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Interactions between Rock/Brine and Oil/Brine interfaces within thin brine film wetting carbonates: A molecular dynamics simulation study
, Article Energy and Fuels ; Volume 33, Issue 9 , 2019 , Pages 7983-7992 ; 08870624 (ISSN) ; Badizad, M. H ; Kargozarfard, Z ; Ayatollahi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
American Chemical Society
The thin brine film that wets rock surfaces governs the wettability of underground reservoirs. The ionic composition and salinity of this nanosized brine film influence the wetting preference of the rock pore space occupied by hydrocarbons. Despite numerous investigations over the last decades, a unanimous fundamental understanding that concerns the contribution of ions in the original wetting state of the reservoir is lacking and hence the mechanisms responsible for the wettability reversal of the mineral are still unclear. This wettability reversal is the main consequence of ion-Tuned waterflooding. Although the method is widely accepted in practice, there is no universal consensus on the...
The impact of salinity on ionic characteristics of thin brine film wetting carbonate minerals: An atomistic insight
, Article Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects ; Volume 571 , 2019 , Pages 27-35 ; 09277757 (ISSN) ; Badizad, M. H ; Kargozarfard, Z ; Ayatollahi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
Connate water has been coexisting with oil and mineral for centuries within underground reservoirs. The oil recovery techniques, such as low salinity water injection, disturb this prolonged equilibrium state of oil/brine/rock system. However, a thorough understanding of this complex equilibrium in the reservoir is still lacking. In this study, we performed molecular dynamics simulations to provide quantitative comprehension of the thin brine film characteristics that wets carbonate reservoir rocks at molecular level. While an electric double layer is formed at the interface of calcite/low salinity water, the ions in the high saline water form several aggregates of ions. We found that these...
Viscous fingering and its effect on areal sweep efficiency during waterflooding: an experimental study
, Article Petroleum Science ; 2018 ; 16725107 (ISSN) ; Riazi, M ; Ayatollahi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
China University of Petroleum Beijing
Viscous fingering is one of the main challenges that could reduce areal sweep efficiency during waterflooding in oil reservoirs. A series of waterflooding experiments were carried out in a Hele-Shaw cell at ambient temperature during which areal sweep efficiency was estimated and techniques to ease the fingering problem were examined. The onset and propagation of viscous fingers were monitored as a function of both injection rate and injection/production positions. Image processing techniques were utilized to quantitatively investigate the propagation of fingers. The experimental results show that, under specific conditions, increasing the number of finger branches could improve the areal...
Viscous fingering and its effect on areal sweep efficiency during waterflooding: an experimental study
, Article Petroleum Science ; Volume 16, Issue 1 , 2019 , Pages 105-116 ; 16725107 (ISSN) ; Riazi, M ; Ayatollahi, S ; Sharif University of Technology
China University of Petroleum Beijing
Viscous fingering is one of the main challenges that could reduce areal sweep efficiency during waterflooding in oil reservoirs. A series of waterflooding experiments were carried out in a Hele-Shaw cell at ambient temperature during which areal sweep efficiency was estimated and techniques to ease the fingering problem were examined. The onset and propagation of viscous fingers were monitored as a function of both injection rate and injection/production positions. Image processing techniques were utilized to quantitatively investigate the propagation of fingers. The experimental results show that, under specific conditions, increasing the number of finger branches could improve the areal...
Performance of polyacrylamide/Cr(III) gel polymer in oil recovery from heterogeneous porous media: An experimental study
, Article Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering ; Volume 33, Issue 12 , 2016 , Pages 3350-3358 ; 02561115 (ISSN) ; Riazi, M ; Ayatollahi, S ; Shahnazar, S ; Sharif University of Technology
Springer New York LLC
Water channeling due to reservoir heterogeneity is an important factor that could decrease the displacement efficiency of a water flooding process. In this study, the ability of polyacrylamide/ chromium acetate system on altering water path in heterogeneous layered media was investigated using glass bead micromodels. After the relevant parameters were optimized, a series of water and gel injection experiments were conducted in glass bead micromodel. The experimental results show that sweep efficiency is basically controlled by gel strength. The gel strength has a minor impact on the oil recovery from the higher permeable zone, whereas the oil recovery from the lower permeable zone is a...
Down from the pedestal: Revisiting the exploit of literature in EFL language classes
, Article International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature ; Volume 4, Issue 2 , 2015 , Pages 158-168 ; 22003592 (ISSN) ; Lari, Z ; Mosalli, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
Australian International Academic Centre PTY LTD
According to Arthur (2006, p. 200), “Through the use of literature, a language learning experience might become at the same time a source of immediate pleasure and satisfaction for the student. This possibility makes literature an appealing teaching device for ESL teachers”. However, numerous factors may contribute to the teachers’ lack of interest in using literary texts as a teaching tool. This study was an attempt to investigate Iranian EFL teachers’ attitude toward using literature in language classes and their perception toward the probable reasons of some teachers’ lack of interest in doing so. Altogether forty-four language teachers (19 females and 25 males, with a mean age of 26)...
Inclusion of carbon nanotubes in a hydroxyapatite sol-gel matrix
, Article Ceramics International ; Volume 35, Issue 7 , 2009 , Pages 2987-2991 ; 02728842 (ISSN) ; Nemati, Z. A ; Sadeghian, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
In this study, the inclusion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the second phase in the hydroxyapatite matrix, in order to improve the mechanical strength, has been performed via the sol-gel process. The stability of carbon nanotube sol with the changes of pH and dispersant values (sodium dodecyl sulfate) was evaluated by zeta potential analysis. The results indicated that synthesis of hydroxyapatite particles in the presence of the carbon nanotubes had the best result in homogenization of the carbon nanotube dispersion and faster crystallization of hydroxyapatite. The crystallization of hydroxyapatite phase was investigated with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction...
Fourier optics approach in evaluation of the diffraction and defocus aberration in three-dimensional integral imaging
, Article Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications III - Proceedings of the International Symposium, CompIMAGE 2012 ; 2012 , Pages 81-84 ; 9780415621342 (ISBN) ; Kavehvash, Z ; Mehrany, K ; Sharif University of Technology
The unwanted effects of diffraction and defocus aberration in three-dimensional integral imaging are taken into account by using the Fourier optics approach. The concepts of point spread function and optical transfer function widely in use for conventional two-dimensional imaging are generalized and applied to three-dimensional integral imaging systems. The effects of diffraction and defocus aberration are then studied and the performance of the conventional single lens imaging system is compared against that of the integral imaging
Multi-target sputter deposition of Ni50Ti 50 - XHfx shape memory thin films for high temperature microactuator application
, Article Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical ; Volume 121, Issue 2 , 2005 , Pages 543-548 ; 09244247 (ISSN) ; Cao, Y. Z ; Barber, Z. H ; Sharif University of Technology
High temperature shape memory NiTiHf thin films with varying hafnium contents up to 28.7 at.% were fabricated by DC magnetron sputtering using simultaneous sputter deposition from separate elemental targets. The required film composition was achieved by adjusting the power ratio to the targets. The as-deposited films were amorphous; a post deposition annealing was performed at 550 °C to crystallize the films. Two-micron thick films were characterized by energy dispersive spectroscopy in a scanning electron microscope, temperature controlled X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, and atomic force microscopy. The results showed that above 10 at.% Hf additions the transformation...
Subsidy cut and its effect on tehran electricity company: A system dynamics approach
, Article Proceedings of the 2012 - Summer Computer Simulation Conference, SCSC 2012, Part of SummerSim 2012 Multiconference ; Volume 44, Issue 10 , 2012 , Pages 113-120 ; 9781618399847 (ISBN) ; Fard, S. Z
In recent years, subsidy payment has been made a main challenge for governments due to growth of population and energy price in global markets. Targeted subsidy plan has been implemented in Iran since last year, and this article discusses its effects on costs and revenues of Tehran Electricity Company as one of the major subdivisions of Iran's electricity industry. In the new system, structural changes have been made in electricity tariffs, so it is not possible to predict the future trends in electricity consumption only based on the past consumptions. In order to model the decision making structure in the recent conditions, a system dynamics method is applied. In addition to modeling the...
Interactions of coinage metal clusters with histidine and their effects on histidine acidity; Theoretical investigation
, Article Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry ; Volume 10, Issue 47 , Oct , 2012 , Pages 9373-9382 ; 14770520 (ISSN) ; Jamshidi, Z ; Tehrani, Z. A ; Fattahi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Understanding the nature of interaction between metal nanoparticles and biomolecules such as amino acids is important in the development and design of biosensors. In this paper, binding of M3 clusters (M = Au, Ag and Cu) with neutral and anionic forms of histidine amino acid was studied using density functional theory (DFT-B3LYP). It was found that the interaction of histidine with M3 clusters is governed by two major bonding factors: (a) the anchoring N-M and O-M bonds and (b) the nonconventional N-H⋯M and O-H⋯M hydrogen bonds. The nature of these chemical bonds has been investigated based on quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses. In the next...
Can anion interaction accelerate transformation of cytosine tautomers? Detailed view form QTAIM analysis
, Article Structural Chemistry ; Volume 23, Issue 6 , 2012 , Pages 1843-1855 ; 10400400 (ISSN) ; Tehrani, Z. A ; Fattahi, A ; Jamshidi, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
The relative stabilities and noncovalent interactions of the six low-lying energy tautomers of cytosine nucleobase with some biological anions (such as F-, Cl-, and CN-) have been investigated in gas phase by density functional theory (DFT) method in conjunction with 6-311++G (d,p) atomic basis set. Furthermore, to systematically investigate all possible tautomerisms from cytosine induced by proton transfer, we describe a study of structural tautomer interconversion in the gas phase and in a continuum solvent using DFT calculation. We carried out geometrical optimizations with the integral equation formalism of polarizable continuum (IEF-PCM) model to account for the solvent effect, and the...
Interactions of glutathione tripeptide with gold cluster: Influence of intramolecular hydrogen bond on complexation behavior
, Article Journal of Physical Chemistry A ; Volume 116, Issue 17 , 2012 , Pages 4338-4347 ; 10895639 (ISSN) ; Jamshidi, Z ; Javan, M. J ; Fattahi, A ; Sharif University of Technology
Understanding the nature of the interaction between metal nanoparticles and biomolecules has been important in the development and design of sensors. In this paper, structural, electronic, and bonding properties of the neutral and anionic forms of glutathione tripeptide (GSH) complexes with a Au 3 cluster were studied using the DFT-B3LYP with 6-31+G**-LANL2DZ mixed basis set. Binding of glutathione with the gold cluster is governed by two different kinds of interactions: Auâ€"X (X = N, O, and S) anchoring bond and Au··•·•H-X nonconventional hydrogen bonding. The influence of the intramolecular hydrogen bonding of glutathione on the interaction of this peptide with the gold cluster has been...
Implementing distance line protection schemes among IEC61850-enabled substations
, Article Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference ; April , 2014 , Page(s): 1 - 5 ; ISSN: 21608555 ; ISBN: 9781479936557 ; Darabi, Z ; Vakilian, M
As digital technology has developed, relays have evolved from simple electro-mechanical devices into robust microprocessor-embedded intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). Distance protection, one of the most important and sophisticated forms of substation protection, quickly and selectively detects and clears phase faults in sub-transmission and transmission lines. The installation of a substation automation system (SAS) involves implementing control, monitoring, and protection logic by programming the IEDs and providing an appropriate communication network. IEC61850 has gradually satisfied the need for a standard communication protocol so that IEDs from different manufacturers can...
Efficient diastereo- and enantioselective synthesis of α,β-disubstituted γ-phosphono sulfonates
, Article Tetrahedron Asymmetry ; Volume 20, Issue 21 , 2009 , Pages 2429-2431 ; 09574166 (ISSN) ; Mirjafary, Z ; Saeidian, H
The first asymmetric synthesis of α,β-disubstituted γ-phosphono sulfonates is reported. The key step is the Michael addition of a lithiated enantiopure sulfonate bearing an inexpensive chiral sugar auxiliary to α,β-unsaturated phosphonates in good diastereoselectivities. After chromatographic purification, the cleavage of the chiral sugar auxiliary proceeds without any epimerization or racemization to form the corresponding isopropyl sulfonate in very good overall yield (75%) and excellent diastereomeric and enantiomeric excess (de, ee ≥ 95%). © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
High-performance UV‐Vis-NIR photodetectors based on plasmonic effect in Au nanoparticles/ZnO nanofibers
, Article Applied Surface Science ; Volume 483 , 2019 , Pages 1110-1117 ; 01694332 (ISSN) ; Arab Bafrani, H ; Naseri, A ; Moshfegh, A. Z ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
In this study, UV‐Vis-NIR photodetectors based on decorated ZnO nanofibers (NFs) with optimized coverage of Au nanoparticles (NPs) fabricated via combined simple electrospinning and sputtering techniques are introduced. The effect of different coverages of Au NPs resulted from different Au nominal layer thicknesses on the morphology and optical properties of the ZnO fibers are investigated through various characterization methods. It is discovered that 4 nm Au nominal thickness provides the highest UV on/off ratio (~460), responsivity (~332 A/W), detectivity (~2.93×10 11 Jones) as well as faster rise and decay times as compared to pure ZnO nanofibers. A broad spectral response from UV to NIR...
Engineering quantum Hall phases in a synthetic bilayer graphene system
, Article Physical Review B ; Volume 102, Issue 8 , 2020 ; Grass, T ; Vaezi, A ; Liu, Z ; Hafezi, M ; Sharif University of Technology
American Physical Society
Synthetic quantum Hall bilayer (SQHB), realized by optically driven monolayer graphene in the quantum Hall regime, provides a flexible platform for engineering quantum Hall phases as discussed in Ghazaryan et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 247403 (2017)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.119.247403]. The coherent driving which couples two Landau levels mimics an effective tunneling between synthetic layers. The tunneling strength, the effective Zeeman coupling, and two-body interaction matrix elements are tunable by varying the driving frequency and the driving strength. Using infinite density matrix renormalization group techniques combined with exact diagonalization, we show that the system...
Effect of Ni, Pd and Ni-Pd nano-islands on morphology and structure of multi-wall carbon nanotubes
, Article Applied Surface Science ; Volume 253, Issue 20 , 2007 , Pages 8458-8462 ; 01694332 (ISSN) ; Mortazavi, Z ; Akhavan, O ; Moshfegh, A. Z ; Lahooti, Sh ; Sharif University of Technology
In this research, the effect of Ni, Pd and Ni-Pd catalysts have studied on morphology and structure of synthesized multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Initially, thin films of Ni (with two thicknesses of 10 and 20 nm), Pd/Ni (5/10 nm) and Pd (10 nm) were deposited as catalysts on SiO 2 (60 nm)/Si(1 0 0) substrates, using dc magnetron sputtering technique. The deposited films were annealed at 900 °C in ammonia environment for 45 min, in order to obtain nano-structured catalyst on the surface. Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the average size of Ni nano-islands (synthesized by the 10 and 20 nm Ni films), Pd and Ni-Pd nano-islands were measured about 55, 110, 45 and 50 nm,...
Delafossite-alumina nanocomposite for enhanced catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of anionic pollutants
, Article Journal of Hazardous Materials ; Volume 417 , 2021 ; 03043894 (ISSN) ; Nouri, O ; Xie, Z ; Setayesh, S. R ; Wei, Z ; Sharif University of Technology
Elsevier B.V
Mass transfer efficiency and catalytic reactivity are the two major hurdles for heterogeneous catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) technologies. To address these issues, nanocomposite CuFeO2/Al2O3 was synthesized and assessed as a novel catalyst for enhanced adsorption and oxidation of anionic pollutants (catechol and reactive red 195 (RR195)) in waters. With a positive charge on the nanocomposite by introducing Al2O3, the adsorption of anionic pollutants was promoted. The surface complexation reaction on CuFeO2/Al2O3, which fits well to the Langmuir isotherm, has engined the mass transfer of pollutants to the nanocatalyst that demonstrated 96.46% and 99.75% removal of catechol and RR195...
Unified modeling and experimental realization of electrical and thermal percolation in polymer composites
, Article Applied Physics Reviews ; Volume 9, Issue 4 , 2022 ; 19319401 (ISSN) ; Arabshahi, Z. S ; Saberi, A. A ; Moshfegh, A. Z ; Sharif University of Technology
American Institute of Physics Inc
Correlations between electrical and thermal conduction in polymer composites are blurred due to the complex contribution of charge and heat carriers at the nanoscale junctions of filler particles. Conflicting reports on the lack or existence of thermal percolation in polymer composites have made it the subject of great controversy for decades. Here, we develop a generalized percolation framework that describes both electrical and thermal conductivity within a remarkably wide range of filler-to-matrix conductivity ratios (Y f / Y m), covering 20 orders of magnitude. Our unified theory provides a genuine classification of electrical conductivity with typical Y f / Y m ≥ 10 10 as...