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    Graphic: Graph-based hierarchical clustering for single-molecule localization microscopy

    , Article 18th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, ISBI 2021, 13 April 2021 through 16 April 2021 ; Volume 2021-April , 2021 , Pages 1892-1896 ; 19457928 (ISSN); 9781665412469 (ISBN) Pourya, M ; Aziznejad, S ; Unser, M ; Sage, D ; Sharif University of Technology
    IEEE Computer Society  2021
    We propose a novel method for the clustering of point-cloud data that originate from single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). Our scheme has the ability to infer a hierarchical structure from the data. It takes a particular relevance when quantitatively analyzing the biological particles of interest at different scales. It assumes a prior neither on the shape of particles nor on the background noise. Our multiscale clustering pipeline is built upon graph theory. At each scale, we first construct a weighted graph that represents the SMLM data. Next, we find clusters using spectral clustering. We then use the output of this clustering algorithm to build the graph in the next scale; in... 

    Quantitative Rsk Assessment and Accident Frequency Determination Based on Fuzzy Logic with Shazand Oil Refinery Accident Case Study

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Javidi, Majid (Author) ; Rashtchian, Davoud (Supervisor)
    Today, Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) has become an efficient tool in decision making for safety and process experts. To assess the risk of any accident scenario, it is necessary that the probability of that event be determined in addition to estimating the probable consequences. Event tree and fault tree analysis are known to be the standard tools for calculating the frequency of incident outcomes.
    In this research, a new method based on Markov chin and Fuzzy theory is presented to estimate the occurrence probability of events. A one of important parameter which has sufficient effect on probability of incident frequency, is inspection and maintenance interval. in this research... 

    Short-Circuit Failure Detection in Series-Connected IGBTs for Reliability Improvements

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Javidi, Pourya (Author) ; Kaboli, Shahriyar (Supervisor)
    In high-voltage power electronics systems where the supply voltage exceeds the maximum voltage these devices can withstand, series-connected IGBTs with TO-247 packaging and simultaneous gate command circuitry are used to create a high-voltage switch with an on and off time equivalent to a single IGBT. By considering voltage protection circuits for the series IGBTs, the large supply voltage is approximately evenly divided among the series switches. The resulting high-voltage switch has smaller conduction and switching losses compared to single high-voltage switches, has a lower finished price, and its turn-on time is much shorter due to their smaller gate-emitter junction capacitance... 

    Numerical Modeling of Liquid Jet Breakup Using SPH Method

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Pourabdian, Majid (Author) ; Morad , Mohammad Reza (Supervisor) ; Omidvar, Pourya (Supervisor)
    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a numerical Lagrangian meshless method which has numerous applications in astrophysics, hydrodynamics, free-surface flows, jets and sprays formation. Atomization of continuum liquid to fine droplets or in other words, liquid breakup processes are emerged in many engineering applications such as fuel sprays inside the combustion chamber of internal combustion engines that sizes of produced sprays significantly influence the engine’s efficiency. This research is accomplished to investigate the one-phase and two-phase flows of liquid jet breakup. For this aim, an open source code called SPHysics which solves the flow field by SPH method is utilized. This... 

    Dielectrophoretic interaction of two particles in a uniform electric field

    , Article Microsystem Technologies ; Volume 25, Issue 7 , 2019 , Pages 2699-2711 ; 09467076 (ISSN) Javidi, R ; Moghimi Zand, M ; Dastani, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Springer Verlag  2019
    The local electric field distorsion induced by a dielectric particle leads to particle–particle interactions and assembly which is very interesting for their useful applications on microfluidic devices. Particles behavior becomes more complicated if several particles interact at the same time. This paper presents a comprehensive numerical analysis of the assembly and particle–particle interactions for two similar and dissimilar dielectric particles immersed in a dielectric fluid using the immersed interface method based on two-dimensional direct-current dielectrophoresis. The immersed interface method is a finite-difference (or finite element) based numerical method which its key advantage... 

    A multivariable model for estimation of vapor cloud explosion occurrence possibility based on a Fuzzy logic approach for flammable materials

    , Article Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries ; Volume 33 , January , 2015 , Pages 140-150 ; 09504230 (ISSN) Javidi, M ; Abdolhamidzadeh, B ; Reniers, G ; Rashtchian, D ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier Ltd  2015
    In this paper, a new method based on Fuzzy theory is presented to estimate the occurrence possibility of vapor cloud explosion (VCE) of flammable materials. This new method helps the analyst to overcome some uncertainties associated with estimating VCE possibility with the Event Tree (ET) technique. In this multi-variable model, the physical properties of the released material and the characteristics of the surrounding environment are used as the parameters specifying the occurrence possibility of intermediate events leading to a VCE. Factors such as area classification, degree of congestion of a plant and release rate are notably affecting the output results. Moreover, the proposed method... 

    A fast optimization method for extension of depth-of-field in three-dimensional task-specific imaging systems

    , Article IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology ; Volume 6, Issue 10 , August , 2010 , Pages 412-421 ; 1551319X (ISSN) Bagheri, S ; Kavehvash, Z ; Mehrany, K ; Javidi, B ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper, we present a novel approach to generate images of extended depth-of-field (DOF) to support realization of three-dimensional (3D) imaging systems such as integral imaging. In our approach in extending the DOF, we take advantage of the spatial frequency spectrum of the object specific to the task in hand. The pupil function is thus engineered in such a fashion that the modulation transfer function (MTF) is maximized only in these selected spatial frequencies. We extract these high energy spatial frequencies using the principal component analysis (PCA) method. Moreover, given the need for many pupil function engineering steps in 3D imaging systems, we have constructed an... 

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Javidi Sofiani, Mahyar (Author) ; Ramezani Saadat, Ahmad (Supervisor)
    Polymer flooding can yield considerable increase in percentage recovery. However, there are limitations with the existing polymer flooding technology, such as thermal, mechanical, bacterial degradation, surface absorption and undesirable plugging. A novel nanocore shell structure of polyacrylamide and polystyrene designed and prepared to intellectually control mobility ratio in oil reservoirs and overcome weakness and limitations of classical polymer flooding. Polyacrylamide particles have been obtained using spray drying of dilute solution of polyacrylamide. Then, polystyrene shell has been produced on polyacryamide particles by in-situ polymerization of styrene monomer in hydrophobic... 

    Design and Implementation of a Distributed System for Energy Management in a Hybrid-Energy Building

    , M.Sc. Thesis Sharif University of Technology Javidi Mostafapoor Boshrooyeh, Hamed (Author) ; Goudarzi, Maziar (Supervisor)
    Solar panels are still rather expensive equipments. At current electricity prices, it takes several years to return the investment made to install them in a household. Smarter use of their produced energy can help reduce this break-even time, and hence, would motivate more households to be willing to install and use them which would finally result in a more sustainable society with less reliance on fossil fuels. Electricity prices usually differ at different times of day with the common, but unfortunate, property that the price is maximized at evenings when the solar energy production is minimal or non-existent while at the peak production of the solar panels, i.e., around noon, the price is... 

    Inherently safe and economically optimal design using multi-objective optimization: The case of a refrigeration cycle

    , Article Process Safety and Environmental Protection ; Volume 104 , 2016 , Pages 254-267 ; 09575820 (ISSN) Eini, S ; Shahhosseini, H. R ; Javidi, M ; Sharifzadeh, M ; Rashtchian, D ; Sharif University of Technology
    Institution of Chemical Engineers  2016
    The economic viability of industrial processes strongly depends on their safe and reliable operation. The method of inherent safe process design enables systematic consideration of safety measures in order to ensure process safe operation at the early stages of process design. The challenge is that the economic measures that are often considered for the design of industrial processes are often incommensurable with the safety measures. In the present research, a novel framework is proposed in which the safety criteria are quantified based on consequence modeling and aggregated with the economic performance using multi-objective optimization programming. The developed methodology was applied... 

    An energy-efficient multi-sensor scheduling mechanism with QoS support for WBANs

    , Article IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC ; 2014 , pp. 1703-1708 ; ISSN: 15253511 Omidvar, H ; Ashtiani, F ; Javidi, T ; Nasiri-Kenari, M ; Vahdat, B. V ; Sharif University of Technology
    In wireless body area networks (WBANs) it is necessary to devise an energy-efficient MAC scheduling mechanism which is capable of meeting strict QoS requirements. In this paper, special characteristics of WBAN channels, namely, the slow fading, the periodicity of fading, and the correlation among the channels have been exploited to formulate the sensor scheduling problem as a partially observable Markov decision problem (POMDP). Specific algorithms based on value iteration and pruning have been proposed in order to reduce the computational burden associated with the corresponding POMDP. The proposed scheduling mechanism is compared against a TDMA scheduling for a three-sensor network, and an... 

    Extension of depth of field using amplitude modulation of the pupil function for bio-imaging

    , Article Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 6 April 2010 through 8 April 2010 ; Volume 7690 , May , 2010 ; 0277786X (ISSN) ; 9780819481542 (ISBN) Kavehvash, Z ; Bagheri, S ; Mehrany, K ; Javidi, B ; Sanchez, E ; Martinez Corral, M ; Sharif University of Technology
    In this paper we present a novel approach to generate images of extended depth of field (DOF) without compromising the lateral resolution to support realization of three-dimensional imaging systems such as integral imaging. In our approach in extending DOF, we take advantage of the spatial frequency spectrum of the object specific to the task in hand. The pupil function is thus engineered in such a fashion that the modulation transfer function (MTF) is maximized only in these selected spatial frequencies. We extract these high energy spatial frequencies using PCA method. The advantage of our approach is illustrated using an amplitude modulation and a phase modulation example. In these... 

    Effect of input voltage frequency on the distribution of electrical stresses on the cell surface based on single-cell dielectrophoresis analysis

    , Article Scientific Reports ; Volume 10, Issue 1 , 2020 Dastani, K ; Moghimi Zand, M ; Kavand, H ; Javidi, R ; Hadi, A ; Valadkhani, Z ; Renaud, P ; Sharif University of Technology
    Nature Research  2020
    Electroporation is defined as cell membrane permeabilization under the application of electric fields. The mechanism of hydrophilic pore formation is not yet well understood. When cells are exposed to electric fields, electrical stresses act on their surfaces. These electrical stresses play a crucial role in cell membrane structural changes, which lead to cell permeabilization. These electrical stresses depend on the dielectric properties of the cell, buffer solution, and the applied electric field characteristics. In the current study, the effect of electric field frequency on the electrical stresses distribution on the cell surface and cell deformation is numerically and experimentally... 

    Metabolic profiling of seminal plasma from teratozoospermia patients

    , Article Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis ; Volume 178 , January , 2020 Mehrparvar, B ; Chashmniam, S ; Nobakht, F ; Amini, M ; Javidi, A ; Minai Tehrani, A ; Arjmand, B ; Gilany, K ; Sharif University of Technology
    Elsevier B. V  2020
    Teratozoospermia is one of conditions that can cause male infertility. The mechanism of teratozoospermia remains unclear. The knowledge of the metabolites in human seminal plasma (HSP) is meaningful for the pathological study of teratozoospermia. Analysis of changed metabolites in HSP can help understand the cellular mechanism, find the novel biomarkers and subsequently design a diagnosis test. In this study, the analysis of samples performed by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR spectroscopy) to identify the various metabolites, with the aim of finding metabolic profiles and biomarkers related to male infertility. Eighteen de-regulated metabolites were identified in...