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    A proposed mechanism for mind-brain interaction using extended Bohmian quantum mechanics in Avicenna's monotheistic perspective

    , Article Heliyon ; Volume 5, Issue 7 , July , 2019 ; 24058440(ISSN) Jamali, M ; Golshani, M ; Jamali, Y ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2019
    In quantum approaches to consciousness, the authors try to propose a model and mechanism for the mind-brain interaction using modern physics and some quantum concepts which do not exist in the classical physics. The independent effect of mind on the brain has been one of the challenging issues in the history of science and philosophy. In some recent mind-brain interaction models, the direct influence of mind on matter is either not accepted (as in Stapp's model) or not clear, and there have not been any clear mechanism for it (as in Penrose-Hameroff's model or in Eccles's model). In this manuscript we propose a model and mechanism for mind's effect on the matter using an extended Bohmian... 

    A proposed mechanism for mind-brain interaction using extended Bohmian quantum mechanics in Avicenna's monotheistic perspective

    , Article Heliyon ; Volume 5, Issue 7 , 2019 ; 24058440 (ISSN) Jamali, M ; Golshani, M ; Jamali, Y ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2019
    In quantum approaches to consciousness, the authors try to propose a model and mechanism for the mind-brain interaction using modern physics and some quantum concepts which do not exist in the classical physics. The independent effect of mind on the brain has been one of the challenging issues in the history of science and philosophy. In some recent mind-brain interaction models, the direct influence of mind on matter is either not accepted (as in Stapp's model) or not clear, and there have not been any clear mechanism for it (as in Penrose-Hameroff's model or in Eccles's model). In this manuscript we propose a model and mechanism for mind's effect on the matter using an extended Bohmian... 

    Non-hydrostatic layered flows over a sill

    , Article Fluid Dynamics Research ; Volume 45, Issue 2 , February , 2013 ; 01695983 (ISSN) Jamali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This work takes a new approach to solving non-hydrostatic equations of layered flows over bottom topography. A perturbation technique is used to find explicit expressions for a flow for different regimes of single- and two-layer flows over a sill. Excellent agreement with previous solutions and experimental data is obtained, and more details of the non-hydrostatic flow over a sill are revealed. The proposed method is simple and compact and removes the need for complex numerical techniques to solve the non-hydrostatic equations. It is shown that in the approach-controlled regime of two-layer flow over a sill, the flow upstream and farther downstream the sill crest can be described by the... 

    BEM modeling of surface water wave motion with laminar boundary layers

    , Article Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements ; Volume 30, Issue 1 , 2006 , Pages 14-21 ; 09557997 (ISSN) Jamali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This study is concerned with numerical modeling of viscous surface wave motion using boundary element method (BEM). The equations of motion for thin boundary layers at the solid surfaces are coupled with the potential flow in the bulk of the fluid, and a mixed BEM-finite difference technique is used to obtain the viscosity-related quantities such as wave damping rate, shear stress, and velocity distribution inside the boundary layer. The technique is presented for standing surface wave motion. An excellent agreement is obtained between the numerical predictions and the previous results. The extension to other free surface problems is straightforward. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved  

    A coupled boundary element-finite difference model of surface wave motion over a wall turbulent flow

    , Article International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids ; Volume 51, Issue 4 , 2006 , Pages 371-383 ; 02712091 (ISSN) Jamali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    An effective numerical technique is presented to model turbulent motion of a standing surface wave in a tank. The equations of motion for turbulent boundary layers at the solid surfaces are coupled with the potential flow in the bulk of the fluid, and a mixed BEM-finite difference technique is used to model the wave motion and the corresponding boundary layer flow. A mixing-length theory is used for turbulence modelling. The model results are in good agreement with previous physical and numerical experiments. Although the technique is presented for a standing surface wave, it can be easily applied to other free surface problems. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd  

    Topographic effects on establishment of selective withdrawal

    , Article Physics of Fluids ; Volume 15, Issue 12 , 2003 , Pages 3665-3670 ; 10706631 (ISSN) Jamali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    American Institute of Physics Inc  2003
    This study is concerned with evolution of selective withdrawal of a linearly stratified fluid through a line sink at the base of a reservoir with bottom topography in the form of a sill of small height. The problem is investigated theoretically in the linear, inviscid limit using a perturbation technique. The induced flow due to motion of the first few shear waves is studied. It is shown that the effect of a sill on the flow field is confined mostly to the withdrawal layer in the vicinity of the sill. Equations are proposed for the steady withdrawal layer thickness and the critical Froude number in the presence of a sill. © 2003 American Institute of Physics  

    Numerical modeling of surface wave motion with a bottom turbulent boundary layer

    , Article 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2005, Halkidiki, 12 June 2005 through 17 June 2005 ; Volume 3 , 2005 , Pages 923-926 Jamali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    An effective numerical technique is presented to model turbulent motion of a standing surface wave in a tank. The equations of motion for turbulent boundary layers at the solid surfaces are coupled with the potential flow in the bulk of the fluid, and a mixed BEM-finite difference technique is used to obtain the wave and boundary layer characteristics such as bed shear stress. A mixing-length theory is used for turbulence modeling. Although the technique is presented for a standing surface wave, it can be easily applied to other free surface problems. Copyright © 2005 by ASME  

    BEM modeling of viscous motion of surface water waves

    , Article 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vancouver, BC, 20 June 2004 through 25 June 2004 ; Volume 3 , 2004 , Pages 557-561 Jamali, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    This study is concerned with numerical modeling of viscous surface wave motion using boundary element method (BEM). The equations of motion for thin boundary layers at the solid surfaces are coupled with the potential flow in the bulk of the fluid, and a mixed BEM-finite difference technique is used to obtain the surface wave motion characteristics including the decay rate. The technique is presented for a standing surface wave motion. The extension to other free surface problems is discussed  

    The Experimental Investigation of Lateral Dispersion In Vegetated Flow

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Shoaei, Farrokh (Author) ; Jamali, Mirmosadegh (Supervisor)
    There is an importance issue for preservation and survival of ecological systems by vegetation. A study focusing on the hydrodynamics of these complex ecosystems could help to explain the filtering ability of vegetation in wetlands and estuaries. Wetlands assist in flood control, shoreline protection, and groundwater recharge.In addition, they play a purification role, removing sediments and contaminants from polluted waters, nutrient uptake, and oxygen production. Laboratory experiments have been designed to study the influence of marsh vegetation on lateral dispersion. The flow through vegetation is modeled by a circulating flow going through an array of plastic dowels in an experimental... 

    Nonlinear Resonant Interaction between a Surface Wave and Harmonic Interfacial Waves

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sadeghi, Nayer (Author) ; Jamali, Mirmosadegh (Supervisor)
    The three dimensional resonant interaction between a surface wave and harmonic interfacial waves in a horizontally infinite two-layer fluid was investigated theoretically and experimentally. Initially, both layers assumed to be inviscid, but after obtaining the final equations of the interfacial wave's amplitude, with perturbation, the viscous damping effect, was incorporated in to the interaction equations. It is shown that, surface wave can trigger four opposite- traveling interfacial waves whose amplitudes grow with time. But because of viscosity damping effect, these amplitudes will become constant and won't change with time. The frequencies of the interfacial waves are approximately... 

    Analysis of Off-Critical Percolation Clusters by Schramm-Loewner Evolution

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jamali, Tayyeb (Author) ; Rouhani, Shahin (Supervisor)
    Recently, a new tool in the study of two-dimensional continuous phase transition was provided by Schramm-Loewner evolution. The main part of SLE is a conformal map which relates growth process of a two-dimensional simple curve to one-dimensional motion on the real axis (so-called Loewner driving function). Time evolution of this map and Loewner driving function is connected via the Loewner differential equation. It turns out that for a certain class of stochastic and conformally invariant curves in two dimensions, the driving function shows Brownian motion in one dimension. Strength point of SLE comes from this fact that all the geometrical properties of such curves is described through a... 

    Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Thermally Driven Exchange Flow and Wind set up in Canopy Steep Area

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Davari, Andisheh (Author) ; Jamali, Mirmosaddegh (Supervisor)
    Solar heating in aqautic systems, causes tempreture increasing.This temperature difference will promote an exchange flow between the vegetation and open water. The exchange flow generated by the differential heating and cooling associated with depth variation has also been studied through laboratory experiment and modelling. Differential solar heating can result from shading by rooted emergent aquatic plants, producing a temperature difference between vegetated and unvegetated regions of a surface water body. Horizontal density difference between shaded and open water regions drives currents that carry fluxes between biologically and chemically distinct regions of an aquatic system. Such... 

    Synthesis and Characterization of Heterobinuclear Cyclometalated Complexes Containing Small Bite Angle Bridging Ligand

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Ghazfar, Reza (Author) ; Jamali, Sirous (Supervisor)
    The heteronuclear complexes [MePt(bhq)(μ-dppy)Au(PPh3)]PF6, 2, [MePt(bhq)(dppy)Tl]PF6, 3 and [Me2Pt2(bhq)2(dppy)2Tl]PF6, 4 in which bhq=benzo{h}quinoline and dppy=2-diphenylphosphinopyridine, were prepared by reaction of the mononuclear complex [MePt(bhq)(dppy)] 1 with 1 equivAuCl(PPh3), 1equiv TlPF6 and 1/2 equiv TlPF6 respectively. All the complexes were fully characterized using multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS spectrometry. In addition molecular structures of complexes 2 and 3 in solid state have been determined by X-ray crystallography that shown strong dative bonds between platinum and gold or thallium atoms. As shown by ESI-MS spectrometry, the Pt-Au bond in complex 2... 

    A Critical Investigation of Concept and Situation of Time, Information and Entropy in Thermodynamics and their Relation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jamali, Mohammad (Author) ; Golshani, Mehdi (Supervisor)
    One of the important issues in the fundamental physics is the arrow of time. According to the fundamental theories, motion is symmetry with respect to the passage of time while on a macroscopic level time has direction. In the macroscopic models the arrow of time is provided by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.The thermodynamic arrow is often linked to the cosmological arrow of time, because it is ultimately about the boundary conditions of the early universe.Recently people have tried to suppose this challenge as a fundamental issue and use this as fundamental assumption in their theories.A number of models have attempted to solve the problem based on the concept of information.... 

    Experimental Study on Erosion Control at Channel Junctions with Submerged Vanes

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Nozari, Soheil (Author) ; Jamali, Mirmosaddegh (Supervisor)
    In this study, the effect of submerged vanes on the bed erosion pattern at a 90° open-channel junction has been evaluated experimentally. In this study, 41 tests have been conducted in four different steps. In each test, the bed surface level has been measured at the end of 1st, 2nd and 24th hour. In the first step, the preliminary tests have been conducted. In this step, six different formations of submerged vanes have been selected and their performance has been evaluated and the most efficient formation, in the field of maximum scour depth reduction, has been selected. In the second step, six different formations of submerged vanes have been selected and their performance has been... 

    Multidisciplinary External Ballistic Design Optimization of a Flying projectile Using Evolutionary Algorithms

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jamali, Sajjad (Author) ; Pourtakdoost, Hossei (Supervisor)
    Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) has been considered by many researchers, especially in field of aerospace engineering during the last two decades. The goal of MDO is to achieve optimal design of systems considering a variety of disciplines. In this regard, selection of viable disciplines, their codification, structure and interactions, levels of integrity and the optimization approach to be utilized are of importance and challenging.
    In this project, MDO external ballistic optimization of the conceptual design of a flying projectile is investigated. The key objectives to be met by optimal design were chosen to be maximizing the payload weight and the covered range. To this... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Davari, Hoda (Author) ; Jamali, Mirmossadegh (Supervisor)
    Preservation and survival of ecological systems by vegetation is important. A study focusing on the hydrodynamics of these complex ecosystems could help to explain the filtering ability of vegetation in wetlands and estuaries. Wetlands assist in flood control, shoreline protection, and groundwater recharge. In addition, they play a purification role in removing sediments and contaminants from polluted waters, nutrient uptake, and oxygen production.
    Laboratory experiments have been designed to study the influence of marsh vegetation on lateral dispersion in flexible vegetation that has been modelled with inclined cylinder. The flow through vegetation is modelled by a circulating flow... 

    Theoretical Study of the Effects of a Diffuse Layer on Nonlinear Interaction of a Surface Wave with Interfacial Waves

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Behzadi, Sima (Author) ; Jamali, Mirmosadegh (Supervisor)
    The theory of resonant wave interaction has found considerable applications in meteorology, oceanography and limnology. It is known that the mechanism serves as an effective means of energy transfer in the atmosphere, oceans and lakes. In this project, the three-dimensional resonant interaction of a surface wave with two pairs of interfacial waves in a stratified fluid is studied theoretically. Witham’s variational method is formulated in order to apply to weak resonant interaction among waves whose amplitudes and phase angles vary slowly with position and time. The method is applied to a surface-interfacial wave interaction in a horizontally infinite two layer fluid. Combination of two... 

    Thermally Driven Exchange Flow Between Open Water and Floating Vegetation

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Sharifi, Elham (Author) ; Jamali, Mirmosadegh (Supervisor)
    In this thesis, we present the results of a laboratory and numerical model study of the exchange flow generated by the temperature gradient between an open water heated by sunlight and a canopy area made of floating vegetation. Particle Image Velocimetry is employed to obtain the structures of the warm flow intruding the canopy at the surface and the bottom cold return flow for different roots length and vegetation density. Following an initial, transient stage of flow build-up governed by a balance between inertia and buoyancy forces, the flow reaches a steady state in the canopy area with a force balance between buoyancy and vegetation drag dominating the flow within roots. At the steady... 

    O-D Demand Estimation Based On Automatic Vehicle Identification Data

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Jamali, Amir (Author) ; Shafahi, Yusef (Supervisor)
    Regardless of the traffic model and its application, an essential input of transportation models is the amount of demand which is usually described using Origin-Destination (O-D) matrix. Many reaserchers have developed different O-D matrix estimation methods using traffic counts, which allow simple data collection as opposed to the costly traditional direct estimation methods based on home and roadside interview. However, Link data is not sufficient to obtain an unique answer. This reaserch tries to estimate O-D matrix by using Automated Vehicle Identification(AVI) data. The research formulates the problem of the estimating O-D matrix as a bi-level problem. The upper level consists of...