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Ghorbanian, Kaveh (Supervisor)
    Supersonic impinging jets, similar to the jet flows exhausted from a nozzle, generate high unsteady pressure and acoustic loads on the rocket payload or the VTOL aircraft structure with possible mission failure during the launch/starting phase. In the past, experimental studies were concentrated on characterizing the steady impingement flow and not the initial transient process. It was shown that one of the main characteristics of supersonic impinging jets is the dominance of the feedback loop mechanism. The present investigation is an attempt to examine the flow characteristics of a high temperature supersonic impinging jet through a convergent-divergent nozzle during the transient starting... 

    Multiobjective optimal reactive power dispatch and voltage control: A new opposition-based self-adaptive modified gravitational search algorithm

    , Article IEEE Systems Journal ; Volume 7, Issue 4 , 2013 , Pages 742-753 ; 19328184 (ISSN) Niknam, T ; Narimani, M. R ; Azizipanah Abarghooee, R ; Bahman Firouzi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper presents a novel opposition-based self-adaptive modified gravitational search algorithm (OSAMGSA) for optimal reactive power dispatch and voltage control in power-system operation. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer, nonlinear optimization problem, which has both continuous and discrete control variables. In order to achieve the optimal value of loss, voltage deviation, and voltage stability index, it is necessary to find the optimal value of control variables such as the tap positions of tap changing transformers, generator voltages, and compensation capacitor. Therefore, this complicated problem needs to be solved by an accurate optimization algorithm. This paper... 

    Influence of Tail on the Wing Pressure Distribution of a Model at Different Conditions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Bahman Jahromi, Iman (Author) ; Soltani, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Ghorbanian, Kaveh (Supervisor)
    Control surfaces are used in combat aircrafts to control the pitching moment and to help the aircraft perform high angle of attack manoeuvres. For delta wing configuration, the flow characteristics around the horizontal tail depend on the wing and tail flow field and their interactions. The flow over delta wing is mainly characterised by strong vortices. These vortices move downstream and affect the tail flow field making the problem more complicated. The goal of this research is to study the effect of tail up wash on the horizontal wing-body- tail configurations in subsonic flow. For this purpose a series of wind tunnel tests were conducted on a model containing a moveable horizontal tail... 

    Long Lifetime Multipath Routing in Unreliable Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nikseresht, Ilnaz (Author) ; Movaghar Rahimabadi, Ali (Supervisor) ; Mehri, Bahman (Co-Advisor)
    Most of the current routing protocols in the WMSNs only consider the inter-path interference and not necessarily intra-path interference factor which is considered as one of the main causes of energy consumption in these networks. Among those protocols that consider this factor, none of them has ever come up with an algorithm capable of performing the routing without the need to use either the special hardware in the nodes (referred to as the GPS or directional antennas) or with the unrealistic assumption that the interference range is equal to the transmission range. The previously mentioned factors are critical in the sense that the former assumption results in more expensive sensor nodes... 

    Developing a Group-Contribution Thermodynamic Model Based on the SAFT-Type Equation of State for Solvent-Polymer Systems

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Mahmoudinasab, Reza (Author) ; Ghotbi, Cyrus (Supervisor) ; Taghikhani, Vahid (Supervisor) ; Behzadi, Bahman (Supervisor)
    The usual method for determination of pure component parameters of SAFT-type Equation of State (EoS) is to fit them to experimental vapor pressure and liquid density data. Since high-molecular-weight compounds, like polymers, do not have a detectable vapor pressure, there is a need for a predictive calculation method for parameters of polymers and other complex compounds. In 2008, Tihic et al. proposed a Group Contribution (GC) method for estimating molecular parameters of PC-SAFT EoS. In this thesis, it is attempted to extend the suggested method of Tihic et al. by adjusting molecular parameters of PC-SAFT EoS for about 120 new non-associating compounds using experimental data extracted... 

    One Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model with Long Range Interactions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Talebi, Amir Hossein (Author) ; Davoudi, Bahman (Supervisor) ; Rahimi Tabar, Mohammad Reza (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we have studied the ground state properties of one-dimensional many body electron systems using the extended Hubbard model. Following the important work of Tremblay and Davoudi, we have used the TPSC approach to derive explicit expressions for spin and charge response functions. The response functions are expressed in terms of the free response function χ_0 and local field factors U_cc and U_ss. The local field factors can be written in terms of the pair correlation functions. Also fluctuation-dissipation theorem allows us to write pair correlation functions in terms of the structure factors. In the first part of thesis, we study the ground state properties of the system by... 

    Phase behavior and rheology of emulsions in an alkaline/cosolvent/crude oil/brine system

    , Article Petroleum Science and Technology ; Volume 34, Issue 3 , 2016 , Pages 207-215 ; 10916466 (ISSN) Bahman Abadi, H ; Hemmati, M ; Shariat Panahi, H ; Masihi, M ; Karam Beigi, M. S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Taylor and Francis Inc  2016
    Phase behavior of active crude oil/alkaline was systematically studied in the presence of cosolvents. For this purpose, several factors have been considered: alkaline concentration, oil concentration, and type of brine. The best composition was used to generate emulsion for rheology and displacement tests. Furthermore, precipitation of alkaline was eliminated by its synergy with EDTA. Next, rheology of emulsion was analyzed by which a Power law model was developed that indicates non-Newtonian behavior of emulsion. Moreover, the viscosity of emulsion was reduced by the addition of cosolvent as well as by the increase of alkaline concentration. Finally, the best formulation (containing... 

    Effect of Kinetic and Hydrodynamic on Asphaltene Deposition in Porous Media

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Soltani Soulgani, Bahram (Author) ; Rashtchian, Davoud (Supervisor) ; Jamialahamdi, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Tohidi, Bahman (Supervisor)
    Asphaltene are the heaviest components if some crude oil which are in thermodynamic equilibrium. Any change in the equilibrium condition including change in temperature, pressure or composition may render asphaltene to come out of solution and precipitate. Asphaltene precipitation and deposition is one of the main problems in some of the oil fields. Precipitated asphaltene may deposit in the reservoir, near wellbore, wellstring, transport pipeline and surface facilities. In porous media, the deposited asphaltene over the surface and/or across pore throat can severely reduce the effective permeability and results in decreasing of the oil production. Also, the deposited asphaltene results in... 

    Experimental Study of Effect of Nano-graphen Oxide on Methane Hydrate Formation Rate and Storage Capacity

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Montazeri, Vahab (Author) ; Baghalha, Morteza (Supervisor) ; Ramazani, Ahmad (Supervisor) ; Zarenezhad, Bahman (Co-Advisor)
    According to the importance of conversion and transmission of energy, and introduction of hydrate formation process as an alternative method, in this study, the nano-graphene oxide is used to increase the rate if methane gas hydrates formation. The experiments were performed at different concentrations of 30 to 70 ppm and the results were compared with pure water. The effect of temperature and pressure on hydrate formation at temperatures of 1 and 2˚C and pressures of 48 and 53 bar were studied. And it was found that nano-graphene oxide can be used to accelerate the methane hydrates formation. The effect of ultrasonic on methane hydrate formation has been studied that it was found that the... 

    Investigation on Effects of Nanoparticles Presence on Hydrate Formation Characterization During Drilling

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jalilolghadr Ardabili, Raouf (Author) ; Mohammadi, Ali Asghar (Supervisor) ; Zarenezhad, Bahman (Co-Advisor) ; Ramazani, Ahmad (Co-Advisor)
    In past two decades, the direction of oil and gas exploration has moved towards deep water drilling. The pressure and temperature in these zones are ideal for gas hydrate formation that can cause serious and sometimes uncontrollable issues during drilling operations. Gas hydrate formation while drilling can cause problems such as occurrence of kick and blowout, plug chock and kill line, and change in rheology of drilling mud. On the other hand, nowadays, nanotechnology has created an evolution in engineering sciences and because of the wide range of this science, drilling industry is affected like other industries. In the meantime, because of high yield, high stability and various methods of... 

    Investigating the Feasibility of using Magnetic Field in Seismic Response Control of Structures

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Valizadeh, Hossein (Author) ; Rahimzadeh Rofooei, Fayaz (Supervisor) ; Kazemi, Mohammad Taghi (Supervisor) ; Ghorbani Vaghei, Bahman (Co-Advisor)
    Base isolation is a method for controlling the vibration of structure by modifying the transmission between the source of excitation and the vibration structure.In this thesis, the feasibility of using magnetic field in seismic response control of structures has been investigated. It is tried with the inspiration of magnetic trains. While the old trains ran on the rail lost a large amount of energy because of the friction between the wheels and the rails that decreased the train speed, in the maglev trains with separating them from the rail the friction is reduced to the least amount so that today these trains are able to run with the speed about 550 km/h. It has been tried in two concepts... 

    Experimental Determination & Thermodynamic Modeling of Solubility of Gases in Ionic Liquids

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Rahmati Rostami, Mahboubeh (Author) ; Ghotbi, Cyrus (Supervisor) ; Behzadi, Bahman (Supervisor) ; Jalili, Amir Hossein (Supervisor) ; Ahmadi, Amir Naser (Co-Advisor)
    Ionic liquids (IL's) are found to be potentially suitable solvents for the chemical process industry, especially due to their negligible vapor pressure which can result in a major decrease of solvent loss and the environmental harm. One of the foreseeable industrial applications in the field of natural gas processing is the replacement of traditional organic solvents (usually alkanol amines) presently used for the absorption of H2S from sour gases, by suitable IL's. Ionic liquids have been proposed for the separation of gas mixtures. In particular, ionic liquids have been suggested for the removal of the acid gases, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide, from natural gases and refinery gases....