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    Innovative conceptual design on a tracked robot using TRIZ method for passing narrow obstacles

    , Article Indian Journal of Science and Technology ; Volume 9, Issue 7 , 2016 ; 09746846 (ISSN) Haghshenas Gorgani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Indian Society for Education and Environment  2016
    Background/Objectives: One of the problems of tracked robots in ragged roads is to pass narrow obstacles. As a primary solution, the process of come back and pass another way is usually time consuming or impossible. Methods/Statistical Analysis: In this paper, first, we evaluate the usual solution for this problem, which is preparation of a drive system at the middle area and then by using of innovative problem solving method (TRIZ), by answering ISQ questionnaire and extracting some technical contradictions, we try to match them in contradiction matrix and finally by applying 40 innovative principles we solve these technical contradictions which lead us to the solution of the problem.... 

    Improvements in teaching projection theory using failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)

    , Article Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ; Volume 11, Issue 1 , 2016 , Pages 37-42 ; 1816949X (ISSN) Haghshenas Gorgani, H ; Sharif University of Technology
    Medwell Journals  2016
    One of the most important courses in engineering curriculum is "engineering drawing". In fact, engineering drawing is the language of conversation and realization between engineers. This course consists of 3 parts: Projection theory, basic drawing and mechanical drawing. The most important part between these is projection theory because it supports one of human intelligences named "spatial ability" that is vital for an engineer. Otherwise, time limits, increasing of user demands and need to higher reliability, causes us to think about "problem prevention" instead of "problem solving". The tool helps us in this way is "failure mode and effects analysis" or FMEA. In this study, after... 

    An effective manipulator trajectory planning with obstacles using virtual potential field method

    , Article 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2007, Montreal, QC, 7 October 2007 through 10 October 2007 ; January , 2007 , Pages 1573-1578 ; 1062922X (ISSN); 1424409918 (ISBN); 9781424409914 (ISBN) Haghshenas Jaryani, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper presents a new approach for trajectory planning of manipulator robots based on Virtual Potential Field (VPF) in presence of static obstacles. In this method, a series of via points between starting point and goal point is obtained by traverse end-effector of manipulator in affected by different VPF while avoiding obstacles in the Cartesian space. An optimum trajectory is generated by using pattern search algorithm which determines strength of potential fields to minimize the value of desired objective function. Cubic splines are used to generate a smooth trajectory through path points in joint space that are obtained by inverse kinematics solution of corresponding points in the... 

    Urban sustainable transportation indicators for global comparison

    , Article Ecological Indicators ; Volume 15, Issue 1 , 2012 , Pages 115-121 ; 1470160X (ISSN) Haghshenas, H ; Vaziri, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Transportation has significant and long lasting economical, social and environmental impacts, and so is an important dimension of urban sustainability. Some attempts have been made to develop sustainable transport indicators, STI. A few studies actually apply STI to compare sustainability among various world cities. In this paper various world cities ranked in terms of urban sustainable transport composite index. The study database is created from UITP databank: "Millennium cities database for sustainable mobility" or MCDST. Firstly sustainable transportation indicators were selected by reviewing past researches. Some indicators are edited or redefined. Consequently 9 STI were developed, 3... 

    Weak Solutions of the Euler Equations and Onsager’s Conjecture

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas, Mahdi (Author) ; Safdari, Mohammad (Supervisor)
    The Onsager's conjecture is concerned with the dichotomy between rigidity and flexibility of weak solutions of incompressible Euler equations. Lars Onsager conjectured that weak solutions of Euler equations that are not smooth enough could be dissipative, even without the help of viscosity. On the other hand, it is well known that $C^1$ solutions conserve energy. Onsager conjectured that C^(1/3) regularity marks the threshold for this dichotomy. In other words, Hölder continuous solutions with Hölder exponent greater than 1/3 conserve the energy, while for every Hölder exponent less than 1/3, there are dissipative Hölder continuous solutions. The threshold 1/3 is intimately tied with... 

    Sustainable Transportation Policy Evaluation Using World Cities Experiences

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas, Hossein (Author) ; Vazairi, Manouchehr (Supervisor)
    Sustainable transportation is a system that allows the basic access needs of individuals and societies to be met safely and in a manner consistent with human and ecosystem health, and is affordable with equity within and between generations. The current research of sustainable transportation uses environmental, economic, social and transportation variables of various world cities. The study database was developed based on global urban transportation databases covering numerous cities for 4 decades for period of 1960 to 2001, Furthermore 3 decades of pertinent variables for Iranian cities of Isfahan, Tehran and Mashhad. Firstly sustainable transportation indicators were developed by reviewing... 

    Improving Renewable Energy Usage in Data Centers with Distributed UPS Using Batch Job Scheduling

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas, Kawsar (Author) ; Goudarzi, Maziar (Supervisor)
    In recent years, the demands come to data centers have increased significantly, so huge amount of energy consumption, cost of this usage and environmental effects of data centers have become serious issues. Accordingly using solar energy to provide some portion of a data center’s energy usage can reduce environmental effects efficiently. Also smarter use of this energy could decrease overall cost of energy in data center. The demands that come to a data center are categorized to critical and non-critical workloads. Running of Non-critical workload (batch job) can be moved to another time according to its deadline. This work suggests a solution that schedules batch jobs considering solar... 

    Suppressing masking effect in random signal radars by waveform design

    , Article IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation ; Volume 6, Issue 3 , 2012 , Pages 137-148 ; 17518784 (ISSN) Haghshenas, H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In noise radars, measuring the cross-correlation between transmitted and received signals is a common method of signal processing. However, it brings a lot of unwelcome sidelobes that can mask weak echoes of far targets. There are many classical and modern methods of masking effect removal which are based on signal processing in the receiver side. In this study, a method of waveform design is presented and its ability to reduce masking effect is compared with that of radars using purely random waveforms. The method starts with choosing an arbitrary subsequence and continues with attaching new subsequences to the previous ones in a way that the sidelobe levels reduce. In addition, the... 

    Online low-sidelobe waveform generator for noise radars based on the graph theory

    , Article IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation ; Volume 7, Issue 1 , 2013 , Pages 75-86 ; 17518784 (ISSN) Haghshenas, H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    A common and well-known method of signal processing in noise radars is measuring the cross-correlation between transmitted and received signals. However, it creates a lot of undesirable sidelobes which can mask weak echoes of far targets. There are many methods of masking effect removal based on signal processing at the receiver side. In this study, a method of waveform generation based on the graph theory is presented and its ability to reduce masking effect will be compared with that of radars using purely random waveforms. The method tries to design a graph consisting of nodes each corresponds to a random subsequence. After generating the graph offline, output sequence is produced online... 

    Comparing receiver-based and transmitter-based techniques to decrease masking effect in noise radars

    , Article International Radar Symposium, IRS 2011 - Proceedings, 7 September 2011 through 9 September 2011 ; September , 2011 , Pages 538-543 ; 9783927535282 (ISBN) Haghshenas, H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In noise radars, measuring the cross-correlation between transmitted and received signals is known as a common method of signal processing. However, it brings a lot of unwelcome sidelobes which can lean to masking weak echoes of far targets. There are many classical and modern methods of masking effect removal which are based on signal processing in the receiver side. A method of waveform design for decreasing this effect is presented and its efficiency is compared to purely random waveform generation method and CLEAN algorithm. Moreover, performance of collaborative using of receiver-based and transmitter-based techniques is considered  

    Suppressing sidelobe levels in random phase modulated radar

    , Article IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings, 23 May 2011 through 27 May 2011 ; May , 2011 , Pages 530-532 ; 10975659 (ISSN) ; 9781424489022 (ISBN) Haghshenas, H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Signal processing in noise radar is always done by calculating the cross-correlation between transmitted and received signals. Strong echoes of near targets present relatively high sidelobes in the correlation output, so they can conceal weak echoes of weak targets (masking effect). Many classical and modern methods for alleviating this effect have been offered, however, most of them are based on signal processing in the receiver side. In this paper, a new method of waveform design, able to decrease masking effect, is presented. Contrary to the other methods, this method keeps the matched filter structure in receiver unchanged and does not need performing any extra process in the receiver... 

    A novel method to detect rotor blades echo

    , Article IEEE National Radar Conference - Proceedings, 10 May 2010 through 14 May 2010, Washington DC ; 2010 , Pages 1331-1334 ; 10975659 (ISSN) ; 9781424458127 (ISBN) Haghshenas, H ; Nayebi, M. M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, the effect of the main rotor of an armed helicopter on radar return signal and its modulation condition are considered. After analyzing references and experimental data, this paper proposes a new method based on inherent modulation in main rotor echo. This method is able to enhance the probability of detection. The simulation is performed for both simulated and practical echo signal. Simulation results confirm that our proposed scheme is effective. Moreover, a new domain for distinguishing and measuring the rotation feature of a rotary target is proposed. This paper is based on practical experiments (rotation domain)  

    Classification of Quanutm Phases by Tensor Network Formalism

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas, Reza (Author) ;
    Tensor network states have been appeared as an alternative promising framework to address the long-standing problems of many-body systems. They offer a conceptual representation of the phases of matter—based on the structure of entanglement—and also provide a(powerful) variational ansatz to explore new physics in strongly entangled many-body systems. The range of their applicability is very vast, and encompassing almost all of interesting today’s systems. In addition, tensor network states are not limited to only numerical approaches, but, have some analytical application. For instance, they could be utilized to uniquely distinguish the phases of matter, where in one-dimensional case based... 

    Effects of temperature variations on the performance of a space imaging system baffle

    , Article Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 7 September 2015 through 10 September 2015 ; Volume 9626 , 2015 ; 0277786X (ISSN) ; 9781628418156 (ISBN) Haghshenas, J ; Mohasel Afshari, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    SPIE  2015
    All the star trackers must be composed of a baffle system to removes stray lights intensity. The baffle is designed to mount in front of the optical system. The performance of a star tracker is often limited by the stray light level on the detector. According to the space conditions, the baffle may deflect due to the temperature variation during the mission. Sun heat flux imposed to the baffle from one side and heat radiates from baffle to the space in all sides. In our case, the baffle is fixed to the satellite structure by four titanium screw. A finite element model has been used to modeling the baffle and temperature distribution and deflection is obtained in worst cold and hot... 

    Comparison of the Performance of Accelerometer and Non-Contact Displacement Sensor in Fault Detection of Ball Bearing

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas, Saeed (Author) ; Behzad, Mahdi (Supervisor)
    The use of multiple sensors that produce different physical parameters of the measured system for its health monitoring raises the reliability of the diagnosis. At the moment, the fault detection capacities of ball bearings by means of proximity probe are detected by exploiting the advantages and reducing its defects by appropriate signal processing of the raw data in the time domain. Also, the application of numerical derivation and integration to achieve to the desired frequency spectrum in defect detection is investigated. A set of experiments with different sizes of internal ring, outer ring and ball defects, four levels of speed and two load levels have been performed. Data acquisition... 

    Cloud Federation by Leveraging Spot Prices

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas, Hamid (Author) ; Habibi, Jafar (Supervisor)
    In cloud federation, a number of cloud service providers (CSP) interoperate to rent each other's computing resources. When a CSP finds a lack in its resources, it can use other CSPs' spare resources for its jobs. This way, the number of physical resources needed by CSPs decreases, since they don't need a pessimistic forecast for resource provision. In this thesis, we analyze possibility of such federation from an architectural viewpoint and then, propose a model to realize such federation. First, we study architectural requirements of cloud federation. A number of important requirements are gathered from previous work. These requirements are then categorized and prioritized, showing that... 

    Online exams and the COVID-19 pandemic: a hybrid modified FMEA, QFD, and k-means approach to enhance fairness

    , Article SN Applied Sciences ; Volume 3, Issue 10 , 2021 ; 25233971 (ISSN) Haghshenas Gorgani, H ; Shabani, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Nature  2021
    COVID-19 pandemic caused an increasing demand for online academic classes, which led to the demand for effective online exams with regards to limitations on time and resources. Consequently, holding online exams with sufficient reliability and effectiveness became one of the most critical and challenging subjects in higher education. Therefore, it is essential to have a preventive algorithm to allocate time and financial resources effectively. In the present study, a fair test with sufficient validity is first defined, and then by analogy with an engineering product, the design process is implemented on it. For this purpose, a hybrid method based on FMEA, which is a preventive method to... 

    A novel double-talk detector based on adaptive estimation of near-end power

    , Article 2007 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysia International Conference on Communications, ICT-MICC 2007, Penang, 14 May 2007 through 17 May 2007 ; 2007 , Pages 446-449 ; 1424410940 (ISBN); 9781424410941 (ISBN) Haghshenas, H ; Malmir Chegini, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Double talk detector is the essential part of an echo canceller to keep the adaptive filter from divergence in presence of near-end speech. This work is a contribution to propose a new double talk algorithm based on power, this method detects double-talk quickly; also it can distinguish the double-talking when the channel has the varying gain. In this paper, we first present an analytical discussion describing this new method and then we show the simulation result to compare our proposed algorithm in both performance and complexity with Giegel algorithm-the most successful one in line echo cancellers. ©2007 IEEE  

    Quantum Error Correction

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas, Reza (Author) ; Karimipour, Vahid (Supervisor)
    One of the serious challenges we are facing in making quantum computers is the quantum error correction. Whereas system interact with the environment, quantum states are easily inf luenced and are suf fering f rom noise and error. T his makes the act of quantum computing be disrupted.T heory of quantum error correction has emerged for facing such a serious challenge. In this theory, many ways that are combined with several branches of mathematics were invited that are essentially dif ferent to classical error correction. one of these is stabilizer codes that show a rich structure and simple f rom classical error correction codes and in addition many quantum error correction codes can be... 

    An Approach for Change Management in Enterprises Using Novel Capabilities in Social Networks

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haghshenas, Mina (Author) ; Fatahi Valilai, Omid (Supervisor)
    In today's turbulent environment, change is considered as requirements of any business and organizations need to change in order to remain competitive. Change management includes: control the processes of change within the organization and its compatibility with its processes in different organizational levels (group and individual). Lately organizations are realizing the power of social networks and their analytics to solve business challenges and produce innovation, and a growing trend of using social networks is seen. A social network is defined as a set of people, organizations or other social entities, connected by a set of socially meaningful relationships. According to this fact, the...