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Graphene jet nanomotors in remote controllable self-Propulsion swimmers in pure water
, Article Nano Letters ; Volume 16, Issue 9 , 2016 , Pages 5619-5630 ; 15306984 (ISSN) ; Saadati, M ; Jannesari, M ; Sharif University of Technology
American Chemical Society
A remote controllable working graphite nanostructured swimmer based on a graphene jet nanomotor has been demonstrated for the first time. Graphite particles with pyramidal-like morphologies were fabricated by the creation of suitable defects in wide high-purity graphite flakes followed by a severe sonication. The particles were able to be self-exfoliated in water after Na intercalation between the graphene constituents. The self-exfoliation resulted in jet ejection of graphene flakes from the end of the swimmers (with speeds as high as ∼7000 m/s), producing a driving force (at least ∼0.7 L (pN) where L (μm) is swimmer size) and consequently the motion of the swimmer (with average speed of...
Graphene oxide in generation of nanobubbles using controllable microvortices of jet flows
, Article Carbon ; Volume 138 , 2018 , Pages 8-17 ; 00086223 (ISSN) ; Akhavan, O ; Madaah Hosseini, H. R ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier Ltd
Spontaneous generation of nanobubbles (NBs) was developed by using a controllable platform of superfast microvortices, based on turbulent jet flows in the presence of graphene oxide (GO) sheets. Very high energy dissipation rates through discharging warm water into cold N2 aqueous solutions resulted in creation of micro/submicro-vortices. Shear stresses in these domains generated gas local supersaturations, leading to the formation of high concentration (∼109 mL−1) of stable NBs. Introducing GO sheets into the microvortex system resulted in effective manipulation of NBs by providing energetically favorable sites for prompt heterogeneous nucleation as well as stronger shear rate fluctuations....
Characterization of complex behaviors of TCP/RED computer networks based on nonlinear time series analysis methods
, Article Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena ; Volume 233, Issue 2 , 2007 , Pages 138-150 ; 01672789 (ISSN) ; Haeri, M ; Choobkar, S ; Jannesari, F ; Sharif University of Technology
Packet-level observations are representative of the high sensitivity of TCP/RED computer network behavior with respect to network/RED parameter variations. That is, while we do not have any control on network parameters, mis-choosing of the RED parameters results in complex non-periodic oscillations in the router queue length that may damage the Quality of Service requirements. Characterizing the nature of such behaviors, however, helps the network designers to modify the RED design method in order to achieve better overall performance. In this paper, we first investigate the effect of variations in different RED parameters on the network behavior and then seek for the origin of such complex...
Graphene/Cuo2nanoshuttles with controllable release of oxygen nanobubbles promoting interruption of bacterial respiration
, Article ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces ; Volume 12, Issue 32 , 2020 , Pages 35813-35825 ; Akhavan, O ; Madaah Hosseini, H. R ; Bakhshi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
American Chemical Society
An oxygen nanoshuttle based on a reduced graphene oxide/copper peroxide (rGO/CuO2) nanocomposite has been presented to deliver in situ oxygen nanobubbles (O2 NBs) for combating bacterial infections. In the presence of rGO, the solid source of oxygen (i.e., CuO2) was decomposed (in response to environmental conditions such as pH and temperature) into O2 NBs in a more controllable and long-lasting trend (from 60 to 144 h). In a neutral buffer, the O2 NBs experienced growth and collapse evolutions, creating a dynamic micro-nanoenvironment around the nanocomposite. In addition to effective battling against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, the O2 NBs demonstrated superior...
A novel implementation of the IEEE802.11 Medium Access Control
, Article 2006 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications, ISPACS'06, Yonago, 12 December 2006 through 15 December 2006 ; 2006 , Pages 489-492 ; 0780397339 (ISBN); 9780780397330 (ISBN) ; Golmohammadi, A ; Jannesari, A ; Movahedi, M. R ; Khalaj, B ; Ghaemmaghami, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
This work presents some new optimization approaches to implementation of Medium Access Control (MAC) layer of IEEE 802.11 wireless networking protocol using general purpose DSP and gate array systems. Optimization starts at design level. The hardware/software partitioning of the MACs architecture is optimized in the sense of minimal implementation burden, while maintaining the system's functionalities and performance. The proposed partitioning and implementation technique obviates the use of any Real Time Operating System (RTOS), which leads to a simple, high speed, and low memory structure of the MACs software. Also, solutions such as using hash tables and pipeline processing are given and...
The Synthesis of Graphene-Nanobubbles and Investigation of their Potential Synergistic Effect on Bacterial Cells
, Ph.D. Dissertation Sharif University of Technology ; Akhavan, Omid (Supervisor) ; Maddah Hosseini, Hamid Reza (Supervisor) ; Bakhsi, Bita (Co-Supervisor)
Recently, nanotechnology has promised to create and/ or improve therapeutic methods which in turn remain minimum side effects by employing synergistic effects of nanostructures. However, a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between nanostructures and building blocks of the biological systems (cells) is essential to create innovative therapeutic methods and compound and also predict their behavior for upcoming applications. In this thesis for the first time, synergistic effects of graphene-nanobubbles in interactions with bacterial (as the simplest model) cells were investigated. Therefore, at the first step, production of nanobubbles (NBs) in the presence of two-dimensional...