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    Some Applications of Graph Theory Inarchitectural Design

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hayati, Maryam (Author) ; Mahmoodian, Ebadollah (Supervisor)
    One of the fields, in which graph theory and computer science have been appleid,is architectural design. Some of these applications are presented in this thesis. This thesis has two parts, the first part peresents a systematic pathway for design of a floor plan when given the list of cells, the required dimensions of each cell and the matrix of required adjacencies between the cells. (Based on the article by Hashimshony(1988)) The second part is about the application of Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) in ar-chitucture. The architectural layout design problems, which is concerned with the finding of the best adjacencies between functional spaces among many possible ones under given constraints,... 

    How particle shape affects the flow through granular materials

    , Article Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics ; Volume 85, Issue 3 , 2012 ; 15393755 (ISSN) Nemati Hayati, A ; Ahmadi, M. M ; Mohammadi, S
    Flow through the pores of granular materials has many instances in practice. Therefore, it is interesting to realize how some parameters, such as the shape of the particles affect the passing flow. Following the recent mathematical theory proposed by the authors, this paper deals with the issue of how tortuosity and permeability are influenced by the particle shape. Comparison of the results with the experimental data reveals the competency of the theory in predicting the impact of particle geometry  

    The Role of Oil Price Shocks in Bussiness Cycles of an Oil-Exporting Country: Facts from Iran with a General Equillibrium Approach

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hayati, Mojtaba (Author) ; Madanizadeh, Ali (Supervisor)
    In this research, we develop a Real Business Cycle model for Iran, as Small Open Economy. In this model, which is designed to measure the role of oil price shocks in Iran’s business cycles, the positive oil price shocks, as well as increasing the revenue of exporting oil, raises the price of oil-based tradable goods. Additionally, it causes the fiscal policy variables (taxes and government expenditures) to change. Also the productivity of this economy is fluctuated by oil price fluctuations. The model is estimated via Impulse Response Function Matching method using a SVAR model as the auxiliary model. The results from the theoretical model show that near 50 percent of non-oil GDP cycles and... 

    Tracking Consumers Throughout Their Purchase Journey: Using Deep Learning Methods

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hayati, Danial (Author) ; Aslani, Shirin (Supervisor)
    Over the past two decades, the interest in exploring consumers' behavior has risen to popularity. Nowadays, it is necessary for marketers to reach out to the right consumers at the right time and with the right message. Even though the positive impact of tracking consumers throughout their purchase journey and its managerial implications have been emphasized several times by academics, There is still a lack of practical research on how to discern the consumers' stage in the purchase journey from a holistic point of view. In this study, we develop several machine learning models, including RNNs (GRU and LSTM), Transformers, and XGBoost, by utilizing historical data of Yektanet (the leading... 

    Cloning and Production of the Flavin Reductase Enzyme in Order to Perform Organic Reaction and Synthesis of Cation Exchange Column for Protein Purification

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hayati, Fatemeh (Author) ; Kalhor, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
    The reductase enzymes perform an important function in the cell. These enzymes are usually coupled with other enzymes and participate in reactions such as halogenation, reduction of alkene, and carboxylic acids. These reactions are carried out by reproducing cofactors such as FADH2 and NAD+; however, there is no evidence that this enzyme alone can perform an organic reaction. In this work, we aim to examine whether recombinant flavin reductase can carry out organic reactions. In order to amplify the flavin reductase enzyme gene from the E. coli genome by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method, two synthetic primers were designed; The forward primer of the gene contained a cleavage site for... 

    Optimization Models for Financial Portfolio Problem

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Hayati, Nahid (Author) ; Mahdavi Amiri, Nezameddin (Supervisor)
    In financial portfolio problem, optimization models with uncertainty has been considered. The multi-stage stochastic programming methodology has been used as a solution method for these problems. In this study, we use multi-stage programming with uncertainity to evaluate the asset allocation problem. Some general models have been introduced for problem solving. Non-anticipativity and parent-child models are implemented and solved by both simplex and interior-point methods and the results are compared. The results show the parent-child model to have a better performance. Also, the interior-point method appears to need less computing time than the simplex method  

    Energy-efficient relay selection and power allocation for multi-source multicast network-coded D2D communications

    , Article AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications ; Volume 128 , 2021 ; 14348411 (ISSN) Hayati, M ; Kalbkhani, H ; Shayesteh, M. G ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier GmbH  2021
    Device-to-device (D2D) communication improves spectrum efficiency (SE) and increases system capacity. Heterogeneous networks comprise macrocell and several small cells, such as picocells and femtocells, where femtocells are more efficient. In cooperative communications, one or several additional nodes help to send data from source to destination to improve the quality of service (QoS). Network coding (NC) in cooperative networks can extend data rate and coverage area of D2D communication. The purpose of this article is to minimize power consumption of transmitting nodes during network-coded cooperative D2D transmission to reduce the interference on co-channel transmissions. In this study, we... 

    Analytical derivation of tortuosity and permeability of monosized spheres: A volume averaging approach

    , Article Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics ; Volume 83, Issue 2 , February , 2011 ; 15393755 (ISSN) Ahmadi, M. M ; Mohammadi, S ; Hayati, A. N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Macroscopic properties of granular materials are important in modeling a variety of flow and transport phenomena in many fields of science. Determination of these parameters has always been an issue among both researchers and engineers, mainly in view of tortuosity and permeability. This paper presents analytical functions for the tortuosity and permeability of monosized sphere arrays based on a volume averaging approach and eliminates some ambiguities by modification of the original representative elementary volume model. Veracity of the proposed formulations has been illustrated through comparisons with the latest available results on the subject. Good agreement is found  

    Analytical Solution for Isothermal Flow in a Shock Tube Containing Rigid Granular Material

    , Article Transport in Porous Media ; Volume 93, Issue 1 , 2012 , Pages 13-27 ; 01693913 (ISSN) Hayati, A. N ; Ahmadi, M. M ; Mohammadi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
    Analytical solution of shock wave propagation in pure gas in a shock tube is usually addressed in gas dynamics. However, such a solution for granular media is complex due to the inclusion of parameters relating to particles configuration within the medium, which affect the balance equations. In this article, an analytical solution for isothermal shock wave propagation in an isotropic homogenous rigid granular material is presented, and a closed-form solution is obtained for the case of weak shock waves. Fluid mass and momentum equations are first written in wave and (mathematical) non-conservation forms. Afterwards by redefining the sound speed of the gas flowing inside the pores, an... 

    Simulation of a 10000 bbl/day G.T.L. plant

    , Article 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2008, Prague, 24 August 2008 through 28 August 2008 ; 2008 KheradRanjbar, R ; Gholamtamimi, M ; Hayati, R ; Sobati, M. A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) is a multi-staged process in which natural gas is converted to liquid fuels. The stages of GTL process are discussed. A GTL plant with 10,000 bpd capacity and have similar specifications with the SASOL process was simulated using the Aspen-Plus software and the simulation results were compared with the SASOL process data. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (Prague, Czech Republic 8/24-28/2008)  

    Unsupported advance length in tunnels constructed using New Austrian Tunnelling Method and ground surface settlement

    , Article International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ; Volume 37, Issue 14 , 2013 , Pages 2170-2185 ; 03639061 (ISSN) Nemati Hayati, A ; Ahmadi, M. M ; Hajjar, M ; Kashighandi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
    Tunnels constructed using New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) are always based on certain round (unsupported) advance lengths, after which, the temporary lining is placed. The settlement of the ground surface resulting from such construction is of high significance in design and practice. The existing data in this respect, however, is scarce. It is the aim of this paper to propose a semi-analytical procedure based on three-dimensional finite element analyses to predict the maximum surface settlement of the ground in NATM tunnels under different combinations of tunnel diameter, overburden depth, round length and soil and lining properties. The comparison of the results with three case... 

    Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Shock Waves Propagation in Porous Medium

    , Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology Nemati Hayati, Ali (Author) ; Ahmadi, Mohammad Mehdi (Supervisor) ; Mohammadi, Soheil ($item.subfieldsMap.e)
    Particulate porous mateials have always been of interest in terms of reducing shock waves effects in different protective applications. Therefore, the physics governing the flow in porous media is especially significant for which different models have been presented by the researchers. The complexities of these media have caused many existing models to be unable to properly predict the behavior of granular media under shock loadings. On the other hand, the complexity of the equations makes the numerical solution of them cumbersome and costly in a way that many researchers do not solve the whole coupled equations and reduce their number. In addition, current high-resolution TVD solutions of... 

    Fabrication and characterization of biaxially electrospun collagen/alginate nanofibers, improved with Rhodotorula mucilaginosa sp. GUMS16 produced exopolysaccharides for wound healing applications

    , Article International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ; 2021 ; 01418130 (ISSN) Ashraf, S ; Parivar, K ; Hayati Roodbari, N ; Mashayekhan, S ; Amini, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2021
    Fabrication of scaffolds with enhanced mechanical properties and desirable cellular compatibility is critical for numerous tissue engineering applications. This study was aimed at fabrication and characterization of a nanofiber skin substitute composed of collagen (Col)/sodium alginate (SA)/ polyethylene oxide (PEO)/Rhodotorula mucilaginosa sp. GUMS16 produced exopolysaccharides (EPS) were prepared using the biaxial electrospinning technique. This study used collagen extracted from the bovine tendon as a natural scaffold, sodium alginate as an absorber of excess wound fluids, and GUMS16 produced exopolysaccharides as an antioxidant. Collagen was characterized using FTIR and EDS analyses. The... 

    Fabrication and characterization of biaxially electrospun collagen/alginate nanofibers, improved with Rhodotorula mucilaginosa sp. GUMS16 produced exopolysaccharides for wound healing applications

    , Article International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ; Volume 196 , 2022 , Pages 194-203 ; 01418130 (ISSN) Ashraf, S. S ; Parivar, K ; Hayati Roodbari, N ; Mashayekhan, S ; Amini, N ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2022
    Fabrication of scaffolds with enhanced mechanical properties and desirable cellular compatibility is critical for numerous tissue engineering applications. This study was aimed at fabrication and characterization of a nanofiber skin substitute composed of collagen (Col)/sodium alginate (SA)/ polyethylene oxide (PEO)/Rhodotorula mucilaginosa sp. GUMS16 produced exopolysaccharides (EPS) were prepared using the biaxial electrospinning technique. This study used collagen extracted from the bovine tendon as a natural scaffold, sodium alginate as an absorber of excess wound fluids, and GUMS16 produced exopolysaccharides as an antioxidant. Collagen was characterized using FTIR and EDS analyses. The... 

    CuO and ZnO co-anchored on g-C3N4 nanosheets as an affordable double Z-scheme nanocomposite for photocatalytic decontamination of amoxicillin

    , Article Applied Catalysis B: Environmental ; Volume 285 , 2021 ; 09263373 (ISSN) Moradi, M ; Hasanvandian, F ; Isari, A. A ; Hayati, F ; Kakavandi, B ; Setayesh, S. R ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B.V  2021
    In this study, both CuO nanoparticles and ZnO nanorods were anchored on thermally-exfoliated g-C3N4 nanosheets (denoted as CZ@T-GCN) via isoelectric point-mediated annealing process as a novel nano-photocatalyst towards degradation of amoxicillin (AMOX). The features of prepared materials were characterized using BET, UV–vis DRS, XRD, FT-IR, XPS, FE-SEM, TEM, EIS and transient photocurrent techniques. These analyses demonstrated the successful formation of heterojunctions between components of CZ@T-GCN nanocomposite, which reflected in significantly increased electron-hole separation and enhanced degradation of AMOX as compared with pure substances. The investigation of influential operative... 

    Activated carbon/metal-organic framework nanocomposite: Preparation and photocatalytic dye degradation mathematical modeling from wastewater by least squares support vector machine

    , Article Journal of Environmental Management ; Volume 233 , 2019 , Pages 660-672 ; 03014797 (ISSN) Mahmoodi, N. M ; Abdi, J ; Taghizadeh, M ; Taghizadeh, A ; Hayati, B ; Shekarchi, A. A ; Vossoughi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    Academic Press  2019
    Herein, Kiwi peel activated carbon (AC), Materials Institute Lavoisier (MIL-88B (Fe), and AC/MIL-88B (Fe) composite were synthesized and used as catalysts to degrade Reactive Red 198. The material properties were analyzed by the FTIR, BET-BJH, XRD, FESEM, EDX, TGA, and UV–Vis/DRS. The BET surface area of AC, MIL-88B (Fe) and AC/MIL-88B (Fe) was 1113.3, 150.7, and 199.4 m2/g, respectively. The band gap values (Eg) estimated by Tauc plot method, were obtained 5.06, 4.19 and 3.79 eV for AC, MIL-88B (Fe) and AC/MIL-88B (Fe), respectively. The results indicated that the AC/MIL-88B (Fe) composite had higher photocatalytic activity (99%) than that of pure AC (79%) and MIL-88B (Fe) catalysts (87%).... 

    Outside nominal operation analysis and design considerations of inverse-class-E power amplifier

    , Article IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics ; Volume 6, Issue 1 , March , 2018 , Pages 165-174 ; 21686777 (ISSN) Lotfi, A ; Ershadi, A ; Medi, A ; Hayati, M ; Kazimierczuk, M. K ; Sekiya, H ; Katsuki, A ; Kurokawa, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc  2018
    In this paper, design and analysis using analytical expressions for the inverse class-E power amplifier (PA) operating at the outside nominal operation, i.e., class- $ ext{E}-{mathrm{n}}$ PA, is presented. This operation is defined as nonzero current switch (n-ZCS) and nonzero-derivative-current switch (n-ZDCS) conditions. The generalized design equations as a function of design specifications, load resistance, and a given dc-supply voltage are derived. Two degrees of the design freedom achieved thanks to n-ZCS and n-ZDCS that are utilized for the simultaneous satisfaction of design specifications, such as peak-switch-voltage and peak-switch-current along with a given load resistance. The... 

    Outside nominal operation analysis and design considerations of inverse-class-E power amplifier

    , Article IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics ; 2017 ; 21686777 (ISSN) Lotfi, A ; Ershadi, A ; Medi, A ; Hayati, M ; Kazimierczuk, M. K ; Sekiya, H ; Katsuki, A ; Kurokawa, F ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, design and analysis using analytical expressions for the inverse class-E power amplifier (PA) operating at the outside nominal operation, i.e., class-En PA, is presented. This operation is defined as non-zero current switch (n-ZCS) and non-zero derivative current switch (n-ZDCS) conditions. The generalized design equations as a function of design specifications, load-resistance and a given dc-supply voltage are derived. Two degrees of the design freedom achieved thanks to n-ZCS and n-ZDCS that are utilized for the simultaneous satisfaction of design specifications, such as peakswitch- voltage and peak-switch-current along with a given loadresistance. The output power...