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Optimizing Transmisson from Distant Wind Farms
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
Wind power is site dependent and is by nature partially dispatchable. Furthermore, good wind sites are far from grid. Due to these problems, and along with the existing limitations in the transmission networks, a comprehensive analysis over an extended time is needed to properly explore all potential wind sites for wind capacity allocation. This problem is computationally expensive and decomposition methods are required to break down this problem. Here Benders decomposition approach is used, which is a popular technique for solving large-scale problems, to decompose the original problem into a master and a subproblem. The master problem is a linear problem, which allocates wind capacity to...
Security Constraint Unit Commitment With Wind Power Uncertainty By Stochastic Programming
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
Economic aspects of power systems in their new structures, have been the subject of most of new publications in the area of electrical engineering after the era of restructuring. Nowadays, the power generation business is totally market driven in most of countries all around the world and the system operators are responsible for maintaining a high level of system security as well as the economic operation of the power systems. The development of wind power generation has rapidly progressed over the last decade. With the advancement in wind turbine technology, wind energy has become competitive with other fuel-based resources. The fluctuation of wind, however, makes it difficult to optimize the...
Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Optimal Wind Farms Integration
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
The significant growth of wind generation in power systems, in form of wind farms connected to transmission networks, is changing the present transmission reinforcement planning in the mid-term horizon and transmission expansion planning in the long-term horizon approaches. In this thesis, the optimal wind farms integration to the power system and uncertainty of wind farms output power are considered as two major items in the proposed models and the novel transmission reinforcement and expansion planning models considering optimal wind farms integration are presented. According to these models, the optimal capacity of wind farms and wind farms lines, and the new transmission lines of the...
Transmission Expansion Planning by Information Gap Decision Theory from View Point of Private Investor
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
Transmission Expansion Planning (TEP) is one of the most important parts of the Ex-pansion Planning of power systems. TEP determines the type, location, and time of instal-lation of the new transmission facilities in order to supply the load. In recent years, restruc-turing of the power systems has been introduced in many countries. While competition has been started in the generation section, transmission has been remained monopoly yet. Since uncertainties in power systems affect the process of decision making and increase the risk of investment, private investors are reluctant to investment in the transmission ststem.
There are different techniques for modeling of uncertainties in the...
There are different techniques for modeling of uncertainties in the...
Fuel Injection Parameters Optimisation to Obtain High Fuel Economy and Low Engine Emissions in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
Energy crisis is one of the crises which human beings face these days. Optimizing the operation of energy consuming machines is one of the most effective methods in decreasing energy consumption. Gasoline direct injection engines as new achievements in automobile and propulsion industry, reduce fuel consumption by increasing the engine efficiency. In these types of engines, a high pressure injector injects fuel directly into the combustion chamber instead of injecting fuel in intake ports. Thus, because of evaporation cooling, the mixture cools down, so the possibility of achieving higher compression ratios in higher engine speeds and loads, without occurrence of knock is provided. Increase...
Improvement of Auction and Settlemtnt Mechanisms for Co-optimization of Payments to Suppliers for Energy and Spinning Reserve
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
In this dissertation, after analyzing the disadvantages of the offer cost minimization mechanism, it will be shown that it is necessary to find new auction mechanisms to be applied along with the fair, practical, and justifiable marginal pricing mechanism. Alternatively, the payment cost minimization mechanism has been proposed in the recent years. Different aspects of this mechanism have not been analyzed yet. There are many practical and economical considerations that yet need to be modeled in this mechanism and the problem formulation needs some improvements. As the first step, this mechanism will be compared with the traditionally offer cost minimization in a very simple market model....
Robust Scheduling of Flexible Units in Real-time Market Considering Demand Response Effects
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
With the expansion of renewable energy resources in power systems, due to the uncertainty with the output power of these power plants, there is a price sparks and load curtailment for some hours. One of the most important reasons for this sparks is the limited ability of units to provide unexpected changes in net load; on the other hand, the retirement of units with flexible thermal capacity, this liability in providing net load changes is more visible than before, because of the limited in ramprate of power plants at a specified time interval. For this reason, some of the independent system operators (ISO) have introduced various strategies to increase the system's flexibility to provide...
Composite Distributed Generation and Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Uncertainties, Emission and Security
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
During the recent past, due to the increase of electrical energy demand and governmental resources constraints in producing additional capacity in generation, transmission and distribution, privatization and restructuring in electrical industry has been considered. In most of the countries, different parts of electrical industry like generation, transmission and distribution have been separated in order to create competition. Considering these changes, environmental issues, energy growth, investment of private equity in energy generation units and difficulties of transmission lines expansion, DG units have been used in power systems. Moreover, reduction in need of transmission and...
Simultaneous Expansion Planning of Distribution Network and Microgtrids
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
Renewable resources, because of their compatibility with the environment, accessibility, and low cost of operation, have become the center of unprecedented attention. Since the output of these resources cannot be predicted accurately, they are usually implemented in microgrids with conventional generating units and energy storage systems.Furthermore, distribution networks are integral parts of power systems, and many studies have been conducted in order to improve them. Because of high investment and operation costs of distribution networks and environmental concerns, it is necessary to conduct meticulous economic studies so that with proper investments, profitable opportunities are provided...
Considering the Effect of Operational Flexibility in Generation Expansion Planning
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
The increasing variability of renewables and volatile chronological net-load in modern smart grids engenders significant operational risks of an uncertain sufficiency of flexible capacity. Assessing the operational flexibility of the grid with high penetration of renewable resources remains an issue of critical importance. Operational flexibility insufficiency may bring about two major problems: 1) there may exist no feasible solution for operation under uncertain conditions due to insufficient available flexibility capacity;2) even if the solution feasibility criterion is ensured, dispatch limitations of the flexible resources may force the system operating point to deviate from the optimal...
Co-Planning of Transmission Expansion Planning and Distributed Energy Resources Considering Power System Resiliency
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
The loads in power systems are increasing mainly due to the development of new technologies, population growth, and the arrival of new consumers. This load growth necessitates the planning for expansion of power systems to meet the future load. Transmission expansion planning (TEP) is one of the main power system planning studies that is performed to meet the future load with an acceptable reliability level. On the other hand, in recent years, the integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) into power systems is growing, mainly driven by energy policies and the associated incentives. The impact of the growing integration of DERs into power grids on distribution network planning is...
Optimal Energy Management of Microgrids using Quantum Teaching Learning Based Algorithm
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
The most important challenge in microgrids is the coordination of distributed energy resources (DERs), due to the existence of several DERs with fugacious characteristics. Also, energy management in the microgrid is very important because there may be conflicting needs or poor communication between different elements of the microgrid. In this work, a robust frame associated with a quantum version of the Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (quantum TLBO) algorithm is proposed for the first time to the microgrid optimal energy management problem. Uncertainties in the load and in the output power of renewable energy sources are modeled using robust optimization (RO). The operation cost of the...
Energy Management in Active Distribution System Considering Shared Energy Storage System and Peer-to-Peer Trading using Robust Optimization
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
Peer-to-peer (P2P) tradings are one of the energy management techniques that economically benefit prosumers and they can transact their energy as goods and services. In this work, a robust framework is proposed to address optimal energy management of an energy community considering peer-to-peer and peer-to-grid (P2G) tradings. Adaptive distributionally robust optimization (ADRO) is used to minimizing total community cost. Uncertainties in the load and output power of renewable energy sources (RES) are modeled by using this method. The production cost of prosumers and shared energy storage costs are considered as objective function. The problem is formulated as a bi-level minimum-maximum...
Synthesis & Characterization of Au-HKUST-1 Nanocomposite and Evaluation of Plasmonic Properties of Gold Nanoparticles in this Nanocomposite
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Madaah Hosseini, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
In the past few years, many research works on the controllable integration of metal nanoparticles and metal-organic frameworks were done, since the obtained composite material shows a synergism effect in catalysis and photocatalysis, drug delivery applications, gas, and energy storage, as well as sensing. For the first time, in this study, we employed template-assisted growth to synthesize Au-HKUST-1 Nanocomposite. XRD analysis entirely confirms that employing this strategy in synthesizing Au-HKUST-1 was wholly successful, and the plasmonic properties of this nanostructure were studied via UV-visible spectroscopy. In the course of synthesis, gold nanoparticles with 70nm diameter were...
Dynamic Planning of Transmission Expansion
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
Goal of this project is to present a method for dynamic transmission planning in restructured environment by system regulator. Congestion, fair competition in power market, stakeholders’ desires in transmission expansion, transmission investment traits, creating incentive for investment and transcos revenue are considered in this work. Presentation of methodology for reliability evaluation is necessary because of increasing uncertainties due to restructuring. Remedial action method is suggested for uncertainties analysis and reliability index presented for measuring degree of reliability. The method has been applied to the IEEE 14-bus system. ...
Smart Grid Planning Considering Renewables and Demand Response Programs
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
The concept of smart grid to realize the triple goals of economy, reliability and environmental improvements has taken advantage of modern equipment and new structures. Beside these goals smart grids seek to increase the level of penetration of renewable resources for environmental improvement. On the other hand, increase in dispersed products and problems resulting from increasing these non-dispatchable resources thus led the researches to design a new structure called microgrid. Microgrid improves the reliability of these resources and facilities their uses. But uncertainty and intermittency in producing renewable energy resources are among the main challenges facing these microgrids....
Continuous Time Modeling of Marked Events
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Rabiee, Hamid Reza (Supervisor)
A great deal of information are continuously generated by users in different contexts such as social networks and online service providers in terms of temporal marked events. These events indicate that what happened to who by when and where.Modeling such events and predicting future ones has interesting applications in different domains such as item recommendation in online service providers and trending topic prediction in online social networks. However, complex longitudinal dependencies among such events makes the prediction task challenging. Moreover, nonstationarity of generative model of events and large size of events, makes the modeling and learning the models challenging.In this...
The Effect of the Number of Electric Vehicles on the Level of Environmental Pollution
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
The transportation and electricity industries are major emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs). In order to reduce emissions, several strategies have been proposed, including plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) use and integration of renewable energy sources (RESs). To reduce the concern emission rate while considering economic constraints, it is important to examine different scenarios of incorporating these elements. To investigate the effectiveness of using PEVs and RES from various perspectives, this study utilizes a combined economic emission dispatch (CEED). The influence of emission and cost coefficients is examined in a sensitivity analysis. In the proposed model, two test cases containing...
Microgrid Energy Management with Optimal Operation of Electric Vehicles Parkinglots Considering Technical and Social Aspect
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
The presence of electric vehicle (EV) parking in distribution or microgrids can become a challenging issue for the power grid. If parking operators charge EVs parked in their parking facilities without coordination with the distribution or microgrid operator, they can impose a heavy burden on the grid, resulting in increased costs and problems in the power network. This study aims to address energy management in EV parking facilities in the distribution network by proposing a two-level model. In this two-level model, the high-level problem is the distribution network, and the low-level problem is the parking facility. At the high-level, the distribution network operator tries to maximize...
Power System State Estimation Including PMUs and Traditional Measurement Instruments
, M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology ; Hosseini, Hamid (Supervisor)
State estimation is a process in which values of unknown system state variables is obtained by considering measurements in such a system. State estimators’ output data are applied in control centers of power systems. Nowadays, using of phasor measurement unit (PMU) in WAMS (Wide Area Measurement Systems) and SCADA have significantly extended. PMUs increase the accuracy proportion compared with traditional measurement units, improve the power networks observability as well as detect and correct bad data. Since the possibility of removing the traditional measurement devices and replacing them with full PMU ones does not exist in the near future it is mandatory to find out an efficient and...