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    The Effects of Body Weight on Spinal Loads

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haji Hosseinali, Majid (Author) ; Farahmand, Farzam (Supervisor) ; Narimani, Roya (Co-Advisor)
    Using biomechanical models is one of the most effective ways to analyze and assessment of spinal loads in occupational and daily activities. In spite of many advances in the spine modeling, personal factors especially body weight are ignored in most studies. Epidemiological studies show that high body weight is a very strong risk factor of low back pain (LBP) and disc degeneration. There are only few studies that evaluate the relationship between spinal loads and body weight. The goal of this study is analyzing the effect of body weight on spinal load. A detailed musculoskeletal model of lumbar spine with 18 degree of freedom and 76 muscles was developed. This model consists of two parts... 

    Modeling of The Behavior of Various Concretes and Their Interface with Sand

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseinali, Masoud (Author) ; Toufigh, Vahab (Supervisor)
    The understanding of the mechanical behavior of engineering materials and their interfaces plays an important role in the prediction, analysis, and desing of engineering systems. Considering the important role of understanding and describing the behavior of materials and systems, this thesis is devided into three sections: 1) Modeling the behavior of polymer concrete under uniaxial compression, 2) Modeling the behavior of various light- and normal- weight concretes under uniaxial and triaxial compression, and 3) Modeling the behaivor of interfaces between polymer concrete and normal concrete with sand. In this context, various constitutive models were investigated and compared together,... 

    A simple model for various types of concretes and confinement conditions based on disturbed state concept

    , Article Scientia Iranica ; Volume 25, Issue 2A , 2018 , Pages 557-564 ; 10263098 (ISSN) Hosseinali, M ; Toufigh, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Sharif University of Technology  2018
    Concrete is widely used for many practices in Civil Engineering. Therefore, an understanding of its behavior helps engineers and researchers to perform more accurate and cost-effective analyses and designs. In this respect, several models have been proposed to predict the behaviors of concrete most of which are satisfactorily accurate. However, by increasing the accuracy of the models, their computational cost increases, too. In this study, a model with the least computational cost is proposed to predict the behaviors of various concretes and confinement conditions. This model does not require any experimental tests to determine its parameters. It was proved to be able to predict the... 

    A plasticity-based constitutive model for the behavior of soil-structure interfaces under cyclic loading

    , Article Transportation Geotechnics ; Volume 14 , 2018 , Pages 41-51 ; 22143912 (ISSN) Hosseinali, M ; Toufigh, V ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2018
    In this study, a new plasticity-based constitutive model is proposed for the behavior of soil-structure interfaces under monotonic and cyclic loadings. The features of the interface including the strain-softening behavior, phase transformation, steady-state, and dilatancy behavior were described by the proposed model with satisfactory accuracy. The proposed model does not require additional concepts such as damage or disturbance, and the model parameters can be obtained easily using straight-forward analyses of the results obtained from constant normal stress tests. Moreover, the results of the proposed model showed its capability in predicting the experimental results obtained from various... 

    Waste Water Purification of the Isfahan Zirconium Production Plant (ZPP) by Membrane Process

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Chaichi, Mahdieh (Author) ; Samad Fam, Mohammad (Supervisor) ; Yavari, Ramin (Supervisor) ; Haji Hosseini, Majid (Co-Supervisor)
    Isfahan Zirconium Production Plant (ZPP) is one of the most important plants in the nuclear industry of Islamic Republic of Iran. The wastewater of this plant contains high values of Sodium, Chloride, Nitrate and low values of Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Zirconium ions. Its release has been banned by international and national law because of the dangers and toxicity of its ions for the environment and living organisms. Therefore, its refinement as a compensation of Iran’s water resources in agriculture and drinking water has received a major consideration. Among the common methods to removal of these ions, membrane process method is selected due to it's major benefits such as not producing... 

    Electrophoretic deposition of ZnO–CeO2 mixed oxide nanoparticles

    , Article Journal of the American Ceramic Society ; Volume 100, Issue 3 , 2017 , Pages 901-910 ; 00027820 (ISSN) Hasanpoor, M ; Aliofkhazraei, M ; Hosseinali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Blackwell Publishing Inc  2017
    ZnO–CeO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by microwave combustion and deposited by electrophoretic deposition (EPD). The effect of using two different alcohols, ethanol and methanol, was investigated on EPD behavior and morphology of deposited film. Moreover, the effect of concentration of nanoparticles and applied voltage on the mass of deposit and the variation in the current density were investigated. With a change in the alcohol type, the surface morphology of deposition changed and some voids were observed on the deposition surface in ethanol. In all cases, with increasing concentration of nanoparticles in suspension, the number of developed cracks increased. Besides, a rise in voltage... 

    Experimental investigation and constitutive modeling of polymer concrete and sand interface

    , Article International Journal of Geomechanics ; Volume 17, Issue 1 , 2017 , Pages 1-11 ; 15323641 (ISSN) Toufigh, V ; Shirkhorshidi, S. M ; Hosseinali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)  2017
    In this investigation, the behavior of the interface between polymer concrete and sand was studied. For this purpose, two sets of interface direct shear tests (over 40 tests) were conducted on the polymer concrete and sand interface. Moreover, two sets of tests (over 30 tests) were performed on the cement concrete and sand interface for comparison. Based on the experiments, the shear stress versus tangential displacement curves at different normal stresses, the interface friction angles, and the adhesion were obtained for each interface. Then, three different constitutive models proposed for interfaces were used to predict the observed response. Finally, after a quantitative comparison of... 

    A Phase Field Model for Simulating the Pitting Corrosion

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hosseinali Arhani, Faezeh (Author) ; Tavakoli, Rouhollah (Supervisor)
    Corrosion is an electrochemical process that results in the degradation of metallic materials in a corrosive environment. Localized corrosion is a destructive form of corrosion that can lead to catastrophic failure of structures. In developed countries, corrosion costs more than 3% of gross national product every year, much more than the costs arisen from all-natural disasters combined. It is very important to understand this process to prevent sudden accidents and also develop high strength corrosion resistant metallic materials. This study presents the formulation and implementation of a phase field model for simulating the activation- and diffusion-controlled pitting corrosion phenomena... 

    Optimal Batch Production for a Single Machine System with Rework

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Haji, Babak (Author) ; Haji, Ali Reza (Supervisor)
    This research attempts to develop the optimal solution for an inventory problem consisting of a single machine which produces items some of which may be defective. We assume that no shortages are allowed and all defective items are to be reworked. Setup cost for rework and waiting time of defectives are considered. This research consists of two different parts. In the first part we consider two different policies where in the first policy in each cycle after the regular production the machine is setup for the rework of defectives of the same cycle. In the second policy several cycles constitute a period. All the defectives produced in the period are reworked in the last cycle of that period.... 

    Optimal batch production with rework and non-zero setup cost for rework

    , Article 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 6 July 2009 through 9 July 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 857-862 ; 9781424441365 (ISBN) Haji, B ; Haji, R ; Haji, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper attempts to develop the optimal solution for an inventoryproblem consisting of a single machine which produces items some of which may bedefective. We assume that no shortages are allowed and all defective items areto be reworked. Setup cost for rework and waiting time of defectives areconsidered. We consider two different policies where in the first policy in eachcycle after the regular production the machine is setup for the rework ofdefectives of the same cycle. In the second policy several cycles constitute aperiod. All the defectives produced in the period are reworked in the last cycleof that period. At the end of the rework cycle the whole process starts allover again. One... 

    One-for-one period policy in a two-echelon inventory system with commoncycle and poisson demand rate for retailers

    , Article 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 831-834 ; 9781424441365 (ISBN) Haji, R ; Tayebi, H ; Haji, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper deals with a two-echelon inventory system consisting of onesupplier and N retailers. Each retailer faces an independent Poisson demand withthe same rate and applies a new ordering policy called one-for-one- periodordering policy for its inventory control. In this ordering policy the ordersize is equal to one and the time interval between any two consecutive ordersforms a common fixed cycle. Thus, the supplier faces a deterministic demand andadopts a deterministic inventory policy. At each cycle he orders a batch of sizeN to his own supplier. Upon receipt of each batch he sends 1 unit of theproduct to each retailer with a transportation cost. In this paper, for theabove system we... 

    Revenue sharing contract for a VMI with one for one period policy

    , Article Cogent Engineering ; Volume 5, Issue 1 , 2018 , Pages 1-19 ; 23311916 (ISSN) Haji, A ; Afzalabadi, M ; Haji, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Cogent OA  2018
    In this article, we design a revenue-sharing contract to coordinate inventory control decisions in a serial supply chain consisting of one supplier, one vendor, and one retailer. We assume that the retailer faces Poisson demand and his unsatisfied demands will be lost. The retailer applies one-for-one period policy in which he constantly places an order for one unit of product to the vendor in a predetermined time interval which results in a deterministic demand for the vendor. Vendor orders the required quantity from supplier which will be immediately received at the vendor’s warehouse. Solution procedures are developed to find the equilibrium in the vendor managed inventory program with a... 

    Pricing and inventory decisions in a vendor managed inventory system with revenue sharing contract

    , Article Uncertain Supply Chain Management ; Volume 6, Issue 3 , 2018 , Pages 299-320 ; 22916822 (ISSN) Haji, A ; Afzalabadi, M ; Haji, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Growing Science  2018
    In this paper, we design a revenue sharing contract to coordinate pricing and inventory control decisions in a serial supply chain consisting of one supplier, one manufacturer and one retailer. We assume that the retailer faces Poisson demand and his unsatisfied demands will be lost. The retailer applies one-for-one period policy in which he constantly places an order for one unit of product to the manufacturer in a predetermined time interval which results in a deterministic demand for the manufacturer. Solution procedures are developed to find the equilibrium in the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) program with a revenue sharing contract, in which no party is willing to deviate from for the... 

    Developing a partial backlogging deteriorating inventory model with selling price dependant demand rate and cycle length dependant selling price

    , Article 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2008, Singapore, 8 December 2008 through 11 December 2008 ; January , 2008 , Pages 198-202 ; 9781424426300 (ISBN) Haji, A ; Sabahno, H ; Haji, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we develop an inventory model with price dependant demand rate, under time value of money and inflation, finite time horizon, exponential backlogging rate and exponential deterioration rate with the objective of maximizing the present worth of the total system profit. Using a dynamic programming based solution algorithm, we are able to find the optimal sequence of the cycles and also to obtain different optimal selling prices and optimal order quantities for the cycles with unequal lengths, which have never been done before for our model. We also use a proper numerical example to show accuracy of the solution procedure. © 2008 IEEE  

    One-for-one period policy and a series of suppliers

    , Article 2009 International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE 2009, 6 July 2009 through 9 July 2009, Troyes ; 2009 , Pages 902-906 ; 9781424441365 (ISBN) Haji, R ; Pirayesh Neghab, M ; Haji, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    The purpose of this paper is to adopt and analyze a new ordering policycalled one-for-one-period policy in a multi-echelon supply chain consisting ofone retailer and a series of TV suppliers. The main advantage of adopting theone-for-one-period (7,7) ordering policy for retailers is the elimination ofuncertainty for supplier which leads to total elimination of the safety stocksat all suppliers. This in turn leads to the reduction of the total system costsand in case any supplier's ordering cost is negligible it can even eliminate theneed for him to carry any inventory. In addition to this advantage, thenumerical results show that the application of this new policy for the retailerleads to... 

    Optimal batch production with minimum rework cycles and constraint on accumulated defective units

    , Article 2009 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics, SOLI 2009, Chicago, IL, 22 July 2009 through 24 July 2009 ; 2009 , Pages 633-638 ; 9781424435418 (ISBN) Haji, B ; Haji, A. R ; Haji, R ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper deals with the issue of economic batch quantity (EBQ) in a single machine system in which defective items are produced in each cycle of production. The accumulated defective items produced in a period, consisting of several equal cycles, are all reworked in the last cycle of this period called the rework cycle. At the end of each period the whole process will start all over again. We assume that there is a limitation on the total defective items. We also do not adopt the restriction that the rework process rate be equal to the normal production rate. In addition we assume that there is a set up time for rework process. Further we assume that the number of rework cycles be as small... 

    Economic production quantity with accumulated rework

    , Article 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, ICC and IE 2006, Taipei, 20 June 2006 through 23 June 2006 ; 2006 , Pages 4196-4203 Haji, R ; Tavakol, A. R ; Haji, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    This paper deals with the issue of economic batch quantity (EBQ) in a single machine system in which defective items are produced in each cycle of production. The defective items produced in the first N cycles are accumulated at the end of the Nth cycle and are all reworked in a separate cycle called the rework cycle which has the same length as the other cycles and begins just at the end of the Nth cycle. At the end of the rework cycle the whole process will start all over again. For this system, assuming no shortages are permitted we obtain the economic batch quantity which minimizes the total cost  

    The Effects of Intentional Process Models on Goal Modeling and Process Conformance Checking

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Farsayyad, Nazi (Author) ; Rafiei, Majid (Supervisor) ; Khedmati, Majid (Supervisor)
    In recent years, requirement engineering and goal modeling have gained more attention among different organisations. Therefore, different methods have been designed to discover stakeholders’ requirements and translate them into process and organizational goals. Various goal models have been introduced to represent these goals and their relations towards each other. Still, these methods are manual representations of different process scenarios and do not relate to the actual behavior. In 2014, Map Miner Method (MMM) was introduced to discover intentional process models from event logs. MMM uses Hidden Markov Model (HMM) as a means to represent the process as a map model of strategies and... 

    Multi-Echelon Mixed-loop Supply Chain Network Design under Disruption Conditions

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Beheshti, Saeed (Author) ; Haji, Rasoul (Supervisor) ; Haji, Alireza (Supervisor)
    Fulfilling the demands of customers, used to be the main purpose of Supply Chain Network Designers. Soon after that, the environmental concerns created the concept of Reverse Logistic in order to prevent goods from being scattered in the environment after their disposal. Governmental regulations and people's concerns, forced the factories to gather the created pollutions of the environment. They gradualy confessed the positive impacts of these ruturns on their financials. The flow of forward and reverse logistics establishes a Closed-Loop in which the returning economical circumstances were transferd into original factories. Later, Open-Loops were created. In open-loops the returns have to... 

    A Trajectory Recommendation System for Efficient Finding of Passengers

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Aledavood, Ebrahim (Author) ; Khedmati, Majid (Supervisor) ; Rafiee, Majid (Supervisor)
    Recommending routes to city taxis in order to improve their performance in finding passengers can reduce traffic, pollution and waiting time for passengers, as well as this, increasing the efficiency of taxis can increase their income. In this study, by analyzing trajectory data obtained from 536 taxis in San Francisco over a period of one month, we generated networks of cells, each of which has time-dependent characteristics such as the probability of finding a passenger, the capacity of each cell, or the amount of demand exists is in the cell and the average speed of passing through that cell. also, the connections between these cells in order to make more use of the experiences of taxi...